Moon Shine (Takhini Wolves)

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Moon Shine (Takhini Wolves) Page 11

by Vivian Arend

  Shaun was doing his stormy-face thing while Gem examined Amy with a great deal of curiosity. Evan didn’t even want to speculate how much mischief the two women would get up to once they got to know each other better.

  His mate and her hacking talents? Gem and her ability to sweet-talk the universe into going her direction? His and Shaun’s gooses were well and truly cooked.

  The thought made him smile like a maniac.

  Amy elbowed him, and he blinked, dragging on a more serious expression.

  She turned to the table and headed into introductions. “Sarah, I’d like you to officially meet everyone. Gem and Shaun. And this is Evan. I’m sure you’ve seen them around town.”

  It was clear the elderly wolf was strong, but Sarah still stared at him as if he were a monster with two heads. The urge to make a scary face was far too tempting.

  “Okay. I met everyone, now I have other things to do.” Shaun began to turn away, his nose wrinkling as if he smelled something funny.

  Amy leaned forward before he could leave, a gentle smile on her face and insistent pressure blaring from her wolf side. “Shaun. Darling Shaun. Put your ass down in your seat or the next time you’re in wolf I will grab a nail gun, pin your tail to the floor, and force you to shift to human.”

  Tension spiked briefly, easing as Gem sat, pulling Shaun down with her. By the time everyone else was seated, Amy had turned her attention to Shaun’s mate. “Gem, I understand you found some work with the Yukon government.”

  Gem wore an expression somewhere between exasperation and admiration as she glanced between her mate and Amy. She laid a soothing hand on Shaun’s shoulder and rubbed as she answered. “Yes, I’m working through some research projects and summarizing details for the records. Suggesting future projects that will fill in the gaps and fit within the environmental guidelines for the area.”

  “When you’re done, I would love a copy of anything you can share for the library.” Amy’s friend nodded cautiously at Gem. “With all the cutbacks, I’ve been struggling to add resources, and up-to-date research is always scarce. I heard amazing things regarding your work.”

  Gem beamed. “I’d love to help you, Sarah.”

  “Be careful what you promise,” Shaun warned. He pointed a finger at Amy. “This one—”

  “—and I think it’s time to put the meat on the grill.” Evan shot to his feet. The ladies were working at getting along, but his Beta needed some sense smacked into him. “Shaun, you’re with me.”

  “The steaks are on the counter. Please don’t burn them this time,” Gem ordered, her glare at Shaun sharp enough to cut.

  Shaun stood, sniffing indignantly. “We don’t burn things, we add a healthy dose of charcoal to aid digestion.”

  “Well, last time my digestion was squeaky clean for days. Let’s not do a repeat.” Gem blew him a kiss to soften the words. “We’re good here,” she insisted. “Go. Go make things smoke. You know you want to.”

  Thank God for smart, reasonable women. Evan winked at Gem, and she smiled, pushing Shaun toward the door.

  Shaun glared over his shoulder, but he followed Evan outside. Behind them, the three women continued to talk, the discussion branching into online book shopping and resource acquisitions.

  Shaun stood silently as Evan cleaned the grill. Evan waited, figuring it would take about ten more seconds before his Beta let it all out.

  “I can’t believe you’re mates with that barracuda.”

  “Aww, you like her.” Evan slapped the first steak on the grill. “I don’t know what your problem is. She’s just as sneaky and twisted as you are.”

  The other wolf snorted. “Sure, I like her. Kind of how I like double pneumonia and hives. She took everything, Evan. Are you going to let her get away with that?”

  “It’s not a matter of letting her get away with it. She did it. There’s no going back and erasing it. That’s why we’re meeting tonight, to move toward the next stage for Whitehorse and the packs.” Evan closed the top of the grill and turned his full attention on Shaun. “I know it wasn’t the best of beginnings, but tell me the truth. What do you think about her?”

  Shawn hesitated long enough Evan smacked him in the chest.

