Stag: A Masquerade Ball Romance

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Stag: A Masquerade Ball Romance Page 7

by Angela Blake


  Rachel was pleasantly buzzed by the time they got to the hotel room, but not drunk enough to make any hasty decisions. She watched Brendan covertly from the corner of her eye, so tall and straight and handsome, his hazel eyes so large and guileless, hiding a depth of intelligence and emotion she had yet to experience with anyone else. But when those eyes turned gold, they were even lovelier, if also slightly scary. She wanted to see the stag again when she wasn’t hunched over in terror or frozen in shock. But she didn’t know how to ask. Was it rude to ask a man to shape shift for you? Was it like asking how much money he had?

  “What?” Brendan asked, turning those hazel eyes on her. Rachel blushed at being caught staring.

  “I was wondering…” she said, apparently having taken enough alcohol to loosen her tongue, “if you would mind turning into the…”

  Her flush deepened with embarrassment. She could not believe she’d asked him that. She would deserve it if he turned his back on her and left her standing by herself in the hotel corridor.

  “You want to see the stag?” he said instead.

  She nodded her head rather jerkily, still red with mortification.

  Brendan stopped at her door, swiping the key card to open it and then ushering her inside.

  “Do you mind if I strip? It’s a lot more comfortable to turn when I’m naked.”

  Rachel swallowed loudly and then nodded her head, hardly able to meet his eyes. She could feel saliva pooling in her mouth at the thought of seeing him unclothed in front of her. She wondered if she should close her eyes, maybe turn away?

  “You can look if you want,” he said like he could read her mind.

  She took a deep breath and opened eyes she hadn’t realized she’d closed. She gasped, moaning softly at the site of the tall muscled man in front of her, covered completely in red gold fur except for his six-pack which still maintained its happy trail and defined muscles but no other hair. His nipples stood out, like tiny strawberries on his chest, his shoulders covered in downy fur that snuck down his arm in an intricate pattern of waves and whorls she couldn’t follow. The horns on his forehead stood tall and proud above each eyebrow. He regarded her with golden eyes, blinding in their beauty, even though she could still detect the fear of rejection shimmering behind the bravado.

  He quite literally took her breath away.

  “You’re…beautiful,” she said softly and something like relief gentled his features and she thought that he might be smiling. It was hard to tell with his huge teeth in his slightly elongated mouth but his eyes were shining with happiness.

  She was careful not to drop her own to below his waist. She didn’t want to look like a creep but also she was scared to look. She’d had his stag penis inside her when she orgasmed so hard she thought she might have gone blind; while simultaneously awash with terror at the sight of him looming over her, caught up in his own ecstasy.

  “You can look if you want,” he said and this time she was sure he was reading her mind. His voice was rougher, slightly garbled in this guise he was in, but she could understand him clearly. Her eyes dropped slowly, skirting his slim waist and strong thighs before settling on his…

  Rachel stopped breathing.

  Surely that size couldn’t be right.

  There was no way that thing had fitted inside her.

  She closed her mouth when she realized it was open and raised her eyes to meet Brendan’s golden ones, shining with amusement.

  “That’s not real,” the words were out of her mouth before she could censor them.

  Brendan laughed, “So the fur on my body, that’s believable but the size of my…” his left eyebrow went up, lifting his horn with it. Rachel just stared.

  It was a lot.

  She took in a shaky breath and turned away, not knowing what to do or say. She felt rather than heard him take a step toward her.

  “Rachel? Are you okay?”

  “You can change back now,” she said in lieu of a reply.

  She heard him sigh and then the rustling of clothing, “I’m decent. You can turn around now,” he said and she did as he asked, cheeks flaming.

  “Umm,” she said.

  “Do you want me to go? It’s late, I should go,” he said answering his own question.

  Rachel was shaking her head before she even had a chance to think about it, “Stay.” She said, “Talk to me.”

  Brendan’s shoulders came down from the hunch they’d been in and he smiled at her, “Okay. I’ll stay.”

