Secret Billionaire's Stubborn Cowgirl (The Secret Billionaires, #1)

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Secret Billionaire's Stubborn Cowgirl (The Secret Billionaires, #1) Page 8

by Leslie North

  “Quiet down, everyone. I know you’ve all been expecting an announcement. Mike here tells me he’s heard rumors already.” A nervous laugh echoed around the group. Lucy frowned. What was Zach doing and why had he wanted her here. Zach glanced at her and then faced his employees again. “The fact is that Collins, Collins and Abernathy is shutting down.”

  Lucy’s gasp echoed everyone else’s. Zach held up his hands. “But...the Collins Institute for the preservation of open space and farm land is going to take its place. Bill Abernathy’s been wanting to retire—Mike and I bought out his holding in the firm. We’re taking this into a new direction.”

  Another soft murmur swept the room. Lucy ignored it. She focused on Zach and only on him. What was he doing? Selling his company? Closing it? She didn’t understand.

  Raising his voice again, Zach said, “You all know advertizing is changing. Social media is taking over, TV ads aren’t going to be the same in the future—companies need to realize this, and they also need to start doing more than green-washing their reputation. The Collins Institute is going to be instrumental in changing any corporation’s image by changing how that company gives back to communities. We’re going to focus primarily on grants to small farms and ranches—we’re going to partner with companies who need to remake themselves. I won’t lie to you—it’s going to be a challenge in this world. Corporate giving is down—but we’re going to create new approaches to this. It’s going to be exciting. But I’m going to let Mike tell you about that because I’m stepping down.”

  Another gasp swept the room. Lucy glanced at the faces around her. Some looked worried, some excited. She still didn’t know what to think or feel.

  Zach slapped his brother’s shoulder. “Mike is the new CEO of the Collins Institute. I’m going to become one of the field agents, and also I’ll be leading one of our first clients, an Indian casino whose reputation was recently tarnished by a manger who used the casino for his own, possibly criminal endeavors. Mike.” Clapping, leading the applause, Zach stepped back as Mike stepped forward to talk, starting off with assuring everyone that all their jobs would be there if they wanted to stay.

  Leaning closer to Zach, Lucy whispered, “What do you mean you’re helping the casino?”

  Zach glanced at her. “Martino just ran the place. They need some serious good press now, and what better than they’re offering grants to local farmers and ranchers to help them stay in business and support the local economy? Charlie’s going to be an ideal candidate to apply for that—her place could become a show place for what a little money can do to help a local farm become productive again.”

  Lucy shook her head. “Charlie’s not—she’s not a farmer. Her dad was. She just wanted a place where she could help troubled kids, really.”

  Smiling, Zach grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the board room. “That’s even better. That’s perfect. Great press for the casino—a home that’ll help troubled kids find a path—and Charlie will get the kind of cash she needs to make it real.”

  Eyes narrowing, Lucy stared at Zach. “You’re really stepping away from all this.”

  Zach looked around and then looked at Lucy. “You mean would I rather have stars and sky overhead and clean air to breath and open land? Hell, yeah. Don’t get me wrong, I’m good at this.” He waved at the painted walls around them, all done up in soothing gray. “I’m really good, but it’s never been where my heart’s at. Mike’s been needing to get out from under my wing—you think we had arguments, you should have heard some of the ones he and I had. You made me see that—you made me realize I was putting off living until sometime when I retired and that was when I’d like Mike run things. Except that was wrong.” He took her hand. “I wouldn’t have seen what I needed to do, except for you. So...what do you say? You want to be a part of this? Help me find farms and ranches that we can help save?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know about this.”

  “Okay, how about this—anyone tell you that you have beautiful eyes? Or that are one hard woman to convince?”

  The corner of her mouth twitched. “Nobody needed to until now.”

  “Good. Now let’s grab some lunch and then I’m going to show you New York.”

  She tightened her grip on his hand. “Can’t we just go back to Charlie’s? I mean, can’t you do the rest of this all with a computer.”

