Till the Last Breath

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Till the Last Breath Page 6

by Alvin Atwater

  I felt fucking horrible for being the root cause of this shit but also angry at the elite six for taking an entrance too far. I’m only one guy—one who isn’t that powerful. My lock made sure of it.

  Hell, the six of them on earth at one time disturbed the balance.

  I couldn’t remember what happened when the balance was disrupted, eight years burning and all, but I’m pretty sure the humans are going to suffer for it. And these clowns don’t care. With the ability to pretty much one-shot me, why did all of the elite appear at one time.

  That meeting…a large-scaling meeting with the importance of the King. That was all for me? I could only guess that the fuckers announced my demise. Did Conus really let this happen?

  I concentrated on the essence, gave a mental heads-up to Mom, and then released the first lock. Silver heavenly-light erupted around me, startling the others. My thoughts became sharp, my mind calmed—all thanks to the training. I suppressed the light to not attract any attention, though it did outline me slightly.

  “Holy shit man, give us a warning next time,” Devante said. “The pressure around you nearly knocked us to the ground.”

  “This is the first time I’ve seen you like this up close,” Amony said. “Those eyes. Damn.”

  “Enough,” I said. “Follow me. We’ve got to find somewhere devoid of people.”

  It took a few minutes but we did find an abandoned park. I handed my wallet and cellphone to Amony.

  “Amelia can access anything, so she’ll be able to get into the phone. I knew this day would come, which is why I left her a last note. She’ll know it when I pass. I hexed the phone.”

  Amony looked on the back on my phone to see what looked like a modified version of my deity-trapper.

  I called to Ruin. Since we’re fighting gods, it’s sword time.


  Sin was cut off when five figures descended from the air. The sixth, presumably the leader hadn’t arrived yet… Still, this was it. I had finally come face to face with the most powerful heavenly-hunters in existence.

  And even in this state, I felt the difference in power. Overwhelming.

  Fucking overwhelming.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Guys, please, back out of this,” I said, voice showing just a tiny hint of pleading. I truly didn’t want them to die to the elite. It’s an instant sentence to the depths. Enough said.

  “Fallen prince,” a Hispanic-looking god, with glowing green eyes said. He looked to be in his thirties. “Despite the circumstances, I’d like to say it’s an honor to meet you. It’s not very often that we’d have to get involved and at the cost of a city, nonetheless. Allow us to have the honor of introduction, as I fear, we may not meet again until at least fifty-eight years have passed.” He smiled. “I’m Jose, number three.” He pointed at a pale man with glowing orange eyes, long pale-orange hair, and an ominous blue heavenly-light outlining him.

  In fact, all of them, except Jose, had this particular outline of heavenly-light. “That’s Daniel, number five.” He pointed at a frowning woman with Asian features and a wicked black firey tatoo around her right eye.

  Intimidating large falcon-like wings of white and silver poked out of her back. She seemed to be proud of them too because no one else had their wings out. “She’s our newest member, number seven, Anna.”

  Next the elite pointed at a black woman with long dark brown hair, glowing purple eyes, and a nasty-looking sheathed sword hovering next to her. Yes, the sword floated in midair. “That’s our number two. She didn’t find you interesting enough for introduction, but I insisted. After hearing about everything you’ve done, I just had to see you for myself.”

  He pointed at the last guy, who was one talllllllll motherfucker. He looked about seven or even eight feet tall, but covered his frame with a cloak, though the hood wasn’t donned. Judging from the wideness, I assumed this guy to be heavily muscled. He had Asian features. “That’s Akiro, number four. Moses isn’t here yet, but I’m sure you know how little that detail matters. Now Epex Helios, fallen prince, let it be witnessed. Take a knee. Out of respect for your family, I’ll make it quick.”

  “Wait,” Daniel said, crushing any hope to buy enough time to explain things. “You know I like bloody kills.”

  Before anyone could protest, because Jose did raise a finger to protest, the orange-eyed freak blinked in front of me.