  They both took a seat, settling gingerly onto the settee, facing each other. The silence in the room was just this side of uncomfortable when they both opened their mouths to speak.



  Nervous laughter filled the room and then Brendan gestured to Rachel, “You go ahead,” he said.

  “I just wanted to ask you about your school experience at Harvard.”

  “Oh? What about it?”

  “Well, I haven’t been to college so I don’t know how it works but I hear it can be difficult. So how did you manage especially with your…problem?”

  Brendan laughed, “You can say it you know? I stopped being ashamed or embarrassed about it a long time ago.”

  “So everyone in your life knows about…it?”

  “No. Just my parents. I didn’t join any sort of organized education until I learned to control it. It’s not like the lore on werewolves you know? I don’t have to turn at the full moon.” Brendan grinned at her.

  “Oh, okay well but clearly it’s not totally under your control right? I mean you didn’t mean to turn during…sex, did you?”

  “No, I guess not. It’s primarily linked to emotions, the turning. It’s never happened during sex before though. I usually have better control than that.”

  “Maybe it’s cause you were drunk.”

  “Or maybe it’s because it was you.”

  Rachel’s lashes swept down to cover her eyes as her cheeks filled with color, “Oh,” she said quietly. She really did not know what to make of all this. She took a deep breath to fortify herself and then lifted her eyes to stare into his.

  “Brendan?” she said softly.

  “Yeah Rachel?” he replied matching her tone.

  “What do you want from me?”

  Brendan drew in a nervous breath, “Well, for one thing, I’m really enjoying talking to you like this. Knowing that you know who, or what, I am and are still here. I guess, I’ve always felt this connection to you that I didn’t quite understand. And now that I’ve spoken to you and interacted with you, that sense of connection is just stronger. Am I alone in this?”

  Rachel shook her head slowly, “I think that,” she began slowly, “If I didn’t feel that…connection as you say, I’d have turned tail and ran like, after that first crazy…”

  “Yeah. I wouldn’t have blamed you at all. Sorry for traumatizing you by the way. Please do send me all your therapy bills.”

  They both laughed softly, eyes locked on each other in perfect understanding.

  “So uh, Harvard?” Rachel prompted before it got awkward.

  “Oh yeah well, I was homeschooled for most of my life so being in an institution set up was definitely different. I enjoyed it though, the different people, learning, finding out the myriad of ways that people can be messed up. It made me feel a lot better about…you know, my own problem.”

  “Yeah I guess being surrounded by drunk ass college students might give you some perspective.”

  Brendan laughed, “That. And the fact that I realized that everyone was just trying to fit in. To be ‘normal’ whatever normal is. I missed you though.” He cut his eyes at her as he said it, as if he was suddenly shy to admit it.

  “You missed me when you were in Harvard?”

  “Yeah. I mean I couldn’t keep an eye on you and well…it’s not like anyone knew about my…activities. So there was nobody I could ask how
you were or anything. I did keep an eye on your Facebook though.”

  Rachel laughed, “You really weren’t kidding about that stalking thing. Do I need to be worried.”

  He caught her eye and held it, letting everything he felt bleed through, “Probably,” he said so softly she would not have heard if she wasn’t watching him.

  “Huh.” She replied, suddenly feeling like her chest was constricted, “It’s funny then because I am not worried. Like at all.”

  “Hmm, yeah that is kinda funny.”

  Rachel laughed, “You know if I were reading this in a book, I would be like, Nooo girlie! What are you doing?” she said holding her head theatrically as she grinned at him.

  “And you know what’s even more funny?” he replied with a grin of his own, “I would be right there with you.”

  “Ugh, this is so Bella and Edward. Tell me something to distract me from how messed up we are.”

  “Something like what?” he asked and licked his lips. Rachel’s eyes dropped to watch the progression of his tongue all without her head’s permission.

  “I don’t know,” she said distractedly, eyes still half lidded.

