Celestial Beauty

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Celestial Beauty Page 9

by Angela Castle

  Noticing her discomfort he paused, bending arched over her to run distracting kisses up her neck, before taking her lips in a deep, hard kiss. “I’m hurting you,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Yes, but only a little, please, I … I don’t want you to stop.” If women’s bodies could push babies out, she could take his cock in. More than that, she wanted to feel him all the way inside her. “Kiss me, distract me—make me desperate for you.”

  Obedience was instant, his mouth on hers with slow drugging kisses, his hands sliding into her hair, holding her head captive as he nipped at her lips with his sharp teeth. She gasped as his teeth broke her surface skin, and at the same time he pushed a good halfway into her, almost forcing her body to take him.

  He sucked at the small wound, soothing the sting and again taking her mind from being so stretched. He jerked his head back and groaned. “So hot and tight, beautiful, I don’t know if I will last much longer…” Strain showed on his face, and she needed to do something to put them both out of their misery.

  Digging her fingers into his hips she shifted her hips, forcing her body to take the rest of his length. His eyes widened as he stared down at her, and their eyes met. She could see his wild desperation, both their bodies on fire. “Let my brothers kill me if I hurt you, beautiful, but I can’t stop now.”

  “If you do stop I will let your brothers have a good go at it,” she growled back, shocked by her own boldness.

  He pulled back before sliding back into her slowly, at first, but he soon gained speed, with strong powerful thrusts. The burn now gone, her belly ached from the inside out as a different kind of pressure began to build from the constant friction. The slide of his cock seemed to hit sensitive nerve endings within her, making her moan aloud and grip tightly to him. She could hardly believe how much of him was inside her, filling her, at the same time holding her close to his chest, as his hips worked, over and over.

  How wonderful it felt, surrounded by Zeb as he fucked her utterly senseless, and now she knew how wonderful an orgasm was, she felt greedy for another. But the one building felt better, stronger even.

  “Yes, oh yes Zeb, please harder, faster!” Her body started to squirm again, and she felt like a goddess being fucked by an angel.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he panted, his eyes opening, locking with hers, as her body began to shake. “You feel so good, too good—Celeste, my Celeste!”

  Her eyes rolled back in her head as he fucked her so hard and fast she thought she’d die from the pleasure overload. He groaned, and she shuddered in wave after wave of utter bliss, making her body twitch. The feel of pressure and heat within her, matching his cry, indicated his release. His thrusts slowed as his own body shook, his breathing heavy as his weight dropped down on onto her, momentarily crushing the breath from her lungs. She whimpered. He gathered her into his arms, his cock slipping from her body as he turned them so she lay sprawled over his heaving, sweaty chest. His hand moved soothingly up and down her back.

  Her body languid, her mind half sleepy, a half conscious thought appeared, that there were still Raz, Loc, and Kue who wanted to make love to her as well. Her brain, unable to face the thought at that time, decided to shut down.

  This is how it should be. Zeb held her in the safety of his strong arms, and she drifted into the bliss of sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  “Ooh.” Aching parts of Celeste’s body helped drag her from the bliss of sleep, and she rolled onto her back feeling every little twinge as she moved. Sex with such a hot, big guy was bound to leave her sore. Despite it she smiled as memories of last night danced in her mind. At last, having a positive and wonderful experience, she licked her lips, suddenly greedy for more. “Ah.” She winced again. Well, maybe after she’d recovered.

  “Greetings of the morning, lovely.”

  Her shriek of surprise made a startled Raz tumble off his perch on the edge of the bed, falling flat on his butt as she scrambled back clutching the sheet to her naked breast.

  Footfalls pounded, and the door slid open admitting Kue and Loc, concern in their expression as they glanced from her to Raz now on the floor.

  “What did you do to her?” Loc and Kue glared at Raz.

  “Nothing.” Raz climbed to his feet and grinned again.

  “You startled me.” She clutched the sheet tight, her heart still pounding in her chest.

  “Oh, lovely, you need to start getting used to us being here when you wake up.” Raz sat back down. “Don’t forget you’ve accepted not just Zeb, but all of us.”

