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The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 18

by A. K. Michaels

  Donovan only nodded once before heading towards the door. He took one last look at Peri before he left. Josef knew he could see she was tired and upset. The large Vampire was hoping he had a chance to hurt those that had caused that upset, the ones who had tortured and murdered her friend, Daiki.

  Chapter 3

  Josef’s acute hearing detected the footsteps and trolley before they even got to the door. He opened it and relieved the waiter of the food, lifting the plate and juice from the top of the trolley.

  Josef turned and closed the door with the heel of his foot and made his way to the table. He placed the plate at the head of the table, Peri’s place, and the juice next to it.

  “Come, Peri, eat.” Josef’s tone told Peri he wasn’t going to take no for an answer, but she wondered if she could keep the food down.

  Her stomach was clenching and roiling, as she made her way to her seat. She sat down and Gabe and Josef took their places, on either side of her. As Josef took the silver cloche off the top of the plate, the smell wafted up into her nostrils. She was surprised when her mouth started to water, and she realized she was going to eat.

  She hadn’t eaten in days and hadn’t thought she would be able to. However, the scent of the light omelet wafting upwards, had her realizing how hungry she was. She gave Josef a small smile, as she started to eat.

  Josef relaxed back into his seat, as soon as he knew Peri was going to eat under her own steam. Thank goodness. He hadn’t wanted to use his power on her, but if she hadn’t eaten, then he would have. She was getting so thin now, he was certain she would get ill soon. If she didn’t eat, that was. He felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders seeing her tuck into the food.

  “Josef, what was that about the spa girls?” Gabe asked, trying to make some conversation, as Peri ate her food.

  “Ah, yes, the spa girls. I’ve arranged for several to come in the morning. Peri is going to be pampered for the morning. Massage, facial, oh and some waxing.” Josef looked to Peri for her reaction.

  “Waxing? Just what am I getting waxed?” Peri spoke, just before she popped some more food into her mouth, and her eyebrow was raised on one side.

  “I think you know, little Witch. Completely bare, just the way we like it.” Josef tried not to laugh at the expression on her face.

  “What!? Won’t that hurt?” Peri had never been waxed in her life. To get waxed now, down there, well she wasn’t sure if she wanted to.

  “Women have that waxed all the time, baby,” Gabe said, with a huge smile. He hoped Peri did it, couldn’t wait to see her all bare and waiting on them.

  “Mmm, I’m not sure. I’m not agreeing to anything until tomorrow.” Peri was sure it would hurt. Was it as common as Gabe seemed to think? She didn’t know. Had no idea, whatsoever. She would wait and ask whoever it was that came in the morning. No, wait, she wouldn’t ask them, she would ask Tania.

  Tania was the salesgirl from one of the fancy shops in the hotel. She had helped Peri pick a host of clothes and also showed her how to apply makeup. Peri liked her and wondered if Tania would think it weird her asking something so, well, personal.

  Too bad if she did, ’cause Tania was the only other female she knew. Peri looked to Josef, about to ask if she could see Tania, when he got up and moved to the in-house phone. Josef picked it up and dialed a number and asked that Tania come up to their suite.

  Peri smiled, her Vampire had been reading her thoughts again. This time she didn’t mind at all, she just wanted some advice from another female.

  “Thanks,” Peri said, as Josef returned to the table and Gabe looked between the two. He had no idea what was going on.

  Josef pulled his mobile out and hit a speed dial. “Donovan, Tania from the shop downstairs will be coming up soon. Let her pass.” Josef didn’t wait on any kind of response, he just hung up and replaced his phone in his pocket.

  Peri looked down at her plate and realized she had eaten almost all of the food. Her stomach felt much better, not roiling about any more. She realized it had probably felt so bad because it hadn’t had any food for days.

  “Good, from now on we need to try and get you to eat more. We need to get you to a healthy weight and keep you there.” Josef removed the plate and cloche and took it to their kitchen while Peri finished her orange juice.

  Just as Josef came back through, there was a knock at the door, and he checked with his powers. Tania. The girl was quick, Josef thought. He would give her another nice tip for helping Peri out.

