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Surviving Page 13

by Ahren Sanders

  “Okay, that makes sense. You throw something out there.”

  “You know I think it’s best to wait until I graduate.”

  “That’s not an option. How about your Spring Break?”

  “You obviously aren’t listening to me. Maybe I can communicate with you in another way.” Before I realize what she’s doing, she slides down and pulls my shorts with her. My dick jumps when her warm breath touches the tip. I grow hard instantly as she kisses and licks the barbells of my apa. I hiss when she bites lightly at the skin and massages my balls.

  “Are you listening to me now, Declan? Can you hear what I’m saying? I want a summer wedding.”

  I can’t respond. All I can do is shake my head. She has taken me almost entirely in her mouth until I bump against the back of her throat. She sucks hard while using her tongue to roll around my throbbing length. Then she stops and sits up. She starts running her fingernails against my inner thighs and stares at me.

  “Why the fuck did you stop?” I growl at her. I think I may cry. Honestly, when Raven sucks my dick it’s awesome, but this was about to get out of this world. I need her mouth back on me now!

  “Say it, say you’ll agree to a summer wedding.” she smiles sweetly but pinches my balls.

  “Oh my God, Raven are you using a blow job to control me? No way. I’m not waiting for the summer.”

  She starts to move away, and I pull her back. “Why are you torturing me? Get back to what you were doing.”

  “It seems like you used sex to manipulate me last night holding back on me until you got the answer you wanted so two can play at that game. No more blowjobs until you act reasonable about this.”

  “One week after your graduation, I’ll give you that. One week.” She smiles at me and moves back over my aching cock. Kissing my head, she slides back down and resumes her assault. I thrust my hips getting as deep as I can without hurting her. Feeling the familiar pressure build up, I try to lift her head but she squeezes my ass and doesn’t move. I can’t tell if it’s her or me, but there’s a lot of groaning and moaning and I scream when I come in her mouth.

  She sits up to straddle me, but I move quickly and roll us over. Trapping her under me, I nudge her legs open and slide right into her.

  “You see, babe that was sexy as fuck. You trying to be in control and using my dick as your pawn, but now I’m in charge and we’re gonna talk about your move.”



  I’m nervous as hell. Damn Declan! Why am I so weak? He finally agreed to let me talk to Abbi and Ella alone, but insists I do it immediately. Since it’s Sunday night, and I start school tomorrow, I’m staying here tonight. Right when I put dinner in the oven, my phone rings.

  “Hey Charlie, what’s up?”

  “Not much, I wanted to say hello and wish you a good first day tomorrow. This is it; you will never have another first day of fall semester again.”

  “Yeah, didn’t think about that.”

  “You sound off–what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, I have a lot on my mind tonight.”

  “Like what, don’t beat around the bush, spit it out.”

  I tell her all about the ring, the wedding date, the move, and lastly about talking to my roommates tonight. I purposely left out all the sex involved in our negotiations.

  “Raven, this is great news!”

  “Yes, but I’m nervous about–”

  “No, listen,” she cuts me off, “I want out of my parent’s house but can’t afford anything by myself right now. And I’m not sure I could live with Blake yet. Maybe Abbi and Ella would let me live there and sign a lease.”

  “That’s a very good possibility. I’ll bring it up when I talk to them.”

  “Call or text me after you talk to them.”

  We talk for a few more minutes about her conversation with Blake. She told him how she felt and apparently he was awesome. He told her he was crazy about her and didn’t want to come on too strong. He apologized about the distance this summer and admitted that they were all worried and preoccupied about what was going to happen when I got home. Blake was convinced Declan was going to either quit the band or go into a depression if we didn’t work things out. Once again I realize what a selfish bitch I am and how my actions affected everyone.

  When Abbi and Ella come in, I hang up with Charlie and promise to let her know how my conversation goes.