  In the back of her mind she knew she’d have to face the others, but she didn’t realize it would be sooner rather than later.

  “Are you hurt?” Kue asked before she could respond to Raz’s statement.

  “She is. I observed her moans of pain.”

  She scowled at Raz, drawing up her legs to wince. “I am not moaning. Gheesh, I’m just a little sore, not hurt.”

  “So you were pleased by Zeb?” Loc asked, and they all studied her expectantly.

  Heat infused her face. Raz was right. She’d have to get used to having four men, not just one. She nodded with a whispered, “yes.”

  “See, I told you it wouldn’t take all of us to pleasure her.” Loc grinned at his brothers with smug satisfaction.

  “So, lovely.” Raz reached for the sheet and started to tug. The brief tug-of-war ended with her naked and embarrassed, covering her breasts with her hands. “You’re to be our wife, remember, so do not feel shame. We want to gaze on you, beauty.” He held out his hand, beckoning her forth away from the corner.

  She sucked in a deep breath. She’d gone willingly to Zeb, and he’d seen her naked and loved her body. She lifted her gaze to look at the three brothers, studying their hungry, intent faces. It was hard to break old habits and get used to new things. She’d been through a lot of changes so far, but this change at least was for the better. They were all equally handsome, and not backward in showing their want of her.

  She removed her hands from her breasts, moving across the large bed to place her hand trustingly into Raz’s. “It’s hard to get used to,” she admitted.

  Heat moved through her arm as his larger hand encased her smaller one, his gaze sweeping down her naked body. “Majestic, is she not, brothers?”

  “Such soft, pale beauty.” Loc licked his lips.

  “Utterly captivating.” Kue smiled hungrily at her breasts.

  Raz tugged her forward, and she squeaked as she lost her balance and tumbled forward into his waiting arms, before he lifted her against him, cradling her protectively.

  “Thank you for allowing that. I know it’s hard, but we’ll help you step by step. Trust us to take care of you. So, how does a hot bathing and something to soothe your soreness sound?”

  Surprise made her blink at him, and he chuckled. “You think we are hungry savages, and would demand our turn with you?”

  “Well, I…” She nodded, now feeling foolish. “A hot bath does sound nice. I didn’t think your ship had baths.”

  “You can blame Zeb for holding out on you. He didn’t just take the old commander’s quarters for their size. It comes with a bathing area.”

  She clutched at Raz’s shoulders as he stood, taking her with him. The simple effort it took to lift her left her in awe. Wow, I really do have strong men. She got her first actual look around Zeb’s much larger room. There were table chairs, a large work station, and a second door opposite from the entrance.

  “I’ll go get the pain inhibitor. Just remember Zeb’s orders.” Kue glared at Raz for a second before turning away.

  “I’ll go get the morning meal.” Loc winked at her and followed Kue out of Zeb’s quarters.

  “Um, shouldn’t I go back to my room? You don’t really have to do all this for me.” She wiggled a little in Raz’s arms. “I’m supposed to be on duty with Zeb.”

  “Not today, and you should know, now you’ve agreed to be ours, previous rules no longer apply. What
we want to do most in this whole universe, second to pleasuring you, is take care of you. Understand it’s what every Demos quad is trained to do from birth. We long to find that special one to take care of, and, lovely, taking care of you is an utter joy.”

  She stared at him not knowing quite what to say as the door hissed behind them. The room was simply laid out, with the tub a dark black semi-circle with bolted to the wall, and a staircase leading up and over the lip down into the swirling, steaming water. It looked heavenly. Just accept it. When else in your life are you ever going to experience someone taking care of you and actually wanting to do it? I am not a burden here, with my men. The more she said it to herself, the more she accepted, just a little, chipping away at the walls she had built around herself and her heart.

  “In that case, Mr. Raz, I wouldn’t want to take away any joy of yours.”

  He leaned in to kiss the tip of her nose. “Knew you would see it my way, but the others doubted me.”

  “Am I that much of a sourpuss?”