  Josef opened the door and Tania walked in, a big smile on her face. It was obvious to them all that she loved coming here, from the way she looked at the two males. Josef could feel she had butterflies in her stomach, as she came in.

  Peri jumped up and moved towards Tania, taking her hand and pulling her into the bedroom. She was so not having this conversation in front of the guys.

  Peri closed the door and turned to Tania, who was now looking more than a little confused. “Hi, Tania, how are you?” Peri asked, trying to go for casual, but her voice was high with nerves.

  “I’m fine, Peri, just a bit confused? Do you need some help with makeup or something?”

  “Uhm, well....I don’t have any female friends to ask…so...jeez this is embarrassing.” Peri had no idea how to ask what she was wanting to.

  It was obvious that Tania could see the discomfort in her, and she could sense that she wanted to help her. She smiled and moved to sit on the bed, motioning Peri to sit beside her.

  “Come and sit down, you look all flustered. If I can help, I will, Peri, and I won’t talk about it, to anyone. What’s said between us will stay between us, so spill. What’s up?” Tania was still smiling, as Peri sat down cross-legged on the bed beside her.

  “It’s a bit embarrassing and private. I lived on the streets, Tania, and as you know, I didn’t have a clue about clothes or makeup. I also don’t know about other stuff that us girls do, like...uhm...waxing and stuff.” Peri’s face was scarlet, she could feel the heat making its way right up into her scalp and wasn’t ready for Tania’s reaction.

  Tania couldn’t help it, couldn’t keep it in, she laughed, quite loudly.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, it’s just your face. You look so embarrassed and trust me babe, you don’t need to be. So you’ve never been waxed before?” Tania got a hold on herself, as she realized that this was serious, to Peri anyway.

  “No, I’ve never had waxing, or any of the other stuff. So is it as common as the guys are saying? Does everyone do it?” Peri had relaxed slightly now and leaned forward, wanting to hear what Tania said.

  Tania’s hand moved to take a hold of one of Peri’s. “Peri, honey, yeah most of us do it. Maybe not everyone, but certainly most. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t. Why? Do the guys want you to get waxed?”

  Peri nodded her head, still embarrassed that she was so naïve in things like this.

  Tania held onto Peri’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Well, obviously you don’t do anything you don’t want to, but I certainly get waxed regularly. I feel cleaner when I’m waxed. I know that sounds daft, but for me it’s the truth. There are many types of waxing, though. From just a tidy up to the complete removal. I usually go for a Brazilian, but a lot of my friends do the Hollywood.”

  Tania stopped at the curious look on Peri’s face. The girl looked as if she was talking Greek.

  “I take it you don’t know what those mean?” Tania asked, and Peri shook her head no.

  “Okay, right, here we go, for a Brazilian just about everything goes, apart from a small strip in front. A Hollywood means it all goes. An awful lot of my friends do the Hollywood, they like the feel of nothing being there. Those are the ones that I’m familiar with, but there are lots of others, if you don’t want to go that far. What were you thinking of getting?” Tania saw another blush come across Peri’s face.

  “Uhm, not sure. Isn’t it sore?” P
eri was sure it would be, but if so, then why did so many get it done?

  “Not really. If you have a good waxer, it’s done quickly with minimum discomfort. The girls downstairs are fab. That’s where I go. It’s all done quite fast, Peri. If you want, I’ll take you.” Tania just couldn’t see Peri going into the spa and asking for this on her own.

  Peri laughed, “Oh, no need, Josef’s already organized for them to come here in the morning. I just had no idea about any of it, and you were the only one I could think of to talk to about it.”

  “Well, I could come back tomorrow, stay with you while you’re getting all prettied up?”

  “Would you? Tania that would be great. I have no idea what to ask for or anything, so if you could, I would be really grateful.” Peri relaxed visibly now. Her one and only female contact and she was so friendly. She was glad she had thought to ask Tania about all this.

  “No problem, though, you’ll need to get Josef to speak to my manager. I’m supposed to be on the early shift tomorrow.”

