Sceldrant's Comet

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Sceldrant's Comet Page 27

by Michael Rogers

  Rachael: "Lezard, try to be more courteous regarding her weight please."

  Lezard: "Hmmm... Twortz?" *He spoke with a smile, causing her to snort into consciousness.*

  Twortz: "Waffles?"

  Lezard: "Bwarharh, she won't make it easy for me."

  Twortz: "Where?"

  Rachael: "We're ready to leave."

  Twortz: "Tsst.." *She picked up the frying pan and slowly stood up, wiping away a trail of sand which was stuck to one side of her mouth.*

  Lezard: "Yum yums.." *He unintentionally pulled an awkward, disgusted look before facing down the shore.*

  Twortz: *She sniffed and cracked her back, listening to her stomach grumble.* "I'm really hungry."

  Rachael: *She placed her hand on her stomach.* (I'm not? Cool.)

  Lezard: "I'm a little hungry too, bwarharh! My father should have some delightful treats for us whenever we see him."

  Twortz: "Well, there's my incentive!" *She waddled closer to Rachael and Lezard, implying she was ready to leave.*

  Rachael: "Hehe, sounds good!"

  Lezard: "Yay! And we're off on another amazing adventure!"


  *Luna, Trevour, Nathan and the champion stood outside the village, all stretching in different poses.*

  Luna: "Gah.." *She moaned with a sigh.*

  Trevour: "What is it, madam?"

  Luna: "It's so freakin' early."

  Nathan: "Suck it up."

  Luna: "Oh, yea-?"

  Champion: "An argument no matter how small, is not a good substitute for breakfast, this could ruin the start to our day."

  Nathan: "Hmph." *He chuckled in agreement.*

  Luna: "Wateva." *She rubbed sleep out of her eyes.*

  Trevour: "Well-" *He adjusted the armour on his arms, glancing at the party.* "Are we all ready for a long walk ahead of us?"

  Nathan: "Sure am." *He tightened the strap to the sword behind his back and grunted with a smirk, placing his hands on his head.*

  Trevour: *He gently held Luna around the elbow, readying himself to leave.* "Our destination is North West, but I think we should head directly West then North."

  Champion: "Oh my, wouldn't that make our walk even longer?"

  Luna: "Longer? I disapprove."

  Trevour: "We would bypass all the terrain and we will be able to drop you off along the way."

  Champion: *She smiled in appreciation.* (How considerate-)

  Nathan: "Let's go." *He grunted in a deep voice and started to walk forward, causing the party to follow.*

  Luna: "So... Wat kind of elements can you guys use?"

  Trevour: "Madam?"

  Nathan: "You're asking questions? Your attitude today has changed from yesterday."

  Luna: "Ya know, if we had to walk together for a few weeks, it'd be really awkward if we didn't talk at all.."

  Trevour: "For a few weeks?"

  Luna: "It's a joke, Rusty." *She sighed at Trevour as if it would've been obvious.*

  Trevour: "My apologies, madam. Heh heh."

  Luna: *She glanced to each side in a blind-like manner.* "So back to my question, shit nuggets."

  Champion: (Shit nuggets?) *She thought to herself in shock and glanced around her feet, ensuring she didn't step on anything foul.*

  Trevour: "Well, as you know, my affinity is ground."

  Nathan: "I don't have one." *He spoke as if he didn't care with his deep voice.*

  Luna: "Aye?" *She sounded surprised.*

  Champion: "Elemental affinities are Rostical Users."

  Luna: "Wat 'bout them Azure thingos?"

  Nathan: "People can use elemental based Azure Bursts, but that doesn't relate to an affinity."

  Luna: "Kool, and wat about you, champ?"

  Champion: "I'm one of the lucky few blessed with different elemental affinities."

  Nathan: (I don't want to sound arrogant, but I really don't want to talk about Rostical for this entire trip.)

  Trevour: "How many affinities do you know?"

  Champion: "Umm.."

  Luna: "C'mon, if I could use Rostickal, I'd know every single one with even thinkin' about them!"

  Trevour: "I concur, madam."

  Champion: "I know over five."

  Trevour and Nathan: "What?!"

  Luna: "Whoa, what's with the crazy response?!"

  Trevour: "I've met a captain who possessed three different affinities. And this allowed her to be feared."