  He blinked at her and grinned. “I suppose I could.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  For the first time in her life, Lucy knew she was free to have a good time. She didn’t need to worry about what was going to happen next or what was waiting for her around the corner. She didn’t have debts to pay off or people to hide from—she was running now just for fun. And she knew exactly where she wanted to go. Breathing heard, she heard the thump of Zach’s footsteps behind her. He grabbed her around the waist. She gave a squeal. He swung her around and kissed her until she was breathless.

  Turning in his arms, she stared at the spot they’d run to—the small lake on the land they’d bought next to Charlie’s ranch.

  The blue of the water matched Zach’s eyes. A gnarled, old oak tree shaded the water, and one long branch hung out over the sparkling water. A long rope with a knot at the end hung from the tree limb. She smiled at Zach. “It’s so nice to have a day to ourselves.”

  The past few months had been hectic, not just with starting up Zach’s charitable company, but Charlie had turned out to be the perfect person to apply for the first grant. Charlie now had three kids besides Jackson—who was now acting like the old had at everything. With the extra help, Charlie had far less trouble running her place as a ranch and not just a bed and breakfast—but she still opened her house to her regulars. Lucy had been to more places with Zach in the last few months than ever, but she was ready to slow down a little and enjoy the small place they’d bought to be close to Charlie.

  She also had her mom here at the ranch house with a live-in nurse—they’d fought over that because it was so damn expensive. They fought over a lot of things, but somehow they always found a way to a compromise that worked for both of them. And Lucy sometimes thought them arguing make for a lot spicier time in bed.

  Slipping out of Zach’s arms, Lucy spread out a Pendleton blanket. Zach picked up the basket he’d put down. He had on his usual plaid shirt, his jeans and cowboy boots, and his battered Stetson. Lucy could hear Sunny’s bark as he chased something. Kneeling on the blanket, she pulled out Charlie’s fried chicken, biscuits, cheese and crackers, strawberries and a bottle of wine with two paper cups.

  Zach grinned. “Just like old times. Remember what happened the first time we had a picnic together?”

  She shook her head. “Nope—I’m eating first.” She picked up a strawberry and bit into it—slowly.

  “Want to play like that, hun?” Growling, he tackled her and rolled her onto the ground. He took the half eaten strawberry from her hand. Smiling, he licked her lips. “Tastes good,” he said, his voice rough.

  Mesmerized by the look in his eyes, she touched a hand to his chest.

  He kissed her, long and deep and she slipped her hands up under his shirt to feel his skin. She, she needed to feel him. She gasped as he slipped his hand under her shirt and over her breast.

  Sitting up, he pulled of his shirt. He bent to unbutton hers, grumbling, “Too many damn clothes.”

  “I can take care of that.” She wiggled out of her jeans.

  Zach stared down at her, his eyes dark. Touching her, he rubbed between her legs. “You’re so wet.”

  She moaned, and he slipped a finger inside her. Leaning over her, he sucked and nipped at her nipples. She gave a gasp and grabbed for his hips. “Now who’s wearing too much. Lose the boots and jeans, cowboy.”

  He reared up to drag off his boots, socks and jeans.

  Lucy watched as beads of sweet trickled down his neck. Reaching up, she wiped them away with her tongue. Naked now, he grabbed her hips. “Want a ride, little lady.�

  “Call me that again, buster, and you’ll get more than you can handle.”

  “Promises, promises,” Zach said, and smiled.

  She pushed him down on the ground and swung a leg over him so she sat on his hips. Grinding her hips into his, she watched his head fall back. He gave a moan and she guided him inside her. He slipped in and she gave a gasp. Eyes half closed, she lifted up and sank down on him—again and again. The pressure built inside her and she both wanted it to last and wanted it to end. Wiggling her hips again, she ground down on him. The world went white. Inside her, she could feel Zach’s hot seed spurting in long bursts.

  He let out a breath and looked up at her. Smiling, she eased off him and lay beside him. A cool breeze caressed her skin.

