The Virgin's Contract

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by Angela Blake

  The Virgin’s Contract

  A Billionaire Virgin Romance

  By Angela Blake

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  Table of Contents

  The Virgin’s Contract


  Bad News Bad Boy Collection

  Bad Boy Collection

  WARNING: This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults ONLY.

  Please ensure this book is stored somewhere that cannot be accessed by underage readers.

   Copyright 2017 by Angela Blake - All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  The Virgin’s Contract

  Chapter 1

  Alexa Ramon tried to keep the grimace from emerging because she knew it would be bad for business, but the customer who was practically seconds away from humping her leg was being really offensive.

  She knew that she shouldn’t complain, really. So long as the men kept coming, that meant her market value was skyrocketing which, according to Madame Teresa, was very good for business.

  Madame Teresa was a small, stout woman with silver hair, and a shrewd eye for business. With her pressed outfits, and her no-nonsense demeanor, she could scare a lot of people away, but Alexa knew the real reason she was like this. She had loved a man once, more than life itself, and she'd thrown away her entire future for him, only for him to end up cheating on her. The lesson Madame Teresa took away? Don’t ever trust a man who says he loves you.

  A man who says he wants you, on the other hand? That she could respect. Sex, she understood. Lust. Wanting to own someone, and make them you’re submissive? That was a market that Madame Teresa understood like the back of her hand, and that was why she entered it in the first place. She would find lost girls, or girls who had nowhere else to go, or girls who simply needed the money, and she could convince them that they could transform their bodies into weapons in exchange for cash.

  She owned one of the most lucrative businesses in the area, and at sixty-three, she showed no signs of slowing down. Madame Teresa gestured to Alexa from the side of the stage, and Alexa inwardly sighed as she attempted to walk in a straight line on those stilts they called shoes. She barely made her way down the stage before she tripped and almost went crashing right into Madame Teresa.

  Madame Teresa chuckled as she helped her right herself. “Tough night out there, tonight?” Her thick accent came pouring through, and Alexa struggled for a second to understand. She had been here for almost a year, but Madame Teresa’s accent wasn’t exactly intelligible, nor could she trace where it came from. Her name sounded Spanish, but her accent sounded Bulgarian, or Romanian.

  “Same as every night,” Alexa responded as she adjusted the straps of her sequined red dress. She plopped down to the floor and undid the straps of her shoes, and began to massage her feet as she let her mind wander away from the fluorescent colored lights, the smell of hair spray, and the pulsing music that blared through the speakers.

  At twenty-eight, Alexa knew that she was so far from where she had originally pictured herself. As a little girl, she had dreamed of becoming a veterinarian. Her love for animals was so great that she would often bring stray cats and dogs into the house. She would even attempt to care for the birds with broken wings, though her mother told her that it was no use. Alexa came from a very practical, very conservative family. Her mother was Russian, and her father was Irish, so she had inherited her mother’s high cheekbones, toned legs, and slim physique. And from her father’s side, she'd inherited the signature red hair and blue eyes. She was often told that she was a beauty growing up, but she never paid much attention to those comments, content instead to let her head float among the clouds, dreaming up ways in which she would save the animal population of the world.

  Alexa smiled to herself as she remembered the days her mother would sit at the table and give them a sermon that would last so long their food would grow cold, and their stomachs would start to grumble before she and her brothers could eat a single morsel.

  If she were being honest with herself, she missed those days. Back then, she thought they were stifling her, suffocating her with their overbearing ways, but she knew now that although their extremism wasn’t the way, that in their own way, they were trying to look out for her. She wished she could tell them that now, but she couldn’t.

  The last time she had spoken to her parents, her mother had answered the phone and coldly informed her that she no longer had a daughter, and her father could barely say more than two words to her without choking up.

  She knew right then and there that her family would always view her as a lost cause, a sheep that had lost its way, but was no longer theirs to protect. She wanted to scream at them, to tell them that she was their daughter no matter what, that they were supposed to shield her from the world even when she made stupid decisions, but she knew it would be like beating against an iron door. She could scream till she was blue in the face, but all she would get back is deafening silence.

  Madame Teresa’s hand waving in front of her face made her blink and come to. “What?” she asked, feeling like Madame Teresa had said something important.

  An amused smile tugged on Madam’s Teresa’s lips, but she struggled to keep it at bay and maintain a serious expression. “You are a dreamer, Alexa. I tell you this before. You need to keep your head on Earth, not up in the clouds.”

  Alexa blushed as she averted her gaze. “I know, Madame Teresa. My head wasn’t in the clouds, I was just thinking about my family.”

  Madame Teresa made a noise in the back of her throat as she plopped down next to Alexa on the rickety stairs. “Is same thing to me. Family is no more to you right now. So, they are up in the clouds with rest of your dreams.”

  Alexa twirled a loose strand of hair around her fingers and smiled sadly. “Can family ever really be gone, Madame Teresa? I mean, mine are still alive, I think. They just won’t talk to me.”

