The Virginians

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by William Makepeace Thackeray

  CHAPTER X. A Hot Afternoon

  General Braddock and the other guests of Castlewood being duly consignedto their respective quarters, the boys retired to their own room, andthere poured out to one another their opinions respecting the greatevent of the day. They would not bear such a marriage--no. Was therepresentative of the Marquises of Esmond to marry the younger son ofa colonial family, who had been bred up as a land-surveyor? Castlewood,and the boys at nineteen years of age, handed over to the tender merciesof a stepfather of three-and-twenty! Oh, it was monstrous! Harry was forgoing straightway to his mother in her bedroom--where her black maidenswere divesting her ladyship of the simple jewels and fineries which shehad assumed in compliment to the feast--protesting against the odiousmatch, and announcing that they would go home, live upon their littleproperty there, and leave her for ever, if the unnatural union tookplace.

  George advocated another way of stopping it, and explained his plan tohis admiring brother. "Our mother," he said, "can't marry a man withwhom one or both of us has been out on the field, and who has wounded usor killed us, or whom we have wounded or killed. We must have him out,Harry."

  Harry saw the profound truth conveyed in George's statement, and admiredhis brother's immense sagacity. "No, George," says he, "you are right.Mother can't marry our murderer; she won't be as bad as that. And if wepink him he is done for. 'Cadit quaestio,' as Mr. Dempster used to say.Shall I send my boy with a challenge to Colonel George now?"

  "My dear Harry," the elder replied, thinking with some complacency ofhis affair of honour at Quebec, "you are not accustomed to affairs ofthis sort."

  "No," owned Harry, with a sigh, looking with envy and admiration on hissenior.

  "We can't insult a gentleman in our own house," continued George, withgreat majesty; "the laws of honour forbid such inhospitable treatment.But, sir, we can ride out with him, and, as soon as the park gates areclosed, we can tell him our mind."

  "That we can, by George!" cries Harry, grasping his brother's hand, "andthat we will, too. I say, Georgy..." Here the lad's face became veryred, and his brother asked him what he would say?

  "This is my turn, brother," Harry pleaded. "If you go the campaign, Iought to have the other affair. Indeed, indeed, I ought." And he prayedfor this bit of promotion.

  "Again the head of the house must take the lead, my dear," George said,with a superb air. "If I fall, my Harry will avenge me. But I must fightGeorge Washington, Hal: and 'tis best I should; for, indeed, I hate himthe worst. Was it not he who counselled my mother to order that wretch,Ward, to lay hands on me?"

  "Ah, George," interposed the more pacable younger brother, "you ought toforget and forgive."

  "Forgive? Never, sir, as long as I remember. You can't order remembranceout of a man's mind; and a wrong that was a wrong yesterday must be awrong to-morrow. I never, of my knowledge, did one to any man, and Inever will suffer one, if I can help it. I think very ill of Mr. Ward,but I don't think so badly of him as to suppose he will ever forgivethee that blow with the ruler. Colonel Washington is our enemy, mineespecially. He has advised one wrong against me, and he meditates agreater. I tell you, brother, we must punish him."

  The grandsire's old Bordeaux had set George's ordinarily palecountenance into a flame. Harry, his brother's fondest worshipper,could not but admire George's haughty bearing and rapid declamation, andprepared himself, with his usual docility, to follow his chief. So theboys went to their beds, the elder conveying special injunctions to hisjunior to be civil to all the guests so long as they remained under thematernal roof on the morrow.

  Good manners and a repugnance to telling tales out of school, forbid usfrom saying which of Madam Esmond's guests was the first to fall underthe weight of her hospitality. The respectable descendants of Messrs.Talmadge and Danvers, aides-de-camp to his Excellency, might not care tohear how their ancestors were intoxicated a hundred years ago; and yetthe gentlemen themselves took no shame in the fact, and there is littledoubt they or their comrades were tipsy twice or thrice in the week.Let us fancy them reeling to bed, supported by sympathising negroes; andtheir vinous General, too stout a toper to have surrendered himself toa half-dozen bottles of Bordeaux, conducted to his chamber by the younggentlemen of the house, and speedily sleeping the sleep which friendlyBacchus gives. The good lady of Castlewood saw the condition of herguests without the least surprise or horror; and was up early in themorning, providing cooling drinks for their hot palates, which theservants carried to their respective chambers. At breakfast, one ofthe English officers rallied Mr. Franklin, who took no wine at all, andtherefore refused the morning cool draught of toddy, by showing how thePhiladelphia gentleman lost two pleasures, the drink and the toddy. Theyoung fellow said the disease was pleasant and the remedy delicious, andlaughingly proposed to continue repeating them both. The General's newAmerican aide-de-camp, Colonel Washington, was quite sober and serene.The British officers vowed they must take him in hand, and teach himwhat the ways of the English army were; but the Virginian gentlemangravely said he did not care to learn that part of the English militaryeducation.

