Till the Last Breath

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Till the Last Breath Page 16

by Alvin Atwater


  “Are you God?” Layla said. I glared at her.

  “Are you idiot? No,” I said.

  “Do you want credit for that?” the pesky girl continued.

  “Nope,” I said, then shoved a piece of steak in my mouth.

  We were dinning around a large fancy-smancy table. Amelia was seated next to me. Layla sat directly across from me, which was good—the less I get shocked, the better. Amony flipped off the TV.

  “I guess I’ll break some of the questions we’re all thinking,” Devante said. “How’d you get so…strong? What kind of power was that?”

  “A magician can never tell his secrets,” I quoted. Devante’s blank stare showed no amusement. “To be honest, it’s not really gained strength or power. It’s more like reversing a seal on powers that I already have.”

  “You mean to tell me you’re more powerful than—”

  “Look,” I said, interrupting Layla, “I know the real question, the one you’re avoiding. Was I really in the depths of Hell? If so, what’s it like? Did I meet Ghost? The answer to all of those is—”

  The lights suddenly flickered repeatedly, silencing everyone. I didn’t give a fuck. A sign from above wasn’t going to tell me what to do, especially after what I’ve been through. I opened my mouth to speak again, but the lights flashed on and off, rapidly. My patience vanished. “Whoever or whatever is doing that, you’ve got one warning,” I said. “I will speak my mind and you, unhelpful bastard can’t stop me.”

  Something responded, vocally. “It is best that mortals do not hear any details. For if they hear, a curse will dawn upon them and it would your fault.”

  I didn’t recognize the voice—a powerful one that sounded from everywhere at the same time. It emitted a heavenly-presence too. And of course, it’s in my mind.

  “Who are you?” I thought to the voice. “I’ve got questions that need answering.” No response. “It’s really important.” Nothing. I sighed. So tired of this Gandalf shit. Fine, don’t tell me anything. I’ll go take the information when I get to Paradise Realm.

  Just when I decided to write the place off as super-dead to me, the voice spoke again.

  “I cannot reveal my identity, however, the answers to your questions are best given to you by the ruler of Universe Yetta. Your Father. Your coming approaches…soon. You must ascend to the throne. No… you will ascend to the throne. Find the corruption in which I cannot see. Clear it or die trying. I feel it is …up to something vastly dangerous. Something that will cease existence as we know it. It worries even the King.” The voice faded before I could respond, enabling real-world sound again to emit to my ears.

  “Epex. Epex.”

  I flinched to Amelia’s voice.

  “Sorry, apparently I was struck by persistent divine intervention, so sorry guys, for your own good, I can’t tell you about being in the depths unless you want to deal with some super powerful unbreakable curse.”

  They looked at me, probably unsure if I joked or not. I let the tension hang in the air as I chomped down on the last piece of my steak.

  “Someone spoke with you,” Amelia said. “Any idea who?”

  “No idea, but he’s not from our universe,” I said. “Yet knows about the corruption in Paradise Realm. Which means this situation is bigger than I thought. Shit, I’m surprise there isn’t chaos up there.”

  “What do you plan to do?” Amony asked.

  I shrugged. “Come up with a decent plan to search for them.”

  “Can’t your damn father just scan everyone’s heads for the truth?” Elly said.

  “Fuck if I know,” I said. “Look, if the corruption fucks can hide from the King, I’m pretty sure they’ve weaseled their way out of every investigation. For now, let’s not worry about that. It’s going to take some time for me to come up with something. In the meantime, we should finish off Sunset while they’re weakened.”

  “You’re…absolutely right,” Amony said. “Tomorrow, let’s storm their hideout and end them while we’ve got the chance.”

  “Or let Epex blow up the base,” Sin said, gaining everyone’s amused stares. The goody-goody rarely spoke of destruction. “I’m kidding. I get it—blowing up the base is risking the tear.”

  “I guess we’ll sit back and continue to be useless,” Keisha said, silencing everyone. I thought on that for a second. Amelia’s friends knew their guns. Wait…guns. A plan began to form in my head, but for a subtler task.

