Celestial Beauty

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Celestial Beauty Page 7

by Angela Castle

  He lifted his eyes from her cleavage to meet hers, his expression now one of serious intent. “Yes, I did, but first let me apologies, for myself and for my brothers’ poor behaviour towards you earlier. Believe me, it will not happen again.”

  She blinked in puzzlement and couldn’t help but question. “It won’t? Uh, I mean you’ve been nothing but kind to me, and as for your brothers and the kisses.” Heat rushed into her cheeks at the word. “It was, uh okay, no harm done.”

  “Nevertheless, none of them should have touched you without your direct consent. Do not misunderstand my words, Celeste. They want to touch you, kiss you and do more, but unless you want us to, we will refrain. You are now under my command and like my brothers will obey orders.” It wasn’t the first time she’d heard the “we” part. Granted, before, with her being only female on the ship, her suspicion grew, and she figured there was more to the “we” business than she first thought.

  “Uh, what do you mean, we?”

  “Demos quads do everything together. We are bonded; we do and share everything, including lovers.”

  “Share, as in you share four other women?”

  “No, it’s always been one quad unit to one female.” His face was perfectly stoic as if he was quite used to delivering this kind of news to alien women.

  Right, four big hulking men to make love to one single female. Me? Oh, no, no, no. Gee, their women must be built tough to handle it. A chill ran down her spine, mixed emotions of both fear and excitement swirling inside her head. The thought took root in her mind, four sets of hands touching her, four sensual mouths kissing her, four hard bodies with four long, hard…

  Oh God, don’t go there, don’t go there!

  Still her mind wandered. What would it be like to have these yummy, if somewhat crazy, alien men, touching her? Heck, how did that even work?

  She swallowed and stamped down the thought, trying to control the flutter in her lower belly.

  “Uh, okay.”

  “I’m glad we have that matter cleared up. Now it is time to eat, before your first shift with Kue. He shall take you on a tour of our ship and explain what we do. Then you will be assisting him with the repair of the ship’s circuitry system.”

  “But I don’t know anything about your technology. How can I—”

  “He will teach you what you need to know.” Zeb’s tone held finality. Here was the commander used to being obeyed and not questioned. “Once Kue is finished with you for the day, you are to eat and rest, before your next shift with Raz. You will take a work rotation with each of us until the ship is repaired and ready to leave. But I have one stipulation you are to obey.”

  “Of course.” She waited, even more excited to get to learn and work with the brothers.

  “If at any time you feel tired, or the work is too much, you are to tell the one you are working with. No hiding the truth, no pretending. If you have questions, ask. We work as a team on this ship and hold no secrets from each other, and we expect the same from you.”

  No secrets. The command startled her. She blinked and answered with an automated reply. “Yes, sir.” Immediate guilt swamped her. There were so many deep, dark secrets she held within. She dropped her eyes, suddenly scared his piercing golden gaze would see straight though her.

  “Good, and, Celeste…”

  She glanced up at the surprising and sudden gentleness in his tone, her eyes meeting his golden ones.

  “Believe it or not, there is one thing we never do. We never lie. You are beautiful to us, and we do want you, but only when you are ready.”

  She blinked at his words as his tone turned back into the commanding officer. He’d already turned away, marching across the room to the food making machine, leaving her mouth gaping in surprise.

  “Come here, Celeste. I will show you how to operate the food modulation unit.”


  “I don’t like this. It goes against everything we’ve been taught.” Raz stepped over the Jorval wreckage and into the ship, once again, watching his older brother’s back as he stepped over jagged metal. Zeb didn’t respond, his gaze fixed on his little beeping monitor. From birth it had been drummed into them by their fathers, then their tutors, and even training through the Demos military, that females were to be cherished, protected, looked after, and pleased no matter the cost. Their future lay in pleasing Demos females so they could breed the future generation of Demos.