  The widow, occupied as she had been with the cares of a great dinner,followed by a great breakfast on the morning ensuing, had scarce leisureto remark the behaviour of her sons very closely, but at least saw thatGeorge was scrupulously polite to her favourite, Colonel Washington, asto all the other guests of the house.

  Before Mr. Braddock took his leave, he had a private audience of MadamEsmond, in which his Excellency formally offered to take her son intohis family; and when the arrangements for George's departure weresettled between his mother and future chief, Madam Esmond, though shemight feel them, did not show any squeamish terrors about the dangersof the bottle, which she saw were amongst the severest and most certainwhich her son would have to face. She knew her boy must take his part inthe world, and encounter his portion of evil and good. "Mr. Braddockis a perfect fine gentleman in the morning," she said stoutly to heraide-de-camp, Mrs. Mountain; "and though my papa did not drink, 'tiscertain that many of the best company in England do." The jolly Generalgood-naturedly shook hands with George, who presented himself to hisExcellency after the maternal interview was over, and bade Georgewelcome, and to be in attendance at Frederick three days hence; shortlyafter which time the expedition would set forth.

  And now the great coach was again called into requisition, the General'sescort pranced round it, the other guests and their servants went tohorse. The lady of Castlewood attended his Excellency to the steps ofthe verandah in front of her house, the young gentlemen followed, andstood on each side of his coach-door. The guard trumpeter blew a shrillblast, the negroes shouted "Huzzay, and God sabe de King," as Mr.Braddock most graciously took leave of his hospitable entertainers, androlled away on his road to headquarters.

  As the boys went up the steps, there was the Colonel once more takingleave of their mother. No doubt she had been once more recommendingGeorge to his namesake's care; for Colonel Washington said: "With mylife. You may depend on me," as the lads returned to their mother andthe few guests still remaining in the porch. The Colonel was booted andready to depart. "Farewell, my dear Harry," he said. "With you, George,'tis no adieu. We shall meet in three days at the camp."

  Both the young men were going to danger, perhaps to death. ColonelWashington was taking leave of her, and she was to see him no morebefore the campaign. No wonder the widow was very much moved.

  George Warrington watched his mother's emotion, and interpreted it witha pang of malignant scorn. "Stay yet a moment, and console our mamma,"he said with a steady countenance, "only the time to get ourselvesbooted, and my brother and I will ride with you a little way, George."George Warrington had already ordered his horses. The three youngmen were speedily under way, their negro grooms behind them, and Mrs.Mountain, who knew she had made mischief between them and trembled forthe result, felt a vast relief that Mr. Washington was gone without aquarrel with the brothers, without, at any rate, an open declaration oflove to
their mother.

  No man could be more courteous in demeanour than George Warrington tohis neighbour and namesake, the Colonel. The latter was pleased andsurprised at his young friend's altered behaviour. The community ofdanger, the necessity of future fellowship, the softening influence ofthe long friendship which bound him to the Esmond family, the tenderadieux which had just passed between him and the mistress of Castlewood,inclined the Colonel to forget the unpleasantness of the past days, andmade him more than usually friendly with his young companion. Georgewas quite gay and easy: it was Harry who was melancholy now: he rodesilently and wistfully by his brother, keeping away from ColonelWashington, to whose side he used always to press eagerly before. Ifthe honest Colonel remarked his young friend's conduct, no doubt heattributed it to Harry's known affection for his brother, and hisnatural anxiety to be with George now the day of their parting was sonear.

  They talked further about the war, and the probable end of the campaign:none of the three doubted its successful termination. Two thousandveteran British troops with their commander must get the better of anyforce the French could bring against them, if only they moved in decenttime. The ardent young Virginian soldier had an immense respect for theexperienced valour and tactics of the regular troops. King George II.had no more loyal subject than Mr. Braddock's new aide-de-camp.