  Running a finger over her shoulder, he said, “I’ve never felt so content at being in a place as this. You’re the reason for it. I had to come to this small place to find out what really matters.’ Grinning, he sat up and tugged on her hand. “Come on. Let’s go swimming.”

  “But the water’s going to be freezing—it’s heading into fall soon. And you can’t make me.”

  “Wanna bet?” He stood and swept her into his arms. She gave a shriek as he jumped into the water. She came up, sputtering. Zach started laughing.

  She grabbed him and dragged him down under the water with her. They both came up laughing, water dripping from their faces.

  “Oh, god that is cold.” He shuddered. “Okay—you were right.” Grabbing her hand, he pulled her out with him. He spread the blanket out in the sun and she collapsed on it.

  Stretching out next to her, he said, “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”

  She propped herself up on an elbow. “What? Something about the Institute? Or Charlie? Or my mom?”

  He shook his head. Drops of water slid down his cheek. Reaching over to his jeans he pulled out a small, black-velvet box. “Lucy Ennis, will you make an honest man out of me and marry me?”


  Lucy downed another drink. She waved at Maggie. “Another.”

  Shaking her head, Maggie poured two fingers of whiskey. “Are you sure about this?”

  Lucy nodded. She shoved the whit veil away from her face.

  “Hey, darlin’, where’s the weddin’? How about marryin’ me?”

  Back teeth set, Lucy glanced over to Sid. “One more crack, Sid, and I’m coming over there.”

  Sid leaned back in his chair, grinning. “Ah, you know I’m just funnin.’”

  Maggie leaned her elbows on the bar. “So tell me again why you’re not at the church for your own wedding?”

  With a shudder, Lucy threw back her drink. It burned all the way down and exploded in her stomach. “I didn’t think there’d be so many people.”

  “Honey, you’re the one who decided to go and marry the man.” Maggie tugged at the beaded sleeve of Lucy’s dress. “He may be giving away most of his money, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a whole lot more. And everyone knows that now.”

  Lucy slapped her shot glass on the bar. “Give me another. Maybe after six more I’ll be okay with tying my life to another. I just—”

  “You just hate giving up an ounce of your independence.” Zach’s voice made Lucy spin on the bar stool. She almost fell sideways, but Zach caught her.

  Looking up into his face, she asked, “How’d you know?”

  “You’d be here?” He righted her, sat on the barstool next to her, and held up a finger. “Whatever you have on tap.”

  With a smile, Maggie shook her head and moved off to draw him a beer.

  Lucy frowned. “You don’t know me that well.”

  “Oh, yes I do.”

  He’d changed out of his tux—or maybe he hadn’t put it on yet. He had on his plaid shirt and jeans. He’d bought new cowboy boots, but the Stetson was still the worn straw that she’d first seen on him. He looked—well, he looked like any other hard-working cowboy.

  Lucy had to swallow. That sizzle of desire that stirred in her whenever she put eyes on him tugged at her. “When you told Charlie not to spare any expense, I didn’t think she’d invite the whole county. And everybody’s cousin.”

  Zach grimaced. “I know. I didn’t figure on that, either. But...well, this isn’t about us anymore. Your mom’s waiting, you know. She and Jackson have taken a liking to each other—I think your mom’s thinking he’s her beau.”

  With a groan, Lucy sank her head onto the bar. From the back, Sid’s voice lifted. “Honey, you come on over here and I’ll marry you!”

  Lifting her head, Lucy shot him a look. “Shut up, Sid. I don’t work here so I don’t have to take your guff anymore.”

  “Like you ever did,” Maggie muttered. She put a beer in front of Zach. “Anything else I can get you? A preacher maybe?” She grinned.

  Turning on her stool, Lucy faced Zach. “Can’t we just elope.”

  “We could. Only there’s your mom waiting, and Charlie’d be disappointed.” Zach took her hand. “And my brother would kill me—he’s already saying the press we’re getting is like gold in the bank.”

  Lucy wrinkled her nose. “Your brother needs to get a life.”

  “Or a good woman. But what I need is to get a wife.” Zach stood up. “Coming?”

