Whiskey & Honey

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Whiskey & Honey Page 12

by Andrea Johnston

  Yep, together we’ll look like half of the Village People even though that wasn’t the plan. Ashton did an excellent job on our costumes and insists we are all going to rule the costume contest. Considering I’m getting here closer to the end of the night than the beginning the chances I’ve missed out on standing on the stage being judged for my costume is pretty high. Thank goodness.

  Before I can even open the door I feel the music pumping through my body and know the place is likely packed. Not looking forward to mindlessly searching for my friends, I sent a text to Owen when I parked. A quick check of my phone confirms he hasn’t responded.

  Instead of wandering around like a lost puppy, I decide to head straight for the bar to see Ashton. The closer to the bar I get, the less I want to be here. That is, until I see Ashton. Nothing my sister does surprises me but seeing her as Dolly Parton stops me in my tracks. Choosing to portray her favorite character from her favorite Dolly Parton movie, Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.

  With her dark hair hidden beneath a platinum wig, Ashton is covered in head to toe pink. The feathers from her poor excuse for a robe fly around her like a cloud as she mixes a drink. She’s painted her lips fire engine red and her long acrylic nails look more like weapons. I shake my head as I notice she’s added to the bust of the nightgown she’s wearing. If it wasn’t Halloween, I’d go into big brother mode and toss a sheet on her to cover the parts of her she clearly hasn’t.

  “Brother of mine! About time you got here. The douche crew is in full effect; you may need to save them.”

  “Yeah, I’m not saving anyone except whoever may get stuck with those things in their face.” Gesturing to her ample, yet fake, bosom, I wink and take the beer she offers me.

  “Oh please, this is every man’s dream.”

  “Not mine. I’m done after this,” I say, signaling my beer. “I have to be up early to get out to the house.”

  “Of course you do. You spend more time with that house than your own family. We’d like to see it one day, you know.”

  I guess I should at least take my family out to the property. I kind of wanted to wait until it was closer to done than not.

  “Noted. We’ll make plans soon, okay?”

  “Deal. Anyway, the guys and Piper are over there on the upper level. It doesn’t look like I’ll get a break anytime soon so say hi for me.”

  “Will do.”

  Just as I turn to walk away I hear Ash call my name. “Hey, will you check on Piper? I think she’s upset or something. Maybe one too many shots, I’m not sure.”

  “Was Dominguez here? Did he say something to her?” I feel the heat rising in me at the thought of that asshole upsetting Piper. Again.

  “Whoa there, cowboy. Literally. He was here but it was fine. She’s just been really quiet and seems pretty down about something. Maybe you can just talk to her or something. I’ve got to go. Taylor can’t handle this by himself.”

  “Sure. Oh, what does her costume look like? So I can find her?”

  A very evil smile takes over my far-from-angelic sister’s face. “Oh you’ll know when you see her.”

  That’s all she offers as she walks away laughing. It’s actually more of a cackle than a laugh. She should have dressed as Cruella de Vil. Shaking my head, I start out on my quest to find Piper and the guys. The moment I spot her I stop dead in my tracks.

  Holy fuck.

  My sister is equally my favorite and least favorite person right now. When we agreed to these costumes Piper was supposed to be dressed as a princess. In my mind she was going to be dressed in some sort of big poufy pink monstrosity of a costume. Hair piled high with a crown or something on her head. Of course, she’d look jaw dropping and exactly as a princess should. Maybe a little sexy in the cleavage department but that was about it.

  What stands before me is far from that. She’s a princess, only instead of inspired by Cinderella she’s a modern version of Princess Leia. Golden bikini Leia. A princess that my dick obviously approves of.

  Giving myself this undetected moment, only this moment, to take her in. I swear on whatever anyone wants me to swear on that as soon as I take in this beauty in front of me from head to toe I’ll go back to seeing my friend. My platonic friend. Screw it, I’m starting from the bottom and working my way up to those eyes.