  His handsome red brow wrinkled in a confused frown, and it was so cute. “Sourpuss?”

  She giggled. There had been a few human expressions that had left the brothers baffled, and admittedly she got a giggle out of explaining them.

  “Someone who is ill-tempered and sullen.”

  “You and your wonderful human sayings, but not that one, no, not a sourpuss. You’ve been through a lot, and you have had every right to be sad and wary of my brothers and me. Know we only have your best interests at heart.”

  “Happy wife, happy life.” She remembered the quote from a movie she’d seen long ago.

  His face lit up. “Yes! We are happy when you smile, and I will be even happier when you let me in that lovely body of yours.” He set her down on the edge of the tub, clearly intent on moving in for a kiss. Oh no. She quickly cupped her hand over his mouth.


  He pulled back, surprise in his golden gaze.

  “Not that I don’t want to kiss you again, I do, but um, can I have some time alone?”

  “Lovely, I’ll not make that mistake again. Last time you were left alone, you wandered off the ship. We then had—what is your saying?—arses chewed off by Zeb.”

  She huffed a breath of annoyance and pushed his broad chest. “Last time you were being an arse. As for right now I need to use the other facilities and pee before a bath. You can even stand guard outside and wait.”

  “I don’t get to watch?”

  “Eww, no.” She wrinkled her nose at him in disgust, and his laughter filled the washroom. “I get that you do everything together, but I do draw the line at that. Please?” She tried out some puppy dog eyes on him. It seemed to work as he backed off.

  “Raz, at your service and on duty!” He lifted his arm over his chest in salute. “Three minutes, the count starts when the door closes.”

  “Okay, okay, go please.” She shooed him by waving her hands.

  He never took his eyes off her as he backed out of the room, and the door shut between them. She scrambled off the steps to find the small chamber they used as a toilet, and winced in pain at just how sore she was while using it. If all the brothers were proportioned like Zeb, she didn’t know how her body would cope with four cocks that big, let alone one. I’ll get used to it, won’t I? Surely, her body would adjust to taking them?

  Pleasure and pain, she sighed as she finished, with plenty of time to spare. No doubt he would barge in on her if she took her sweet time. Cleaned, she walked back to the tub and wondered if she should wait for Raz or just climb in the very inviting deep tub. Kue was getting something for her aches, and she remembered Loc had gone to get food. So bath would have to wait. She snatched one of Zeb’s black bath sheets and wrapped it around her body, feeling more armoured to face her men. It was time to test out a few other theories swirling around in the back of her mind.

  Not long before she was taken by the Jorval, she’d been slowly creating a new life for herself, away from all the negative influences of her past. It was blown away the moment she’d woken up in that cage, stomping her newly found freedom into the cold, emotionless floor of the spaceship. No more. It’s wasn’t just confidence. Her wonderful Demos had given her a new chance and hope of a very different and positive life and just maybe … one with love.

  She drew in a deep breath, feeling stealthy and in control. Quietly she moved to the door, gently tapping the open button.


  “What are you doing out here?” Loc carrying a tray piled with food and a steaming pot of purrt, scowled at Raz. “Did you do something to her to make her kick you out?”

  Raz rolled his eyes. “No, little brother, she’s shy about relieving herself in front of others.”

  “Oh.” Loc stood there for a moment still holding the tray, waiting with Raz.

  “What are you two doing out here?” Kue strode in to Zeb’s quarters. “You’ve done something to offend Celeste, haven’t you?” He pointed the pain inhibitor accusingly at them.

  “No, of course not. Celeste is shy.” Loc beat Raz to the explanation.

  Kue cocked his eyebrow in confusion. “About bathing?”

  “No, the other thing.”

  “Oh.” Kue joined the other two in waiting, and all three stood silent for a moment.

  “How long does she need?” Loc asked.

  “I gave her three minutes.” Raz folded his arms.

  “Is it enough? How much time does a human female need for such things?” Kue pondered tapping the inhibitor against his thigh.

  Raz shrugged. “You’re the expert in biology, you tell us.”

