Celestial Beauty

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Celestial Beauty Page 3

by Angela Castle

  Her eyes widened slightly in surprise before narrowing again in suspicion. “I am not beautiful!” The little growl in her voice suddenly made her very sexy, but her words worried him. “I knew it! You know I’m human. I just bet you’re here to salvage me, but I am not something you can reclaim or salvage. I’ll tell you right now, Commander Zeb, I’d rather die than be shoved in another cage!”

  A mix of anger and compassion swamped him at her words. He understood. She feared he was like the Jorvals, who mistreated the human females they abducted.

  “We are not here for you. We are metal salvagers and had no idea you were here. Believe me, we were having engine problems and needed to set down to do repairs. My people know a lot about human females, because they—” From behind her he spotted Raz, but before he could shake his head in warning Raz leapt at his target.

  A scream tore from her throat as Raz’s heavy body slammed into her, knocking the weapon from her gasp, and sprawling under him.

  “Raz, you idiot, get off her. She’s a human female!”


  Commander Zeb’s bellow made the red man on top of Celeste freeze.

  “Human female?” the one called Raz echoed, before doing what could only be described as a push-up, lifting off her, at the same time still pinning her arms to the ground. His wide, curious golden eyes peered down at her.

  She gasped for breath. His weight and sudden ground tackle had left her breathless and in a state of shock, and parts of her body throbbed in pain. He let go of her wrists and sat back on his heels. From his crouched position his molten, golden gaze swept her from head to toe.

  “A human female, and here I was thinking some beast from this planet was planning on making a meal out of you, brother.” He grinned, turning to his brother. “Are you hurt?”

  A flicker of irritation showed in Zeb’s gaze as he glared at Raz.

  “Hardly, it takes more than a neutralizer to harm me. Be more worried about her, ice for brains!” Commander Zeb still sat by the rock she’d managed to prop his what felt like a hundred ton body on. He now rubbed his wrists, which were now free of their bonds. She could have sworn they were tight. She swallowed hard, realizing she’d underestimated his strength, and had not once had control of the situation.

  Fuck, I am royally screwed now.

  “I suspected but never…”

  It was happening all over again. Fear sliced deep through her. Fight, escape, run before they shove you into another cage or do something even worse. Sucking in a deep breath she struck, while Raz’s attention was on Commander Zeb. Ignoring the throbbing pain in her left foot, she curled up her right leg, before slamming her food as hard as she could into Raz’s crotch.

  Alien or not, from his pained grunt and curse, she’d hit a tender spot. No way was she waiting around to apologize or kiss it better. As fast as her half-starved body could manage she scrambled backwards, leaping to her feet, and bolting like the frightened rabbit running from the fox.

  Whack! Not watching where she was going made her run smack into something very solid, ricocheting off a broad solid chest, but two steely arms shot out and grabbed her before she could fall back on her rounded arse.

  “Whoa there, where’s the firestorm?”

  She glanced up and gasped. Her head spun, seeing another identical face. From her peripheral vision, she saw Zeb and Raz stand. Raz’s face was slightly pinched, and he was rubbing where she’d kicked him.

  “Triplets?” she wheezed out, still trying to fill her lungs with air.

  “Quads actually.” Another identical red man appeared, and he holstered the weapon in his hand. “Is it really a human female?” The fourth one peered down at her, eyes gleaming with keen interest.

  “Cut it out, you two. Can’t you see she’s scared to death?” Zeb snapped, still looking irritated.

  Raz snorted. “She’s scared? The little she-demon tried to un-Demos me. My poor rod may never be the same again.” He didn’t sound angry, more amused.

  “Any creature cornered and fearing for its life strikes out. Third law of nature. Toughen up, Raz, she barely tapped you.” Zeb shoved Raz’s shoulder and moved in on where the other one still held her.

  She struggled, panic flooding her. They were going to seek their revenge on her and hurt her.

  “Easy, beautiful, we’re not going to harm you. I swear on my honour as a Demos soldier.” Zeb inclined his head slightly, his face relaxing into a handsome smile.