  So the party rode amicably together, until they reached a certain rudelog-house, called Benson's, of which the proprietor, according to thecustom of the day and country, did not disdain to accept money fromhis guests in return for hospitalities provided. There was a recruitingstation here, and some officers and men of Halkett's regiment assembled,and here Colonel Washington supposed that his young friends would takeleave of him.

  Whilst their horses were baited, they entered the public room, andfound a rough meal prepared for such as were disposed to partake. GeorgeWarrington entered the place with a particularly gay and lively air,whereas poor Harry's face was quite white and woebegone.

  "One would think, Squire Harry, 'twas you who was going to leave homeand fight the French and Indians, and not Mr. George," says Benson.

  "I may be alarmed about danger to my brother," said Harry, "though Imight bear my own share pretty well. 'Tis not my fault that I stay athome."

  "No, indeed, brother," cries George.

  "Harry Warrington's courage does not need any proof!" cries Mr.Washington.

  "You do the family honour by speaking so well of us, Colonel," says Mr.George, with a low bow. "I dare say we can hold our own, if need be."

  Whilst his friend was vaunting his courage, Harry looked, to say thetruth, by no means courageous. As his eyes met his brother's, he read inGeorge's look an announcement which alarmed the fond faithful lad. "Youare not going to do it now?" he whispered his brother.

  "Yes, now," says Mr. George, very steadily.

  "For God's sake, let me have the turn. You are going on the campaign,you ought not to have everything--and there may be an explanation,George. We may be all wrong."

  "Psha, how can we? It must be done now--don't be alarmed. No names shallbe mentioned--I shall easily find a subject."

  A couple of Halkett's officers, whom our young gentlemen knew, weresitting under the porch, with the Virginian toddy-bowl before them.

  "What are you conspiring, gentlemen?" cried one of them. "Is it adrink?"

  By the tone of their voices and their flushed cheeks, it was clear thegentlemen had already been engaged in drinking that morning.

  "The very thing, sir," George said gaily. "Fresh glasses, Mr. Benson!What, no glasses? Then we must have at the bowl."

  "Many a good man has drunk from it," says Mr. Benson; and the lads oneafter another, and bowing first to their military acquaintance, touchedthe bowl with their lips. The liquor did not seem to be much diminishedfor the boys' drinking, though George especially gave himself a toper'sairs, and protested it was delicious after their ride. He called outto Colonel Washington, who was at the porch, to join his friends, anddrink.

  The lad's tone was offensive, and resembled the manner lately adopted byhim, and which had so much chafed Mr. Washington. He bowed, and said hewas not thirsty.

  "Nay, the liquor is paid for," says George; "never fear, Colonel."

  "I said I was not thirsty. I did not say the liquor was not paid for,"said the young Colonel, drumming with his foot.

  "When the King's health is proposed, an officer can hardly say no. Idrink the health of his Majesty, gentlemen," cried George. "ColonelWashington can drink it or leave it. The King!"

  This was a point of military honour. The two British officers ofHalkett's, Captain Grace and Mr. Waring, both drank "The King." HarryWarrington drank "The King." Colonel Washington, with glaring eyes,gulped, too, a slight draught from the bowl.

  Then Captain Grace proposed "The Duke and the Army," which toast therewas likewise no gainsaying. Colonel Washington had to swallow "The Dukeand the Army."

  "You don't seem to stomach the toast, Colonel," said George.

  "I tell you again, I don't want to drink," replied the Colonel. "Itseems to me the Duke and the Army would be served all the better iftheir healths were not drunk so often."

  "You are not up to the ways of regular troops as yet," said CaptainGrace, with rather a thick voice.

  "May be not, sir."

  "A British officer," continues Captain Grace, with great energy butdoubtful articulation, "never neglects a toast of that sort, nor anyother duty. A man who refuses to drink the health of the Duke--hang me,such a man should be tried by a court-martial!"

  "What means this language to me? You are drunk, sir!" roared ColonelWashington, jumping up, and striking the table with his fist.

  "A cursed provincial officer say I'm drunk!" shrieks out Captain Grace."Waring, do you hear that?"

  "I heard it, sir!" cried George Warrington. "We all heard it. Heentered at my invitation--the liquor called for was mine: the table wasmine--and I am shocked to hear such monstrous language used at it asColonel Washington has just employed towards my esteemed guest, CaptainWaring."

