The Alpha Takes a Mate (Disaster of the Otherworld)

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The Alpha Takes a Mate (Disaster of the Otherworld) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Lizzy,” he said.

  “It’s about time my real name was used. Crazy Lizzy gets a little tiring.” She sat up on her elbows. Her gaze wandered down his body landing on his cock. “Oh, nice and big.”

  Heat filled his body. Grabbing a robe, he pressed it against his front. What could the witch want with him?

  “When Elle was sixteen I had to wipe her mind of something that happened that traumatized her. Her mother, Vivian, was held in a trance for days. She was under the thrall of a vampire. He got into her mind and forced her to betray her own family. Raymond wasn’t home when she invited the vampire in. He drained her to the point of death and then weakened Elle. The vampire pulled her into a trance.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Brandon asked.

  “Did you struggle to get Elle to look you in the eye? Thousands of years ago prophecies were made. Your mating was with them. A werewolf and a human mating was unheard of. Yes, supposedly wolves take humans as mates, but think about it, Brandon. Have you seen such a mating?”

  He thought about the answer. “No, I haven’t.”

  “There is a select cult who are trying to create a war. They want all of our kinds to kill each other.”


  “Think about it, Brandon. You kill us; they have the ultimate power over the humans and over the earth. It’s not an unheard-of concept.”

  “The vampire who was killed held tribal markings on him,” he said.

  “Yes, and the end of the world has been foretold many times. Brandon, if we don’t do something to stop it then our kinds will become extinct. It’s a certainty, and that premonition is what killed the soothsayer who predicted it,” Lizzy said.

  “How do you know all this?”

  “Because she was my mother and she told me of the future before she died. She also passed her soothsaying skills onto me.”

  “Why was Ell so important?”

  “Don’t you know?” Lizzy asked.


  “She’s your mate. They were trying to kill her, Brandon. They kill her and you’d never have a mate to stick around with. Elle was the key to your fall. If she died, you would die as well. You’d go mad without claiming her and your wolf would start to know she was dead. It’s some paranormal mambo jumbo. The vamp that tried to kill Elle did something to try and stop your claiming. Don’t you feel stronger?”

  Brandon did feel stronger. The strength inside him had grown from the moment he’d claimed Elle.

  “Why are you telling me this?” Brandon asked.

  “Elle’s your mate. The threat on her life is still present. I sense a danger and it’s up to you to figure out.”


  “It’s okay. I promise everything is going to be okay. Brandon is doing this to protect you,” Lewis said.

  Elle listened to his words, but the heartache wouldn’t go away. Brandon had picked Lori over her. How could she live with that? The people in the town would know he desired the wolf more than he desired her.

  Why are you surprised?

  Of course he’d pick Lori. You’re only human. Humans are weak.

  “Thank you for giving me your coat,” she said. He’d wrapped the coat he’d been wearing around her shoulders.

  “I can sense your pain, Elle. I swear he’s doing this for your safety.”

  “Those were vampires?” she asked.

  “Yes. They’re dangerous. He doesn’t want you in danger.”

  “As his mate my place is by his side. He’d rather lie about his mate than introduce me. He’s ashamed of me.”

  She noticed Lewis was heading in the direction of her home. Elle shook her head. “No, I don’t want to go home. Take me to Layla. I need my friend.”

  Lewis hesitated then nodded. “Okay, I’ll take you there.”

  Neither spoke on the way to Layla’s house. They waited for someone to answer.

  Layla answered several minutes later. It looked like she’d just gotten out of bed. “Elle, what’s the matter?” she asked. Her gaze went between Lewis and Elle.

  “Can we come in?” Elle asked.

  The moment they were inside the house, Layla grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m going to be sticking around. Alpha’s orders,” Lewis said.

  “The kitchen is through there. I’m taking Elle up to my room.” Layla helped her upstairs.

  “Can I take a shower?” Elle asked.