  A slow grin snapped free. “Fine. She’s got balls, I’ll give her that. And I suppose if she puts as much effort into building the pack, I’ll refrain from trapping her in an alley some dark and stormy night and burying her in rotting compost.”

  Evan nodded. “That’s what I figured.”

  “Besides, she’s cute, in a sort of ‘willing to tear your throat out at a moment’s notice’ kind of way. And she’s strong—damn strong—which is sexy even while it’s freaky to have someone as tiny as her pack that much of a punch.”

  A rush of extraordinary anger slammed into Evan at the thought anyone, even Shaun, was looking at Amy with sexual admiration. He crowded the man, backing him toward the railing of the deck. “The word sexy never again comes out of your mouth along with her name. Don’t even think it, do I make myself clear?”

  The words weren’t that frightening, but the threat was there in his tone.

  “Someone’s got an issue.” Shaun gave him a look. “You don’t have to warn me off. I mean, I’d never cheat on Gem in the first place, but I’d never in a million years go after someone you’re mated to. You need to chill the eff out.”

  Evan squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Sorry. That wasn’t about you.”

  “Your balls are turning blue, I get it.” Shaun shoved him away. “But no matter how much I love and respect you, I’m not offering to help with that issue.”

  “Fuck off.”

  Shaun grinned. “You know, you teased me unmercifully when I was figuring out this mate thing with Gem. It’s very amusing to be on the other side of the fence.”

  Evan glared harder. “You’re going to get that fence shoved where the sun don’t shine if you’re not careful.”

  “Just saying.” His Beta opened the barbecue to flip the steaks. He glanced through the window at the three women who were now gathered around the main table, putting out cutlery and making salads. “When did we get domesticated, dude? I mean, I love Gem and all, but this picture is scary weird.”

  “The world had to change,” Evan pointed out. “As much fun as it was being single, this is our destiny.”

  That is, as soon as he and Amy were truly mates. They were stuck in limbo. Not only was it physically frustrating, Evan hated not being in control.

  Maybe he should take charge and make it happen.

  Or maybe he should back off a little more.

  Or maybe he should…

  Jeez, he was being pathetic again. Maybe he should get rip-roaring drunk and not have to make any choices. He needed to screw his head on right and make a bloody decision. This going around in circles wasn’t him, dammit.

  Gem joined them, slipping her arms around Shaun’s waist and settling in tight. She kissed his cheek then turned her smile on Evan. “I like her.”

  Relief struck. “Good to know.”

  “There’s something different about her.” Gem frowned. “I’m not sure what it is, but on the other hand, she’s easy to talk to, and she seems to care. Whatever she’s holding back doesn’t worry me, since this was our first meeting. I can work with her.”

  Her assurances meant a lot. “Thanks.”

  Gem stroked a hand down Shaun’s cheek. “And you, my darling, are being a problem child. Do I need to remind you to watch your manners?”

  “I will be an absolute prince from now on,” Shaun promised.

  Gem laughed. “I will believe it when I see it.” She turned to Evan. “I invited a few others from the pack to join us after dessert. I hope that’s okay.”

  She was brilliant. Post-dinner they would have had enough quality time as a small group for the first day. “That shou
ld distract Shaun so he doesn’t do anything stupid. Any objections he’s got to my mate need to get buried and lost, and soon.”

  “He’s feeling a little threatened,” Gem offered. “I’m sure he’ll get over it soon.”

  “Still needs to behave, or I’ll sit on him,” Evan warned.

  Shaun glared. “Hey, I’m right here. Don’t talk about me in front of my face.”

  “Were we talking about you?” Gem draped her arms around his neck and kissed him soundly. “Oh, and here’s motivation. If you do act like an ass? I get to pick all the movies we watch for the next month.”

  Evan whistled softly. “Man, I’d watch your p’s and q’s.”

  “You know it.” Gem smiled as she backed away, waving farewell over her shoulder. “I’ve been saving every weepy chick flick I could find.”

  Shaun crossed his arms over his chest and frowned as Gem closed the door behind her. “A guy could get a complex around here. You’d think I was an asshole or something.”