  "Confound your impudence, you infernal young jackanapes!" bellowed outColonel Washington. "You dare to insult me before British officers, andfind fault with my language? For months past, I have borne with suchimpudence from you, that if I had not loved your mother--yes, sir, andyour good grandfather and your brother--I would--I would--" Here hiswords failed him, and the irate Colonel, with glaring eyes and purpleface, and every limb quivering with wrath, stood for a moment speechlessbefore his young enemy.

  "You would what, sir?" says George, very quietly, "if you did notlove my grandfather, and my brother, and my mother. You are making herpetticoat a plea for some conduct of yours--you would do what, sir, mayI ask again?"

  "I would put you across my knee and whip you, you snarling little puppy,that's what I would do!" cried the Colonel, who had found breath by thistime, and vented another explosion of fury.

  "Because you have known us all our lives, and made our house your own,that is no reason you should insult either of us!" here cried Harry,starting up. "What you have said, George Washington, is an insult to meand my brother alike. You will ask pardon, sir!"


  "Or give us the reparation that is due to gentlemen," continues Harry.

  The stout Colonel's heart smote him to think that he should be at mortalquarrel or called upon to shed the blood of one of the lads he loved.As Harry stood facing him, with his fair hair, flushing cheeks, andquivering voice, an immense tenderness and kindness filled the bosom ofthe elder man. "I--I am bewildered," he said. "My words, perhaps, werevery hasty. What has been the meaning of George's behaviour to me formonths back? Only tell me, and, perhaps----"

  The evil spirit was awake and victorious in young George Warrington:his black eyes shot out scorn and hatred at the simple and guilelessgentleman before him. "You are shirking from the question, sir, as youdid from the toast just now," he said. "I am not a boy to suffer underyour arrogance. You have pu
blicly insulted me in a public place, and Idemand a reparation."

  "In Heaven's name, be it!" says Mr. Washington, with the deepest griefin his face.

  "And you have insulted me," continues Captain Grace, reeling towardshim. "What was it he said? Confound the militia captain--colonel, whatis he? You've insulted me! Oh, Waring! to think I should be insulted bya captain of militia!" And tears bedewed the noble Captain's cheek asthis harrowing thought crossed his mind.

  "I insult you, you hog!" the Colonel again yelled out, for he was littleaffected by humour, and had no disposition to laugh as the others had atthe scene. And, behold, at this minute a fourth adversary was upon him.

  "Great Powers, sir!" said Captain Waring, "are three affairs not enoughfor you, and must I come into the quarrel, too? You have a quarrel withthese two young gentlemen."

  "Hasty words, sir!" cries poor Harry once more.

  "Hasty words, sir!" cries Captain Waring. "A gentleman tells anothergentleman that he will put him across his knees and whip him, and youcall those hasty words? Let me tell you if any man were to say to me,'Charles Waring,' or 'Captain Waring, I'll put you across my knees andwhip you,' I'd say, 'I'll drive my cheese-toaster through his body,'if he were as big as Goliath, I would. That's one affair with young Mr.George Warrington. Mr. Harry, of course, as a young man of spirit, willstand by his brother. That's two. Between Grace and the Colonel apologyis impossible. And, now--run me through the body!--you call an officerof my regiment--of Halkett's, sir!--a hog before my face! Great heavens,sir! Mr. Washington, are you all like this in Virginia? Excuse me, Iwould use no offensive personality, as, by George! I will suffer nonefrom any man! but, by Gad, Colonel! give me leave to tell you that youare the most quarrelsome man I ever saw in my life. Call a disabledofficer of my regiment--for he is disabled, ain't you, Grace?--call hima hog before me! You withdraw it, sir--you withdraw it?"

  "Is this some infernal conspiracy in which you are all leagued againstme?" shouted the Colonel. "It would seem as if I was drunk, and not you,as you all are. I withdraw nothing. I apologise for nothing. By heavens!I will meet one or half a dozen of you in your turn, young or old, drunkor sober."

  "I do not wish to hear myself called more names," cried Mr. GeorgeWarrington. "This affair can proceed, sir, without any further insult onyour part. When will it please you to give me the meeting?"

  "The sooner the better, sir!" said the Colonel, fuming with rage.

  "The sooner the better," hiccupped Captain Grace, with many oathsneedless to print--(in those days, oaths were the customary garnish ofall gentlemen's conversation)--and he rose staggering from his seat, andreeled towards his sword, which he had laid by the door, and fell as hereached the weapon. "The sooner the better!" the poor tipsy wretch againcried out from the ground, waving his weapon and knocking his own hatover his eyes.

