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The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 46

by A. K. Michaels

  It was getting late and way past dinner time when Tania finally left, with kisses and hugs. “Remember, we’ll go shopping next week – we need to check out some nice things for you to wear when you get bigger.”

  “Okay, but I’m just looking, I’m not buying anything.” Peri tried to sound stern but failed, her smile and twinkling eyes showing she was excited at going shopping with her friend.

  Josef walked along the hallway from his office, thinking this was as good a time as any to give Peri something. “This is for you.”

  The women turned, looking at him as he spoke, Tania’s eyes widened at the card he held in his hand. Peri just looked at it with confusion.

  “Peri, that’s a Black Card, it’s the most exclusive credit card anyone can get! It has no limit on it – none!” Tania gushed.

  “Oh, but I don’t need something as fancy as that,” Peri stuttered as she took the card from Josef’s hand.

  “Of course you do, you’re my mate, so you should be able to buy whatever you please. This card means you can do that. Keep it safe though, I don’t want to fund some thief’s shopping spree.”

  “What? Don’t I need some kind of ID and where’s the bit to sign it?” Peri was turning the card over and over in her hand as she spoke, a slight frown on her face.

  “Peri, hon, those cards don’t work the same as us normal mortals’ ones.” Tania was stage whispering, and Gabe was trying hard not to laugh. When was the girl going to realize that he and Josef could hear everything?

  “So I don’t need ID? I just hand it over?”

  “Yes, that’s all, you can use it for whatever you want. I mean that, Peri, if you want anything at all, then you get it, understood?” Josef wanted to give her the moon, but as that was impossible, he would make darn sure he gave her whatever else she wanted.

  “Yes, but what if I want to get you something? Or Gabe? Can I use it for that, too?” She already had seen something for Gabe and had been trying to figure out how to raise the cash.

  “You can use it for anything, anything at all.” Josef wondered how long it would take her to get used to having unlimited access to cash, or how long to not feel guilty at buying herself new things instead of getting them from a charity store.

  “Okay, I’ll keep it in my purse, jeez, it feels weird. I’ve never had a card before, never had much money either.”

  She laughed at this, but the thought brought a frown to Josef’s face. Thinking of the years she struggled, could barely eat, always upset him.

  “I’ll help ya spend on that honey, don’t you worry. Next week we’ll make a morning of it and then...”

  Gabe interrupted, “We can all meet up for lunch, I can even see if Donovan’s available!”

  Tania’s face was a picture as she realized that their conversation had been heard. Her face slowly turned red before she pecked Peri on the face and made a very quick exit, as Gabe’s laughter followed her out the door.

  “That was cruel.” Peri pulled Gabe’s hair in retaliation of his embarrassing her friend.

  “What? I’m being serious. I’ll ask him if he wants to join us – that’s okay, isn’t it, Josef?”

  Josef didn’t look too happy at the idea. “Well, if you are inviting Donovan, I’ll leave the four of you to it. I somehow don’t feel comfortable with the idea of a lunch date where you’re trying to set my employee up with another of my employees. So the four of you can have lunch together...I’ll even pay for it.”

  “Great!” Gabe had such a cheeky look on his face that Peri wondered if that had been his idea all along.

  “So what do you fancy for dinner?” Gabe asked. She sat down, frowning at his obvious manipulation of the situation regarding Tania.

  “Oh anything, I'm not that hungry, though I am tired. Something light and then I’m going to bed.”

  She placed her head on the large cushion to the side of her, closed her eyes...just for a moment...and fell fast asleep.

  “Should I order her something?” Gabe asked quietly, not wanting to disturb her.

  “I think we should let her rest, I’ll move her into bed in a moment. Order her a club sandwich and we can keep it in the kitchen fridge, it hardly gets used as it is.”

  Josef moved to their bedroom, readying the bed for his mate before coming back and easily lifting her into his arms. The feel of her lying there felt so right to him as he wondered how he had gone through so many centuries without this…love.

  He wanted her to rest well. They had a busy day ahead of them tomorrow. He closed the bedroom door as he left the room, Peri sound asleep in their bed.