  “Technically we’re not soldiers anymore,” the fourth brother said, and he, too, smiled down at her. “Hello, pretty, I’m Loc, and he’s Kue.”

  She glanced up wide eyed at Kue, whose hands on her arms felt like steel bands.

  Celeste’s head spun, not knowing what to make of the quads’ banter. It was like a nightmare which had morphed into a bizarre comedy routine.

  “Semantics, Loc. The oath still stands, once a Demos soldier, always one. The fact is we are men of our word, and we promise no harm will come to you.” Zeb waved his hand at his brothers. As far as she could see they all had identical features, apart from their clothing and haircuts. Her nose scrunched. She was even more confused, not by Zeb’s promise she wouldn’t be harmed, but why he kept calling her beautiful.

  Why wouldn’t they hurt her after she’d drugged one and kicked the other? What were they going to do to her now she was caught?

  “Easy. Deep, calm breaths, don’t worry about Raz. He’ll be fine. You did nothing wrong. You’re just frightened,” Zeb said taking her arms from Kue and gently but firmly turning her to face him. “Damn, you’re trembling, little one. Please do not fear us. We are friends, not enemy, do you understand?”

  Finally his words began to seep into her fear fogged brain. They aren’t going to hurt me? “F-friends?” she spluttered feeling more the fool with each passing moment.

  Zeb’s smile was kind and sympathetic, easing some of her fears. She stilled her struggles and drew in deeper, slower breaths. She moved her gaze over the four brothers. “Y-you’re not going to put me in a cage?”

  All four faces darkened at her words, their eyes glittering with same lethal danger she’d noted in the first two brothers, the moment she’d seen them, even from afar.

  “No, beautiful, no cages. I wouldn’t mind killing those who did.” Zeb’s eyes glittered with deadly promise.

  “What we do have, lovely, is hot baths and food, soft beds on our ship, including our promise of safety. Our ship is old and needs throwing on the scrap pile, but my soft bellied brothers can’t do without their creature comforts.” Raz’s half smile made him look more roguish.

  Celeste blinked in disbelief. Is he flirting with me even after I kicked him in the balls?

  “You’re not angry at me for…” She felt heat rush up her neck into her face, and lowered her eyes.

  “No, lovely, I’ll be sore for a while, but I understand. I’m sorry I jumped on you and frightened you. Are you hurt at all?”

  She shook her head. “I … don’t think so.”

  “We only want to take care of you, I swear on my commander’s life.” Raz waggled his dark eyebrows playfully, but she just stared at him.

  He is flirting with me!

  “I’ll put you in the brig for that, Raz,” grumbled Zeb.

  “Technically, we don’t have a brig either.” Loc’s helpful comment earned him a sour glare from Zeb. Loc didn’t seem to notice as he continued to grin goofily at her.

  “It looks like you’ve been living rough, but we’ll take you under our protection now. We’ll see to all your needs, so you don’t have to worry anymore,” said Zeb.

  The one called Kue moved in closer. “Come with me. I’ll escort you to our ship, if that’s all right. I’d like to check on your health. I must say I am impressed, not only did you survive through that crash, but from my data the Jorval ship crashed fourteen Galafraxian days ago. Jorvals are known for using food modulators.”

  “There were food packets, but I … I’ve almost ru
n out.” She glanced at each of them, still very uncertain around these muscle bound, handsome and red, human-like men.

  Heat scalded her face when her stomach chose that time to complain its lack of food.

  “We have plenty of food for you, sweetness.” Kue smiled kindly.

  “And the crash. How did you…” Zeb trailed off, his face again dark. “How many other humans did they abduct?”

  She swallowed as renewed guilt again sliced through her. She had survived when the others hadn’t, and it was her fault they were dead. Would they think differently of her if they knew that? She didn’t deserve this, their kindness, especially after she’d half planned to rob them.

  “There were three others, and three of th-those Jorval things.”

  Zeb’s hand slipped to her wrist before letting her go completely. “What’s your name, beautiful?”

  She lifted her gaze to meet Zeb’s. “I’m Celeste Coleman, from Earth. I don’t understand how I can understand and talk to you if … we’re … uh, different.”