  Her long skirt just skims the floor as she stands there. It sits low on her hips, so that her perfect belly button draws my attention to a part of her body that suddenly causes my mouth to go dry. I visibly gulp as it becomes evident that Piper is not only an avid runner but must also spend a lot of time doing crunches. Mindlessly taking a drink of my beer, my gaze finds the swell of her breasts. Nestled in what some would call a bathing suit top, a top that should only be worn in private, I am stunned stupid. It’s a top that should only be seen behind closed doors and finding its way to the floor. My floor.

  I may be a good guy, but I am a man in the end. And a liar since I basically told my sister not less than five minutes ago that I wasn’t a boob man. Which is technically true. I’m a woman man. I like women and don’t find myself attracted to one body part. Even with Piper this holds true, I’m a fan of the entire Piper Lawrence package. My dreaming self is to blame for the boob part.

  Now that I’ve said boob in my head enough to make these jeans extra tight below my holster, I need to refocus. Forcing my gaze from the distractions at chest level, I linger for a brief moment at the clavicle. How does this woman make a collar bone sexy? I’m not sure, but she does.

  When my eyes finally reach her beautiful face, my breath catches. Her lips are plump, like she’s been biting them, or even kissing someone, as she wraps them around the tiny straw in her glass. The thought of the latter option for their plumpness makes my blood boil. Her cheeks are flushed and I think Ashton is right. She seems to be a little more than tipsy and a lot more than distracted or unhappy. Looking down into the glass of amber liquid, she doesn’t seem to be aware of my recent assessment of her. Just as I’m about to turn back for the bar to grab her a glass of water in case it’s the former, she looks up and catches my eyes.

  I swear time stops for a fraction of a second. Suddenly the music is gone and the voices are a dull hum. The only noise I hear clearly is the blood pulsing in my ears.

  Then a smile takes over Piper’s face and all I can think of doing is taking her out of here and kissing her until those lips are swollen from mine. I return the smile instead and walk toward her.


  “Ben.” Her voice is raspy as she sighs my name. That voice that is always honey sweet wraps itself around my insides and tugs.

  “Well that is certainly some outfit you have there. I wasn’t expecting this princess.”

  Rolling her eyes at me as she sets her glass on a nearby table, she laughs. “Neither was I. Your sister is a bitch. But I love her and didn’t have a backup plan. So, here I am. Princess fucking Leia. It’s awful, isn’t it?”

  She begins to pat away lint from her skirt that doesn’t exist, fidgeting enough that I begin to worry that top will not contain her assets.

  “It’s something, but it most definitely is not awful. You look a little tipsy there, Princess. You want a water?”

  Furrowing her brow, she isn’t given an opportunity to respond before Jameson slaps me on the back and loudly exclaims how hot Piper looks. It’s my turn to shoot him a look through a furrowed brow. I can tell the moment my dislike of his comment registers because he slowly removes his hand from the spot on my shoulder where his hand landed.

  “Sorry, Pipe. But you really do look hot. Where ya been, man? You missed some hot chicks tonight.”

  “Excuse me, guys, I’m going to the restroom,” Piper grits out between her teeth before scurrying away.

  Interesting response to a simple comment. Very interesting. Her reaction isn’t lost on me, or Jameson for that matter.

  “What’s her problem? She’s been like that all night. The only time I’ve seen her look like
she’s having any fun was just now with you two talking. I thought you agreed to only be friends?”

  “We did. We are. I think she’s just uncomfortable in that outfit. Where are Landon and Owen?”

  “They took off already. Twins.”

  “Got it. No twins for you?”

  “Twins? No. A girl? Yep. She’s saying goodbye to her friends before we take off. I just wanted to see if Piper needed a lift. Sasha isn’t drinking tonight and said she’d give Piper a ride. Ya know, before she gives me one.” Obviously his own favorite audience, Jameson is quite pleased with that innuendo.