  Nathan: (The name.. The amount of affinities which is so rare..) "I think I know where you're from."

  Champion: "Oh my?" *She spoke with lowering morale.* (Is he someone from my past?! But I don't sense anything from him!-)

  Nathan: "You're the Battling Oxident's champion, aren't you?"

  Champion: *She sighed in relief, slowly nodding her head.* "Oh my.. You caught me."

  Trevour: "W-Wow, what an honour! Heh heh."

  Champion: "I thought I recognised you too."

  Nathan: *He smirked, forming a fist.* "I'll beat you one day."

  Luna: "Wait, what is Battlin' Oxident?"

  Trevour: (Wow, it feels strange having to teach someone really common knowledge-) "Battling Oxident is the world's most known sport-"

  Nathan: "I wouldn't call it a sport."

  Champion: "Oh my, I agree." *She nodded her head with an agreeing frown.*

  Trevour: "Well-"

  Nathan: "I'd say it's more of a competition than a sport."

  Champion: "Yes."

  Luna: "I don't care if it's the name of a toilet. Someone start tellin' me some shit... Pun intended."

  Trevour: "Heh heh. It's held in a special arena inside a Spacial Funnel in Surpreon."

  Luna: "Surpreon? Spacial Funnel? Wow, seriously? You're gonna answer me by raisin' more questions..?"

  Trevour: "Ah...?" *He glanced at Nathan and the champion as if he didn't know how to explain it.*

  Nathan: "Battling Oxident consists of a one on one matchup, inside a massive dirt arena."

  Champion: "People from different nations come together and participate or watch the battles."

  Luna: "Awesome." *She spoke with a smile as if she was interested.*

  Nathan: (Ha, not many women I've spoken to enjoy talking about Battling Oxident.) *He smiled in thought.*

  Luna: "Tell me more, aye."

  Nathan: "Well, the champion here, is what her name states. She's the champion."

  Trevour: "I've only been to two Battling Oxidents in my life. I would have never of thought that I'd be occupied with the Battling Oxident's champion."

  Luna: "Wat makes you the champion?"

  Trevour: "Maybe having five plus affinities, heh heh."

  Champion: "No-"

  Nathan: "It's not her already devastating power in Rostical, or the Rostical roster she possesses."

  Luna: "Then wat?"

  Trevour: "Sir?"

  Nathan: "It's the level of combinations she's able to use.. I've only ever seen someone of her talent, effectively pull off seven different Rosticals which all form into one combo."

  Trevour: "A combo?" *He had a flashback of the champion freezing his mud-like sand on the Scoldrant.* "I see."

  Luna: "So, we should be fine, right?"

  Nathan: "Yes." *He spoke on his breath, walking down a rocky path across open land.*

  Trevour: "Wait a second, madam. If you're the champion, that Scoldrant from before would've been nothing to you."

  Nathan: (Now that he mentions it, he's right.)

  Champion: "I didn't want to draw any attention, so I purposely limited myself to using two affinities during our previous fight."

  Nathan: "That seems kinda stupid. You're the champion, anyone who's battled or been there knows who you are."

  Champion: "You didn't."

  Nathan: "Ah, well, okay then."

  Luna: "But why hide your identity? Isn't that somethin' to boast about?"

  Champion: "No-"

  Trevour: "You certainly weren't being discreet when you wa
nted us to call you champion."

  Champion: "I just, have my reasons." *She spoke with closure, as if she didn't want to talk about it.*

  Trevour: "If she has her reasons, we must be respectful of that."

  Luna: (Well.. It makes me wonder who she was running from then?)

  Nathan: *He glanced at Trevour, focusing his attention back in front.* "Yeah."

  Champion: "Oh my, thank you."

  Luna: "So Battlin' Oxident is inside a spacial tunnel at surpies?"

  Trevour: "Spacial Funnels are Astragon packed portals."

  Luna: "Aye? Wat has Astragongs got to do with anythin'?"

  Trevour: "Surpreon is a large city, but in retrospect, Battling Oxident exceeds Surpreon's entire city."

  Luna: "So, Surpreon is a city, got it." *She grunted to herself and continued to walk forward, oblivious to the forest to her right or the beautiful wide area around her.*

  Trevour: "Yes. My bad, madam."

  Champion: "Spacial Funnels are like pockets of space. This particular Spacial Funnel contains Battling Oxident."