  His mobile vibrated and he saw Ronan’s name on the display as he removed it from his pocket. “Hello, Ronan, I hope you are well?”

  “Oh dear fucking God! I just saw it – I just saw it!”

  Ronan panted down the phone, and Josef frowned at the lack of restraint in his voice. “What? What did you just see?”

  “A Dragon! That’s what! A freaking Dragon! Josef, it was magnificent! I was chasing those hunters I told you about, we’re on the very edge of the city – shit no, we’re quite a-ways out at an abandoned warehouse, and I saw them chasing something – I think it was a girl, I didn’t get a good look – anyway, I went after them, and as I ran through the building and out the other side I saw it! It was huge and the speed it took off was totally unbelievable! I’ve got to find it…I’ve got to help it...”

  Ronan’s voice tapered off, as though he was thinking out loud.

  “Yes, you do, my boy, you need to find it and protect it.” Josef said sharply. “That Dragon may very well be the last of its kind, and you have to help it.”

  “What? Oh yeah, that’s what I’m planning on. I’m gonna find matter what. Gotta go, I’ve still got one of those hunters in my sights.”

  Ronan hung up. Josef sat down in his chair, aware of Gabe staring at him.

  “Did I hear right? Ronan just saw a Dragon?”

  “Yes, he did, I think it’s affected him in the same manner as when I first saw one. It’s a sight that stays with you for the rest of your life. I only hope he can find it and help it.”

  “Me too, then I might get to see it.” Gabe's face shone at the prospect, his voice rising at the thought of seeing a real life Dragon.

  “Shh, we don’t want to awaken our mate, she needs rest.” Josef frowned at his friend, who mouthed a quiet ‘sorry.’

  Peri slept right through, waking only a little earlier than her usual hour. Josef watched as she came fully awake, that adorable sleepy smile on her face as she saw him.

  “Morning,” he said, as her eyes focused.

  “Oh morning,” she yawned. “Guess I was more tired than I thought.”

  “Yes, and I’m glad you had a good rest, we’ve a busy day today.”

  “Have we? What’re we doing?” she asked, still not fully awake.

  “Happy birthday!” Gabe exclaimed, pulling her towards him and kissing her passionately.

  When he finally let her up for breath, she frowned. “I said I don’t celebrate my birthday.”

  “That was before, now you’re with us – our mate – and I hope we can make new memories for this day. Happy ones.” Josef reached around, retrieving the small box he had placed on his bedside table the previous night.

  “I know we’re not married as in the human sense, but I thought you may like these.” He handed the box over, waiting on her reaction...he really hoped she liked what he had picked out for her.

  She sat up, her back against the headboard, taking the box from his hand and staring at one then the other. Peri opened the box slowly, revealing a set of rings, a plain platinum band with a solitaire ring to match. The stone in the solitaire wasn’t a diamond, it was a pretty large emerald that was an exact match in color to her eyes.

  Her throat almost closed as she stared at the rings, which looked as if they would fit...ho
w did he know her ring size? She looked up into those eyes of his, usually so cold, which were now staring at her with love shining from them. Gabe was wriggling about on the bed beside her, turning to him she saw a huge smile on his face.

  “They’re perfect,” she managed to get out, never in a million years thinking that this day could be a happy one.

  “He measured your finger when you were sleeping and then made the jeweler promise they would be ready in time. You like them? Really? I helped – it was my idea about the emerald, the old man was gonna go for a diamond, but I thought an emerald would mean more…to all of us.”

  Gabe seemed far more serious than his usual self, she thought, as she nodded her head. The emerald made this the most perfect gift ever. She pulled the rings free, placing them on her left hand ring finger, even if they weren’t ‘officially’ married. They didn’t need a piece of paper to cement their bond.

  The rings slipped on, fitting exactly. As soon as she placed them on Josef took her hand, kissing it gently. “You need to get up and ready – dress casual, very casual, there’s a lot to be done.”

  Josef wouldn’t say any more, and she wondered at his elusive instructions.