  Zeb having Celeste join the crew and working like a common Demos male, it felt—wrong. They should be pampering her, spoiling her, and slowly seducing her so they could finally touch and kiss every inch of her creamy skin, before sinking his rod deep into her soft body. He wanted to watch her rise to her peak and scream out his name. Would it be very different from a Demos female? How many males did it take to bring her to her peak? Rumour back on Galafrax was that it was less than the required team effort of four brothers.

  Zeb snapped his fingers in front of Raz’s face. Raz scowled at his brother as the image of a peaking Celeste vanished from his mind. “Focus on the job, not your rod, Raz. Humans are not Demos, and they are from a singular society. My plan will work. You know we’ve had to adapt to many different situations, with different missions. Letting her help us is no different. We shall watch her carefully so she does not tire.”

  “What made you such an expert on humans, let alone human females?”

  “Unlike some, I actually read the new reports from our planet, instead of spending all my time in the meal room gaining weight.”

  Raz snorted at Zeb’s implication that all he did was eat. “I’m a finer specimen of Demos male, brother. I’ve been training more than you.”

  “Fucking the sex droid isn’t training.” They picked their way back through the wreckage to the engine room, attaching lifting beacons to certain parts of the bulkhead as they went.

  “You’re just grumpy because you haven’t been using it at all.”

  Zeb, in his usual manner, ignored him, focusing on their job. Retrieving a full Jorval ship wreckage was an opportunity they weren’t going to pass up. Raz knew Zeb had his eye on the prize hidden within the ship. If they could remove the space folder and the coordinates to the human planet, it would fetch a high price back on Galafrax, and also put the Jorval at a great disadvantage.

  “The goal of having Celeste working with us is that she grows comfortable and accepts us. It will help her find her place and value in herself.”

  Raz sighed, knowing his brother’s point was more than valid. He’d blown it, becoming frustrated at how poorly Celeste saw herself compared to how they saw her. But the memory of her soft lips and body pressed into his didn’t help the cause of trying to keep his body under control. He seriously doubted it ever would be until they could pleasure her properly. Sadly, it was one of the rules, no touching until she granted them permission. But it didn’t mean they couldn’t use words, glances, and other ways to convince and seduce her.

  “She is beautiful.” In more ways than one.

  Zeb nodded and placed another lift node on a structure beam. “I know, and we will help her see it, even it if it takes us the rest of our lifetime. I admit when I was wrong. Unlike Nazzara. I know things will be very different with Celeste. It will be … better.”

  Better was an understatement. It was going to be fucking fantastic, he was certain. Raz slapped his brother on the shoulder, liking the fact that already Celeste was bringing back their brotherhood bond, uniting them in a singular goal. To make Celeste theirs, forever.

  Chapter Seven

  Celeste had no idea how she was going to survive without combusting. Relentless was the only word she could find to describe the brothers over the last few days. Praise flowed freely at her efforts to absorb and retain all they taught. Kindness and patience if she made a mistake. She crawled through pipes and assisted in realigning glowing alien ship circuits. She helped Raz scrub the huge cylinders on the outside of the ship, even if he did ask every few seconds if she was
tired, or was doing too much. When any of the brothers worked, they stripped off their tops, and she had no choice but to watch. It was hard not to drool over hard, candy red, muscular male physiques, bending and flexing, stretching and sweating. Couple those with caring natures and sexy smiles, and she was fighting a losing battle. Volcanoes had nothing on her hot flushes and the fluttering in her lower belly. She didn’t even want to think about the dampness between her thighs. It didn’t take a genius in biology to realize her arousal around these men grew with each sweaty, hardworking encounter.

  This was coupled with Zeb’s words playing over and over in the back of her mind. Four fine muscled sexy red men, one woman.

  They could all be mine.

  No, don’t be stupid.

  She fought the idea, even if it refused to leave her.