  “How about this?” he asked softly and then those lips were on hers, tongue running along her mouth, asking gently, warmly, for entrée.

  ‘Well since you asked so nicely,’ she thought with a shrug before opening her mouth and letting him in.

  Chapter Eleven: Ireland the Beautiful

  The feel of Brendan’s tongue in her mouth was doing things to Rachel’s libido she hadn’t previously known a simple kiss could do. Her knees were weak, if she hadn’t been sitting down, she would have fallen down. She leaned forward, letting him take her weight and she felt his hands rise slowly, tracing her figure from her slim waist, tapering upwards to her perky breasts. His warm hands cupped her bosom, squeezing gently even as his tongue explored the depths of her mouth, getting closely acquainted with the taste and feel of her tonsils. The soft flick of his fingers at her nipples had her stiffening. She hadn’t even realized her dress was open. It was a simple denim shirt dress with buttons all down the front. From the feel of the cool breeze on her stomach, he’d made a lot of headway in unbuttoning her.

  She couldn’t be bothered to unglue their lips long enough to check. She was too busy enjoying the cosmic connection of being joined to him, mouth to mouth. She was enjoying how her head was spinning, her fingers were tingling as they combed through his red gold mane, she could not feel her face. Her mouth was hot and hungry, as her hands pulled his head ever closer, seeking something that remained just out of reach.

  She moaned impatiently, burrowing closer, but never close enough. She wanted him in her, around her, within her; it was an insatiable need that was stoked by every stroke and lick and nip of his tongue and teeth. His lips pressed hotly against hers, seemingly with an appetite to match hers. His hands were hard on her hips, pressing into the bone. He would definitely leave bruises. Then she was straddling him and his hands were moving her, backwards and forwards…and downward, making her grind into him. He was so long and thick and hard, she really should have been afraid. Instead she was so turned on all her muscles felt like they were melted in a puddle at her feet. Her panties were wet through and she just wanted him to take them off.

  But he was in no hurry it appeared, simply keeping her in teasing tantalizing contact with his erection without making an effort to consummate that connection.

  “Brendan please,” she moaned, sufficiently motivated to separate their lips for the two seconds it took her to get the words out. He pulled her closer and arched upward, and she could feel the hard head of his penis poking against the slick cotton of her panties. If she ground down hard enough, he could penetrate her just fine.

  The thought flashed through her mind, quickly followed by the caution that he wasn’t wearing a condom. Finally reluctantly, she pulled back from him, clothes all askew, breathing ragged, “Do you have a condom?” she asked.

  His only answer was a groan followed by fumbling in his pocket. His wallet fell to the floor and he reached down with a muttered complaint to pick it up. His other hand was forced to leave her hip so he could fumble in his wallet and extract the condom. Rachel grinned to watch his frustration but that grin was quickly wiped out by the predatory look in his eye as he caught hers. She could see the fur on his arm thickening and the beginnings of horns peeking from his forehead.

  “Oh no buddy. I am not making love to a stag, rein that in right now,” she said hands waving at his arms and head. He looked down in surprise and his expression became sheepish.

  “Sorry. Lust is just the devil,” he said as the fur and horns disappeared.

  Rachel grinned, “Hey, I’m just that irresistible. Don’t sweat it.”

  “Oh ha ha.” Brendan said even as he slipped on the condom, “Come here,” his voice was much hoarser as he stared at her with golden eyes. She went, utterly mesmerized by him even as she wondered at her reaction. In truth, she hardly knew him. There was really no reason for her to have such a strong reaction to him. Yet here they were, her leg straddling him with no thought or resistance as she sat in his lap, dress around her waist. Her hips were moving in lazy circles, savoring the hard feel of his dick beneath her as she ground down against it. Suddenly his fingers were there, moving her panties aside so he could thrust upward, right into her. She made a sound somewhere between choked off gasp and stifled scream, feeling him spread her open, splitting her like a peach.

