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Starline Page 11

by Imogene Nix

  Duvall looked at him, his features schooled, but she could see the whiteness around his mouth that betrayed his anger and frustration, both of which he was working to control. His hands gripped the arms of his seat, the knuckles white.

  “You mean radio silence is best when there are any doubts concerning security. Yes, sir, I do,” Duvall intoned. It sounded rote to Mellissa’s ears.

  “Yes, Duvall, exactly that. Now on to the other matters you raised.” He glanced at notes on his desk. “Ah yes, WO Gentry. She came to me immediately. It seems someone certainly tried to get into her office, but she had caught on and had an escape plan in place. She found her way to my office and waylaid me. I arranged for a priority shuttle to Earth at the first opportunity and put our best security officers I could spare to protect her. Currently, she is in Bundaberg, with your mother, under heavy guard. She also encountered some weird transmissions, she tried to alert you to when she narrowly evaded capture. The infiltrators here managed to get into her office as she escaped. I can’t tell you how as I don’t know, just that she is safe and uninjured. What I do know I’m keeping safe up here.” He tapped the side of his head with a blunt finger. “I am concerned that your report indicates this goes much deeper than we thought. There’s at least one potential mole here in the Admiralty, one aboard your ship. We don’t have a damn clue as to how many others at this time.”

  Duvall’s lips tensed further and Mellissa was tempted to reach out and take his hand. “We did attempt to take Jard alive.”

  “Oh, I realize that, Duvall. As a result, I’m calling in all my operatives in the Diplomatic Corps to ascertain what they know. There is one, I think, who may shed a little more light on this, but…well, to be honest, I haven’t raised her yet. She’s been in deep cover for a long time. Until now she’s always been reliable, and this close call with Gentry….well…”

  His voice trailed off as he spread his hands wide above the desk.

  “She isn’t answering my queries. I can’t do anything right now to extract her, and that angers me. I don’t have a competent crew to access. Anything I do in pulling personnel may tip their hand to whom I have on the inside, and as a result, their contacts. If she’s not in trouble, I can’t compromise her, in case she has found a way into their organization, and I cannot jeopardize this mission. The last I heard she was on the brink of a major breakthrough. I certainly hope that’s correct.”

  “Admiral, I can understand your situation. I believe that we may be able to pull a lead through WO Gentry, but we would need your support to raise a mission.” Grayson sat forward in his chair as he spoke. “I believe that they are aware that Jard is dead, but I would expect his contacts will attempt to access his records and-or effects as they could potentially hold secrets we have not yet discovered. We think that’s similar to the reason Meredith became a target as well.” Grayson indicated himself and Duvall. “We need access to Jard’s apartment on Earth. Further, we believe Miss Davis may also have seen or heard something that makes her a target now, though at this point we don’t know what it could be. That would account for the attempt on the Elector.” He flicked a look at Duvall.

  Duvall’s face tightened upon this assessment, and even the Admiral noticed it. “Son, is there something else you need to tell me?” His brows rose with the query. A small smile played at the corner of his mouth.

  “Mellissa is an innocent bystander in this whole mess. I removed her from the situation in order to minimize the possibility of further casualties. She didn’t know anything about the handbook, and it’s my intention to keep her safe.”

  Mellissa sat upright in her seat, a smile playing over her lips. Yes! He wants to keep me aboard the Elector. Elation swept through her.

  Duvall turned toward her, his eyes sorrowful, and fear pierced her. “I think it best to put her under your protection, Admiral, until such time as we can get to the bottom.” He all but spat the words out.

  Now she sat, still as stone, her heart taking on the likeness of a rock, heavy in her chest.

  No! She wanted to scream and rage, but there’d be no benefit in that. Besides, she’d promised not to hang around if he decided he was done with her. It seemed more than obvious their time had already passed, and she’d missed the signs.