  Despite her internal combustion, she was feeling more at ease around them, now that they’d stopped their direct sexual advances. She got the feeling it was difficult for them to treat her as equal instead of a frail female. Raz especially tried to make her take breaks, asking her to fetch water or a snack instead of the hard scrubbing the outer ship blasters needed. He also had an outrageous ego on him, boasting how he was the best looking quad on all of Galafrax, and that he worked out more and was in prime physical condition, despite his age.

  She helpfully reminded him he would be the same age as his quad brothers. He retorted she was worse than Kue, who always pointed out the obvious.

  Kue was so sweet. His worried frown quickly became proud smiles as she worked with him in the ships command centre, learning the tools he used. It wasn’t too much of an effort at all to crawl in the smaller spaces under his supervision and run the instruments over the glowing blue, red, and green wires.

  She’d giggled at Kue’s confused expression when she whooped at her success, making the panel above her light up. She’s crawled out and lifted her hand for a high-five. Once he’d understood, and gently responded, he’d passed the knowledge on.

  Until every little success was high-fived.

  Loc was chatty, down in the engine room, with spaceship grease smudged on his and other parts of his delicious body, making him rugged and all the more appealing to her. He talked about life on his home planet, the large Qui buildings, which seemed by his description to be in the shape of pyramids. He told her about quads with families, who lived in units, and a wife was called a sheraz. She finally understood what the word meant. Remembering when they’d talked about having her as their sheraz.

  Wife, they want me as their wife?

  “Hey, are you all right?”

  She blinked to find Loc standing over her. She shook off her reverie and smiled. “I’m wonderful, thanks.”

  “You didn’t look okay just a moment ago.”

  “Oh, I was just thinking.”

  He arched an expectant eyebrow, clearly expecting her to share her thoughts.

  No secrets. Zeb’s words blared in her mine like a horn. She stared at him for a long moment. Did she trust him, them, enough to share her inner thoughts? She’d never really trusted anyone before. Perhaps it’s time I started. Even after a rocky start, they have shown nothing but steady, honest kindness.

  “I was just thinking about past few days, and what you said just before.”

  Loc’s grin was lopsided and roguish. “I said a lot of things in the past few hours, beauty. Which part is on your mind most?”

  “How does it all work?” Heat moved up into her face. “With one wife, do you, uh, take turns?”

  He didn’t laugh or mock her, just a nod of regard as he pulled his ever present rag from his back pocket. He cleaned his hands before moving forward and wiping away something from her face. “There, still a beauty, even with engine dirt.” She felt her blush deepening at his flattery. “Hey, don’t feel uneasy. We’re here to help, and you shouldn’t feel any shame in asking us anything. It’s a sensible question.” He took a step back and leaned against the bulkhead, his head tilted in thought. “For the first time, with a female who has allowed us to pleasure her, our custom is to pleasure her starting with the eldest to youngest.” He swept his hand from left to right. “Then it’s anyone’s game after that, but Demos females are rather different from human ones.”

  Her curiosity caught, she straightened, her blush fading. “How different?” The thought ran through her mind that they must be very beautiful red skinned Amazon women. How would she ever measure up?

  “Their skin is thicker and less sensitive, so it takes the effort of every quad brother to pleasure her and bring her to her peak.”

  Ah, so that is the difference. She couldn’t and didn’t want to imagine how that worked. She thought for a moment. “I remember Zeb said you have human women living on your planet. How does that work, uh, with them?”

  Loc shrugged. “From all the reports and rumours, very well. Human females are highly desired as they are easy to pleasure. But I can’t speak from experience.” His lips turned up into a mischievous grin. “That is of course unless you want to give it a go, you and us.”

  She remembered Raz’s words from a few days ago. Human females are rare and more treasured on our planet than even our own females.

  The heat crept back into her cheeks, and she was sure her face could match their skin colour.

  “I love the way your skin shades. I, of course, won’t touch or do anything without your permission, so have no fear.”

  She shook her head, feeling enough at ease with Loc to give a little back. “That didn’t stop you a few days ago.”

  “True, but knowing my oldest brother as I do, he really will build a brig and shove me in it for a whole month.”