  “Of course.” The concern on Layla’s face scared her, but her friend left her to get washed. She closed and locked the bathroom door. Without looking at her reflection she climbed into the water and turned the dial to cold. She needed the cold water to make her feel alive. The only way she’d get through the next few hours was by being numb.

  After several minutes under the numbing water, she washed away all evidence of Brandon’s claiming.

  When she was done, she wrapped her body in a robe and went back to Layla’s room.

  “There are fresh night clothes,” she said.

  Elle thanked her. “Where are you parents?”

  “They went out to the city. They need some alone time. I’ve got the house to myself.” Layla sat on the bed. “Are you going to tell me what went on tonight, or do I have to ask a dozen questions?”

  “I had sex with Brandon. He claimed me as his mate.”

  Layla was silent as Elle got dressed.

  “You’re not a virgin anymore?”

  “No. I’m claimed. At least I was claimed.”

  “What happened? You look like you want to kill yourself. Losing your virginity shouldn’t leave you like that.”

  “Are you sure?” Elle asked, feeling like shit.

  “Come on. Tell me.” Her friend patted the space beside her. Taking a seat, Elle told her everything. She told her about the lake and the swim leading up to the sex. Brushing over the details of the sex, she talked about what happened when the vampires turned up.

  “He turned to Lori and told the vampires I wasn’t his mate.” Tears poured out of her eyes at the remembered pain. “It hurts.” She touched her chest trying to put into words her feelings. “I feel everything, and it hurts so much. I don’t know how I can face him. I know he’s going to be around town, but how can I look at him knowing he took me and then went into the arms of another woman?”

  Her friend wrapped her arms around Elle. She took the comfort offered. Elle needed to be held.

  “I have no words to make it all better, Elle. I wish I did. He sounds like a total bastard. I’m here. I’ll always be here for you. I promise.”

  Elle rested her head in her friend’s lap. “This is so hard. Why couldn’t he leave me alone like he has all these years?”

  “We’re not wolves. They have to abide by rules.”

  Sniffling, Elle rubbed her nose. “Well there should be a rule about breaking your mate’s heart. If this is what I get for being mated to him then I want no part of it. I hate feeling like this, and I don’t want him near me.”

  She was thankful Layla listened to her.

  “How am I going to face everyone tomorrow?” Elle asked. “The pack is going to know he picked Lori over me, and the humans will be laughing at me.”

  “I’m not laughing, Elle. Our kind will be sorry for you, but I don’t think they’ll laugh at you. None of us know what it’s like to be mated. We’re alone in all this.”

  Layla stroked her hair as Elle continued to cry.

  “What you’ll do is hold your head high and ignore it. It’s all you can do and show Brandon you don’t give a shit about what he has done to you. I’ll be there for you tomorrow. I promise.”

  Elle nodded. There was nothing more for her to do. Layla fell asleep while she lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Rubbing her eyes she wiped the tears away. Crying wasn’t going to solve her problems.

  You need to be strong. Don’t give in to him. Fight him.

  Leaving the bed she walked downstairs to grab a glass of
milk. Lewis was sitting at the kitchen counter drinking coffee.

  “You should be asleep,” he said as she walked into the kitchen.

  “I’m not tired.” Elle didn’t look at him as she drank some milk.

  “Shutting everyone out isn’t going to solve anything,” Lewis said.

  She froze. “Brandon made his choice. I’m not giving him any part of me again.”

  Elle left and slipped into bed. She didn’t sleep, but as the time passed she grew harder and her walls came back up.

  Chapter Seventeen

  With Crazy Lizzy’s words ringing in his ears Brandon went in search of Elle. The sun was coming up, and several of the pack greeted him as he passed. He ignored their comments and went in search of his woman. He recalled the conversation he had with Lizzy last night, and he was still confused. Why would someone know about Elle? How did they know about her when he only sensed it after her birthday?