  “I don’t think so—you’re not getting out of this,” I said. “Amanda, Keisha, what do you know about submachine guns.”

  The two women’s faces lit up. It didn’t matter if you were human, demon, angelic. A bullet could still take you out. That’s my only philosophy. “Bring all of your weapons to me tonight. It’s time for some art class. And you’re my students.”

  Chapter Thirty-two

  It took me nearly three hours to add the deity-trappers to every weapon Amelia’s friends owned. Why didn’t I think of this before? It could’ve saved Jade’s life… Not that the trapper was designed to work on the Fallen anyway.

  I mean, a poor chance at survival is better than no chance. Amelia still refused my offer to put the symbols on anything she owned—she didn’t even like the idea of her friends getting them but reluctantly allowed it anyway. She wouldn’t risk anything like the Fallen again.

  I still felt kind bad hiding the fact that I could revive Jade from them—that is if I took the throne. It’d take just one inquiry with the universe. Something in my gut didn’t feel right about abusing it that way—assuming if it accepted my request.

  Amelia didn’t ask anyone from her family to try bringing Jade back from the land of dead. She’d be missed but remain dead. That was the reality of things.

  After we sent her friends off, Amelia and I finally headed to bed. A real bed. I could actually sleep.

  The goddess wasn’t going to let it be that simple. Her nightgown for some reason seemed to be extra provocative. Maybe that was just me. Looking at her simply reminds me of the beauty of a goddess. Maybe how lucky I am. Sometimes I wondered what would life be like if I never lost those eight years. Sure, time that small meant jack shit to deities, but for me, a half breed, I still felt like I lost a lot.

  “Epex,” Amelia said after a minute of silence. The TV was off, so I almost closed my eyes.

  “Yeah?” I looked into eyes of pure green.

  “Promise you won’t leave me again,” she said.

  The words wouldn’t leave my mouth. As much as I loved Amelia, I was a realist. The elite six were powerful, but not the most powerful in Paradise Realm. What if the corrupted judges somehow convinced the knights to destroy me? There wasn’t a power in the Realm that could save me, besides Conus himself. Fortunately, the knights didn’t take orders from the House. “Promise me.”

  “Amelia, you know I can’t—”

  She hugged me tight. “It hurt so much when you were gone. Suffering in the depths. I’ve never felt so much…anger in my life. You…who’ve done nothing to deserve that. When I felt your presence emerge in the city…nothing was going to stop me from seeing for myself. Not even my own strained body. If…it wasn’t for your healing wave, I would’ve collapsed.” Tears rolled down her cheek. “We tried so hard to stop them, to save those people. I thought hope was lost. No one came. But then you appeared out of nowhere. How?”

  “It’s thanks to Sin’s father,” I said.

  Amelia’s eyes widened. “Demon King Ghost?”

  “That was some nickname given to him as a coverup.”

  “Coverup? What are you talking about?”

  “He’s actually Dante,” I said. “Dante the famous poet. He’s not a bad guy. Intimidating as hell, but not bad. Being in the wrong place, at the wrong time got him stuck with the grand duty of keeping a really dangerous book contained in the depths. Fortunately, the King built him a dimension that’s identical to this world. Once he finds a way to destroy the book, Da
nte’s duty would finally end.”

  The goddess took a few seconds to process all of that then nodded.

  “Did he revive you?”

  “His dimension did actually,” I said. “Either that or the King.”

  Amelia’s caress started with my shoulder then moved to arms. With her being super close, I took in the scent, warmth, and even essence. My other head grew energetic.

  Amelia grinned, happy to tease my poor hormones again.

  “Is that a flashlight or are you just happy to see me,” she said with chuckle, before making a very noticeable grab. Within seconds, we were making out heavily. “Make love to me, right now. I’m not waiting anymore.”