  I barely got Ruin up in time to block a sword strike from a sword that wasn’t there a moment ago. The force of the collision bombarded me backwards—blood gushed out of my mouth as I hit the ground back-first.

  My friends to my dismay jumped into action. Once again, I have to point out that I didn’t deserve this loyalty.

  As I forced myself to get up, Devante unleashed a wave of…something. It looked like green fire and lightning. Daniel put up a finger, catching the magic then blew at it. All of it vanished. The results were the same when Amony unleashed a lightning bolt that could probably kill anyone else. Elly’s trademark purple energy ball followed suit.

  “Guys, move aside,” I said. “Remember what I said about them being very powerful gods.”

  “I don’t care,” Sin said as he missed every sword swing. The orange-eyed freak dodged so fast that it looked like he didn’t move. Holy shit! “We’re not going to stand by and just let them startle you.”

  “I don’t care if they’re gods,” Amony said then eyed Daniel. “We’re not going to let you do whatever you want. Destroying our city—you’re not welcomed here.”

  Daniel smiled as he continued to effortlessly dodge Sin’s sword swings.

  “Something feels familiar about this one,” he said. The elite caught the sword with one finger. Sin’s eyes widened. “Who are you? Hmm, never mind, we can talk later. I’m pretty good at convincing others to answer my questions. Right now, we’ve got a job to do.”

  He bashed the living shit out of Sin with force. The demi-devil spiraled at least thirty yards away. “Now then.” He looked at it me, wicked grin on his face.

  I couldn’t die this, not without inflicting as much damage to this fuck as I could. I stopped compressing state one, allowed it to recklessly flow around me and through me.

  “Getting serious, I see?” Daniel said. “Right after letting your friend there go for a spin.”

  “Fuck you,” I said then charged him.

  He easily blocked Ruin’s strike with just a finger. Didn’t even bother to lift his sword. Big mistake on his part—the deity-trapper on my blade activated. He pulled his finger back and then bellowed out a laugh.

  I swung but just like with Sin, he was untouchable. My state didn’t mean shit to this guy.

  “Come on, you can do better than that.”

  The elite jabbed me in the gut with the back of his sword, causing me to let out a yell. He kicked me to the ground. Fortunately, my state held. “Hmm, that much power is allowing you to take that kick without blacking out. Still, what a letdown. You couldn’t break the lock inside you?” I felt the fresh, blunt, pain of a boot to my head and the sensation of flying. Devante caught me.

  Rage overtook me as I stood.

  “You motherfucker!” I hurled five rounds of force at him which did nothing. The elite slowly walked toward me. The others behind silently watched, though there was little interest on their faces. “This is bad but I guess I should’ve remembered to expect this when facing the elite,” I said softly.

  My friends were getting ready to try again. Even Sin rejoined the group, determination in his eyes. I looked up at the full moon.

  Despite being night, the sun still influenced things such as casting its light on the moon, enabling earthlings to see. It won’t be as powerful, but I needed to pull as hard as possible to get the solar energy.

  This didn’t work at first and I found myself in a panic as Daniel got closer.

  He moved step by step on purpose but I didn’t let that instill fear into me. It took about four seconds, but I managed to draw a stre
am of solar energy.

  First, I covered myself with a thin shield. I took the rest, formed a basket-ball shape ball of energy, and sent it flying at the speed of sound to my target. He smacked it to the side with little effort, causing my blood to run cold.

  We were no match for the elite.

  “Run!” I yelled and then took off in a power-induced sprint. My friends were smart enough to take the hint and follow. Knowing the elite, this probably stunned them with confusion. A former prince of the Helios clan actually running? No way! I didn’t give shit—this is survival. Elite hunters are the TRUE hunters. So…yes, I felt them pursue. All five.

  Chapter Thirteen

  We sprinted with everything we’ve got. I tried and failed at concentrating on ascending us out of here. Even if I could, I drained so much of my tank with Daniel. For some reason, I couldn’t replenish it from the moon—maybe the clouds covering it prevented that. No one had trouble keeping up.