  "At any rate, this gentleman's business will keep cool till to-morrow,"the militia Colonel said, turning to the other king's officer. "You willhardly bring your man out to-day, Captain Waring?"

  "I confess that neither his hand nor mine are particularly steady," saidWaring.

  "Mine is!" cried Mr. Warrington, glaring at his enemy.

  His comrade of former days was as hot and as savage. "Be it so--withwhat weapon, sir?" Washington said sternly.

  "Not with small-swords, Colonel. We can beat you with them. You knowthat from our old bouts. Pistols had better be the word."

  "As you please, George Warrington--and God forgive you, George! Godpardon you, Harry! for bringing me into this quarrel," said the Colonel,with a face full of sadness and gloom.

  Harry hung his head, but George continued with perfect calmness: "I,sir? It was not I who called names, who talked of a cane, who insulted agentleman in a public place before gentlemen of the army. It is not thefirst time you have chosen to take me for a negro, and talked of thewhip for me."

  The Colonel started back, turning very red, and as if struck by a suddenremembrance.

  "Great heavens, George! is it that boyish quarrel you are stillrecalling?"

  "Who made you the overseer of Castlewood?" said the boy, grinding histeeth. "I am not your slave, George Washington, and I never will be. Ihated you then, and I hate you now. And you have insulted me, and I am agentleman, and so are you. Is that not enough?"

  "Too much, only too much," said the Colonel, with a genuine grief onhis face, and at his heart. "Do you bear malice too, Harry? I had notthought this of thee!"

  "I stand by my brother," said Harry, turning away from the Colonel'slook, and grasping George's hand. The sadness on their adversary's facedid not depart. "Heaven be good to us! 'Tis all clear now," he mutteredto himself. "The time to write a few letters, and I am at your service,Mr. Warrington," he said.

  "You have your own pistols at your saddle. I did not ride out withany; but will send Sady back for mine. That will give you time enough,Colonel Washington?"

  "Plenty of time, sir." And each gentleman made the other a low bow,and, putting his arm in his brother's, George walked away. The Virginianofficer looked towards the two unlucky captains, who were by this timehelpless with liquor. Captain Benson, the master of the tavern, waspropping the hat of one of them over his head.

  "It is not altogether their fault, Colonel," said my landlord, with agrim look of humour. "Jack Firebrace and Tom Humbold of Spotsylvania washere this morning, chanting horses with 'em. And Jack and Tom got 'em toplay cards; and they didn't win--the British Captains didn't. And Jackand Tom challenged them to drink for the honour of Old England, andthey didn't win at that game, neither, much. They are kind, free-handedfellows when they are sober, but they are a pretty pair of fools--theyare."

  "Captain Benson, you are an old frontier man, and an officer of ours,before you turned farmer and taverner. You will help me in this matterwith yonder young gentlemen?" said the Colonel.

  "I'll stand by and see fair play, Colonel. I won't have no hand in it,beyond seeing fair play. Madam Esmond has helped me many a time, tendedmy poor wife in her lying-in, and doctored our Betty in the fever. Youain't a-going to be very hard with them poor boys? Though I seen 'emboth shoot: the fair one hunts well, as you know, but the old one's awonder at an ace of spades."

  "Will you be pleased to send my man with my valise, Captain, into anyprivate room which you can spare me? I must write a few letters beforethis business comes on. God grant it were well over!" And the Captainled the Colonel into almost the only other room of his house, calling,with many oaths, to a pack of negro servants, to disperse thence, whowere chattering loudly among one another, and no doubt discussing thequarrel which had just taken place. Edwin, the Colonel's man, returnedwith his master's portmanteau, and as he looked from the window, hesaw Sady, George Warrington's negro, galloping away upon his errand,doubtless, and in the direction of Castlewood. The Colonel, young andnaturally hot-headed, but the most courteous and scrupulous of men, andever keeping his strong passions under guard, could not but think withamazement of the position in which he found, himself, and of the three,perhaps four enemies, who appeared suddenly before him, menacing hislife. How had this strange series of quarrels been brought about? Hehad ridden away a few hours since from Castlewood, with his youngcompanions, and, to all seeming, they were perfect friends. A shower ofrain sends them into a tavern, where there are a couple of recruitingofficers, and they are not seated for half an hour at a social table,but he has quarrelled with the whole company, called this one names,agreed to meet another in combat, and threatened chastisement to athird, the son of his most intimate friend!


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