  “Oh God,” she whispered softly, lifting and dropping herself mindlessly onto his erection, head thrown back, mouth open in unspoken bliss.

  “Yeah. Yeah, just like that baby. Just like that,” he encouraged, his hands on her hips, guiding her softly with no pressure. The room was quiet and still, only the slap of flesh on flesh and the occasional moan breaking the tranquility. Rachel could feel tears gather at the corner of her eyes at how good it felt.

  “Oh God, faster Brendan. Faster!”she begged, her body bouncing with a speedier rhythm all of its own as she felt tendrils of sensation unfurl and spread from her heated centre outward, to touch every part of her being. This was too good. She didn’t know how she was supposed to stand it.

  “Brendan!” she cried, arching forward, feeling like it was all too much and not enough at the same time, “Please!”

  “I got you.” He replied hastening his pace to frantic, “I got you.”

  His voice sounded like he’d been screaming all day, breath coming harshly as his hands dug into her hips, applying actual pressure as he pulled her down hard onto his dick and then lifted her up, slamming her down again.

  She screamed, unable to contain all the emotion that wanted to shoot out of her body in sharp bright shards of frenzied feeling.

  “Let yourself go babe. Go on. Let yourself feel.” He urged, grinding harder, deeper into her; not giving an inch. She bounced frantically on his dick, trying to find a way not to spontaneously combust while chasing that elusive prick that would burst her swollen aching balloon of need and finally release her from its unbearable hold.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes! Faster. Harder. Come on. Give it to me. Give me all of it.” He whispered in her ear as he flipped her over, pulling her legs up onto his shoulders and really going to town. Her mouth was open in a soundless scream as he pounded and pounded into her, his fingers reaching between her legs to nudge against that sensitive nub at her entrance and making her vision white out.

  Suddenly she relaxed as that bubble burst, cascading out of her body in what felt like rivers of release.

  “Aaaaahh,” she cried as her arms spread wide in surrender.

  “God you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he said as he leaned in, capturing her lips in his and thrusting into her with renewed vigor and zero finesse.

  She felt herself move up the couch as he snapped into her again and again, almost growling in his throat as his own ecstasy came bearing down upon him.

  His back arched in extremity and he shuddered his way to silence as she felt herself convulse again around him, spurting some more fluid ostensibly in sympathy with him. He collapsed on top of her and lay as if dead, and she could not find the energy to dislodge him. They lay in mutual satisfaction until breathing became an issue.

  Rachel pushed at him and he rolled off her, onto the floor, laying spread eagled and staring as if stunned.

  “You alright?” she asked after a while, becoming concerned.

  He was silent for so long that she feared she had broken him.

  “I am…awesome,” he said eventually.

  Rachel laughed softly, lying back on the sofa and staring up at the ceiling as well, “Good to know,” she said.

  Before she knew it, she had dropped off to sleep.


  It was the shaking that woke her, a soft voice in her ear calling her name, “Wha-what?” she asked flailing into a seating position and looking around her confusedly.

  “You should go to bed,” Brendan said, his hand on her elbow.

  She stared at him for a while, not really all the way up yet, as if trying to figure out who he was.

  “It’s Brendan? I brought you here. We had sex?” he said to her grinning widely at her frazzled face.

  “Ummph,” she replied grumpily, “You’re not funny.”

  He helped her to stand up since she was unsteady on her feet and then escorted her to the bedroom.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as he helped her into bed.

  She looked up at him in surprise, “You’re not staying?”

  He stared at her as if he wasn’t sure what she meant by that.

  “Do you want me to?” he asked.

  In answer, she moved to make space for him, flopping down on one pillow as she looked up at him, eyebrows raised. He sighed slipping naked into the bed and then lay still, leaving a significant amount of space between them.

  Rachel laughed, “Was I the virgin or was it you?” she asked tugging at his arm. He moved easily, letting her tug him across the space between them and landing flush against her. He flung his arm around her waist without further urging, smiling at her as he fitted his body around hers.


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