*Lezard spoke in a serious manner and hobbled towards Rachael, as the party slowly made their way out.*
Twortz: *She stormed up to a man who slept on a large ostrich-like Scoldrant with his cowboy hat tilted down on his face.* "Wake up!"
Man: "Shnah-?!" *He snorted into consciousness.* "Whe-ere-?"
Twortz: "Silence! I wish to use your Scoldrant."
Man: "We are closed ri-aight na-ow-"
Twortz: *She leant forward and placed the violin's dagger against his throat.* "You are to get me out of here now."
Man: "Rai-aight-" *He gently nodded his head and touched the ostrich, causing it to wake up.* "Where do you whanna go-oh?"
Twortz: "Sorrowprax." *She spoke in determination, causing the man to gulp nervously and loudly.*
Lezard: "Again! Quick internal light, INVOKING AURA" *Swirls of light sparkled around Rachael.*
Nathan: "Why is it taking so long?"
Trevour: "Indeed, sir. From what I've seen, your patients usually regain consciousness by now."
Karol: "Waichael?"
Luna: (She better not die. She's like, the one keepin' this party together.)
Lezard: (I don't understand-?) "Quick internal light, INVOKING AURA"
Ordin: "That woman, she was a sound user. High-density shockwaves can wound many internal organs at once, that is probably why even a Radiaton User is having trouble."
Lezard: "Quick internal light, INVOKING AURA"
Luna: "Meanin'?"
Trevour: "If we didn't have Lezard, she would've died."
Ordin: "Yes."
Luna: "Twotters?" *She gasped, focusing back to Rachael and the light.* "She's dead." *She threatened Twortz on her breath and frowned.*
Grey: *He looked at Rachael and glanced at the party.* "In what mannerism should I deal with this?"
Trevour: "For now, I'd leave it, your majesty sir-"
Luna: "Leave it?! Let's hunt the slurry down! It won't be hard to miss her!" *She pretended to flick the string of a bow.*
Nathan: (What possessed Twortz to do this? As what Trevour said, she was very mature minded-)
Rachael: "Kerhh-" *She exhaled and twitched, causing Lezard to sigh in relief while keeping his healing pose.*
Karol: "W-Waichael?!"
Lezard: "This is a good sign, little monster-"
Man: "Help?!"
*A man shouted in the distance, causing Nathan, Luna and Ordin to look up.*
?????: "Kerarhhh!" *A reptilian-like hiss followed by several thumps, caused another man to scream in agony.*
Ordin: "It came from upstairs!" *He started to run forward.*
Nathan: "I'm coming!"
Grey: "In my city? I have to see what this ordeal is about."
Luna: "Pssht." *She grunted and chased after Nathan.*
Destiny: "Yeup?" *She guided Luna through her sketch-like vision.*
Lezard: *He glanced at Karol and Trevour.* "I'll be fine, little monsters. You can go if you want."
Trevour: "I'm fine, sir."
Karol: "Me tooh." *He plunked himself on the ground and patiently waited for Rachael to wake up.*
Lezard: "Bwarharh, I can't say no to company."
Trevour: "Heh heh."
*Ordin, Nathan and Luna ran across the wooden bridge to find Grey already waiting for them on a floating glyph.*
Man: "Help!"
Grey: "This way." *He looked to his side, queuing the glyph to float towards the sounds.*
Ordin: *He took an awkward step and jumped high into the air, observing the third level of the city from a bird's eye view.* "W-What?"
Nathan: *He noticed Ordin's strange reaction.* "What is-?" *He ran around a corner and slowed down, gasping with widening eyes.* "Huh?"
Luna: *She bumped into Nathan and frowned at him, before noticing the scene in front of her.* "W-Wat the hell?"
Destiny: "Y-Yeup!" *She started to tremble in fear, causing Luna to run her fingers through her fur for comfort.*
*Twortz rode on the ostrich through a field, holding onto the man's waist in front of her.*
Twortz: "How long will it take to get there?"
Man: *He looked up, staring at the moon.* "With m-eye Scol-draynt, we should get th-air before sunr-ise."
Twortz: "It is too hard to understand you, do you speak normal?"
Man: "Naww." *He shook his head.* "This Scol-draynt can run on water, roh-arcs, tr-ees and some-tymes, air."
Twortz: "So we should get there rather quickly?"
