Nathan: *He slid on the soft sand, causing him to grunt in appreciation.* (Crap-)
Champion: *She pushed forward, shooting five fireballs at the Guardian.* "Please repent."
Guardian: "ROCK PILLAR"
*A large wall of mud erupted in front of it and quickly hardened into rock, causing the fireballs to explode upon impact.*
Champion: "Oh my, it also knows Rostical-"
Guardian: "Blinding dust, rain down-" *It punched the rock wall in front of it and shattered it to pieces.*
Champion: "MYSTIC SHIELD" *She screamed with an echoing voice, causing a bubble-like shield to solidify into glass around her and Luna.*
Guardian: "ROCK SLIDE" *It pushed forward, blasting the airborne pebbles at the party.*
Trevour: "Prepare for some turbulence!-" *He quickly turned around and ducked down, covering his head.*
Nathan: *He quickly raised the sword, readying himself.* "Harh!" *He sliced to the side, cutting a pebble away.*
*Luna, Destiny and the champion watched small dents crack in the shield, as the pebbles violently shot past them.*
Champion: *She frowned with a twitching eye.* (If this keeps up, I may need to use Mystic Shield's incantation!-)
Guardian: "You will suffer a Guardian's fury!-"
Nathan: *He quickly tilted the sword to each side, blocking the pebbles.* (This is hurting my wrist-) *He thought with gritted teeth and watched small sparks flash off his sword, followed by a mild vibration in the sword.*
Trevour: *Rocks slash across his back armour, causing sparks to splinter past his head.* "Everyone holding up?!"
Nathan: *He slashed away the remaining pebbles, causing him to quickly swap hands.* "Don't talk!-. Focus on yourself!"
Guardian: "Ougi."
Nathan: "Shit!-"
Trevour: "O-Oh no!"
Champion: *She lowered her arms, causing the shield to shatter away.* "Neurons draw, Astragons repel, MYSTIC SHIELD"
*A bright silver shield instantly raised around each party member.*
Champion: *She leant forward and panted with a loss of breath, as if she was just working out.* (That took a lot of Neurons out of me-)
Luna: "Wat is its Owgee?!"
Champion: "Everyone's Ougi can be different-"
Guardian: "Tangrowth Dirtcloud Talons." *It roared with an echoing gargle and looked up, causing vine-like streams of mud arms to erupt all around the party.*
Trevour: *A stream of mud arm erupted inside the shield, violently punching him across the face.* "Argh!-"
Champion: "Trevour!-"
Nathan: *He watched arms spiral around the shield, cracking it from every angle.* "Champion, release my shield!"
Champion: *She twitched one of her fingers, causing his shield to shatter away.* "Do what you're best at!-"
Nathan: "Grr-" *He rolled to the side, closely avoiding a stream of arms.*
Guardian: "You will not succeed in any more corruption!-"
Luna: *She shot an arrow, causing it to quickly spiral back after hitting the shield.* "Shit-" *She awkwardly stepped to the side, watching the arrow's sketch-like animation spiral past her.*
Champion: "I've raised a shield around you!"
Luna: (I can't see the shield.. I can hear somethin', but I don't know what's wat, aye.)
Trevour: "That hurt-" *The mud arm spiralled back and grabbed him around the throat.* "DUST-"
Guardian: "Gnoal!" *It swayed back, causing the arm which grabbed Trevour to pull forward, smashing him through the shield.*
Trevour: *He tumbled across the ground, watching glass-like aura shatter around him.* "Ouch-"
Luna: "How do you add Newrongs?! Do I even have any?!"
Champion: "You have to if you've Soul Linked with a Scoldrant."
Nathan: *He held the sword with both hands and faced Trevour.* "Air Slash." *He slashed the air upwards, slicing a visible air slash directly towards Trevour.*
Trevour: *He noticed the air slash, causing him to hobble forward, allowing the air slash to slice off the Guardian's arm which held him by the throat.* "Ah!-, much appreciated, sir-"
Nathan: "We're completely out of our league! If I knew it was a Guardian, I would've risked going through The Twilight Forest!-"
Trevour: *He glanced at the mud arms, noticing they momentarily paused.* (Neurons gathered in its arms-?)
Guardian: "Granite Prison." *Its words caused all the arms to suddenly collide around each party member, causing pulses of mud to explode around them.*
Nathan: "Ah-" *He dropped to his knees, as mud slopped off him.* "Its Ougi had a second affect?!"