  Devante and Amony used magic to boost speed and stamina. Elly, Sin, and I could naturally move at incredible speeds. We could do it! The ray of hope vanished when I heard three buildings from behind collapse.

  I looked back, horrified. I could see the dots in sky, shooting beams and other fucking forms of power at roads, vehicles, and news crews. I couldn’t…I couldn’t believe it.

  The duty of the hunters isn’t to destroy humanity nor sacrifice cities for one guy. This is just so wrong. I may not be the number one fan of humanity but they didn’t deserve this.

  I stopped. So did the others. Allowing the glow of state one to show, I charged ascension. I wasn’t sure how I did it, but I aimed it at my friends.

  “I will miss all of you,” I said softly. “You’ll be at least a few states away, but it’s better than being here, sacrificed with the rest of them. I’m going to put a stop to this.”

  “Epe—” They didn’t have time to put up as argument as I forcefully ascended them far, away from this place. To be honest, I had no right to make decisions for anyone, but I’d never forgive myself if the elite fucks killed the only friends I’ve made since childhood.

  The elite caught up to me in no time, their presences overwhelming my senses. Hell, I think my hands slightly trembled. Soon, I’d be experiencing the utter terror of the depths, also known as the true Hell.

  “So, you finally wised up and stopped running,” Jose said. “Was beginning to think we’d have to waste the entire city and you along with it.”

  Daniel shook his head. “I’m going to make you suffer before you die now.”

  “Move aside, let me have some fun,” Akiro said.

  “We’ll take turns. When the boredom kicks in, we’ll kill him off to the depths.”

  I was done listening to this nonsense. I allowed the warmth of heavenly-light to intensify around me and then with as much strength as possible, bashed them all with force.

  The blow actually sent them back, not much, but enough to give me the motivation to charge Daniel. Ruin’s deity-trappers glowed as I swung. Daniel dodged without giving it a thought. He countered with a brutally heavy punch that knocked the wind of me.

  I felt myself rise into the air, probably by Daniel’s telekinesis.

  Then…he slammed me, repeatedly, harder and harder, laughing.

  Crash! I thought of my time on earth and the nonstop rollercoaster I road since coming here.

  Crash! Amelia…I never thought I’d have any feelings to return. I was a bit of an ass at first, but despite not deserving her, she changed me.

  Crash! Following that was a rough start with each of my friends. Eventually, my trust branched out to them and theirs in return. Crash!

  “Stop,” I said to the sadistic fuck. “I surrender. Just send me to the depths already. I’m already on a suffer-train.”

  Daniel threw me to the ground once more then released me.

  “It’s a sad shame that we cannot let it be that easy,” Jose said. “You attacked, so we’re going to respond in kind.”

  “In other words, you’re doomed, dead, and will suffer before this gets…even worse,” Akiro said.

  I made my decision. What was I thinking, trying to make this easy, and just serve this so-called fifty-eight-year sentence? I sent a mental apology and heads up to Mom and then forced open the lock to state two.

  Chapter Fourteen

  To my luck, the lock slid open, and the feeling of state two rushed into my veins. The heavenly-light it emitted brightened up the entire area. The feeling... it was bliss. With all of the training Mom gave me, I knew a few tricks that could be done in this form but not the previous.

  While I still retained the boosted strength…. well boosted isn’t the right word, since it’s merely a stepping stone toward becoming whole. To make things easier for my whirling brain, I identified these stepping stones as states. Not divine states, but just more pieces of my personal jigsaw puzzle coming together. I felt eager to try out the perk of this form—but I’d have to get my ass into gear. Without fully adapting and mastering state two, it’d eventually turn off.

  “Come here, you fuck,” I said to Daniel, who’s eyes were wide.

  Before he could move, I blurred to his left. He blocked my swing with a red sword he materialized from nothing. I created a pocket dimension to my side then swung Ruin in an arc that knocked his weapon from his grasps.

  Bet he wasn’t expecting that—elites and the elitists attitude. Goes together like pancake and maple syrup. My pocket dimension absorbed his sword. I made it vanish.

