The Silver Swan

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The Silver Swan Page 5

by Benjamin Black

  "All the same, Mr. Quirke, I'm sure it's not the usual run of things that a husband will come to a pathologist and ask him not to perform a postmortem. Might it be that Mr. What's-his-name-Swan? no, Hunt-that he might have been worried what you would find if you did slice up his missus?"

  Again Quirke offered no answer, and Hackett let his gaze go blurred once more. He pushed his chair away from the desk until the back of it struck the windowsill, and heaved up his feet in their heavy black hobnailed boots and set them down on the pile of papers on the desk, lacing his stubby fingers together and placing them on his paunch. Quirke noticed, not for the first time, his thick, blunt hands, a countryman's hands, made for spade work, for deep and tireless digging; he thought of Billy Hunt at the table in Bewley's, sorrowful and distracted, delving a spoon in the sugar bowl. "I'm sorry," Quirke said, gathering up his cigarette case and his lighter, "I'm wasting your time. You're right-I'll talk to the coroner myself."

  "Or you'll wait for the inquest and tell a little white lie," the inspector said, smiling happily.

  Quirke rose. "Or I'll tell a lie, yes."

  "To spare your friend's feelings."


  "Since you couldn't see your way to doing what he asked you to do-what he asked you not to do, that is."

  "Yes," Quirke said again, stonily.

  The inspector regarded him with what might be the merest fag end of interest, like a visitor to the zoo standing before the cage of a not very interesting specimen that had once, a long time ago, been a fierce and sleekly fearless creature of the wild.

  "So long, then, Mr. Quirke," he said. "I won't get up-you'll find your own way out?"

  By Trinity College a ragged paperboy in an outsized tweed cap was hawking copies of the Independent. Quirke bought one and scanned the pages as he walked along. He was looking for something on that shirt-factory worker drowned in the Foyle, but there was no news of her, today.

  HE WENT FROM PEARSE STREET TO HIS SUBTERRANEAN OFFICE AT THE hospital and sat at his desk for five minutes tapping his fingers on the blotter. At last he picked up the phone. Billy Hunt answered on the first ring. "Hello, Billy," Quirke said. "I've fixed that, you needn't worry. There'll be no postmortem." Billy's voice was thick and slurred, as if he had been weeping, as perhaps he had. He thanked Quirke and said he owed him one, and that maybe one of these days Quirke would let him buy him a drink. "I don't drink, Billy," Quirke said, and Billy, not listening, said, "Right, right," and hung up.

  Quirke put down the receiver and sat a moment holding his breath, then released it in a long, weary sigh. He closed his eyes and pinched the skin at the bridge of his nose between a finger and thumb. What did it matter what had happened the night that Deirdre Hunt died? What did it matter if Billy came home and found his wife dead from an overdose and drove her naked body out to Sandycove and let it slip into the midnight waters. What did it matter? She was dead by then, and as Quirke knew, better than most, a corpse is only a corpse.

  But it did matter, and Quirke knew that, too.


  ON TUESDAYS, AFTER HER VISIT TO HER GRANDFATHER AT THE CONVENT, it was Quirke's habit to treat his daughter to dinner in the restaurant of the Russell Hotel on St. Stephen's Green. Phoebe professed to like it there; it was shabby-genteel and at the same time, as she said with a disparaging, steely little laugh, quite ritzy. The food was fine, although Phoebe hardly noticed it, and the wine was better-this was the one occasion in the week when Quirke allowed himself to roll gently and briefly off the wagon, onto which he would calmly climb again the next day. This was puzzling, since at other times he was convinced that even one sip would set him back on the old road to perdition, or at least a ruined liver. Somehow his daughter's presence was protection, a magical cordon, against ruinous excess. Tonight they were drinking a rusty claret that Quirke had first drunk on a weekend trip to Bordeaux years before with a woman, the taste of whose mouth he fancied he could still detect in its grape-dark depths; that was what Quirke remembered of his women, their savors, their smells, the hot touch of their skin under his hand, when their names and even their faces had been long forgotten.