  Crazy Lizzy had spoken of the prophecies in detail last night, especially when Brandon pressed her for more details. Centuries ago Crazy Lizzy’s birth mother wrote everything down she saw into the future. Her mother didn’t see the near future but the far future. These prophecies were bound and hidden so no one would try to destroy them. Amongst those bound prophecies was the foretelling of Brandon’s human mate. He’d be the first wolf to mate with a human female.

  Not only was Elle supposed to be human, but she was destined to be the greatest were-human-queen that lived. She would birth many sons and help Brandon to forge a strong pack that was loved by other species.

  Brandon still couldn’t believe his woman was the one to lead his pack into greatness. Elle was so tiny and weak, and yet she was the one.

  Lizzy had warned him not to take advantage of Elle and never allow her to leave his side. The people who knew the prophecies also knew Elle was the cause to start a war.

  Brandon came out of his thoughts as Lewis came into view. He closed the door to Layla’s house. “Where’s Elle?” he asked.

  Lewis held his hands up. Drake and Darcy came around the corner. Neither of them looked particularly happy.

  “You’ve broken her heart, Brandon. She doesn’t need to see you. She didn’t sleep at all last night.”

  He listened to what Lewis had to say, but he didn’t really care. Elle was his only concern.

  “Alpha, you need to back off,” Darcy said.

  “She’s my mate.”

  “She wasn’t last night. Lori was by your side, and the vamps knew it. They saw through your lie, and I’m surprised they haven’t attacked for your lies,” Drake said.

  Several of the pack had made their way toward them. Brandon felt all of their fears.

  “I did what I had to do. Nothing is going to change my decision.”

  Elle chose that moment to walk out of the front door with Layla behind her. She no longer smelt like strawberries and vanilla. There was a hardness inside her. Brandon watched as she glanced at him and then looked away. She linked her arm with Layla, blanking the wolves as they passed.

  He couldn’t smell his mate. His scent was gone from her body. She’d washed him away. Leaving his men behind, he followed her.

  “Elle, listen to me,” he said.

  She didn’t speak or stop. Both women kept on walking.

  “I know you’re angry. I’m sorry. I’m doing this for your own good,” he said.

  Nothing happened. She kept walking. Drake, Darcy, and Lewis followed behind him. He knew she was upset, and he hated being the cause of her upset.

  “Stop being so fucking difficult, and listen to me,” he said.

  His outburst gained her attention. Elle froze. Her spine was stiff before she whirled around and confronted him. Her hazel eyes darkened with her anger.

  “I’m being difficult.” She walked right up to him staring him in the eye. Elle poked him in the chest. “I’m carrying on with my life. You have no right to harass me.”

  She made to move. He grabbed her arm bringing her up close against him.

  “I’m your alpha. You’re my mate.”

  Elle slapped him around the face. The crack of her palm against his face echoed throughout the town. Everyone held their breath waiting for what he’d do.

  “Don’t you ever order me around again! I’m not your fucking mate. You gave up that right when you chose Lori over me. I’m just a human, remember? I’m not really good for anything.” She glanced over his shoulder where the pack stood behind him. “You’re nothing to me. No scent, no mark, I’m done.”

  “Elle, let me explain,” he said.

  Suddenly, one of her walls came down, and he sensed the pain she was in. His mate was breaking inside, and he was the cause for it.

  “That’s how I’m feeling, Brandon. You asked me to give myself to you. I did. I wish I was strong enough to make you feel the kind of pain you’ve caused me.” Tears filled her eyes, and in the next second she batted them away.

  With hands on her hips she walked into the diner.

  His wolf curled up in a corner of his body in shame. How did Elle know how to break down her walls enough for him to sense her pain? He’d been the one to ask her to give him a shot, and he’d hurt her more than anything.

  Hanging his head, Brandon gave himself up to the shame. He closed off the thoughts of the pack.

  “What are you going to do?” Drake asked.

  When he opened his eyes, Brandon discovered most of the pack had gone. They were going about their business. Only the humans looked at him curiously.

  “I don’t know.”