  Some of my braincells were fortunately still active at the moment. In fact, one of the clever cells sprung a tiny idea into my head. It wouldn’t hurt to try. I manifested a condom. Amelia glared at me. It burst into heatless flames for a second then turned into ash. Here came the stumbling stone that kept us fucking abstinent. Normally, I’d let this pass and just wag one out when I thought she was asleep. Anger boiled into me this. She flinched, my eye glow surprising her.

  “You know now is not the time for that,” I said, barely containing my voice, forcing it to stay even. Amelia didn’t restrict hers.

  “Why not? Epex, I’m really sick of waiting. It’s almost hurting my pride.”

  “Amelia, be reasonable,” I said, voice still even. “With all of this bullshit going on, do you really think now is the time to bring a kid into this? You know it’s not over—”

  “I don’t care,” she said stubbornly. “It’s not…just about the baby. I want to feel closer to you. Closer than ever, yet…”

  “Then why not use the condom?”

  “No,” Amelia said. “You know what we’ve been taught—”

  “Fuck what we’ve been taught,” I snarled. “Look where it’s gotten me. Sure, it’s fine for you but the only place I got is—”

  “Hell is not the place for you,” Amelia snarled, eyes watering. “Or have you forgotten already that I will always be here for you.” She turned, folding her arms.

  I sighed, letting the anger drain out. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  Amelia froze for a second then turned back to me.

  “What’s holding you back, Epex? Besides thinking at any moment you’re going to be killed.”

  I looked at her, thoughtful for a second then responded. “We’re just too young.”

  She nodded. “Finally being honest about that, I see but…time for us is different. Don’t forget that.”

  “I know,” I said softly, “but I refuse to let a kid into this. Let me resolve this situation first, Amelia. Let’s also wait until we turn twenty-five.”

  “Are those supposed to be human social norms?” she said, amusement in her voice.

  “I don’t know.”

  “I…won’t wait,” Amelia said, stubbornness returning. “I grow tired of waiting. You’re rude to keep a woman waiting.”

  “It’s not like I’m trying to remain a dorky virgin until twenty-five,” I said, “but it’s either the condom or no go. I’m serious, Amelia.”

  “Don’t get cowardly on me, Epex Helios,” she said then sat up. “I’m obviously a virgin too but you don’t see me complaining.”

  I sat up, tired of this futile obstacle. Sometimes it was hilarious when we didn’t agree on everything—but this subject. This lacked the humor.

  “I’ll sleep on the couch tonight,” I said but before I could get up, she grabbed my arm.


  “I’m not going to change my mind,” I told her then stormed off to the living room.

  The couch I chose was nice and wide. A minute or two later after I closed my eyes, I felt my blankets lift and someone laid next to me. I felt the sensation of warm breasts, arms holding me, and the scent that I always loved. That night, Amelia and I slept on the couch.

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Despite the lack of actual sex in this relationship, which was frustrating both of us, Amelia and I continued to carry on as if we were a newlywed couple on a honey moon. We didn’t agree on everything, that’s just individualism, but enjoyed each other’s company. Maybe this was possible since we weren’t human.

  Early that morning while the goddess was asleep, I ascended to a store outside of town, picked up some waffle mix, extra bacon, fruits, and a few other things, then made breakfast. It was a good way to distract myself, keep my thoughts off Hell, Paradise Realm, and any hunters. I made sure to make Amelia’s plate healthier, else risk getting vaporized.

  I strongly resisted adding bacon to her plate just to see her reaction. In addition to the waffles, I toasted some bagels, added bacon and cheddar cheese, and stacked my plate. So good.

  “Way too many calories,” Amelia said from behind. She had a towel wrapped around her body and another for her hair.

  “Good morning to you too, beautiful,” I said testing the word on my tongue. Sappy talk was just not my thing. She smiled, learned forward, and we kissed. A lot. She ended up on the couch somehow, towel slightly removed, but after minutes of passion, I realized where this would crash and pulled back. “The food’s getting cold.”

  Amelia frowned, but decided not to push into last night’s unresolved argument.