  “Can we at least have a shower together?” she asked with a very cheeky smile, which had Gabe whooping and jumping out of bed.

  Josef followed her into the bathroom, and she had to was a hell of a way to start her birthday!

  After Gabe and Peri had eaten breakfast, Peri went in search of her combat boots, pulling them on and tucking in the bottoms of her jeans. She was dressed as casually as her new wardrobe would allow, t-shirt with shirt over it, her jeans, and of course her favorite boots. Her men were dressed similarly, she loved seeing her Vampire dressed in clothes other than a fancy suit.

  Gabe was obviously excited, but wouldn’t give anything away and neither did Josef. He held her hand as the elevator lowered and soon they were in one of the SUVs, Josef driving and her up front with Gabe in back.

  “Come on, tell me where we’re going.” She wasn’t sure she liked surprises, as they drove into an industrial area and past a truck. As though pre-planned, the truck followed them. What on earth is going on, she wondered.

  They drove for another half hour or so. Peri noted the area they were in wasn’t the best. With her Vampire and Wolf with her she wasn’t scared, she just didn’t understand what they were doing here.

  Finally, Josef pulled to the side, parked, and smiled. “We’re here.”

  She looked out, seeing they were parked next to a shabby-looking building with a hand-painted sign, ‘Holly’s House.’ A middle aged woman stood at the doorway.

  “What’s going on, guys?”

  “This was Josef’s idea, we know how you feel about your past, how you had nowhere to go and nobody to help you. Josef found this place. It’s run by Holly, that’s her at the door. She helps runaways, no questions asked. If they need help and she can give it, she does. That truck back there? It’s full – everything from food, to clothes, to bedding, sleeping bags, and even a box full of pre-paid cellphones. We’re here to donate this...for you, for your birthday.”

  Gabe smiled widely enough to reveal every one of his white teeth, and Peri knew her face mirrored the Wolf's.

  “Really? That’s...that’s...shit, it’s awesome! Josef, this is the best present ever! Come on, let’s get that stuff unloaded.”

  With that Peri jumped out, even before her Wolf could reach her as he usually did, moving over to the woman. “Hi, I’m Peri, it’s really nice to meet you, Holly, and I’m very pleased that we can help.”

  Holly looked at her with wide eyes and nodded her head once, as if she truly couldn’t believe she was getting this help. Gabe was already at the rear of the truck helping the driver to unload, but it soon became apparent they would need some more help.

  Even with Josef helping, and that was a strange sight – seeing him lug boxes around – it would take ages to unload. Holly disappeared and was soon back with a group of teenagers, mostly boys who looked seriously underfed. Peri’s heart went out to them, knowing exactly how they were feeling.

  Her men wouldn’t let her lift anything, no matter how light, but she was a good supervisor, she and Holly worked together to get everything unloaded and organized inside. They used a spare room to place everything, and by the end, Holly was in tears at the unexpected generosity.

  “Don’t cry, please. I want to give you our number, too, if you ever need anything, please call.” Peri pulled out her new phone, a present from Gabe, fiddling about until she found her number. Holly wrote it down, holding the paper in her hands, as if scared she would lose it.

  “I just can’t quite believe it. This will help so many kids and keep the roof over our heads...the bank was ready to foreclose on us.”

  “Not any more,” Josef cut in and Peri knew that look, he had done something – what?

  “I’ve paid the mortgages off. How you managed to get a third on this place I’ll never know, but all of them are paid off, they will be in touch with you next week to confirm. The only thing I ask in return is do not take out another...if you ever become that desperate again, then call.”

  Peri jumped up into his arms, placing a kiss to his lips as he held her securely. “You’re an angel!”

  “That’s not something I ever thought I’d hear anyone calling him! An angel!” Gabe’s laughter was loud – uncontrollable even – he didn’t seem as if he was going to stop as he bent over, his hands on his thighs, as he laughed some more.

  “I’m afraid I have to agree with the Wolf,” Josef said sarcastically, placing Peri back on her feet.

  “You’re an angel to us,” Holly spoke quietly, still with a few tears in her eyes.