  Ella noticed my ring first and squeals. Both girls hug me tightly and offer congratulations. I finish getting dinner ready, and Abbi pours us wine. We talk about the weekend and our upcoming weeks with Ella and my school starting. When we’re all finished eating, I refill our wine glasses and decided now’s the time.

  “Guys, I need to talk to you. Declan wants me to move in with him.”


  “Um, I tried to say no. I tried really hard, but he can be persuasive.”

  “RJ, don’t you dare tell me how he got you to say yes. But why did you want to say no?” Abbi asks.

  “I feel like I’m bailing on you guys. We never officially signed another lease, but I figured it was implied I would still live here. Now the semester’s starting and it’s too late to find someone else. Declan is going to talk to your dad about the lost rent I pay.”

  “Raven, don’t worry about that. I think this is great news, and my dad is going to be thrilled.”

  “I may have a solution, but it’s completely up to y’all.” I tell them about my conversation with Charlie and her interest in moving in.

  “Charlie’s a fucking nut but I love her. It’s fine with me.” Ella answers.

  Abbi nods her head in agreement and adds, “I want the Master bedroom when you move so she’ll get my room.”

  “Whoa, I don’t even have a move date. Don’t kick me out yet. I thought you’d be a little more sad or upset.” I tell them.

  “It is sad but at the same time we’re going to be related for the rest of our lives, so it evens out.” Ella answers me.

  “Oh yeah, about that. We set a date too; we’re getting married the week after I graduate. Right now that looks like May fourth but I have to confirm with my advisor this week. Then I get the pleasure of telling my parents about the date and the move.”

  “Wow, I guess Declan really can be persuasive. But still don’t tell me how!” Abbi laughs.

  We clean up the kitchen and get ready for bed. I text Charlie that we’ll talk later this week, when I have more details then I join the girls in the living room for a movie. When Declan gets to the house, we are all three curled up together on the sofa crying through the end of The Great Gatsby.

  Chapter 18


  I’m such a chicken-shit. I’m scared of death of my dad’s reaction to my moving; I’m going to have my mom soften the blow. I called and asked her to meet me for a drink tonight so we can talk before our planned family dinner on Sunday.

  School has already started off with more work and demands than last year. Luckily Brent, Mari, Kyle, and I have teamed up again. With the program and tracks we’re on, we will probably share at least one class until graduation. We already have a project due in three weeks and because of this I didn’t go to The Steamroom last night. Declan acted like a petulant child, but I threw my syllabus and text books in his lap to make him understand. It’s like he completely forgot the way the program works, since the full-time MBA program is broken into four different sessions, it’s like mini semesters. The classes are not generalized business classes; they are more geared toward my focus which is Human and Organizational Performance.

  The small studio MJ is working with has a loose schedule right now, so Sayge has been there every day this week. From what I’ve been told MJ and Kelly often join them. Charlie loves her new job but has a hard time dealing with Kelly’s attitude. Several times Kelly has asked Charlie questions about Declan and my relationship. I get another bad feeling. What’s with this girl?

  Declan said the recording is goin
g slow. MJ has assured them that this is normal and when recording a new album he wants a variety of songs to choose from. Even though they’re set on the four tracks recorded in South Carolina, they want more new music.

  Friday nights are busy around campus, so my mom and I agreed to meet in Brentwood. She’s waiting for me when I arrive. I join her and order a glass of wine. She tells me about the Gala this year and the plans for the speaker.

  “Okay, Raven, spill it. Why are we here?”

  “Mama, I need to talk to you about a few things before Sunday. I’m hoping you can maybe work on dad’s reaction.”

  “Sounds serious.”

  “Well, I’m engaged again and we’ve set a date.”

  “I saw the ring the minute you walked in but waited you out. Your dad and I knew it was coming so none of this sounds like something that would cause a ‘reaction.’”

  “In order to talk Declan into a spring wedding, I had to agree to move in with him.” I hope to God she doesn’t make a scene in the bar. Instead, she surprises me by laughing.