  “The Jorvals would have injected a translator just here.” Kue’s finger touched just behind her ear, before brushing some of her dirty hair back. The heat of his touch rushed through her body, making her lower stomach suddenly clench, and she gasped more at the sensations than his touch.

  The others mustn’t have thought so as Kue pulled back his hand while all of his brothers glared at him as if he’d committed a heinous crime. “Sorry, sweetness, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “We know you were abducted by the Jorvals. Those fuckers are responsible for all the human abductions.” She heard the hard edge in Zeb’s voice. “They are a greedy self-serving race, only seeking profit. Human females have become a high demand and rare commodity for them. Until recently, because our people have been rescuing every human female we can, and putting a stop to the Jorvals’ activities.”

  She blinked, unsure of whether to believe him or not. “They are?”

  “Yes, but now isn’t the time to talk of such things. Kue, Celeste is hungry, tired, and in need of care. Raz, finish retrieving that coupling. Loc, get back to work, and Kue, take Celeste and see to her needs.” She could see why Zeb was a commander, and the others nodded their consent as if used to following his orders.

  Kue’s grin was one of delight as he held out his hand for her to take. Hesitantly, she raised her hand and took a step forward, crying out as sharp pain shot up her foot. Feeling fear and adrenaline concerning her utterly strange situation, and in bewilderment of these Demos quads, she hadn’t even realized she’d hurt her ankle. She crumpled, but she didn’t hit the ground. Kue’s arms shot out, lightning fast, wrapping around her before scooping her into his arms. It showed an impressive display of strength. They were strong, tough, ex-soldiers used to dealing with hard situations, in a very strange galaxy. They had been nothing but forgiving and kind since they’d discovered her. Her brow dipped in a frown even as she let her arm hook around Kue’s neck. It irked her to have to admit her need. Feeling herself at the end of her tether and endurance, surviving on this planet, she wanted to trust them; only time would tell if they really were true to their word.

  “Damn it, Raz, you did harm her when you attacked!” Zeb bellowed at Raz, startling her even more than when Raz had tackled her.

  “And you’re frightening her now.” Raz glared back at Zeb, stepping to his brother, but stopped and turned back to her. Kue had moved, cradling her as if she was a precious treasure he’d just found.

  “I am most sorry, lovely, for hurting you.” Her jaw fell open at his heartfelt apology, making her feel even guiltier for kicking him. She felt her cheeks heat again.

  “Oh, no, no. I’m sorry for, uh, kicking you.” Her gaze swung to Zeb. “And to you for … the uh, dart. Oh, your knife.” She wiggled in Kue’s grasp to pull out the knife from her belt, holding it out, handle first.

  Zeb’s face instantly softened from the hard, barking commander she’d seen a second ago. He took the knife, placing it into a sheath on his belt, and smiled. “Thank you, Celeste, and please don’t apologize. In your situation, we would have done the same thing.” Zeb nodded at Kue. “Kue is very good at healing and will take good care of you.”

  “Um, okay.”

  “So, sweetness, you and I?” Kue grinned cheerfully. “I’ll get you fixed up, don’t worry.”

  Oh boy. Celeste stomach pitched, a sudden sinking feeling telling her she was falling a lot further down an alien rabbit hole.

  Chapter Three

  “So what’s your plan, oh great commander?” Raz was spoiling to plant his fist into Zeb’s scowling face at his highhanded tactics from earlier. Celeste. He liked her name as much as the wild, bewildered look on her lovely rounded and pink face and her big watery pale blue eyes. He half smiled at how she’d caught both him and Zeb unawares, not an easy thing to do. She had fire and fight. Even if her clothes were rags and her face a little dirty from living rough, she was still an utterly lush, exotic beauty. No wonder the human females were in such high demand on Galafrax. They were so unlike the women of his species.

  He frowned, thinking about her condition, frail human females, treated like nothing but cargo to the Jorval. He half wanted to go reanimate the dead traders only to kill them all over again. The pain, fear, and utter exhaustion he saw in his Celeste’s eyes had felt like a big fucking laser blast to his chest.

