Queen of His Heart III

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Queen of His Heart III Page 1

by Lena Hart


  Quartette III

  Lena Hart


  Copyright © 2014

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-941885-06-2


  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission, except in the case of brief passages embodied in critical reviews and articles.


  To CGB—thanks for the memories and the lessons learned.

  And to all my readers and fans—I truly appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.♥



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen







  Lena Hart

  the heartbreaker…

  Judith Bell is comfortable with her quiet, predictable life. After a failed relationship left her emotionally—and physically—scarred, she tries her hardest to ignore Carlos Moreno’s advances. But the sexy, dark-eyed security chief is proving very hard to overlook. When fear and blackmail drive her to compromise her new position at Royal Courts, Judith’s serene life is once again disrupted.

  Carlos is captivated by his boss’ assistant. Beyond her beauty is a sweet, gentle woman needing desperately to be loved. But when an internal investigation points to her, he realizes Judith may not be as innocent as she appears. Left wondering if he’s been duped by a pretty face and a bewitching smile, Carlos finds himself torn between his obligations to Royal Courts or protecting the woman who’s already stolen his heart.

  On the run from her past and forced into hiding, Judith is faced with two choices—either let fear define her future or allow love to heal her wounded heart.

  The Queen of Hearts lives a life of love—and though she may fall, she is strengthened by that which is a part of her.


  Chapter One

  Satin bed sheets slid along her bare legs and fell to the awaiting floor.

  Judith Bell awoke with a soft breath, missing the cool material that left her heated body exposed. The smooth, crimson sheet had been like an intimate caress, brushing languidly against her freshly shaved legs.

  She sighed. Unfortunately, the departing material hadn’t been the only thing that had pulled her from her deep slumber. The steady throbbing between her legs was a delicious reminder of what still lingered in her slowly fading memory. Judith squeezed her thighs together, trying to dull the ache that a pair of piercing dark eyes and sensual lips had aroused.

  Damn Carlos Moreno.

  Now he was invading her sleep.

  In her dream, his eyes, the color of onyx, had held many promises, while his lips had been places she would only dare to dream of…

  Rolling onto her back, Judith released a shuddering sigh.

  Since he had started working at Royal Courts two months ago, he had not been shy about his interest in her. Every week, he’d made it a habit to ask her out, whether it was for lunch, dinner, or a family gathering. Of course, she would always decline, not wanting to lead him on. But the way he spoke and looked at her when others weren’t around said her forced disinterest didn’t bother him. He flirted outrageously, some of it serious, most of it bordering on ridiculous, but each time it made her smile inwardly. However, she was careful not to show him her weakening resolve. It would only encourage him and he didn’t need any more confidence.

  Her unwavering attraction to the tall, dark Latino was something she was steadily trying to rid herself of. Not only because they worked together, which was a motivating factor in itself, but because Carlos Moreno was too…intense. There were times when he reminded her of a wolf, with his thick, black eyebrows and the trim facial hair covering his jaw and around his lips. He was rugged and had the look of a man who kept a wild animal inside just waiting to be roused.

  She didn’t want to be the one to awaken any animalistic instincts in him—or in any man. Getting involved with someone who harbored such passion behind cool, piercing dark eyes and a lazy smile, was not someone Judith wanted to entertain or encourage.

  Yet, even now, from just one dream—just one thought—her nipples hardened and pushed against the soft, thin material of her rose pink cami.

  Judith pulled a pillow over her face and groaned into it. She was happy with her quiet, solitary life and a relationship with a man like Carlos could be dangerous. He could easily charm her into places unknown and before she knew it, she would fall. Hard. And she couldn’t let that happen.

  She might get lonely at times, but the thought of letting a man get close to her like that again almost sent her into a panic.

  Besides, there was only room left in her heart for one special guy.

  The familiar dip in the bed forced Judith’s eyes open. She shoved the pillow aside and turned toward the loud purring that came from beside her head. Her bright orange, long-haired Siberian mix stared down at her with pale gold eyes and released a loud meow, this one snappy and demanding.

  She groaned. “Okay, Prince, I’m up,” Judith muttered, rolling out of bed.

  Clad in old pajama shorts and her camisole tank, she padded out of the bedroom without her glasses. The sight in her left eye was clear enough for her to navigate her way to the bathroom and she made it just in time to keep Prince out. His loud meow came clearly through the door and she shook her head. Every morning was always the same routine, yet she still couldn’t help but laugh. Prince tended to get feisty when he didn’t get his way, but she had to set some boundaries for him.

  The rescue shelter she had taken him to, after she’d found him left alone in an old cat carrier behind the dumpster at her last job, had estimated his age to be between three to five years old. He was big enough for her to agree, but after a quick examination, they concluded that he was no more than two years old. Despite his size, she had to remember that he was still a young kitty.