  “Oh, Raven, I thought for sure you had something serious we needed to discuss. I was a little concerned.”

  “Mama! This is serious! Dad will freak out. I need you to handle him.”

  “You’re being dramatic. No one’s going to freak. You need to realize your Dad, Robbie, and Declan all have similar tendencies. We also knew he was going to make his move about getting married soon. Robbie is a huge gossip, and he hears all the juicy details from the guys. And since he can’t keep his mouth shut, usually James and I get updates. And besides, Declan called your dad.”

  “Wow, I guess I can quit worrying then?”

  “Yes, you can quit worrying. Let’s talk about your wedding.”

  For the next hour, I tell her about my meeting with my advisor and the confirmation that graduation is on May eighth, which falls on a Thursday. So it looks like I’m getting married on May seventeenth. We discuss several venues that can hold up to three-hundred people. I don’t want to have a reception that big, but I have to remember all my parents’ business associates and charity acquaintances. And our group of friends and families is already large.

  We finish our wine and hug goodbye. I text Declan that I’m on my way, and he replies for me to hurry. I laugh at myself as soon as I get in my car. I really was worried about my dad, but my mom is right. Let’s hope Robbie doesn’t have a heart-attack.


  “Do you really think we’re going to have that many people at our wedding?” Declan asks my mom and me.

  “Honey, I know it seems like a lot but it really isn’t if you start to think about it. Think about all your dad’s friends and their spouses or guests. Think about our core group of friends. You’ve got a label now–we have to invite them. Unless we do something small and just for friends and family, or a destination wedding, the list is huge.” I answer him.

  My dad and Robbie are doing a very poor job at hiding their amusement.

  When I got to Declan’s on Friday night, I told him the date and the few locations I was thinking of. Then we went through a few churches in the area I wanted to talk to about the dates. Even if everything else takes a back burner for a while, we need to secure the location. This made him very happy, and he spent hours letting me know how excited he was.

  Then last night at The Steamroom, he told our friends to save the date before I had a chance to tell Abbi, Ella, or Charlie. I received a few threats of bodily harm if I kept any more information from Charlie. And even though Sayge was performing, I spent the night on a text chain with Kendall and Harper.

  Most of our conversation tonight has been about the wedding. My mom is going to call a few places I like and confirm if our date is available. If so, Declan and I are going to look at them. The only thing my dad and Robbie add to the conversation is that we have to have a full bar. My mom and I are going back and forth about an inside or outside venue and the pros and cons of each. So far we have avoided talking about my move.

  “Declan, you available Wednesday night to help me move some stuff into my new place?” Robbie asks.

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll be done at the studio around four. Do you need extra hands? I could ask the other guys to help too.”

  “Sure, Tripp and Gabe will be around, but Jimi is working.”

  “So can Mom and I come over Saturday and start our decorating?”

  “Yeah, that’ll be great. Remember, you have a budget.”

  “Speaking of moving, Raven’s moving in with me.” Declan randomly announces to the table.

  No one says anything for a few minutes and then Robbie speaks up. “I guess I’ll have to return the favor and help RJ move too.”

  My dad shakes his head but doesn’t look mad. He smiles at me, and I relax against my seat. Thank God my mom knows what she is talking about!

  We spend the rest of dinner discussing what’s going on in all our lives without another mention of the wedding or moves.



  What the fuck did I get myself into? How in the hell did I commit myself to moving all these people around? Robbie’s move was simple and easy. It actually ended up more like a party. When we got all his stuff in the condo, we paired off. I worked with Tripp and Gabe to set up the bed and get the heavy stuff arranged how Robbie instructed. Robbie, Cooper, and Blake set up the entertainment system. Nate ran to the store for beer. Once the place was set up to Robbie’s satisfaction for the night, we drank beer and did a fantasy draft. Since I’d only done one in my life, my team sucked but it was a good time.