  “If the boot fits…” Evan sniffed, swearing as he realized what the strange hissing sound was. “Dammit, Shaun, did you turn the heat up?”

  His Beta scrambled for the tongs, but it was too late. He held a sadly shriveled jet-black steak in the air. “You like yours well done, or well done?”

  Evan rolled his eyes. Some things never changed.

  The meal passed without too many troubles, the emergency “back-up” roast Gem pulled from the oven going down easily. Shaun pretty much refused to talk directly to Amy, but the rest of them found enough to discuss that didn’t involve major pack decisions. Just an open, welcoming time to get their feet wet and start new relationships.

  Supper was barely done when there was a knock on the door. Amy paused in the middle of helping Gem clear the table.

  “Oops.” The beautiful dark-skinned woman straightened, turning to lay a hand on Amy’s arm. “I forgot to mention. Some of the pack said they would be dropping in. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Of course not. It’s your home.”

  “I don’t want you to feel…rushed, or anything.”

  Gem bit her lower lip, and suddenly it was Amy offering a soothing reassurance the other direction. “I’ll be fine, but could you warn Sarah?”

  Amy needed to touch base with Evan to see how he wanted to approach the evening.

  That morning, people had been curious but reserved because she’d only been visible for a short while. Plus they’d been in the pack house, where all sorts of people could be expected to drop in.

  Tonight’s gathering? Questions would be asked, and if she’d done her homework correctly, she needed to be ready to make a show of power.

  Takhini respected strength.

  Her Canyon members needed quiet. They needed plenty of space and freedom, allowing them to choose to come to their Alpha. They needed guidance, but many of them were damaged in some way, skittish and ready to bolt. The right Alpha met those hungers by being a deep, calm lake where they could refresh themselves.

  Takhini were more like kayakers on a violent set of rapids in the moments before the river burst over the edge of the cliff, flinging them into free fall over a wild torrent. She had to be ready to throw herself off the precipice and prove she could guide their energy.

  She pulled Evan to the side of the room. “What’s the plan?”

  He slipped his arms around her, tugging her against his body. “Plan?”

  God. How was she supposed to concentrate when her senses were filled with him? The heat of his body, his scent in her head? The lingering taste of the meal vanished until all she wanted for dessert was more of him.

  The kiss earlier in the day hadn’t been nearly enough.

  She struggled back to her question as new voices rang out from the front door. “What are we telling your pack? Do I need to make a challenge?”

  “Oh, no.” He shook his head, skimming his knuckles over her cheek before tucking her hair behind her ear. “This is a social night with a few of the pack. There’s no need for any formal announcements.”

  Unease settled in hard. Amy glanced over her shoulder in time to spot Sarah disappearing, the elderly librarian vanishing into the night before any of the newcomers could even ask her name. “This looks like more than just a few. They’re going to wonder who I am.”

  “They’d be pretty stupid not to be able to sniff out who you are to me. But you need to go with the flow.” He leaned over and snapped his teeth beside her ear, sending a shiver racing over her skin as he lowered his voice to a whisper. “Trust me, and chill for a bit. Stop worrying about the details, and enjoy yourself for once without a computer in your hand.”

  “Smart-ass.” This didn’t seem right, not with what she’d researched.

  But then…she’d made her take-over plans based on having removed Evan from the picture before fighting her way in to prove she could care for Takhini.

  Maybe with the unexpected mating on her side, things had changed.

  Evan was staring at her, one hand cupped around her hip, his thumb teasing under her shirt along the waistline of her jeans. “So?”

  Amy nodded slowly. “Okay. We’ll do it your way.”

  He pressed his lips to her cheek. “Good girl. Now come, and say hello.”

  Evan brought her with him to the middle of the room, dropping onto the arm of the couch and tugging her onto his lap. She leaned against him for balance, loving how his body heat wrapped around her. Hating how sitting with him felt so natural. It had only been a day. How could she change her life in a flash like this?

  Her wolf sighed contentedly, answering the question in the most basic of ways.