  Her hands shook as she walked into the diner. Daisy was waiting with open arms and tears falling from her eyes. “I heard about last night. I’m ever so sorry, baby,” she said.

  Layla let her go, and Elle went into the arms of the other woman. She didn’t cry. Her tears were all spent, and she refused to waste another moment crying about him anymore.

  “I can’t ban him from the diner. He’s still my alpha,” Daisy said.

  “I don’t mind, Daisy. I’m going to work ‘til the end of the week, and then I’m going. I can’t stay here with him anymore. I’m going back to the city.”

  Daisy held her tighter. “Running away is not the answer.”

  “No, it’s not, but for now I need it.”

  The woman sighed. “Okay. Let’s get the food started. I sense a hungry pack.”

  Neither woman spoke as they prepared the diner ready to receive customers. When the first lot of pancakes were cooked and the bacon was sizzling in the pan, Elle opened the door. Pack members looked at her with pity. She ignored their pitying stares and concentrated on getting the customers served without a hitch. Filling cups with coffee, writing orders down, and serving kept her mind occupied. With her hands and mind busy Elle didn’t get a chance to think about everything that had happened to her.

  “He claimed her last night and then went straight to Lori.”

  “We should have known he wouldn’t keep her. He can’t stand humans.”

  “She could never be our queen. She’s too damn weak.”

  Elle listened to their comments when she turned her back. None of them said the words to her face. She smiled as if nothing changed.

  When a set of faces entered she didn’t recognise Elle sensed the pack change. Daisy came out of the kitchen wiping her hands on a towel.

  “Alaric, what can we get you gentlemen?” Daisy asked.

  Elle wiped down a table and moved past them. She went into the kitchen to find Layla checking them out.

  “Who are they?” Layla asked.

  “Visitors I guess.”

  Tucking her hair behind her ear Elle waited for the older woman to come back to the kitchen.

  Layla asked Daisy the moment she came into the kitchen. “They’re the bears. A pack of them reside near our pack. The forests are thick enough that they’re close but not so close that we feel threatened. Alaric is the leader, and he travels with his strongest. I never remembe
r their names. Brandon is not going to like this.”

  “Why?” Elle asked.

  “When a meeting with the other creatures of the Otherworld happens, he keeps them in a house far away from the town. If the bears are in town then it won’t be long before more start making their way here,” Daisy said.

  Picking up her writing pad, Elle made her way to their table. “What can I get you?” she asked.

  The leader, Alaric, looked her up and down. “I, for one, would like an explanation.”

  She lowered her pen and stared at him. “Why?”

  “Rumour is Brandon was fucking a human last night. Vamps don’t know our kind, but I know enough about the wolves to know Brandon wouldn’t be fucking a woman who wasn’t his mate.”

  Elle hated the way he was describing what happened between her and Brandon. “What’s that got to do with me?”

  Alaric grabbed her wrist and inhaled. The entire diner froze.

  “Your scent is covered with his. You may have washed him off in the shower, but his scent is still there.”

  “Let go of my mate,” Brandon said. She jerked her arm away and turned to see him stood in the doorway of the diner. Alaric stood.

  “You lied to the vamps. Lori is not your mate.”

  “I did what I had to. She’s human.”

  “That doesn’t excuse your behaviour. You shouldn’t have kept her hidden. Your father never kept your mother hidden,” Alaric said.

  Elle was starting to get a headache with their raised voices. She pressed her palms to Alaric’s chest. “Please sit down, and tell me what I can get you to eat.”

  Brandon was behind her in a second. He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against him. She fought him.

  “Don’t touch him, Elle.”

  She broke free. “You made your choice. Sit down and eat, or get out.” Elle kept her back to him. Looking at him hurt too damn much.

  “You’ll pay for this,” Brandon said, directing his words at Alaric.

  “I look forward to seeing you try.”

  Alaric sat down, and Brandon took a seat at his usual table. After several seconds passed the diner went back to normal. She glanced toward the kitchen to see Daisy holding a wooden spoon, ready to fight.


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