  “Duvall, if I could ensure her safety I would, but we’ve already experienced one breach here. I believe the best place for her now is aboard the Elector with you.” Elphin rubbed a hand over his face. “You need to rendezvous with your sister and find out what information she has. In the interests of her safety I bundled her out of here as fast as I could without gaining a lot of background about the information she’s acquired.”

  He looked defeated for the briefest moment, and Mellissa had the impression that it was an uncommon emotion for the man. In the blink of an eye, whatever she’d seen on his face was gone, and he straightened up.

  “My priority is to investigate and find whoever had the temerity to attack my people on my own ground. I need you to go to Earth and get the information and put it to work for us. I’ll arrange sealed orders for you within the hour. You’ll also need to finalize some documentation for Miss Davis. See my Executive Officer for that. In the meantime, arrange a restock of the ship as required, and access whatever crew and armaments you believe you’ll need. I won’t compromise on this mission, Duvall. We have to get to the bottom quickly before this spreads and we face a bigger issue.” He stopped and looked at Duvall. “And McCord? This is N-T-K. Inform your crew of whatever you believe they need to know, but keep it brief.”

  He looked over at Elara.

  “Sudonne, I have made arrangements for you to access whatever equipment you require for the SurgiTech suite. I’m aware your provisioning was incomplete when you left.” His gaze returned to Duvall. “McCord, I’ve sent the Commissary aboard to ensure you’re fully stocked with food, water, and any items that were unavailable at the time of the initial provision run. I can’t spare any further security staff at this time, but we have taken steps to replace your engineer. I have already arranged for a list of available crewmembers for your perusal. All are immediately available, and I believe at least one on the list will fit your criteria.” The Admiral almost smirked at the final comment at Duvall. “And for Eshra’s sake, take care. I may need you again, Duvall, before you leave Aenna. Be available.” He nodded their dismissal.

  “Yes, sir.” Duvall was tense and marched toward the door, only stopping once it opened. “I believe Chowd would appreciate some of your time too.” On that strange comment he left the office and headed to the desk in the anteroom.

  Mellissa followed him, dejected and hurt. When she looked back at the Admiral, he surprised her with a tiny smile before his door closed on her

  * * * *

  Within the hour, all members of the crew had arrived back on the Elector. Duvall’s anger spiked at the rigmarole he’d been through. In front of him was the choice of a new engineer. “I hope there’s someone suitable on the list.”

  Grayson shot him a grin. “You have four options, but I think I know which one you’ll take.” He slid a sheet of paper in front of Duvall.

  Looking down, he scanned the names, and some of the tension melted away. “Yes. Raven.” Of the four possibilities, there was one he not only trusted, but had also served with before. “Grayson, contact personnel and get CE Raven Fraser here pronto.”

  Grayson accepted the sheet of paper back. “Thought you’d feel the same. It says here, if we can make immediate contact, we can pick him up at the space station when we dock there on our way to Earth.”

  Grayson exited his office and Duvall sighed. As always there was a backlog of paperwork to transmit, including the final file transfer for Lingstrom. He contacted his widow through the vidscreen and hated the stoicism with which she accepted his condolences. While he was with the Admiral and completing the necessary clearances and paperwork the equipment and stocks were being loaded at double-time. He wondered where Mellissa was and was sur
prised when a new name entered his list of active personnel.

  Mellissa Davis. Junior Research Assistant. An inquiry flashed that she was to be allocated a cabin and the necessary uniform allowances. He grimaced. During their brief meeting with Elphin he’d seen the way she paled when he’d mentioned leaving her with Elphin. It bothered him that she didn’t understand it was for her safety.

  He growled and turned back to the piles of paperwork. The chimes on the door sounded again and again as his crew entered, made reports, deposited documentation or relieved him of some.

  The last minute checks ensured that they’d only need to make one more stop on their way to the new mission, but as each time another new person entered, and none were Mellissa, his temper frayed a little more.

  Ten minutes before they were due to depart he’d settled himself into the captain’s sling on the bridge. His gaze settled on the chair he now considered as hers. Empty.