  “Really? You kiss your mom with that mouth? Shit, you kiss my mom with that mouth? You’re a dick, you know that?”

  “Lighten up. I’m just kidding. But really, we’re going to take off. Maybe you should offer to take Piper home. She rode with us so she doesn’t have her car anyway. You know, maybe spend some time with your friend. And that costume.”

  Without waiting for a response Jameson shouts to Piper that I’ll take her home and walks up to the girl who must be Sasha, scooping her up and causing her to let out a squeal as he starts carrying her toward the door. Another blonde in his long string of blondes. I guess when you have a type, you have a type.

  “You don’t have to take me home, Ben. I can take a cab. That was the plan anyway.”

  “That’s silly, Pipe. I’m already here. Besides, I am so over this costume and it’s only been on an hour. Should we tell Ashton you’re leaving?” We both look to the bar and see a line three people wide and at least thirty people deep and agree not to bother Ash.

  As we walk out the door and start toward my truck I notice Piper isn’t as graceful as she usually is. “You okay there, Princess?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t drink that much, I swear. I’m just not that graceful.”

  “Well, come on then, let’s get you home.” I offer my hand to help her and am surprised when she takes it. Like each time before that she’s allowed me to hold it, I savor the feeling of her tiny hand in mine. I know this moment may end at any time. One day she won’t grant me this small gift and that will devastate me just a little.

  “Ben?” she asks me as she slows her pace so I am forced to stop and turn to her, never letting go of her hand.

  “Will you take me to your house? I don’t want to go home.”

  “Piper, you’re drunk. You don’t want to drive all the way out to my house. Another time.”

  I can’t believe I just told her no.

  “I’m sorry. I get it. You don’t want to hang out with me.” Dropping my hand, she continues, “I’ll just get a cab instead. Have a good night.”

  Before she can turn and take a step, I grab her hand back. This time I interlock our fingers and tug her toward me. “I want nothing more than to hang out with you, Piper.” A small smile takes over her face, making it hard to resist her. But I do.

  “I’m not drunk, Ben. I may be a little tipsy, but by the time we get to your house I’ll be fine. I just don’t want to be alone. I’m tired of being alone. Please?”

  “Woman, you are killing me.” A half smile appears on her face. Perfection. “Let’s go.”

  “Yay! Okay, come on!” she shouts and drags me to my truck. Never letting my hand go.

  The moment we got in the truck I offered Piper my coat. It’s fall and the temperature is far from bathing suit top friendly. Gladly accepting the coat, Piper began letting her Princess Leia buns down, cursing Ashton the entire time. While the overall look is something I’ll never forget, I’m pleased to see her long hair once again flowing around her shoulders. Once she was more Piper and less Leia, she fastened her seat belt and slightly curled into a ball next to me. With her cheek resting on the back of the seat, we both seem content to just be.

  During the slight break between songs filling the cab I notice her breathing has slowed. A quick glance her way confirms that she’s asleep. I briefly consider turning around and taking her home but if I know anything about Piper, it’s that she’ll be more than upset if I don’t follow through with the plan to go to my house.

  I take this opportunity to simply appreciate the quiet and how this is the most relaxed I’ve felt in weeks. Avoiding time with Piper has been intentional and it has sucked. Royally sucked. A soft murmur from her has me looking at her again. She’s moved her hands so they make a pillow of sorts. She looks angelic and, as usual with these simple moments in Piper’s presence, I find myself hating my good guy self. Sometimes I wish I was less concerned about other people and willing to say screw it and push Piper to see where our feelings will take us.

  I recognize all the ways this detour can go wrong. The most obvious issue is the fact that I may actually die from not be able to touch her. Then there’s the possibility that we’ll have another talk and Piper will remind me of the “friends only” agreement. Of course there is the slightest chance that nothing will happen. There is the chance that we’ll avoid an awkward moment, avoid deep conversation, and, God willing, no friend zone talk.