  Phoebe wore a narrow black dress with a collar of white lace. To Quirke's eye she looked alarmingly thin, and seemed more so each time they met. Her dark hair was cut short and permed into tight, metallic waves, her one concession to fashion. She favored flat shoes and wore almost no makeup. The nuns who had given shelter to her grandfather would approve of Phoebe. Over the past two years she had fashioned a personality for herself that was cool, brittle, ironical; she was twenty-three and might have been forty. Under her wry and skeptical regard Quirke felt discomfited. Phoebe had grown up thinking she was Mal's and Sarah's daughter, not Quirke's and his wife Delia's, and all her life he had let her go on thinking it until the crises of two years ago had forced him to reveal the truth to her. When she was born it had seemed best, or at least easiest, with Delia dead, to let Sarah take the infant-the Judge had arranged it all-since Sarah and Mal could have no child of their own making, and since Quirke did not want the one he had been so tragically presented with. The trouble, the trouble upon trouble, was that to Sarah he had gone along with the pretense that he thought Delia's baby had died and that he believed Phoebe was indeed Sarah's own. And now Phoebe knew, and Sarah was gone, and Mal was alone, and Quirke was as Quirke had always been. And he was afraid of his daughter.

  Only a few of the tables in the restaurant were occupied, and the two waiters on duty were standing motionless like caryatids on either side of the door that led to the kitchen. The room was lit dimly from above, like a boxing ring, and the off-pink walls lent a rosy, tired tinge to the heavy air.

  "I saw Mal the other evening," Quirke said.

  Phoebe did not look at him. "Oh, yes? And how is he, my erstwhile pa?"

  "Rather sad."

  "You mean sad sad or in a sad condition?"

  "Both. That dog was a mistake."

  "Brandy? I thought he was fond of the poor thing-he said he was."

  "I don't think your-" He stopped himself; he had been about to say your father, out of old habit. "-I don't think Mal is a dog person, somehow." He poured an inch of wine into her glass and his own; the bottle would have to last through dinner, that was the rule.

  "He should remarry," Phoebe said.

  Quirke glanced at her. To Quirke, Mal seemed to have arrived at the condition that was most natural to him, as if he had been born to be a widower.

  Quirke said: "And what about you?"

  "What about me?"

  "Any romantic prospects on your horizon?"

  She looked at him with one eyebrow arched, unsmiling, pursing her pale mouth. "Is that supposed to be a joke?"

  He blenched before her steeliness; she was Delia's daughter, after all, and grew more like her every day. Delia had been the hardest woman he had ever known; Delia had been steel all the way through. It was what he had most loved in her, this exquisite tormented and tormenting woman.

  "No," he said, "I'm not joking."

  "I'm wedded to my job," Phoebe said, with mock solemnity. "Don't you realize that?"

  She had taken a job in a hat shop on Grafton Street, wasting her talents, but Quirke had made no protest, knowing she would just set her jaw, that straight and lovely jaw which was another thing she had of Delia's, and pretend not to hear him.

  Now she laid her knife and fork side by side across her plate-she had hardly touched her steak-and brought out a slim gold cigarette case and a cylindrical gold lighter, not much fatter than a pencil, that Quirke had not seen before. He felt a pang. She must have bought these things herself, for who else would have done so? He pictured her in the shop, poring over the glass cases, the shop assistant watching her with spiteful sympathy, a girl buying presents for herself. He looked at her wrists, at her sharp cheekbones, at the hollow of her throat: everything about her seemed deliberately thinned out, as if she were bent on refining herself steadily until at last there should be nothi
ng of her left but a hair's-breadth outline sketched from a few black and silver lines.