Trevour: *He stood up, flicking the mud off his shoulders.* (With my natural affinity, I'm more resilient to ground-based attacks-)
Luna: (The shield shattered almost instantly-) *She coughed, wheezing for air.*
Destiny: "Yeup-" *She growled in pain, as mud stuck on to her fur like glue.*
Champion: "Oh my-" *She slowly stood up, glancing at each party member.*
?????: "What's happening here?!" *A woman ran out of the bushes and stepped in mud, causing it to slop around her shoes.*
Luna: "A-Aye-?" *She looked up, staring at the woman in confusion.* "Rachael? Rachael Taylor?!"
Rachael: *She looked at Luna, gasping in shock.* "Luna?!"
Luna: "The fuck are you doin' here?!" *She spoke with a growing smirk.*
Nathan: "Rachael?"
Guardian: "You will not corrupt me any further!-"
Rachael: "Holy shit!-" *She stepped back, staring at the Guardian in fear.*
Lezard: "Razzypoo, what's going-? Holy fish-cakes and call me jinkies!" *He hobbled behind Rachael, instantly squealing at the Guardian.*
Nathan: "Whoever you are, it uses mud!"
Lezard: "So, this isn't an adult party of some sort?" *He scanned across the mud covered area.*
Champion: "Mud is accessible to Rostical Users that have both ground and water affinities. Or, if either one of those affinities is mastered-"
Guardian: "Rotten Slab." *It swayed its arm, causing a stream of thick brown mud to whip in the air towards Rachael and Lezard.*
Rachael: "Tssk-" *She stood in a battle-ready pose and punched to the side, causing a rock pillar to erupt in front of the stream of mud.*
Luna: "Whoa! You're a Rostickal User?!"
Rachael: *She smirked and started to run towards the Guardian.* "Lezard, heal Luna's friends!"
Lezard: "Okies!"
Champion: (Did she say heal?)
Lezard: "Quick healing shot, HEALING IMPLOSION" *He focused his attention to Luna and swayed his arms, causing light to glow in her wounds, queuing it to start rapidly healing.*
Luna: "This wind? It's warm, aye?"
Trevour: (She can't see the light?)
Champion: (I don't!-. Radiatons?!)
Rachael: "Hah!" *She punched towards the Guardian, erupting a rock pillar in the direction of her punch.*
Guardian: *It watched mud spiral around the tip of the rock pillar which jabbed into its chest.* "Useless!"
Rachael: *She continued to move around the Guardian, keeping her fists close to her face.* "Rock Pillar-"
Guardian: "Rotten Slab." *It swayed its arm, causing it to string towards Rachael.*
Luna: "Harh!" *She shot an arrow into its arm, causing its aim to distort.*
Rachael: "Nice!-" *She cartwheeled to the side, watching the arm sway above her.*
Karol: *He stepped into the clearing and slipped on the mud, falling face-first into the ground.* "Owch!"
Lezard: "Quick healing shot-" *He focused his attention to the champion.* "HEALING IMPLOSION"
Champion: *She watched light glow in her visible wounds, queuing it to start rapidly healing.* "Oh my, thank you."
Lezard: *He focused his attention to Trevour.* "Quick healing-"
Trevour: "Please, focus your attention to the guy with the sword!"
Lezard: *He nodded his head, focusing on Nathan.* (I don't see any visible wounds-) "Where are you hurt,
mister scary man?!"
Nathan: (Mister what-?!)
Lezard: "Well-?!"
Nathan: "My wrist and ribcage-"
Lezard: "Quick internal light, INVOKING AURA"
*A swirl of warm light flashed around Nathan's chest and wrist, healing his wounds.*
Nathan: "W-Wow?" *He spoke on his breath in amazement, staring at the white light in a memorised-like manner.*
Lezard: "Phew-" *He took a deep breath, glancing at Trevour.* "And mister chunky face, you're up next!"
Champion: *She stood up and watched a green glyph form circles underneath her.* (I will try every element I have and see if I get a reaction!)
Karol: "I-I kan halp!" *He squealed and stood up, catching Nathan's attention.*
Nathan: "Why on The Astral Plains is a child here?!"
Karol: *He started to dance, causing the mud to pulse away from him.* (I can do this!)
Rachael: "Don't underestimate him!" *She punched upwards, causing a sheet of rock to erupt in front of her, blocking a stream of mud.*
Twortz: *She waddled into the clearing and noticed the Guardian.* (That Scoldrant. I get a different vibe from it-)
Nathan: *He stood up straight, raising the sword in determination.* "Air Slash." *He slashed downwards, slicing an air slash towards the Guardian.*
Guardian: "My head.. It's hot.. I can't-" *Its black beady eyes suddenly widened into eerie yellow coloured oval eyes.*
Nathan: "No!" *He grunted in disbelief and watched the air slash hit the Guardian, causing its mud to warp.*
Trevour: (Nathan's attack did nothing!)