  Scraping sounds came just below the bathroom door and a quick glance downwards revealed large paws poking through the small opening at the bottom.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” she grumbled.

  She finished up and headed to the kitchen, Prince following closely behind. It had been nearly a year since she’d adopted the abandoned cat. Though she had been hesitant about bringing a strange animal in her new apartment, she hadn’t been able to part with him after she’d taken him to the shelter. His loud cries the night she’d found him had been heart wrenching, and when she’d found out that the shelter she’d taken him to euthanized unadopted animals, she hadn’t been able to leave him there.

  Every living being deserved a chance at life and the thought that someone had purposely left him out to die filled her with a burning rage.

  Based on the faded name “Charlie” printed on the worn tag around his neck, it was apparent that he had lived in a home before his owners decided to toss him away like trash. There had been no chip or other identifiers on him, which luckily made her adoption of him quick.

  The transition f
or Prince into his new home, however, had not been as easy. He’d been wary of her and his new dwelling in the beginning, but now he strutted and pranced around her small apartment like a little…prince.

  Judith poured his breakfast into his ceramic dish as he circled around her legs with a purr that sounded more like a low growl. She couldn’t tell if it was just his long fur, but looking down at him, he appeared to be getting much wider.

  “I’m going to have to put you on a diet, sir,” she said, placing the small bowl down in front of him.

  Prince ignored her and dug his head into it. When it came to food and affection, he was a total glutton. Sitting at her small kitchen table, Judith also dug into her breakfast.

  It was still early, which she liked. Mornings were her favorite time of the day. It gave her time to eat a proper breakfast before work, though many might not consider cold cereal part of a balanced meal. Her days at Royal Courts had become unpredictable lately, especially Mondays, and there were times she would miss lunch altogether. Though she enjoyed working at Royal Courts—and it certainly beat waiting tables at a snooty Italian restaurant—being an executive assistant to the co-founder and CEO wasn’t something she wanted to do long-term. Until she could figure out what she wanted to do with her life, now that dance was no longer an option, being an assistant would have to do.

  Judith placed her empty bowl in the sink and got ready for her first day back to work after a nice, quiet weekend. In the shower, thoughts of Carlos Moreno once again intruded. Lately, everything she did reminded her of him. Even simple, everyday tasks like taking a shower. Fantasies of his soapy hands lathering her wet body flooded her mind. What would it feel like to have his hands caressing her body, his lips kissing all over her?

  Judith groaned, shoving the perilous thoughts away. If Carlos had set out these past few weeks to make her aware of him, he had succeeded. A relationship between them could never be, yet her defenses against him were weakening every day. But it wasn’t his friendship he was offering and she couldn’t accept anything else.

  Now, if only her body would follow her head, and ignore his corny pickup lines along with his flattering endearments, he would be easier to handle. Then again, it was her head conjuring up dreams and fantasies of him.


  The small rebuke didn’t stop her body from clenching with frustration. She quickly rinsed off then jumped out of the shower.

  Wrapped in a thick towel, she sifted through her underwear drawer. Judith eyed the red and black lace bra and matching panties she had bought a few weeks ago then pulled them out. She had been feeling particularly bold that day and had made the impulsive buy, though she had yet to wear them.

  Today, however, she was feeling rather brave. Ripping the store tags off, she slipped on the sexy underwear. She turned to her tall vanity mirror, trying to ignore the long, dark scar that slanted across her abdomen and the other tiny marks that painted her torso and waist. Most times she managed to forget the dark scars that marred her body. Thankfully, they weren’t rutted and over time, they had smoothed over her skin and she could barely feel them. But it was when she was forced to look at her body that they became glaring.

  Turning her attention to the new underwear, which was more comfortable than she expected, she nodded, pleased with her purchase. The bra even made her average-sized breasts appear fuller, and she felt daring and sexy. This was something Carlos would certainly notice.

  Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, she began to pick up her pace. Time was getting away from her and she wasn’t keeping up. She slid open her closet doors and pulled out her favorite black, sleeveless blouse and red, high-waist skirt. It hugged tightly around her hips and butt, accentuating her figure nicely. Though the skirt was tighter than it should have been, it wasn’t indecent—or uncomfortable. Yet.

  Prince wasn’t the only one who needed to be put on a diet. She would either need to start working out again or toss out the tin of peanut butter-chocolate pieces she kept in the kitchen. She balked at the thought.

  Work out it is then.

  She carefully inserted the contact lens in her right eye and made her way out of the apartment, stopping long enough to give herself one last assessment in the hanging mirror beside the front door. Her dark caramel skin glowed against the black blouse. She didn’t wear much make-up, but she applied her usual cherry lip gloss and a bit more mascara than usual. She debated whether she should clip her thick, dark brown hair up or let it hang down her shoulders for a change.