  "I had a funny experience today," she said. "Well, not funny, not funny at all, in fact, but strange. I can't stop thinking about it." She frowned while she selected a cigarette; Passing Cloud, he noticed, was still her brand. He went on studying her sidelong, covertly. The more he saw of her the more he saw her old, sitting in some shabby hotel dining room like this one, in her black dress, poised, wearied, desiccated, incurably solitary. She lit the cigarette and blew a thin stream of smoke and leaned on her elbows on the table, turning the lighter end over end in her fingers. "I called up someone in a place around the corner from the shop who had ordered something for me from America-Kiehl's rose water, you can't get it here. She wasn't there and so I telephoned her home number-she had given me her number and said to call her anytime I needed something. I'd been waiting for the thing and was surprised it hadn't come and I wondered what had happened to it. Her husband answered-at least, I assume it was her husband. He sounded very odd. He said she wasn't available. That's the way he said it: 'She's not available.' Then he hung up. I thought maybe he was drunk or something. By now I was intrigued, so I called her business partner, the man who runs the place with her. He wasn't at home either, but I got his wife. I said how I had been trying to get in touch with this person, and had spoken to her husband or whoever it was, and how he had said in that peculiar way about her being not available. At that the woman gave a laugh-not a happy laugh, more a sort of angry snigger-and said, 'Well, it must be the first time in a long time that that bitch isn't available'-and by the way she said 'available' I knew what she meant. It gave me a start, I can tell you. 'Sorry,' I said, 'I've obviously called at a bad time,' and tried to hang up. But she must have been waiting for someone to come on the telephone so she could have a rant about 'that rat,' which is how she described her husband. She proceeded to tell me the most amazing things. I think she was a bit hysterical-well, more than a bit, in fact. She said she had found a hoard of dirty pictures-I don't know what that meant, exactly-and letters from this woman to her husband, which apparently were pretty filthy too. It was obvious, she said, they'd been having an affair under her nose, the rat and this woman. She went on about it for ages. Some of the time I think she was crying, but as much in rage as anything else. Yes, definitely hysterical. But who wouldn't be, I suppose, after making that kind of a discovery?"

  While she spoke Quirke had felt something stretching in him and gathering force, like a bowstring being drawn back slowly, quivering and humming. Phoebe was still turning the lighter in her fingers. "This woman," he asked, "what's her name?"

  She looked at him. "Which one?"

  "The one who wasn't available."

  He knew what she would say before she said it.

  "Deirdre somebody, but her professional name is Laura Swan-why?"

  THEY LEFT THE HOTEL AND CROSSED THE ROAD TO THE GREEN AND strolled along by the railings in the direction of Grafton Street. Dusk was thickening in the air but the sky above them was still light, a clear dome of whitish blue with one star palely burning low above the rooftops. "What do you do in the evenings," Phoebe asked, "now that you don't go boozing anymore?" He did not answer. But what did he do nowadays with his time? He feared becoming a nightwalker, one of those solitaries who paced the city's streets at evening, keeping close by the walls, or stood in shop doorways or sat in their cars with the engines running, blurred, faceless fellows glimpsed in the flare of a match or by the light from a dashboard, nursing their obscure sorrows. Phoebe said, "You're the one who should be looking for romance."

  They went to the Shelbourne, their old haunt, and sat in the lounge and drank coffee. When she was a schoolgirl he used to take her here of an afternoon and give her tea with little sandwiches and chocolate éclairs and scones with jam and cream. It seemed an age ago-it was an age ago. Tonight the place was empty save for a trio of blue-suited politicians from the nearby government buildings who were conspiring together in a corner beside the empty fireplace. The light at nightfall in this large room was always strange, more a grainy shadowiness than a radiance, drifting down from two enormous, eerily motionless chandeliers. Quirke for his part was wondering what Phoebe did with her evenings. She lived alone in a three-room flat in Harcourt Street. She had no boyfriend, of that he was sure, but did she have friends, people she saw? Did people invite her out, call round to visit her? She would tell him nothing of her life.

  She was smoking again, sitting upright on a little gilt chair with one knee crossed on the other. There was lace at the cuffs of her dress as well as at the throat. It gave her a faintly antique aspect: she might have been a governess, he idly thought, in the olden days, or a rich lady's paid companion. She asked: "Why are you so interested in Laura Swan?"

  He lifted an eyebrow. "Am I?"

  "I saw how you looked when I mentioned her name. Do you know her?"

  "No. No, I don't. I knew her husband, a little, a long time ago."

  "What's he like? He sounded a bit mad on the phone."

  Quirke hesitated. "He's had a loss," he said. He let another momentary silence pass. "The fact is, his wife is dead."

  She stared at him, the cigarette lifted halfway to her mouth. "Who?"

  "His wife. Deirdre-Deirdre Hunt. The one calling herself Laura Swan."