  “We have to go, we’ve got another appointment and we’re running a little late.” Josef shook the astonished woman’s hand, then turned to leave. Peri said a quick ‘goodbye’ before following.

  She turned as Holly shrieked, seeing Gabe swirling the woman around in his arms, before placing her on rather unsteady feet and kissing her nose. She saw Holly blush as Gabe came after them.

  “Now what?” she asked as Gabe helped her back into the SUV.

  “A surprise,” was the only answer she got, so she settled down to see where they went.

  They left the built-up area and were soon looking at miles and miles of desert. After driving for a while, she saw a building in the distance, and as they drew nearer it appeared to be a heliport. Were they going up in a helicopter?

  “We are, a tour of the Grand Canyon, in style of course.” Josef drove on through some gates and parked near the building.

  ‘VIP Air Tours’ was emblazoned on the building, and also the large helicopter that sat on a large red X. It was jet black with the lettering in red, and seemed a lot bigger than the helicopters she had seen flying all around Vegas.

  A tall, stick-thin man came out of the building, a smile on his midnight-dark face with his teeth so white it was a startling contrast. “Hello and good afternoon, I’m Noah and I’ll be your pilot today. I assume you are our two o’clock and this must be the birthday girl! Everything is ready, shall we go?”

  Noah about-turned and walked towards the helicopter with them following. Peri's feet were slower than normal...she wasn’t sure if she wanted to go up in a helicopter. Josef’s jets were aircraft, proper planes. A helicopter seemed so fragile.

  “It’s perfectly safe. Noah is one of the best pilots in the helicopter industry. Come on, you’ll enjoy it.” Josef’s tone was calm and firm as if he had no doubts at all regarding Noah’s abilities.

  “If you say so,” she mumbled, but followed on.

  Noah held the passenger door open, Gabe jumping up and turning around, holding his hand out to help her. He all but pulled her the entire way in, as she was still reluctant. So, Gabe pulled, and Josef pushed, and in seconds she was sitting in a soft black leather se

  “Just buckle up and put the headphones on so you’ll be able to hear each other – and me – while we’re in the air. There’s some non-alcoholic wine, I understand that was the request?”

  Josef nodded and Noah carried on. “Right, so the wine is non-alcoholic, there are nibbles, in case you get hungry, now just sit back and relax, we’ll be on our way shortly.”

  Peri was anything but relaxed, finding the helicopter flimsy compared to the jet. Her heart was beating wildly as she felt her men take one of her hands each. She took several deep breaths to try and calm her heart as Noah started the engine and the noise grew louder and louder. She now realized that the headphones were a necessity – unless you were a Vampire or Wolf.

  “This is going to be awesome! Hold on tight, Peri, we’re in for a great ride!”

  Gabe’s excitement was almost catching, almost but not quite. Fear was still dominating within her and she jumped as the helicopter started to move...upwards. Oh dear, she wasn’t sure if she was going to like this at all.

  Shutting her eyes tight, she waited for her stomach to stop roiling around, Gabe wasn’t helping either. Each time he whooped or squealed, she jumped in fright, thinking something was wrong.

  “Relax, I wouldn’t put you in danger.”

  Josef’s voice sounded tinny in her ears and she held his hand even tighter. “Open your eyes.”

  She thought for a second, then opened one slightly, and her other popped open all on its own. Her heart lurched at the view before absolutely magnificent vista all around. She saw they were just at the beginning of the canyon and she had no idea how immense it was.

  The sight was incredible, her heart leapt at what Mother Nature had done to the landscape in front of her. The vibrant colors of the rock face stunned her as she stared wide-eyed at the glorious sights. She could even make out the astounding array of different plants hugging the cracks and crevices of the canyon walls.

  As they moved downwards she could clearly see the river rampaging along the floor of this colossal natural wonder of the world. Her fear vanished as she strained to look out of the windows, her head going from left to right and back again. They flew into the cavernous space and dived down...she was sure her stomach had been left several hundred feet up. A small squeal escaped her lips a second before a burst of laughter, soon she was jumping up and down in her seat.


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