  While I’m contemplating each scenario in complete detail, I hear the seat belt unbuckle and Piper scoot next to me.

  “Piper, what are you doing?”

  “I’m cold.”

  “Let me turn up the heat.”

  Before I can reach for the dial to the heat, Piper curls into my side.

  “This is fine. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Uh, no it’s fine.”

  I inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth as I attempt to slow my heartrate.

  “Don’t wreck us, okay?”

  “I won’t. I will keep you safe, Princess.”

  “I know,” she says through a yawn. “I’m just going to close my eyes until we get there.” Her last words are barely a mumble before she dozes off again.

  These small moments she grants me give me the slightest glimpse of what we could be. How perfectly she fits into the crook of my arm and how her body molds into mine as if it was and is meant to be there.

  Then the unthinkable happens and her hand drifts to my thigh, only inches from Mr. Happy. This woman is going to be the death of me. I shift my leg just enough, hoping she’ll move her hand. She doesn’t. If I didn’t know better, I’d say her hand was intentionally gripping my leg and not just resting there.

  The turn off to my property can’t come soon enough and I let out a sigh of relief the moment I stop in front of the house. Unable to use my right arm to put the truck in park for fear of startling Piper, I reach across the wheel and use my left hand. Once the truck is safely parked and the ignition off, I use my same hand to move the hair that has fallen in Piper’s face away. This tiny gesture has her slowly waking.

  “Piper, baby. We’re here.”


  I watch as her eyes flutter open and she takes in her surroundings. Slowly rising from where she is leaning against me, she looks into my eyes. My hand still on her hair where I just moved it.

  “You always do that.”

  Never breaking eye contact, I offer her a small smile. “That’s because you are too beautiful for your hair to hide your face.”

  I slowly move my hand so that my thumb is making a slow descent down her cheek until it reaches her chin. Her eyes take a quick break from mine and I see her look at my lips before returning my gaze. Our faces are close. Hers only inches from mine, I can feel her breathing, smell the whiskey on her breath.

  I only notice my hand is still holding her face when her own hand grasps mine and she smiles. It’s the smile that brings out the golden flecks in her eyes and causes her to scrunch her nose. The smile I can’t help but return.

  “Thank you,” she whispers.

  I clear my throat and put a little space between us. This movement successfully cuts through the thick tension – sexual tension – that made its way into this suddenly too small of a truck.

  “Do you want to see what I’ve done so far?”

  “Of course. Do you have electricity?”

  I let myself out of the truck and walk around to help Piper out. Again, she lets me take her hand. I reach inside the rear cab and grab a blanket.

  “I do have electricity. It was the first thing I had inspected and updated. Unfortunately, there isn’t any heat so we shouldn’t plan on being here too long. I’ll bring this in case we want to sit for a bit,” I say, raising the blanket.

  We begin walking toward the house. Again, Piper lets me lead her while still holding her hand. She’s holding her long skirt with her free hand when a slight breeze picks up and she releases my hand to pull her hair back. I’m taken a little aback when she finishes and resumes holding my hand. I offer her a little squeeze in recognition.

  “Your mom was telling me that you haven’t had your parents or Ashton out here yet. Why?”

  “I don’t really know. I guess I don’t want them to see what a mess it is and question why I made this decision. Honestly, Jameson has only been out here once and that was to help me with some demo. Otherwise, you’re the only person to be here besides the various contractors.”

  “Really? I’m honored. You should bring your parents. Everyone should see this place.”

  “Thanks. I’ll bring them out soon. I just want to keep it to myself for now.”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked to come here. This is your home and I just barged into it.”

  Stopping at the foot of the porch, I turn to Piper. “Do not apologize. I love that you wanted to come here. Come see what it looks like with missing walls.”

  “Oh Lord. You are such a man! Tearing down walls and using power tools. Please tell me the stained glass in the kitchen has made it unscathed.”


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