  The shout sounded from across the room a second before they were surrounded by half a dozen oversized male wolves, all over six feet tall and all loudly demanding Evan intervene in their dispute.

  “Knock it off,” he ordered, and the squabbling hushed in a surprisingly short time. “Lance, you first. What happened to your truck?”

  While the man answered, Lance checked her out, his head swiveling between her and Evan. The entire group took turns poking their heads around Lance to stare at her with curiosity. Evan lifted his hand to her neck, stroking her hair to the side. His touch was driving her mad, and her physical reaction to the caress had to be obvious to everyone in the room.

  Damn wolf senses.

  Lance’s complaints stuttered to a halt. “What the fuck is up with you two?” he demanded.

  Evan’s tone dropped. “Is that really what you want to say?”

  The man stiffened, glanced again at Amy as he cleared his throat and spoke more civilly. “I mean, hi.” He held out his hand.

  She accepted it. “Hi, Lance. I’m Amy.”

  He squeezed her fingers a touch tighter than was polite.

  Amy was good. So very good, which meant she resisted jabbing with her free hand and blacking his eye. Any other time, faced with his attitude, she would have reacted in an instant—attacking felt like the right thing to do.

  But Evan had asked her to chill. So she was chillin’.

  Much to both her human and wolf’s dismay.

  Evan grumbled, easing her to her feet as he stood and faced Lance head on. It was no relaxed man but Takhini’s Alpha who moved forward and crowded the other man. “Amy, go say hi to someone else. I need to chat with Lance and the boys for a minute.”

  Oh hell, no—

  Chillin’. She was chillin’.

  Amy stifled her anger. Now this was going to be a big deal, like she’d expected, but Evan was playing fix-it instead of them working together to set a firm foundation. But she refused to undermine his authority in front of his pack by calling him on it.

  She pulled back as ordered. “Fine.”

  She made sure the word flounce couldn’t be applied to her de
parture, but damn if she didn’t want to make a fuss.

  Amy retreated to the sidewall so she could observe the entire room. It seemed watching was all she had done for the past year, but now a different perspective shaped her observations.

  Not even five minutes later, Evan had an arm wrapped around one of the wolves’ neck, rubbing his knuckles briskly against his head. She glanced at the man’s face, but there was no discomfort, only satisfaction in receiving attention from his Alpha. Loud, physically aggressive and wild attention he seemed pleased with. Lance was in the middle of the melee, a broad grin on his face. In fact, the entire room was full of dynamic, eager-for-attention wolves.


  The situation had smoothed over rapidly. She’d been wrong, she guessed, and Evan had been right.

  Then Amy considered what Laney would do if plopped into the room, and she shook her head. No, she might have been wrong about some things, but she wasn’t wrong about this. Her pack members would never feel comfortable in such a free-for-all setting.

  And even here there was someone out of her comfort zone. Like a fish out of the fishbowl, the delicate bear-shifter Amanda Ainsworth sat in the middle of the room. Her knees were pressed together, back straight, hands resting in her lap as she stared forward and avoided making eye contact with anyone.

  This was worth coming out of hibernation for. Amy made her way across the room, putting herself between Amanda and the noisiest of the gathering. “Mind if I join you?”

  Amanda blinked in surprise then forced a smile. “Go right ahead.”

  Amy made sure to leave space between them on the couch. She sat silently for a moment, glancing around to see what Amanda was taking in. Pretty much what had been apparent from the corner of the room.

  Moving chaos. Energy and life bubbled around them, but for the quiet woman with the damaged soul, it had to be far too much shouting and questionable humour. “If you pick one spot straight ahead of you and focus on it, it will seem as if there are less people in the room,” Amy suggested softly.

  Amanda turned toward Amy. She didn’t say anything for a moment. Her wolf power wasn’t useful in this situation, so instead Amy deliberately matched her breathing with the bear shifter. The tension drained from the other woman’s shoulders. Around them, the crowd continued to move in waves, but they were safe in their little oasis.


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