  Laughter bubbled up and broke free. “I think you’re right. He does come across very stern sometimes. But I am grateful also, for everything he and all you have done.”

  “Then will you believe me when I say, none of us like seeing you sad, pretty. As much as we want to pleasure you, it matters more that you find some peace and happiness while with us.”

  She nodded, her heart a mix of warring emotions, and of wanting to open up more about herself to these, well, truly wonderful men. Already, by letting her learn and be useful, they had made her feel so much better and trust them so much more. She met Loc’s golden eyes.

  “Words hold little meaning to me. Anyone can say they love and make promises they don’t intend to keep.” Cynical, yes, she didn’t believe in real love. It was a fairytale fantasy, made up by romance authors and movie directors.

  “So how do we measure up so far?”

  “I’d have to say … better than anyone I’ve ever known … so far.” She knew her words revealed a lot. For one, she still didn’t fully trust them, but at the same time their actions were speaking to her louder than words. From the thoughtful distance in Loc’s eyes, she was certain he understood. They were very astute Demos men.

  He moved away from the wall. “Well, apprentice engineer, what do you say we go raid the food modulator?”

  She laughed, glad he’d not pressed the subject. “How does one raid the food modulator?”

  “Trust me, with Raz’s appetite, I’m always surprised we have any particles left to modulate anything.”

  She took his offered hand as he climbed the ladder out of the pit first. She liked how he easily lifted her, no grunts or even looking winded. The more she got to know the brothers the more her heart softened towards them.


  Zeb heard her laughter before he reached the meal room. The door slid open, and he paused to take in the sight. Celeste’s beautiful, rich brown hair was free from its bindings, and it flowed down her back. She sat next to Kue, with Raz and Loc seated on the other side.

  “What he says is complete lies. I never set fire to the Kalan’s tail. It was a simple accident—after all it got in the way of my disruptor.” Raz’s unrepentant smirk clearly set her off. Her whole body shook, and she grabbed onto Kue’s arm for support as she howled with laughter.

  Zeb smiled as his brother laughed with her. Now this was as it should be. Such a change in only a few days, clearly she felt at ease among them, and pride swelled in his chest to see how much more self-confidence she had. It made her all the more beautiful. Loc spotted Zeb standing by the door, nodding in greeting. Celeste’s laughter died to little giggles as she caught the direction of Loc’s gaze and turned in her seat.

  Zeb prided himself on his firm self-control, but seeing the radiance of her smile, he felt his control slipping. He clenched his hands and drew in a deep breath to stop himself from marching across the meal room, pulling her into his arms and kissing her senseless. More than anything he wanted her under him, moaning and writhing in pleasure as he sank his rod between her soft thighs.

  She must have caught his carnal gaze as her smile fell and she quickly glanced away. Raz raised a “what the fuck” eyebrow at him as he moved into the room heading for the meal modulator, feeling less than five feet tall for his wayward thoughts.

  Zeb had led them on countless missions, and this current mission of helping Celeste find her self-confidence was working perfectly. How by the Ice Plains was he to get her to accept them as more than just friends? He doubted blurting out their intent would help. It would just scare her again and make her retreat. Zeb barked out his meal choice to the machine and waited.

  Kue picked up the conversation. “Not all those days were fun and games, but we all survived.”

  “Why scrap salvaging? You’re clearly very smart. Were there not other, better jobs you could do?”

  “At the time we had many offers, but we wanted something away from being at the command of others. This old freight was an opportunity for a sort of freedom,” Kue answered.

  “That makes sense. I sure know what it feel like to be ordered around like a useless—I mean, I kind of know what you mean, being at someone else’s mercy.”

  Zeb’s grip on his food tray tightened upon hearing Celeste’s words. He glanced at his brothers, wanting to know whose mercy she’d been subjected to. He wanted to tear apart the ones who had made her feel ugly and worthless. None of the brothers pushed her for more than what she offered.


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