Nathan: "Its eyes!-" *He looked back to the party.* "All of its attributes will be increased!-"
Karol: *He swayed in a dancer-like manner and kicked the ground, causing an expanding orange glyph to form around his foot.* "Power Up."
Guardian: "You pests-" *An arrow shot into its head, causing a pulse of mud to explode around the arrow.*
Luna: "Wow, that felt like it had force in it!-" *She looked down, noticing she stood on the orange glyph.*
Twortz: *She casually raised over her shoulder and pulled forward, causing sparks to spiral around her violin.* "Hahackee." *She cackled to herself, as if she was excited to try out her violin.*
Karol: *He continued to dance with a struggling squirm.* (There's currently six people on the glyph, my power will be reduced-)
Champion: (This is a Power Up glyph..) *She hobbled backwards, purposely stepping off the glyph.*
Karol: *He looked at the champion and waved his arms, motioning to stand back on the glyph.* (It won't work-)
Champion: *She shook her head with a smile, as if she knew she didn't need it.* (I don't use its effects as I'm a Rostical User-)
Karol: *He looked away in understanding, sighing in relief.* (That's a little better. I don't have to focus on that many people-)
Nathan: *He ignored the orange glyph and ran towards the Guardian, purposely hopping over piles of mud which scattered the clearing.* "Double Slash."
*Nathan ran into striking distance and slashed across the Guardian, causing a sudden burst of mud to flick in a slash-line.*
Guardian: "Your power-?!"
Nathan: *He looked surprised and spun in the motion of his strike allowing him to slash downwards, causing the mud on the ground to burst away from his sword.* (What-?!)
Rachael: "Nice!" *She smirked at Nathan and raised her leg, readying herself.* "Piercing Land."
*Rachael kicked the ground, causing two dagger shaped rocks to erupt into the air.*
Rachael: *She caught the daggers in each hand and suddenly sprinted towards the Guardian, instantly slashing the daggers in a combo-like manner.* "Harh!"
Guardian: "Mud Avalanche." *It swayed its arm into the air, causing a volcanic-like spurt of mud to string above the party.*
Champion: "Oh my!-" *She quickly faced the gathering mud with urgency, causing a blue glyph to draw itself under her feet.* "Icy swirls call down upon me, frigid skies grant me power-"
Nathan: *He watched the strings of mud merge together, forming a sheet of mud above them, causing the area to darken.* (Its Ougi is mud from the air?)
Luna: *She looked up and pulled the string back with squinted eyes, causing Destiny's eyes to flash purple.* "I see!-"
*Luna released the string and shot the arrow above her towards the mud, causing a large pulse-like burst of mud to blow away.*
Champion: "ICICLE EDGE" *She swayed her arms down, blasting thick ice spears towards the Guardian from the sky.*
Guardian: "Mud Shot." *It shot out three bullet-sized pebbles towards the ice spears, instantly shattering them in mid-air.*
Trevour: *He looked up and looked at the sheet of mud, noticing a massive hole form above him from where Luna shot her arrow.* (If the Guardian's mud were to fall, it would've crushed me!-) "Much appreciated, madam!-"
*Trevour suddenly hopped forward and punched both arms into the air, causing a swirling vortex of dirt to erupt into the Guardian's stomach.*
Trevour: "DUST STORM"
Guardian: "Yes!" *It gargled a moan, as its body grew in size from Trevour's dirt.*
Nathan: "It absorbs your attack remember?!"
Trevour: *He frowned in a helpless-like manner, causing him to hobble back.* "My bad, sir-"
Rachael: "If you use sand, why don't you use it as a defensive technique instead of an offensive?!" *She shouted at Trevour, while punching slash-like attacks on the Guardian's stomach.*
Trevour: "Offensive?"
Rachael: "Use the dirt or sand as a shield-"
Guardian: "Dirtcloud Talons." *It scratched the air, causing scratch-like streams of mud to slash towards Rachael.*
Trevour: "Miss-?!"
Rachael: *She smirked and quickly punched the ground, causing a large sheet of rock to erupt in front of her.* "Rock Pillar."
Trevour: *He watched strings of mud splatter past Rachael's pillar in realisation.* (I see-)
Rachael: "Heh-" *She cartwheeled to the side and started to back flip, watching strings of mud sway under and above her.*
Karol: *He skipped on each foot and spun around, keeping the orange glyph activated across the clearing.* (I have to keep going.. I'm an Upper, sun of the stronghest dancer!)
Twortz: *She placed her hand on the end of the violin and clipped out a dagger, queuing her to place the violin on her shoulder.* (I will aim to become stronger...)
Sceldrant's Comet Page 42