Sceldrant's Comet

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Sceldrant's Comet Page 37

by Michael Rogers

Twortz: *She shook her head in amazement.* "I-I felt-... No. It felt like I touched the flames." *She spoke with a dropping jaw.*

  Millard: (She didn't give up, it was the feeling of touching the flames with her Astragons that put her off-) "Wow, your Astragon control must be amazing!"

  Twortz: "I'd like to try again-"

  Millard: *He shook his head and hobbled forward, purposely lifting up Twortz's frying pan.* "What is the most comfortable way to pull something off your possession?"

  Twortz: "I don't understand?"

  Millard: "Like a sword-" *He reached over his shoulder.* "Or a knife-" *He flicked forward from his waist.* "Or a whip-" *He placed his hand on his thigh.*

  Twortz: "Well-?" *She felt around her body and slowly reached over her shoulder.* "Over my shoulder-"

  Millard: "Okies. That's a common spot for captains to hold their weapons."

  Twortz: "Excuse me?"

  Millard: *He shook his head.* "Since you're really good at understanding your Astragons, we'll get straight to it. With that same feeling you had when controlling the flames-"

  Twortz: "The sand?"

  Millard: "Yes. Imagine trying to contain air."

  Twortz: "Contain air?" *She sounded unconvinced.*

  Millard: "Like, a pocket? Or a pouch?" *He hopped on the spot, pretending to be a kangaroo.*

  Twortz: "Okay.." *She nodded her head and focused.*

  Millard: "Now, slowly place the frying pan over your shoulder, and picture it fading or getting sucked into the pocket."

  Twortz: "That sounds way too confusing, even for me."

  Millard: "Don't you want to try?"

  Twortz: "Well-" *She raised the frying pan and slowly placed it over her shoulder, causing her to accidentally hit her shoulder blade.*

  Millard: "When you've felt the pocket-" *He motioned a small pocket around his thigh and pretended to pull out a weapon.* "When you're reaching into and pulling out, you want to feel a resistance, similar to a magnetic pull."

  Twortz: *She slowly moved the frying pan up and down, as if she was scratching her back.* (I do feel a little resistance, but it goes away when I push the frying pan further down.)

  Millard: (It has taken several captains months to learn this ability.. I wouldn't be surprised if-)

  Twortz: "I think I got the feeling."

  Millard: (Her growth is remarkable!-)

  Twortz: "Millard?"

  Millard: "When you feel that slight magnetic resistance, picture or imagine a suction feeling."

  Twortz: (How can you picture a feeling? But okay.) *She closed her eyes with one arm over her shoulder, trying to conceal the frying pan.* "I think!-"

  *The frying pan suddenly disappeared out of Twortz's hands, causing her to chuckle in disbelief.*

  Twortz: "Hahahackee, I did it?!" *She opened her eyes, twiddling her fingers to ensure she wasn't still holding the frying pan.*

  Millard: "Amazing!" *He placed his hands on each side of his face and wiggled his bottom, symbolising his excitement for Twortz's accomplishment.*

  Twortz: *She lowered her arms and waddled around, seeing if she dropped it by accident.* "It's really gone?"

  Millard: "Do you feel something on your back, but it's not heavy?"

  Twortz: "I-I do?" *She looked down, as if she was trying to feel what was on her back.* "It's like a strap or something similar. It's not heavy, but I know it's there."

  Millard: "Sensational! Now, pull it out in the same manner and, yay."

  Twortz: "Yay?"

  Millard: "You've somehow managed to complete a training lesson which could take weeks or even months in about ten minutes."

  Twortz: *She smiled at herself in a modest-like manner.* "I do learn quickly. I became a store manager by only working for seven months."

  Millard: "Delicious results!"

  Twortz: *She eagerly reached over her shoulder and grabbed onto something.* "Okay-" *She pulled forward, causing sparks to scatter around her frying pan.*

  Millard: "Succulent!"

  Twortz: *She smiled and twirled the frying pan in her hand, before placing it back over her shoulder.* "Do I have to concentrate like that all the time?" *She felt the frying pan suction out of her grip, causing her to lower her arm with nothing in her hand.*

  Millard: "Nope. It's like riding a bike. When you get used to the feeling, you don't have to concentrate balancing yourself anymore."

  Twortz: "Ah."