  Luna: (Magic... Wormholes.. My nerdy assed brother would fangasm over this shit-)

  Nathan: "I think that about covers the basics?"

  Trevour: "Oh, Battling Oxident is held on average, every six months."

  Luna: "Oh?"

  Trevour: "Like Silver Wind Island, Battling Oxident would also be a good place to find information."

  Nathan: "Yeah. I've met a lot of strange people there." *He grunted in a deep voice, continuing to walk with his hands on his head.*

  Champion: "Yes." *She observed the area around her, noticing small thin grass.*

  Trevour: *He noticed a large lighthouse-like structure in the distance, causing him to gasp in amazement.* "Wowza, look at that everyone!"

  Champion: "That would be...?"

  Trevour: "The Elemental Tower, you see?"

  Luna: "It looks awesome!"

  Trevour: "I know-" *He paused in mid-sentence, causing Nathan and the champion to chuckle.*

  Luna: "Aha, tell me more about this tower."

  Nathan: "I actually don't know much about it." *He raised an eyebrow, as if he couldn't remember.*

  Champion: "Nor do I.. Despite my title, you need all sorts of passes to even be able to enter the tower."

  Luna: "That's shit."

  Nathan: "What about you, you got some exclusive pass to enter?" *He glanced at Trevour, watching the sunlight shimmer off his armour.*

  Trevour: "Negative, sir."

  Nathan: "Oh?"

  Trevour: "The guards that monitor The Elemental Tower are Grey's men from Silver Wind Island."

  Luna: "Aye? I don't think I'll remember all this stuff! Who or what's grey, and Silver Wind Island is the place we're heading to, right?"

  Trevour: "Grey is the ruler of Silver Wind Island, and yes we are."

  Luna: "Yea-" *She rocked her head in an impressed-like manner, as if she was happy she got it right.* "Guess it's startin' to sink in."

  Trevour: "Heh heh."

  Luna: "Why do you rattle like a tin, Trevor?"

  Trevour: "It's Trev-our."

  Luna: "Aha, wat a weird assed name."

  Trevour: "A-Ah..?"

  Champion: (She very hot headed, but at the same time, she can listen when she wants to.)

  Trevour: "It's because I'm a warrior."

  Luna: "Warrior?"

  Champion: "You know, the warriors and the Consultants?"

  Luna: "Not really..."

  Nathan: "You were in Sorrowprax, seriously?!"

  Luna: "I thought this was a whole joke.. A dream, I dunno... So I didn't pay any attention, aye."

  Nathan: Hmm.." *His annoyed-like manner instantly faded away.* "Well, the warriors..?"

  Luna: "Nope."

  Nathan: "Captains?"

  Luna: "Nope-" *She suddenly recalled a flashback of Mindy, Cindy and Wendy.* "Y-Yes..."

  Nathan: "Well, they're warriors."

  Luna: *She rudely pulled her elbow out of Trevour's grip, causing her to blindly face him in anger.* "What the flying fuck is wrong with you?!"

  Trevour: "M-Madam?" *He leant back startled.*

  Luna: "It was an accident! Kerry-Anne wouldn't have-" *She frowned, causing Nathan and the champion to look at Trevour in confusion.*

  Trevour: *He shook his head, as if he didn't know what she was talking about.* "I-I don't know what you're-"

  Luna: "M-My eyes! It's not like I hated my life as it was!"

  Nathan: (Hated her life-?)

  Luna: "The fuck!"

  Champion: (The poor thing is still adjusting to what has recently happened to her-)

  Trevour: "I-I'm not like that-"

  Luna: "Lies-"

  Nathan: "Relax, he really isn't."

  Champion: "If he wanted to, he could've got reinforcements while we slept at the Inn."

  Luna: "Yea.. But.." *She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.*

  Trevour: "Luna?"

  Luna: "Just.. Fuck off." *She spoke with a softening voice.*

  Trevour: ".. Luna?"

  Luna: *She sighed, looking down to her feet.* "Umm, yea, my bad.." *She sounded embarrassed.*

  Champion: *She smiled with her eyes closed.* "Let's get a move on."

  Nathan: "Sounds good to me. We can't afford to waste any more time."

  Trevour: "Madam?" *He hobbled up to Luna and gently touched her elbow, implying for her to comply.*


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