  Duvall opened the communications channel and hailed Elara. “Is Mellissa with you?”

  “Yes, she is. We’re about to make our way down to the bridge. Do you want—”

  He damned himself for foolish behavior. “No. I’m just checking on her safety.”

  Of course, he was fairly sure Elara wasn’t in the least bit convinced, when moments later she ushered Mellissa to the seats. Even as Mellissa took her spot, he could see that she was determined to give her full attention to the movements of the Elector. With a sigh he gave the command to engage engines.

  The Elector withdrew from the hangar, her movements slow and pendulous as she crept like an enormous dragon from its lair. The whole time the maneuver was underway, Duvall was aware of Mellissa’s scrutiny.

  * * * *

  Duvall backed the ship away from the hanger, his hands on the controls. Mellissa knew his skills were the result of hours of training, but the minute movements of the large ship still amazed her.

  During the short stay at Aenna, Duvall had arranged for a low-level clearance of documents and access to schooling programs so she could continue to study and become acquainted with the current time. It had become clear that she’d remain on the Elector for some considerable period of time.

  Duvall had also taken the liberty of having all her items, the few she had, moved into his cabin. She wasn’t quite sure how she felt about that given he’d tried to offload her at Aenna. Did he want her? Didn’t he? It was more than a little confusing. Her fingers curled into the padding on the arm of the seat.

  The sounds and movement on the bridge increased, rousing her from her reverie. The by-play between Duvall and his crew was respectful as he called orders and they responded efficiently. Meanwhile, Mellissa watched his face and those of his crew as they interacted with each other. It was clear the crew respected him in the way they responded to their captain. Each member of the crew had a role to play, but for the first time, she had a clear idea of what her own role would be. Soon, she would commence her role as the Elector’s junior researcher. For now, she had to be content, Mellissa reminded herself.

  “Aenna GC, Elector here. We have completed pre-ascent check and request clearance.” His voice soothed her even as a frisson of excitement raced through her body.

  “Elector, this is Aenna GC. Clearance to go is granted.”

  The gravitational forces pushed her back into the seat as they shot out into the dark, inky sky.

  “I’m pleased I won’t be experiencing that too often,” Mellissa muttered.

  Elara glanced at her and smiled. “You’d be surprised. But the first few times are always the hardest.”

  Her stomach tightened as did her chest. She took one deep breath after another, panting slightly. No one else seemed to be bothered and she frowned, feeling like a failure. Finally, the forces released her and she filled her lungs.

  Duvall opened the comms channel to address the crew. “We are en route to the space station. I will be heading for Earth with some of the senior crew. In my absence Chowd will be acting captain. Any issues, take them up with your direct supervisor. On our return we will be picking up our new chief engineer. Once we leave, I will update the crew with the mission specifics. Captain out.”

  Duvall had already informed them of the circuitous route they’d be traveling, and she heard the hum of the thrusters even as ripples of vibration tickled her feet. The sensation energized her. A quick glance at Duvall told her he was watching her with an intentness that was overwhelming.

  “What?” she asked.

  “We will need to slingshot back toward Earth once we clear the asteroid field,” he informed her, and he quickly gave the navigator the command to plot a course to Earth. “It will take us a day and a half ship time to arrive at the space station. Meanwhile, Sudonne and Grayson, my office 1500 hours.” He stood, motioning for Mellissa to follow him as he left the bridge.

  Earth was only thirty-six hours away.

  Chapter 7

  Duvall ushered Mellissa down the stairs quickly.

  He’d fought it, but the urgency within him kept building. Did she feel it too?

  Her gaze was distrusting, but unable to help himself, he turned her from the bridge. Spinning her in his direction, he kissed her just beyond the doorway. Whatever she did now, he’d tasted her once more and hungered.

  “Duvall?” Her gaze slid over his face. “You tried to get rid of me. You told the Admiral…”

  He growled. “Only because I wanted to protect you. But the whole time I felt like I was slicing off a part of myself.”