  After breakfast, we decided to go out to survey the city. Although it was now nine in the morning, many people weren’t out. Humans we saw looked out of it, some terrified, some looked as if they haven’t slept in years.

  Amelia unleashed healing waves to cure them. There were no cabs out, no buses, and the only cars were more than likely visitors to the city. Police and ambulances from other cities seemed to be hauling about everywhere.

  I was afraid things would come to this. Inside the giant invisible bubble, demons, devils, ghosts, and even dust-devils became visible to humans. I could only imagine the toll they took as playthings and sacrifices. Many of them probably thought they died and went to Hell. Others believed the apocalypse began. I wasn’t mad that the King got the credit for it. I mean, he setup the dimension that revived me…Wait...was that really a coincidence or did he know I’d find Dante. And who was it that contacted me during the dinner yesterday. Someone from the King’s realm maybe. I really didn’t think I should be dealing with things that high up.

  After about two hours or so, Amelia took a break.

  “Let’s go to Amony’s,” I said. “They should be gearing up to take out Sunset.”

  I tried my best not to look at the possible angry text messages coming from everyone. They probably expected us to get started early morning, but in truth, we didn’t agree upon a time.

  “You go ahead,” Amelia said. “I’m going to fly above the city and try to cast one big heal blast.”

  “You sure that won’t wear you out?” I said. “You’ve been at it all morning.”

  “Please, who do you think I am,” she said.

  “And those are the words that usually gets someone killed.”

  “I’ve…got a new power source,” she said. “Discovered it about five minutes ago.”

  I blinked.

  “You’re joking.”

  “It seems like I haven’t been claiming my birth powers either,” she continued. “I’m of the Venus clan. While we do have multiple ways of getting power, the biggest one seems to be…love.”

  “Don’t tell me I’m some kind of battery,” I said, half-joking.

  “Not your love,” she said. “Mutual love. Real love. It’s not like I need this power boost though.”

  “No shit, miss elite super warrior,” I said then chuckled. She smiled.

  “Don’t short yourself out, love. You’ve closed the gap significantly. I’m proud of you.”

  I think I felt myself blush. My phone rang. Could’ve sworn I put that on vibrate.

  “Let’s get moving,” I said. “Really hope your idea works. I hate seeing these people like this.”

  Amelia nodded.

“It reminds me that not even I could protect this city alone.”

  “Well, to be fair, it was attacked by the damn elites—collateral damage. Then the freaking universe made things worse.” I paused. “Amelia…What happened to the misthanger queen?”

  “She was in the realm of mist weeks before the elite attack,” Amelia said. “I think…she couldn’t get back into the city due to the barrier. Fortunately, Misty’s back now though. And I believe her misthangers are also helping with the people.”

  “Should we include her in the plan?” I asked. “The more firepower, the better.”

  “Good idea, but I’m not sure if she’ll risk coming out in the open. Not while there’s a chance for her to be—” Amelia froze, catching herself.

  This secret bugged me. Who was Misty hiding from and why?

  “Amelia,” I said. “Spit it out. What’s going on with her?”

  “I can’t speak about Misty’s affairs,” Amelia said. “I promised her.”

  “Come on, now I’m really curious. I won’t squeal,” I said. She looked thoughtful for a second.

  “Sorry, this one’s confidential. What kind of a friend I’d be if I couldn’t keep a promise,” Amelia said. “

  Ask her. Maybe she’ll tell you.”

  I felt the frown form on my face.

  “I’d rather not. That woman gives me the creeps. What kind of a heavenly-being give people chills.”

  “Only misthangers,” Amelia said then laughed.

  “You’ll have to tell me when and why misthangers are in Paradise Realm, working for hunters,” I said. “Tonight.”

  “Oh yeah, you don’t know,” Amelia said. “Fine, but you better consider my words from last night.”

  I sighed.

  “Let’s get going. Ready to get this over and done with. The faster we get the tear, the faster I can get a beer.”

  Now it was Amelia’s turn to frown.

  Chapter Thirty-four


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