  Then Raven’s move somehow turned into a fucking free-for-all. She’s spent the last three weeks getting my music room ready for her furniture. I told her one thousand times to throw the shit out if it would get her in faster. She argued and in turn took her sweet time. So she’s finally ready but I’ve gotten roped into the game of musical fucking rooms. Jimi has to work today, so I promised to help Abbi get her stuff to the master bedroom and set it up. Blake called, and he is on his way with Charlie’s shit. So instead of being with Raven in our home. I’m stuck here while her brother and Tripp help her.

  It’s been a month since I fucked Raven into agreeing to move in. Why the hell it’s taken so long still bothers me. The only good thing is that we’ve been bringing small loads over weekly. All of her clothes are in my closet or in my drawers. OUR closet and OUR drawers. I have to keep reminding her that it’s her house now too.

  Blake finally fucking pulls up with Charlie’s things, and I go help so I can get home.

  “Let’s do this man, I’ve been at this for hours with all the break-downs and set-ups. I’m telling you now; I’m not hanging another fucking picture.” I tell him as we unload the bed frame.

  “Someone’s grouchy, aren’t they?” Charlie goads me.

  “Not grouchy, just fucking tired of this. You do realize Sayge changed our Saturday night gig to help all you girls?”

  “Yeah, we all know and appreciate it. That’s why we have a surprise for y’all tonight.”

  “Count me out, I’m finishing this and leaving. I have my own plans for tonight, and they don’t include any of you. I hope Robbie and Tripp finish soon.”

  Charlie doesn’t say anything else but I catch her laughing and winking at Blake. For some reason, this makes me suspicious.

  I walk to the side of the house and call Raven.

  “Hey honey, how’s it going?”

  “Good, just started unloading Charlie’s stuff. How’s it going there? Those guys almost done? I’m ready to get there and start our celebration.”

  “Um, not yet.” She answers quietly.

  “Sparkle, what’s going on?”

  She sighs into the phone, “I wanted to surprise you and the guys so I planned a party over here tonight to celebrate.”

  “You planned a celebratory party, in our home, and invited our crazy ass group of friends? Don’t you think it should be the two of us?” I can’t control the roug
hness in my voice.

  “Please don’t be mad. When I moved in with Abbi and Ella, we had dinner and poker that first night. It’s kinda like tradition. So I made snacks, my dad’s buying dinner and then we’re playing poker. Since Finn’s not here, Robbie’s taking his place.”

  Okay, I’m an ass. She really sounds upset.

  “Okay babe, but honest to God, you’re going to pay for this little trick. And if any of these fuckers get too drunk to drive and have to stay over, you owe me.”

  “Okay sweetheart, hurry up and come home.”

  Home. She said it! My home with Raven.

  Chapter 19

  Las Vegas


  The flight from Nashville to Vegas is a direct flight, and it gives me time to study. At this moment, I’m ecstatic that Southwest started providing Wi-Fi service. Now I won’t have to go straight to work at the hotel. I already set aside half a day tomorrow for emails and last minute details because this project is due on Tuesday.

  Declan and I didn’t see each other very much this week with our schedules. He played at The Steamroom Tuesday and Wednesday to make up for being gone this weekend. When he climbed into bed each night, I had been asleep for hours. I left early in the morning each day trying to get all my major work out of the way, so I only had to concentrate on this one project in Vegas. I made a list of things I wanted to do while here and Declan promised after we got Sayge’s schedule we would sightsee.

  Mike, Jay, Kelly and Knight’s Dream are already in Vegas. We have tickets for both nights, and I think we have backstage passes for tomorrow night since that is when Knight’s Dream is performing. I’m secretly hoping that when Justin Timberlake is scheduled to perform too.

  Declan, Cooper, Nate, and Blake are drinking beer while I finish my work and talking about their week. I’m barely paying attention until Declan mentions something about a modeling agency.

  “What are you talking about?” I interrupt their conversation.


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