  “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem, Tania, and I really do appreciate your help.” Peri was enjoying sitting and chatting like this, even if it had been a tad embarrassing to begin with.

  “So, Peri, want to tell me your story? I mean, you seem to have those two drooling over you. Even Josef, and I’ve never seen him like that. Usually he’s so cold and hard. Good looking, but distant, ya know?” Tania had clearly been dying to find out more about Peri, and this seemed the time to do it.

  “Not a lot to say, really. They found me when I was trying to take down a bounty skip and ...”

  Tania gasped and interrupted. “What? You were trying to catch some escaped bounty guy?!” Tania was sure she had heard wrong. Peri wasn’t big enough to do that, surely?

  Peri laughed at Tania’s shocked expression. “Yeah, I’d been doing that for a while. Tania, can I trust you?”

  Peri’s words had Tania staring intently at her, the girl looked very serious. Tania nodded her head.

  “Peri, I won’t ever repeat anything you tell me, unless you say I can. I know you’re kinda special. Christ, to see those two and you together, folks would need to be blind not to see just how special you are. You can trust me, honest.” Tania stared into Peri’s eyes, as if wanting the younger woman to see the truth in her words.

  Peri saw only honesty in Tania, no deceit at all. She decided to take a chance, something she had never done before. She was going to tell someone about her past. She hoped she didn’t scare Tania away, she needed a girlfriend.

  “Okay Tania, please don’t freak out, but I’m a Witch...”

  Tania did a little squeal. “I knew it! I knew there was something different about you. Those two through there, well it’s obvious they’re not human, though, I’m not sure what they are. But you! I just knew you were special, Peri.”

  Peri blushed at Tania’s words. Never had she thought of herself as special. Different, a freak, things like that she thought of herself, but never special.

  “Firstly, Gabe’s a Wolf and Josef is a Vampire...”

  Again Tania broke in with a little high-pitched squeal. “A Wolf AND a Vampire! Jeez girl, you don’t do things by half do you?!”

  Peri tried to smother her smile, as she tried to go on. “I didn’t know that when I met them, though. Now I’m so glad I did. They’re my mates.”

  Peri stopped herself this time, knowing Tania would just interrupt anyway. She was right.

  “What?! BOTH of them? Christ, what I would do to just have one, even for a night! I bet they would treat a lady well, in EVERY department!” Tania gave a rather dirty little smile, and Peri blushed again, as she guessed at what Tania was referring.

  “I am not talking about that, Tania! I’ll only agree...” This time both of them burst out laughing.


  Gabe was smirking, as he followed the conversation with his Wolf hearing. Josef gave him a frown, and Gabe tried not to laugh.

  “Hey, she needs some friends Josef, and that’s just girl talk. Tania certainly seems to have a soft spot for you. I bet you knew it, too, what with that mindreading thing you do.” Gabe was still listening in as he spoke, and Peri was now settling in to tell Tania about her life.

  Josef heard it, too, and he wondered if it was a good idea. He knew Peri needed someone to talk to, a friend, but he also worried that Tania wouldn’t be able to keep her mouth shut.

  If Tania let any of this slip, she could put Peri in danger, along with herself. Josef was pretty sure that those after Peri would deal with Tania, just as harshly as they had Daiki. Fuck. He would have to put a guard on her, just in case.

  Josef had no intention of letting Tania get hurt. If she was, then he was sure Peri would blame herself, as she had done over Daiki. He pulled his phone out and dialed Donovan.

  Chapter 4

  Josef had arranged for someone to keep an eye on Tania. He was taking no chances with the girl’s safety. He would not have Peri blaming herself, if something were to happen to Tania.

  He and Gabe had listened in on the conversation between the two in the bedroom, neither had an ounce of shame doing so. Both wanted to hear what Peri said, but more importantly, they relished in hearing her laugh.

  There was a lot of laughter. After Tania had gotten over the shock of Peri’s life, that was. Peri even confided in Tania about her scars, which shocked both of the men listening in.