  He relaxed slightly, knowing Kue would make sure she was well cared for. His younger brother, despite being just as deadly as any of his brothers, had a deep, tender side, one Raz knew their human female would easily draw out.

  After having a very bitter taste of just what Demos females were capable of, he never wanted to deal with them again. Celeste opened up a whole new range of possibilities, giving him a whole new sense of hope and purpose.

  Mine, ours.

  Raz liked how that sounded in his head.

  “For what?” Zeb’s answer was half absent, irritating Raz more.

  “For Celeste, ice for brains.” He threw back the insult Zeb had used earlier on him. Zeb’s scowl deepened as he glanced up from unhooking the other side of the coupling.

  “There is no plan. Get your mind off your fucking rod, or have you broken the sex droid again?”

  Raz set down the laser cutter, clenching his fist. “What do you mean no plan? We have a very lovely human female.”


  “Are you that stupid? We keep her of course.”

  “No.” Zeb didn’t even bother to look at him.

  Raz moved around the dead Jorval engine and planted himself in front of his older brother.

  “What do you mean no?” Raz couldn’t keep the growl from his tone.

  Zeb chose to ignore him, continuing to tug at the now loosened coupling. “She’s female, and we don’t need another complication in our lives. We take care of her, treat her with respect, and then deliver her safely to the nearest Galafraxian authorities.”

  Older brother or not, Zeb was fucking stupid to let his prejudice against the last female they’d shared get in the way of seeing the open opportunity right in their laps.

  “Celeste is not Demos.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Females are females. Just because you can’t look past your rod, doesn’t mean I have to, too.”

  “This isn’t just about fucking!” Raz had reached the threshold of tolerance for his stupid older brother.

  Zeb clearly anticipated his punch, ducking before Raz’s fist connected with his face. He danced back. “I command this ship, not you. Get your priorities in order!” Zeb’s usual roar had no effect on Raz.

  “My priorities are in order!” Raz snarled back. “I want to court Celeste, and no one will stop me.” It was a promise, not a threat.

  “What about her? What if she doesn’t want you?” Zeb’s words stopped Raz in his tracks. Memories of similar nasty, hurtful words surfaced into his mind. She had said that to their faces. The one they had once called “sheraz”.
/>   Raz took a step back and drew in several deep breaths to calm the fire in his blood and the pounding of his heart. He stared at Zeb. Clearly the dissolution of their family unit had burned his older brother on a deeper level than he or any of his brothers realized.

  The fight faded from Raz. “It’s not the same, brother. Celeste is human, and I know she will not be the same. She said sorry to us both and meant it. Would one of our kind have done that?”

  Zeb shook his head. “You don’t know she won’t be the same. I have heard that some of those human females are just as demanding as our kind.”

  Zeb was wrong. Raz could feel it right down to his soul. Celeste was not the same. He could see just how special she was, in her big wide eyes.

  Pity filled Raz as he stared at Zeb, and he wished there was a way for his older brother to get over their past, like he and the others had. “Do as you like, brother, but you can’t stop me or the others from trying to win her.”

  Zeb’s scowl was back, but he said nothing as he knew nothing would veer Raz from his new mission. Funny how they were all stubborn like that. Raz silently prayed it wouldn’t be the end of their brotherhood either.


  Celeste blinked again at Kue as he ran some small, odd shaped instrument over her ankle, making it tingle. Kue chatted pleasantly, carrying her weight without complaint across the marsh and up the ramp of his big ship, through a maze of corridors and into a large room, with several high cot-like beds above the floor, clearly for medical purposes.

  So far they were true to their word, and nothing bad had happened. Instead Kue treated her as if she was made from spun glass. It was kind of shell-shocking and hard to absorb, after so long of being treated like nothing and no one. Add to that the abduction and weeks alone, just fighting to survive. Here was this handsome alien man being so sweet and kind to her. Tears pricked the back of her eyes. She didn’t deserve to be treated so nice, and they didn’t deserve to be burdened by her. She lowered her head, swallowing down the lump in her throat.


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