  “How did we not know this before?” Loc questioned again.

  “It shouldn’t matter. Look at how far we’ve progressed so far, so if she needs a little bit of privacy, we respect it.”

  “And every other time?” Loc balanced the tray with one hand, taking a piece of replicated flava bread and biting into it.

  Raz grinned. “Not a chance, she’s ours now, and more importantly it’s my turn with her.”

  Loc and Kue rolled their eyes with a groan. “Don’t tire her out. I’m next.”

  “So this is how you do it is it, stand around and discuss who’s next to fuck me?”

  They all jumped at the sound of Celeste’s voice. She stood there a black towel wrapped around her body making her pale skin even more inviting, like a gift waiting to be unwrapped. Loc almost toppled the food tray, and Kue gripped his inhibitor tightly.

  “It’s not a discussion. It’s just the way of things.” Raz nodded wondering how by the Ice Plains she’d managed to sneak up on them. Guess it wasn’t that hard when all their minds were focused on their rods.

  “Right.” She folded her arms, looking them each in the eye with an annoyed stare, making an uncommon and rather uncomfortable current of guilt pass through Raz. He shook it off.

  “This is just the way of things,” Raz offered with his palms open towards her.

  “I see. So what happens if they don’t happen your way? Is the universe going to fall apart if I choose to want Loc to be here with me now and not Raz?”


  From three blank stares, she figured they’d never been asked such a question. But Loc grinned. “The universe won’t fall apart in the slightest. See, I even brought you some food.” He held up the tray.

  Celeste shook her head, but smiled.

  “Thank you, Loc.”

  “Loc, get down here. We’re meant to be working on attaching the coupling so we can get off this damn planet.” Zeb’s disjointed voice bellowed though the speakers, and Loc’s smile fell and he looked most pained.

  With a dramatic sigh he moved to the table and set the tray down. “Duty calls, but don’t wait too long. You need food, and it will grow cold.”

  “Thank you, Loc.” She smiled in appreciation.

  His eyes were on her as he backed to the door, his lips wide in a grin as he swept his gaze longingly over her body. He almost wal
ked bang into the door frame, and his smile turned goofy before he vanished through it.

  “Before you do that, come here.” Kue took her hands drawing her back to the bed, easily lifting her to sit on the edge.

  She watched as he pressed the pain inhibitor to her thigh. It gave a slight hiss as the drug injected into her system. “That should take care of any discomfort, but we still have to be careful. Humans are not as sturdy as Demos females.” Kue gave Raz a pointed glare.

  Raz didn’t seem to notice. He was too busy watching her with hooded eyes, like a hawk watching its prey. He blinked, then moved to the tray picking up a cup and bringing it over.

  All discomfort melted away, and she tore her gaze from Raz’s to smile at Kue.

  “Here, drink.” She took the offered cup. The scent of the sweet purrt filled her senses. Sipping at it, she found it not too hot, and quickly drank down half before handing it back.

  “Thank you, Raz.” She smiled fondly as he removed the cup.

  Kue sighed and moved off the bed, with a sigh almost as dramatic as Loc’s. “Raz will take care of you now. I’ll be back later.” He made to move away.

  A sudden crazy thought popped in to her head. “Uh, wait.” She reached out to latch onto Kue’s muscular arm.

  “I thought you shared everything as brothers?”

  “We do.” Both Kue and Raz spoke together adding a stereo to the two words. Heat infused back into her face. It was damn hard to take the initiative when it came to sex.

  Don’t chicken out now!

  She didn’t feel sore, and her stomach was appeased for a while, so a new warmth grew in her lower belly. Just her hand on Kue’s skin sent small pulses of heat up her arm.

  “Why don’t you then, um, share? I wouldn’t mind.”

  They both paused to glance at each other in that freaky, silent communication thing all four of them were good at. “Perhaps you could both help wash my back?” She added as worry prickled into the back of her mind.

  Raz grinned reaching for her shoulders, turning her around, crowding her back into the bathroom. The heat of his body pressed against her length, and in a flash all concern evaporated.


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