Man: *He adjusted his hat and kicked the ostrich on the side, causing its speed to drastically increase.* "Yee-harh!"
Twortz: *She leant back, as her hair rapidly flapped behind her.* (Excellent.)
*The ostrich-like Scoldrant jumped up and started to run on the treetops as if they were bushes on the ground.*
Twortz: *She smirked with squinted eyes, as if she was happy with herself.* "I will look after myself, take care of myself.. I will become a warrior!"
Chapter 11: Scoldrants Attack!
*A man gasped in terror and crawled on his back away from a reptilian appearing hippo-like Scoldrant.*
Ordin: "What's happening here?!"
Man: "My Scoldrants! There's something wrong with them!"
Grey: *He noticed five reptilian, hippo-like Scoldrants readying to destroy nearby buildings.* "You're a Scoldrant User? If not, why do you have Scoldrants? Please respond!"
Man: "I-I am a Scoldrant User, my babies are used for their nutritious milk, but-"
Hippo: "Kerarhhh!" *It opened its massive jaw and its teeth shined a fluoro blue.* "Ice Fang."
Nathan: *He gasped.* "We won't make it in-"
Hippo: *Two fluoro blue streams suddenly pierced towards the man and exploded into ice.* "Kerarhhh?"
Ordin: *He suddenly appeared in front of the man, blocking the ice streams with his sword.* "Hmph."
Nathan: "Huh?" *He looked to his side, noticing Ordin was not there.*
Luna: "Aye? He was standin' right next to us-"
Ordin: "Hard Blade." *An aura swirled around his sword and instantly sliced through the hippo, causing all its legs to fall off its body.*
Man: "My babies!"
Ordin: *He noticed all the Scoldrant's eyes suddenly glow an eerie yellow colour, catching his attention.* "What?"
Grey: "What is happening?"
Ordin: "The physical change in their eyes, is this Neuron related? Are they powering up?!" *He raised the sword.*
Man: "These Scoldrants have their power in their teeth, not their eyes!"
Nathan: "It's happening.."
?????: "It's the-" *A man stepped forward, wearing a red silk sun-like robe.*
?????: "Condition." *A woman finished off his sentence, wearing a blue silk moon-like robe.*
Luna: "Who are you?"
?????: "I'm Skyward-"
?????: "And I'm Hayward."
Nathan: *He took a step forward and stopped himself.* (I just realised, what am I doing? I don't have a sword!)
Grey: "These Scoldrants, their Neurons have increased to concerning levels!"
Ordin: "Understood-"
Man: "It burns! My head!" *His eyes suddenly flashed an eerie yellow colour.*
Skyward: "As individuals, we contain no power-"
Hayward: "But together-"
Skyward and Hayward: "We form one of the four mighty guilds!" *They held hands, causing a red and blue glyph to simultaneously form under their feet.*
Ordin: *His image disappeared and he reappeared behind another hippo with his sword sheathed.* "Temporial Slash."
Hippo: "Kerar-" *Its body suddenly sliced into four pieces, causing Nathan to gasp.*
Skyward and Hayward: "We are twins! Together, we're The Seraphic Sunders!" *They raised their hands, causing streams of fire and water to string towards one hippo, scorching it in a tunnel of water.*
Luna: (Seraphic Sunders?) "Ain'
t they one of the top guild people?"
Nathan: "Yes-"
*Two Scoldrants suddenly rushed towards Luna and Nathan at incredible speeds.*
Luna: "Shit-" *She froze on the spot in shock.*
Nathan: "Tssk-" *He quickly grabbed Luna and pulled her towards him, out of the way.*
*The two Scoldrants jumped off the bridge, causing the party to gasp.*
Grey: "Lushes of aqua, crush, MERCURY BLAZE" *He waved his hand, causing an eruption of water-like fire to explode one of the falling Scoldrants.* "I missed one."
Nathan: *He watched the blue fire rain down in amazement.* (The ruler, he's a Rostical User?!)
Ordin: "Your majesty?" *He looked alert, watching the last Scoldrant jump a level down.*
Grey: "Hmm?" (This isn't good. If that Scoldrant reaches the residential area, things could get bad-)
Ordin: "I will go immediately!-"
Nathan: "The user.." *He formed fists, regretfully gritting his teeth.* "If you defeat him, it will stop the other Scoldrants."