  Something flickered in her eyes, a childlike uncertainty, and a flash almost of fear. For some time she did not speak; then she asked: "How? I mean, what happened?"

  "They found her body one morning last week, on Dalkey Island, washed up on the rocks. I'm sorry-did you know her well? Was she a friend of yours?" She sat frowning now, staring before her blankly. "I'm sorry," he said again, and she gave herself a rapid shake, or it might have been a shiver.

  "I knew her," she said, "but I wouldn't say I knew her well. She stopped to chat sometimes when she was passing by, and I bought cosmetics at the place she has in Anne Street. The Silver Swan, she calls it." She paused. "Drowned. The poor thing." A thought struck her and she looked at him quickly. "Was it suicide?"

  "That will be the coroner's verdict," Quirke said carefully. She caught his measured tone. She said: "But you think otherwise?" He did not answer, only lifted one shoulder and let it fall again. She persisted. "Did you deal with the body-did you do the postmortem?" He nodded. "And what did you find?"

  He looked in the direction of the three politicos in the corner, not seeing them. He asked: "What was she like?"

  Phoebe considered. "I don't know. She was just… ordinary. Pretty, but ordinary. I mean, there was nothing special about her that I could see. Very serious, hardly ever smiled. But always polite, always helpful. I had the impression there was something going on between her and the fellow she runs the place with."

  "Who is he?"

  "Leslie White. English, I think. Tall, skinny, really pale-colorless, even-with the most extraordinary silvery-white hair. Well named, I suppose you could say: White. Wears a silver cravat, too." She wrinkled her nose.

  He was watching her closely as he asked: "How do you know him?"

  "He gave me his card one day when I was in the shop." With a finger she sketched a legend on the air. "Leslie White-Business Director-The Silver Swan. He's always in and out. Creepy type. I wouldn't put it past him to push a woman into the sea." She looked hard at Quirke. "Was she pushed?"

  He turned his gaze from her again. The fact of her knowing them, knowing Deirdre Hunt and this fellow White, was disturbing. It was as if something he had thought safely distant had suddenly brushed against him, touching him with its tentacle. The clock on the mantelpiece at the far end of the room began to chime, a whispery, sinister sound, and at its signal the three politicians rose and hurried together out of the room, still in a huddle, like a skulk of villains in a melodrama.

  "I don't know," Quirke said. "I don't know what happened to her. But I know she didn't drown."

d. He did not try to fool himself that he was sparing Billy Hunt's feelings or shielding his wife's reputation. He was, as it were, sealing off the scene, as Hackett would seal off the scene of a crime, for further investigation. That was all.

  When the court convened at midmorning the air in the room was already soupy and stale. There was the usual headache-inducing bustle, with clerks ferrying documents here and there and the jury settling down grumpily and the newshounds swapping jokes in their kennel off to one side of the court. Quirke noted that the reporters were mostly juniors-it seemed their news editors did not expect much of a story. If it was a suicide it would not be reported; that was the unofficial rule the newspapers observed. The public gallery had its accustomed sprinkling of gawpers and ghouls. Billy Hunt sat at one side of the front row flanked by two women, one old and one young, and held his face in his hands throughout the proceedings. At the other side of the row sat a couple who, Quirke guessed, must be Deirdre Hunt's parents, a washed-out, sick-looking woman in her fifties with peroxided hair, and a short, grizzled, angry-eyed fellow in a brown suit, the jacket of which was buttoned tightly over a keg-shaped torso.

  Sheedy, the coroner, was in his habitual dust-gray suit and blue pullover and narrow, striped tie. He listened to the evidence of the Garda sergeant whose men had lifted Deirdre Hunt's naked corpse off the rocks at Dalkey, then turned his long, pale head towards Quirke and inquired in his chilly way if in the examination he had made of the deceased's remains he had arrived at a conclusion as to the cause of death. "I have," Quirke said, too loudly, too stoutly, and thought he saw the tip of Sheedy's pale nose twitch; Sheedy had been City Coroner for twenty years and had a keen sense of the hesitations and evasions that slithered like fish through the evidence of even the most blameless witnesses who came before him. Quirke hastened on. He had performed an external examination of the body, he said, and as a result had come to the conclusion that the woman had died by simple drowning.


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