  Neither had thought she would speak of those scars on her back. Scars that they no longer saw or cared about, she was the most beautiful being on the planet to them. However, they knew that their little mate felt self-conscious about them, and for her to talk to Tania about them? Well, that showed that maybe, just maybe, she was feeling not quite so bad about them.

  “I hope we can make her forget them, Jo,” Gabe said quietly, with a lump in his throat.

  “I agree, Wolf, hopefully soon she won’t feel as she does now about them. I’ve been thinking of getting her to a plastic surgeon. Not because they bother me, I no longer see them, but she may want to, what do you think?” The ancient Vampire asked his friend.

  “Not sure, maybe? Shit, we live in Vegas, it gets mighty hot here, and she should be able to wear whatever she bloody wants without having to worry about those scars. Maybe after we’ve mated and got rid of her father, we could ask her then. I’m only scared she’ll think we want it, though, even if it’s not for us, she may think it is.” Gabe was frowning, the last thing he would want to do was make his little mate feel worse about those fucking scars.

  “Yes, she may, but we will have to assure her that we do not care about them. I’ll make some enquiries, see if it would even be possible. If not, the point is moot, but if it is, then I’ll give her the information and let her decide with no coercion from us.” Josef was looking thoughtful, as he knew just who to ask, when the time came.


  Peri was just finishing telling Tania about her life. Something she didn’t think she would, or could, talk about so easily with anyone.

  Tania was so nice, relaxed, and friendly, that it had been quite easy for her to talk. She found once she started, it all came tumbling out. Peri only stopped when Tania interrupted for more info or explanation on something.

  When Peri told Tania about her scars, the shock on her face was clear for her to see. She was sure she even saw a tear or two in Tania’s eyes before she seemed to steel herself.

  “So, that’s the story of me. What about you, Tania? I don’t know anything about you.” Peri was feeling relaxed sitting here and chatting, even if some of the subject matter was painful.

  “Oh, jeez, my life is so boring! Nothing like yours, Peri. I’ve lived in Vegas my whole life. Never thought of leaving here, I love it. The buzz, the excitement, all of it. But I do like to go home to my quiet little apartment and leave all the razzmatazz behind. I had a boyfriend for a few years, but we split up abou
t six months ago. Not done any dating since then. I want to make sure I’m all healed and not hung up on the past before I go forward, if you get me.” Tania smiled at Peri with a rueful look on her face.

  “Not really, Tania. I’ve never had a boyfriend. Hadn’t even kissed anyone until I met Josef and Gabe.” Peri’s face flushed a little, as her mind wandered to her men.

  “Well, you’ve certainly gone all out now, Peri. Two guys, and those two! I know they adore you. It’s clear to see it, when they look at you. You are very lucky. Very lucky, indeed.”

  “Oh, I know that, Tania. I know how lucky I am. You forget, I lived in my car before all this!” Peri half-laughed, the realization that she was now living in a luxurious penthouse was still new to her.

  “Tania, I’m worried about the spa girls. Nobody else has seen my scars. It’s not something I’m comfortable with.” Peri didn’t know how the next morning was going to pan out. She was certainly not letting anyone see or touch her back.

  “Peri, they will be here to do what you want. If you want to keep a t-shirt on, that’s up to you. Trust me, us girls that work here, we’re used to a lot of eccentric folks. A shy girl won’t faze them at all. I’ll be here. As soon as they arrive, I’ll let them know not to even ask you to take your t-shirt off. How does that sound?”

  Peri’s face relaxed slightly. “Really? They won’t think I’m…a bit...strange?” Peri had been worrying about this in her head, ever since Josef had mentioned it.

  “Peri, you are so much less strange than many we have to deal with. Trust me. Plus with me here, there’s nothing to worry about. Listen, I’d better move, get back to work before my manager gives me a dressing down.”

  “Thanks, Tania. Really, I mean it, thank you for all your help.” Peri was feeling so much better about all of this, and she hoped she and Tania could become good friends. Tania was fun and made Peri feel relaxed and almost normal.

  “No problem. I need to get back to work now, but I’ll see you tomorrow morning. What time?” Tania asked, as she got up from the very large bed.


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