  She left it down. Carlos would probably like it down…

  This is not for him, she chided herself, turning away from the mirror.

  Deep down, however, she recognized the lie. She knew exactly who she was dressing up for. And in that brief moment, she didn’t care.

  Her eyes landed on Prince, who lounged on his favorite spot on the corner of the sofa. His limbs were tucked beneath him as he regarded her with eyes full of judgment.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” she muttered. “It’s not for him.”

  But a shameless part of her scoffed at her feeble insistence. That same, wicked part of her wanted Carlos Moreno to eat his heart out.

  Chapter Two


  Carlos Moreno’s heart thudded in his chest as he watched Judith bend over an open drawer behind her desk. She continued her rummaging while he enjoyed the view of her red skirt hugging around her hips and ass as if it was just as much in love with her curves as he was.

  As Chief of Security, he spent most of his day stuck in his office going through paperwork or dealing with critical issues in the department. But Carlos also liked to stay on the move, checking out the facility, making sure everything was as it should be when he got in each morning and before he left for the night. He’d just been completing his walk-through for the morning when a red skirt molded around lush curves had caught his attention.

  Leaning against her desk, he continued his admiration. “I don’t have a library card, but I hope you don’t mind me checking you out.”

  She stood up with a muffled screech, almost dropping her small bundle of supplies. The action jostled the brimming coffee mug near her keyboard.

  “Mr. Moreno, you scared me,” she shrieked.

  He stifled a grin. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” But he’d enjoyed the view too much to truly regret it.

  She was looking especially good today in that sexy black top and that leave-little-to-the-imagination skirt. From the steady beating of his heart, down to the heaviness in his groin, he ached to touch her. He wasn’t surprised by his body’s reaction from just looking at her. It had been this way from the moment he’d laid eyes on her two months ago.

  But damn if she wasn’t playing hard to get.

  She placed the items on her desk and he noticed the way the collar of her blouse shifted, revealing the smooth brown curves of her neck and cleavage. He noticed a lot about her. Like the gentle way she moved, her fresh, sweet scent, the soft and breathy pitch of her voice. He also noticed the way she tried to suppress her smile when he did his damnedest to make her laugh and the way her face softened right before she replaced it with her cool, aloof mask whenever she saw him.

  “May I help you with something, Mr. Moreno?” she asked in a clipped tone, her expression blank.

  Carlos wasn’t deterred, though. He knew she felt this strong pull between them, but for whatever reason, she hid her attraction behind a facade of professional detachment.

  Carlos made an exaggerated show to think about her question then blurted, “If I said you had a lovely body, would you hold it against me? I won’t mind if you do.”

  She shook her head, her brows pulling together in a slight frown. “I don’t have time for this, Mr. Moreno. Mr. Carrone is not in the office yet and I have a lot of work to get back to.”

  “Okay, I won’t keep you. I just wanted to tell you that you look very beautiful today. But then again, you look beautiful every day.”

e hoped she didn’t take it as another line because he was being sincere. She could have been wrapped in a paper bag and he would have found her captivating. She usually kept her hair pinned up, but today it hung down around her shoulders, framing her pretty, round face. The frown fell from her face and just as he expected, she glanced down briefly before looking back up at him.

  “Thank you,” she muttered.

  He smiled at her coy response. “You’re welcome, muñeca. Now you’re supposed to tell me how pretty I look today.”

  The corner of her lips twitched, but she said nothing. He sighed. Patience, he reminded himself.

  “Why don’t you let me take you out to lunch today?”

  She shook her head again. “I can’t. Today is going to be a busy day for me.”

  “Dinner then?” Carlos prompted but he already knew the answer to that. Before she could refuse, he added, “It’s my birthday this week,” he said, “so why don’t you let me buy you dinner tonight.”

  She hesitated for the briefest of seconds and he took that as a good sign. His birthday had actually been last week, but that was a minor detail.

  “I’ll think about it,” she said after a while.

  That was a start, he thought wryly.

  But if he let her think too long on it, it would take another two months before they even had their first date. He knew with every ounce of blood that pumped through him that she found him attractive—even if it was just a little—yet she was reluctant about getting involved with him and he couldn’t understand why.

  In the beginning, it had been different between them. He had come on as Royal Courts’ new security chief just shy of two months and she had been friendly and courteous toward him, even gracing him with one of her dimpled smiles from time to time.

  Though, he wanted them to become more than two employees who greeted each other in passing. As soon as he’d seen her sitting prettily behind that wide desk, an electric charge had passed between them, and she’d forever had him. But his attempts at courting her had only caused her to shut down. He admitted he may have come off too strong, but he couldn’t help it. He was a healthy man with a healthy appetite and when he saw something he wanted, he went after it.


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