  Madame Teresa patted Alexa’s hand absentmindedly. “They stop talking to you, you stop talking to them. Is as simple as that.”

  Alexa turned to face Madame Teresa, searching for a sign of the vivacious young woman who once tossed caution to the wind and got on the back of a motorcycle with some guy who led her to ruin. She couldn’t find any traces of the daredevil. All she saw were the smooth lines on her face, not even a single wrinkle, like a porcelain doll, and a sadness in her eyes that made her look ten years older.

  “Is that what happened with your family?”

  Alexa knew that if any of the other girls asked that question, she would rap them on the knuckles and scold them, telling them to mind their own business. Alexa knew, though, that Madame Teresa had a soft spot for her because of her Russian heritage. She told her so one time. She guessed it had something to do with Madame Teresa’s own upbringing, but she wasn’t sure if that was where she was from, or just where she'd spent some time when she was younger.

  Madame Teresa waggled her fingers at Alexa. “You know you can ask me question because I like you, but you too nosy. Need to learn to not be so nosy when with guy, okay? I know you no be with a man before, but advice. Men don’
t like talking.”

  Alexa nodded swiftly, knowing that once her time came, she would need to remember every piece of advice Madame Teresa imparted, since it seemed to help the other girls. The deal was that she would stay for a few months with the highest bidder, and when her time expired, Madame Teresa would keep ten percent of the profit, and the rest would be hers to do with as she pleased.

  When Madame Teresa first saw Alexa huddled in a corner, bundled in a tattered blanket, she hunched over, took one look at her and beckoned her to follow. Curiosity got the better of Alexa, and she got up, leaving the tattered blanket behind, knowing that the old lady wasn’t a real threat to her, considering she had no money nor position to be considered valuable. Madame Teresa fed her, allowed her to bathe and lent her some clothes.

  At first, Alexa was aghast at the idea of selling herself to the highest bidder. Every feminist bone in her body screamed at her to maintain her dignity, thank the woman, and walk away. But, there was a new voice inside her head. A quiet and resigned voice that enjoyed the feeling of a full belly, and fresh, clean clothes on her back.

  She hesitated for an instant, recalling for a moment the rancid, damp and dingy alleyway where Madame Teresa found her. Madame Teresa eyed her quietly for a moment, no doubt reading her thought process. Alexa eyed Madame Teresa warily before she held out her hand, and they solemnly shook on it.

  It had been months since Alexa made the deal with Madame Teresa, and while she was grateful to have a roof over her head, food in her stomach, and clothes on her back, she was starting to feel more and more anxious with each passing week. Every week brought a new crop of bachelors with what Madame Teresa liked to call "unusual" tastes. She didn’t like them calling them anything else, otherwise it might freak some of them out.

  Alexa had heard the stories of the men who were into dark things like whipping, choking, etc. Alexa was horrified when she first heard of those things due to her religious upbringing, but she was starting to realize that if she wanted to carry out her end of the bargain, she’d have to learn how to tolerate it, if she had any chance of getting back on track.

  She wasn’t sure if she’d end up liking it or not, but she supposed in the grand scheme of things, it wouldn’t matter that much if she got her money in the end. It was just an exchange, that’s all that mattered, and that’s all that should matter.

  She thought about going on a date and taking care of the virginity problem first, so that it wouldn’t at least be painful with a complete stranger, but Madame Teresa insisted that she needed to stay a virgin because it was, apparently, a very attractive trait for men like that. Alexa tried not to think too hard about the actual deed; otherwise, her entire body broke out into a cold sweat, but sometimes, she couldn’t help but picture being tied up in a dungeon, forced to beg for scraps and rammed into until her thighs were sore.

  Madame Teresa was talking, but Alexa couldn’t hear what she was saying. She shook her head, and gave her a sheepish smile. “I know, Madame Teresa. Up in the clouds, but I was thinking about business.”

  Madame Teresa gave her a look. “Off with you, red. My mind is still sharp, you know. Tiffany has come to say goodbye to us.”

  Alexa leapt to her feet and brushed the dust off her dress. Tiffany had always been one of her favorite girls because they arrived around the same time. Both girls became close because she came from a very similar family. Until Tiffany got picked up by this wealthy recluse and went to some remote island with him.

  Alexa ran towards Tiffany and threw her arms around her, her hug enveloping Tiffany’s petite frame. She inhaled the scent of Tiffany’s blonde hair, which now smelled like strawberries. Alexa pulled back and took in the sight of the designer shoes, and designer clothing and frowned.

  “Tif, what happened?”

  Tiffany beamed. “Hugh wants me to be his girlfriend. As soon as the contract ended, he realized that he loved me, and asked me to move in with him, and I said yes.”

  Alexa’s face broke out into a smile. “Really? Tif, that’s great!” Alexa threw her arms around her for another hug. Both girls hugged fiercely until the sound of clucking in the background tore them apart.

  Madame Teresa stood in the corner, her brown eyes glinting dangerously. “You stupid, stupid girl.”