  Millard: "Now-" *He dropped to one knee and rubbed his fingers under Rachael's nose, causing smoke to trail into the air.*

  Rachael: "Kah-?!" *She suddenly gasped into consciousness, looking to each side in disorientation.* "Is something on fire?"

  Lezard: "I hope so. We could have toast!"

  Millard: *He turned around, noticing Lezard and Karol each carrying an arm full of food.* "Yummy."

  Rachael: "It's awfully dark in here." *She looked up and shook her head, slowly sitting on her legs.*

  Karol: *He stopped in front of the party and bent down, gently dropping the food on the floor.* "Here-"

  *Karol started to dance and a sigil-like glyph drew itself underneath him, causing bright glyphs to suddenly flicker above the party.*

  Twortz: "The ceiling?" *She looked up, watching the glyphs stay on, brightly lighting up the warehouse.*

  Rachael: "That's awesome. Thanks, Karol."

  Karol: "Nee hee, that's okay."

  Twortz: *Her stomach loudly grumbled, causing Lezard and Millard to laugh.* "What's so funny about normal human bodily functions?"

  Millard: "Now, now, child. Let's all sit down and get some answers." *He plunked himself on the floor and reached for a loaf of bread, watching it toast in his hands.*

  Rachael: *She sniffed several times.* "It actually smells like toast."

  Millard: "Here." *He smiled, presenting the toast to Rachael.*

  Rachael: "I'm actually not hungry-"

  Lezard: "Not hungry? We've been through crazy stuff! Your body needs to recharge."

  Karol: "Recharge?" *He sat on the floor with his legs crossed, glancing at Lezard in a curious-like manner.*

  Millard: "Food is just fuel for the body."

  Karol: "Oh-?"

  Twortz: "I agree." *She spoke in a professional-like manner and elegantly reached over, grabbing a roll of bread.*

  Millard: "Allow me to keep everyone up to date."

  Rachael: *She awkwardly watched everyone eat.* (Lezard is right, I'm usually starving after a tense training workout, but I'm not hungry at all? Why is that?)

  Millard: "Twortz is ready to materialise her weapon soon."

  Twortz: "I am?"

  Millard: "Rachael is an Elementalist."

  Rachael: "I'm a what-?"

  Karol: "Th-That maykes sense!" *He chewed with enthusiasm.*

  Lezard: "Wow, an Elementalist!"

  Millard: "And to top off the plot twists, Twortz and Rachael don't come from this world."

  *Twortz and Rachael glanced at Millard in confusion and shock, before focusing their attention on to Lezard.*

  Lezard: "Why you both looking at me?"

  Twortz: "Why are you openly telling people that?"

  Millard: "When exactly did he have an opportunity to do so, child?"

  Twortz: "Err.."

  Rachael: (He's right.. Twortz would have been with him the entire time.)

  Karol: "What do you mean, from anuther werld?"

  Millard: "I'd refrain from telling something so confusion to a juvenile, but as a member of the sacred dancers, you probably know more than most adults would."

  Rachael: "What does that mean?"

  Millard: "There are truths of the world that the warriors now mask. For example, Valhalla."

  Twortz: "Why would the warriors keep things like that hidden?" *She covered her mouth as she spoke.*

  Millard: "Power."

  Rachael: "Power?"

  Lezard: "Knowledge is power."

  Karol: "Anuther werld. Like a diffurent continent?"

  Millard: *He shook his head, as if it was too hard to explain.* "Just, don't be surprised if they don't know simple stuff, little one."

  Karol: "Oh, ohkay?" *He glanced at Rachael, smiling in amazement.*

  Rachael: "Is there something on my face?" *She became self-concious, touching her cheek in confusion.*

  Karol: "No.. I've hardly seen an Elementalist in my life."

  Twortz: (Hardly seen? What horrible grammar.. But I don't expect much from a child-)

  Rachael: "Why? What happened to them?" *She smiled in confusion.*

  Karol: "They were wiped out."

  Rachael: "Oh.."

  Lezard: "Awkward.." *He pulled an awkward face and looked away.*

  Rachael: "If you don't mind me asking. What happened to them?"

  Karol: "Somefing happened, and they all got that yellow sckary eyed sickness."

  Rachael: (It all comes down to this yellow-eyed illness..)

  Twortz: "If you know we're not from this world. How can we get back?"

  Millard: "..." *He silently chewed in thought.*

  Rachael: "Millard?"