  From behind the bar, Maggie took away Lucy’s glass and waved at her. “Well, go on. You always said you wanted a hard-working man, and honey if you haven’t made this man work hard to get you then I don’t know hard when I see it. Now get. And save me some cake. I’m off at five.”

  With a sigh, Lucy stood. She put her hand in Zach’s. Straightening, she tugged at her veil. “Do I look all right?”

  Zach kissed the tip of her nose. “You look perfect.”

  He smiled at her with a look that made her heart melt. “You do know, I’m a woman who only does this once.”

  With a nod, he tucked her hand into the crook of his arm. “I wouldn’t have you any other way. Now, let’s get hitched.”



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  Sign up to Leslie North’s Newsletter and read two of Leslie North’s full-length and highly-rated novellas for FREE:

  Leslie North’s Newsletter

  The Fedosov Family Series

  The Russian's Stubborn Lover (FREE) (Excerpt Below!)

  The Russian’s Bold American

  The Russian’s Secret Child

  The Denver Men Series

  The CEO’s Pregnant Lover (EXCERPT BELOW)

  The Marine’s Virgin Lover

  FBI Agent’s Reluctant Lover

  Navy Seal’s Innocent Italian

  The Jawhara Sheiks Series

  The Sheik’s Pregnant Bride (FREE)

  The Sheik’s Troublesome Bride

  The Sheik’s Captive Bride

  The Botros Brothers Series

  The Sheik’s Accidental Pregnancy

  The Sheik’s Defiant Girlfriend

  The Sheikh's Demanding Fiancée

  Excerpt from ‘The Russian’s Stubborn Lover’ (Download Instantly – Click Here) (FREE)

  Julia Thompson sat at the bar and watched the crowded dance floor, once again trying to find her best friend, Tonya, amidst the masses of writhing bodies. She pushed her glasses up on her nose, and her brown hair off her forehead, fanning herself to move the air around.

  It was Friday night and they were supposed to be celebrating Julia having won the coveted exchange position in her company. Every year, three employees from the American-based mining company traded placed with three employees from the Russian-based mining company. Prior to this year, all of the exchange positions had been filled with men, but Julia had proven that she could hold her own in the financial world. Much
to her counter-part’s dismay, she had been given the chance to fill the position for the upcoming year. She would be leaving for Russia within the next few weeks and needed a break before the madness of preparing to leave the US for a year began.

  She had been ecstatic and she and Tonya had gone out to celebrate. The hottest nightclub in the city was DYSH and they had waited for thirty minutes to gain access to the inside. The crowd was to be expected so early on a Friday evening, and Julia hoped that as the night progressed, the people would begin to thin out.

  She loved to dance, but being pressed up against five other people while she did so was not her idea of a good time.

  While she waited for Tonya to return, she glanced around the large room once more, focusing once again on the group of good-looking men sitting at the corner table. They were all tall, with dark hair, and great physiques. The two younger men kept going out on the dance floor, but the third man simply watched.

  Feeling someone staring at him, Dmitry raised his head and once again caught the young woman sitting at the bar looking directly at him. He raised an eyebrow at her and then smiled when she held his gaze and didn’t look away.

  Julia wasn’t sure why she kept staring at him. He gave off an aura of power and danger, but she was feeling on top of the world at the moment, and the alcohol buzzing through her system helped her project a confidence she normally didn’t have.

  Dmitry motioned with his head for her to come to him, pleased when she slipped from the stool and sauntered over to him, a small smile upon her face. “Hi,” she said when she was standing next to his table.

  “Hello. Would you care to join me?”

  Julia nodded and slid into the booth, “How come you’re not joining your friends on the dance floor?” She tossed her head towards the throng of people and then looked back at him.

  “Too many people. What about you?”

  “Same. I love to dance, but getting trampled on isn’t my idea of fun.” Julia let her eyes roam over his face, loving what she saw. His gray eyes were striking and very intense. This man seemed like someone who had trouble relaxing. His accent was unusual, and she wondered where he was from, “You’re not from around here.”


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