  Tiffany’s eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.” Madame Teresa strode forward, her eyes blazing. “You think this man really loves you?”

  Tiffany gazed at Madame Teresa with a mixture of fear and confusion. “What are you talking about, Madame Teresa? Of course, he loves me. Why else would he ask me to move in with him now that the contract is up?”

  The rest of the room had suddenly gone quiet. All the quiet chatter had died down as the girls hesitantly edged forward to hear what Madame Teresa had to say. It was as if they were all collectively holding their breaths.

  “You think this is love? He had you as a sex slave for months. That isn’t love. Now that the contract is up, he has no money right now to buy someone else, so he asking you because you free now.”

  Tiffany’s hazel eyes, bright with happiness a moment before, were dull for a moment. Alexa caught the flash of doubt that crossed her eyes before it was gone again. “Madame Teresa, why would you say something like that? Can’t you just be happy for me, that I found love?”

  Madame Teresa shook her head and muttered in disgust. “This isn’t love. I warned you. I warn all you girls.” She gestured to the entire circle of girls, now frozen like deer caught in the headlights. “This business we’re in. It is not for love. It is for sex only. Sex, lust, and all those kinky games these men like to play. They will use you till they get their fill of you then they toss you aside like garbage.”

  “He won’t do that.” Tiffany’s voice shook a little before she cleared her throat. “No, you won’t ruin this for me. I’m grateful to you, Madame Teresa, for everything, but not everybody has had the same experience you did with guys. Some of them are actually decent.”

  Madame Teresa looked at her with a mixture of sympathy and barely concealed disgust. “If you truly think that, Tiffany, then I feel sorry for you. Is true, not all men are like that, but ask yourself this? If this man is so different, why he buy you first, eh? Why engage in this practice?”

  Tiffany hesitated a moment too long. “Maybe he was just lonely, and he thought this was the way to cure it. We shouldn’t judge people for how they go about filling the emptiness in their souls.”

  Madame Teresa eyed her speculatively. “Perhaps so. I may be a bitter old woman, Tiffany, and perhaps my experience with men has clouded judgment, but at least I am not fool. You, you are foolish, naïve girl. He will break heart and toss you out, then you’ll come running back.”

  Madame Teresa looked melancholy as she said this, and her voice reflected the pain she held close to her heart to keep her strong, and to make sure that no one ever took advantage of her again.

  Alexa could tell that Madame Teresa hated doing this. It was in the way she pinched her lips together after she said this, the way her hands hung limply at her sides. She clearly hated being the bearer of bad news, but she considered herself a mother to many of these girls, and so she took it upon herself to try to look out for them to the best of her ability.

  Alexa could tell that Madame Teresa wasn’t going to take back what she said, harsh as it might sound. By the way Tiffany was standing, her hands on her hips, and her mouth pressed into a firm line, Alexa could tell that Tiffany wouldn’t back down either. They both stared at each other for a moment before Madame Teresa gave a small, nearly imperceptible nod.

  “You will always have a home here, child. Remember that,” Madame Teresa said finally, attempting to keep the gruffness out of her voice.

  Tiffany nodded stiffly, realizing that this was the best she was going to get. “I appreciate that, Madame Teresa, but I’m not going to come back. You’ll see. I’ll prove you wrong.”

  Tiffany bent do
wn to pick up a duffel bag with her few meager belongings, and the girls went back to quietly chattering amongst themselves. Tiffany bid them all farewell, her eyes searching the crowd for Alexa’s familiar form. Alexa stepped out from amongst a group of people and made a beeline for Tiffany. She threw her arms around the girl, and hugged her so tightly, she was afraid she might crush her.

  “Don’t listen to Madame Teresa’s bitter ranting, Lexi. Love can happen for people like us, unfortunate as our circumstances might be. Don’t ever stop believing that.”

  Tiffany pulled back and gave Alexa a small smile. “I know you are a hopeless romantic at heart who likes to see the good in everybody, so please don’t ever let go of that. Don’t let them beat it out of you. If you are able to make something good out of this mess we’re in, go for it. If you can’t then just get out as fast as you can, okay?”

  Alexa nodded and tried to hold back the tears. “Will I ever see you again?”

  Tiffany nodded emphatically. “Of course you will. As soon as I get settled, I’ll call you or send you a letter or something, and you can come visit me. You’ll always have a friend in me, Lexi.”

  Alexa gave her a watery smile. “You’re going to make me cry now.”

  Tiffany gave a shaky laugh. “You’re going to make me cry, too. We’ll see each other soon. In the meantime, knock them dead, gorgeous.”

  Tiffany gave her one last saucy wink and took one last cursory glance at the place she had called home for the past three years before she hoisted her pack atop her shoulders and nodded to herself.

  Everyone waved at her and wished her luck as she walked out onto the dimly lit street and stepped into a fancy black Volkswagen waiting for her at the curb.

  Alexa watched her go with a melancholy feeling lodged in her heart, happy that Tiffany had gotten out, and found love, but also sad that she had lost the person she felt closest to here.


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