  “You will be giving that back to me,” Daniel said in a voice of authority. “Now!”

  I ignored him, ready to reveal the second perk of this form. I aimed a hand at his shoes. Releasing a bit of essence, I bounded the material to the concrete of the road then flipped him off.

  As predicted, his pride made him run toward me. At least he tried but fell flat on his face. I laughed.

  “How does it feel to be in the spot of pain for once?” I wagged my finger at him.

  The other elites were about to rush to kill me but I turned to them, aimed one hand and unleashed a flurry of solar energy balls. The enhancement of this state made the attacks hit them like trucks.

  I stabbed Ruin down at Daniel, but the bastard rolled to the side on time. He’s one of the elite. I guess I shouldn’t expect to end them so abruptly.

  I manifested the Desert Eagle, but before I could let out a shot, it turned red hot, causing me to drop it. It took only a second to melt to my dismay.

  Elite Marissa still stood, arms folded, sword floating next to her. She held an uncaring look in her eyes. I’d fix the snobby bitch. I let out a battle cry like a Spartan.

  My silver heavenly-light responded by blasting everywhere—a full three hundred sixty-degree sphere around me. I called most of the light back into my hand then shaped it into a bow and six arrows.

  I took aim and fired.

  As expected, the elite didn’t simply stand there and take the arrows, they dodged so fast, I almost lost track of them. Still, they had no idea what was about to happen. I sent a stream of essence into a semi-truck a little way from here, making it go at top speed.

  The elites moved as one and the second they stepped into the road, it was over. The crash caused an explosion.

  “Well now,” I said, silently thanking Amelia for the bow lessons, “Didn’t your parents ever teach you to stay out of the road.”

  I turned to leave but stopped when I heard the truck get tossed to the side.

  Akiro lurched at me with blinding speed, but I blocked his fucking giant spawning hammer with a single hand. His eyes widened.

  “I see,” he said then pulled back. “That’s why the hunters couldn’t…why Yulese failed me. This change. It’s not the divine form, only achievable by special-beings. But what is this?”

  “Only a part of my original self,” I said. “And I’m only playing around with you. So how about we cut out this pointless fight and talk. Allow me to explain everything. You c
an come to a decision then.”

  Hopefully the bluff would do the trick.

  Akiro looked thoughtful for a moment then nodded.

  “I guess that’s okay,” he said, surprisingly reasonable.

  “No,” Marissa said, shredding my hopes of getting the elites over to my side. With them, I’d accomplish anything. “You were sentenced, broke the law, got sentenced again, and fled. In order to honor the code of justice, we will be sending you to the depths.”

  The goddess picked up her sword. Her blue heavenly-light greatly increased.

  I didn’t even see her move, instincts and this state barely allowed for me to get the block up in time. I pulled back but the goddess was gone.

  Something hit me, but thanks to this state, I wasn’t sent flying. I turned to where it came from. I saw her hand glow blue again before the ball of essence the size of a freaking house tried to greet me. I shot as much force at the ground as possible, which propelled me upward.

  Now the air isn’t exactly the best place to be when facing heavenly-beings—but it worked in my favor thanks to unpredictability.

  I only went a story high then quick-ascended behind Marissa. The energy ball of solar goodness sent her forward only to be caught by someone.

  This person was a black man with a silvery-eye color and a faded, almost military-style haircut. Standing about six-feet three inches tall, buff, and dressed in a white and grey robe, this guy looked as if he was the personification of intimidation.

  “Stand aside,” he said softly to Marissa then caressed her hair, almost seeming to enjoy her dumbfounded expression. “I’ll take this one myself.”

  “M…Moses,” she whispered.

  My eyes widened a little. So the boss himself has finally paid a visit…

  Chapter Fifteen

  The leader of the elites had a bizarre mix of blue and standard gold heavenly-light oozing around him. He unsheathed a long sword that glowed as bright as the sun then made a gesture, beckoning me forward.


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