Ordin: *He slowly turned around, staring at the man with an emotionless face.* "How did this happen?"
Man: "I-ck-" *He struggled to speak, as his eyes glowed an eerie yellow colour.* "This energy, I need to hurt something-"
Nathan: "And the corruption seeps in."
Luna: (He speaks from experience?)
Trevour: *He looked at Rachael with a smile.* "You're almost there, Lezard-"
Hippo: *It landed heavily on the ground and glared at Trevour, Karol, Lezard and Rachael, as if it was drawn to the light.* "Kerhhh!"
Karol: "Wh-ah?!" *He squealed in fright.*
Lezard: "Is Twortz back?"
Trevour: "How temperamental!" *He quickly stood in front of Lezard, causing his armour to rattle.*
Karol: "I-I whill halp!" *He stood up and kicked his boots on the ground, readying himself to fight.*
Trevour: "Its eyes?" (It's the same from previous encounters.. That means it's stronger than it should be-)
Hippo: "Kerrhnl!" *It suddenly charged towards Trevour, causing the ground to rumble.*
Karol: *He started to dance.* "Power-"
Hippo: "K-?!" *It tripped on its own foot and slid on its face, before bursting into tiny white orbs.*
Trevour: *He lowered his arms in confusion.* "What happened?"
Karol: "Harh?"
Lezard: "It ran out of batteries?" *He sounded confused.*
Rachael: "W-What's going on?" *She spoke on her breath, catching the party's attention.*
Karol: "Waichael!"
Trevour: "Boss!" *He smiled and turned around.*
Lezard: "Phew..." *He sighed and collapsed onto his back, taking a deep breath.* "I'm out, bwarharh."
Rachael: *She stared at the night sky with a saddened face.* (Twortz...)
Ordin: *He watched the man choke, as he held his sword through his neck.* "It's over."
Man: "Thank.. You.." *He became limp, allowing Ordin to remove the sword from his neck.*
Destiny: "Yeup."
Luna: "So-" *She looked down to the next level where the Scoldrant jumped off.* "The Twotters look-a-like died too?"
Nathan: "Yes."
Luna: (Having a Soul Link.. It's kool, but it's still freaky as shit.) *She stood up straight and recollected herself.* (The lizard-like hippo things died because that guy did-)
Grey: "What is this phenomenon?! Someone, please respond."
Hayward: *She looked up to Grey who stood on a floating glyph.* "You are to say-"
Skyward: "You've never seen it?"
Grey: "I've seen it, but I had reason to believe it was just an ability."
Ordin: "I too have encountered this several times, but thought nothing more of it."
Luna: "Ah, why? That's somethin' worthy of tellin' your ruler, aye?"
Ordin: "There are many powers and abilities out there! Still many things we don't know-"
Grey: "Ordin, it's fine."
Ordin: "Your majesty." *He placed the sword over his shoulder, causing it to turn invisible.*
Grey: "Meet me at the research facility! I wish to know more about this." *He suddenly disappeared in a flash of purple light.*
Luna: "Let's go, let's see how Rachael is goin'." *She turned around and started to run across the bridge, causing Nathan to follow.*
*Zazark suddenly appeared in a small well-lit cave, catching Tara's attention.*
Tara: "Ah, Zazark-..." *She paused and looked confused.* "Where are their heads?"
Zazark: *He threw his arm on the ground and staggered forward, dropping to his knees.* "Reattach it now!"
Tara: "Fufufu, what happened-?"
Zazark: "Before the Neurons seep out of it!" *He shouted, staring at his arm in a worried-like manner.*
Tara: *She shook her head and walked towards Zazark, kicking his arm into her hand.* "Tell me everything that happened."
*Trevour and Nathan helped Rachael down the hallway, watching the rest of the party turn left to enter the research facility at the end of the hallway.*
Trevour: "Are you sure you're okay, boss?"
Rachael: "I'm fine. And when did you start calling me boss, hehe?"
Trevour: "I don't know." *He smiled, focusing his attention ahead.*
Nathan: "You can rest if you want?"
Rachael: "Hehe, no way! I need to know what's happening. It feels like I've been out for several days."
Nathan: "Hmph." *He smirked and walked into the research facility, watching Grey and Ordin talk to Dawn.*
Ordin: *He noticed Nathan, Trevour and Rachael enter the facility.* "Your majesty."
Sceldrant's Comet Page 63