  Dammit, he’d hurt her. Without intending to. His swiped a careful hand over her hair, pushing a stray strand behind her ear.

  “I would have come back for you.” He leaned in, his lips touching hers. He’d wanted soft and gentle, but the hunger roared, taking control.

  He’d prepared himself to let her go. Hell, he’d steeled himself for it. Told himself he didn’t mind saying goodbye and that it would only be for a time. But when the Admiral refused his request, the bubble of hope in his chest had erupted, warming him through. She was his now. His responsibility, he’d told himself, hoping to stave off the emotions. It was a weak argument.

  Now, here she was, vibrant and wanting him. In the midst of such upheaval, she was prepared to take a chance on what could only be a short-term liaison. Yet something, an indefinable quality in her smile, called to him, made him want what he had always refused himself, and this time he couldn’t deny it.

  Their feet tapped on the metal planking as they hurried down the stairs and angled toward his office. Feeling a heat rising within him, he swiftly pressed his palm to the plate, and the door slid silently open. The need burned in his gut to touch her again. Once could never be enough.

  They stepped inside, and in a whirl of movement, he grabbed her as he gave the command, “Door lock—unlock only on my voice print.”

  He pushed her to the wall. The passion he knew she’d see on his face was also in hers. His body met hers, so soft and yielding. He pressed in. The warmth of his breath mingled with hers. She opened her mouth, ready for his. The shock of soft lips touching his, her tongue invading his mouth was electric. His hands grasped her body, hauling her closer.

  She moaned low in her throat. The passion of her heat burned him, shaking his existence. He needed it just like he needed air to breathe. Her hands came up, grabbed his head, holding him closer to her, gripping him. Her body arched into his, and Barsha, he still wanted more.

  “Mellissa!” His hands shifted to the top of her suit, grappling with buttons.

  Caught up in the fever of lust, he nonetheless recognized that she shook as much as he did. With shaking hands she clutched at him. He hurried to burrow under her clothing to touch the skin below. The need to hold her and love her made him clumsy as he peeled away clothing without his usual practiced movements.

  He lifted his head. “I need to touch you.” He pulled her away from the wall and tugged her toward the middle of the room, all the while working on unfastening the closures o
f her suit.

  Her face suffused with color as she panted, her breathing fast and broken. He itched to grab her, but let her hands have free rein for an instant before brushing them aside. He ripped off his suit, letting it drop to the floor, then dispensed with what remained of hers. She stood in her underwear before him. His hands gentled on her, slipping below the band of her panties, and she mewled her pleasure. They shared a carnal kiss, full of molten desire, tongues tangling together.

  He worked his other hand into her bra. She grabbed his shoulders, and he felt the bite of fingernails digging into his muscles. She moaned as his finger found her center. Warm, wet, and enticing. He slid a finger inside her, slowly moving in and out, ratcheting up the desire that scorched him.

  Mellissa dropped her hands to his briefs, burrowing beneath, and he shuddered. She grabbed his buttocks tightly and molded them with soft movements. He groaned into her mouth.

  Savagely, he lifted his mouth, sought her eyes, and said, “I am going to have all of you. I need to feel you. I need to be inside you. Now.” With a quick jerk, he tore her panties off her, then had her bra sailing over a shoulder.

  One quick push had his underwear down his legs, freeing him from the constraining cloth. His chest shuddered as he stepped back, glorying in the sight before him. She was hot and naked. Ready for him as her skin glowed and her breasts moved in time with her heaving breaths. Her eyes glittered, and her lips were swollen from his kisses.

  He jerked her back into his arms, angling her toward the cabin door. They tottered tightly wound around each as they made their way through the doorway, then he pushed her down onto the bed.

  He could feel the shock of her skin against his, and it sent ripples of sensation down his body. Opening his mouth over her breast, topped with a pink bud, so tight and erect, he sucked the luscious berry into his mouth and laved it with his tongue. He suckled at her breast while she grabbed his head with her hands, urging him closer still.


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