  Millard: "Was there aurora lights?"

  Rachael: "Not to my knowledge."

  Twortz: *She looked down and chewed, frowning in recollection.* "Sceldrant's Comet."

  Rachael: *She gasped in acknowledgement.* "Yeah! That comet had a lot of aurora coloured lights. Even Mel was saying that the lights weren't normal."

  Millard: (Madora..) "There is someone who could help you."

  Rachael: "Excellent. We'll talk to her and get back home."

  Millard: "It's not the simple.."

  Twortz: "What's the problem?"

  Millard: "She's untraceable."

  Twortz: "This is nothing compared to Earth-" *She glanced at Rachael, implying it wasn't as easy as she made it.*

  Rachael: "Yeah." (There are so many things I used to take for granted, like mobile phones, cars..) *She sighed to herself.*

  Twortz: (Nothing like Earth? Hahackee, can't believe I just said that..) *She thought in disgust.* "How can we find this person?"

  Millard: "Even if there was a chance you could find her, you'd need to go to Silver Wind Island or join the warriors."

  Rachael: "No way we're joining the warriors."

  Millard: "I don't blame you." *He spoke of relief, as if he didn't want them to.*

  Twortz: "..."

  Karol: "They're bad peeple."

  Rachael: "I have a question we kinda skipped."

  Millard: "Yes, little monster?"

  Rachael: "What is different between an Elementalist and a Rostical User?"

  Lezard: "Oh boy-" *He burped and lay on his back, staring at the bright glyphs on the ceiling.* "Wake me up in the morning please."

  Twortz: "What is with the lax attitude?"

  Lezard: "Father monster likes to explain things in detail.. I won't be surprised if you'll know more than me and the captain by tomorrow."

  Karol: "Capt'n?"

  Lezard: "Shhh, sleepy time." *He closed his eyes with a smile.*

  Twortz: *She yawned, as she struggled to stay alert.* "I will listen to as much as I can, but I'm quite tired."

  Karol: "..." (I feel comfortable with these people..)

  Rachael: "This feels so odd.. We currently don't have a home."

  Karol: *He discreetly stared at Rachael with a dropping jaw.* (She doesn't have a home?)

  Millard: "My condolences, little monster."

  Twortz: "If joining the warriors isn't an option, where is Silver Wind Island?"

  Karol: "Isn't that citee all the way up at the other end on continent?"

  Twortz: "I'm not giving up, but I'm very tired of these tedious hikes.. My legs hurt too much."

  Rachael: (I'm a little exhausted, but I feel fine?)

  Millard: "Don't worry. I have two teleportation glyphs remaining."

  Twortz: "W-What are they?"

  Millard: "A purple glyph that transfers you to other places." *He giggled and opened his hand, revealing two small grey stones with dark purple lines drawn on them.*

  Twortz: "What will they do?"

  Rachael: "Stones being able to teleport-" *She looked away from Millard's hand and lay on her back, closing her eyes.* "That seems a little extreme to me."

  Millard: "Don't be fooled by their appearance. They've got a lot of Astragons stored in them."

  Twortz: "And to activate them, you'll need Neurons?"

  Millard: "That's exactly right."

  Twortz: *She nodded her head in understanding.* (I've had the wrong mind frame this entire time. Instead of fighting against my current situation, I will try my best like I always do.)

  Rachael: "I'd rather walk."

  Twortz: (Speak for yourself-)

  Millard: "Ooo, I like the adventure too."

  Rachael: "That's not it. It's that sickly feeling I get after getting transported. It really isn't worth it in my opinion."

  Millard: "That would be the Elementalist weakness."

  Rachael: *She half opened her eyes, as if she was interested to hear what Millard had to say.* "Yeah?"

  Millard: "It's not the teleportation, it's probably certain Spacial Funnels and Reality Marbles."

  Rachael: "Oh?"

  Twortz: "So Rostical Users don't get sick by going through these?"

  Millard: "Unless you naturally get motion sickness, not really."

  Twortz: "That is a huge disadvantage, isn't it?"

  Rachael: "That explains why I got sick the first time. But it seems to get worse."

  Millard: "You just need rest."

  Rachael: "I'm not really tired, though-"

  Millard: "Child, you can hardly keep your eyes open."

  Rachael: "..."

  Twortz: "Unless they're weaker than Rostical Users, what advantages do they have over Rostical Users?"


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