Twisted i-3

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Twisted i-3 Page 24

by Gena Showalter

  “Send a few of the shifters to Crossroads High. I want the building guarded day and night.” Just in case Vlad tried to strike at him that way, too. “And I want someone protecting Mary Ann’s dad at all times, too.” No chances.

  Sorin nodded, clearly happy with the turn of events. “It will be done.”

  Aden still wasn’t sure he could trust the warrior, but he didn’t know what else to do. Either Sorin was actually working for his father, here to spy on Aden, or would fight his father more fervently than anyone else and help Aden’s cause.

  Elijah hadn’t protested, so Aden wouldn’t worry—overly much.

  “All right,” he said, turning to his friends. “Let’s go save Riley and Mary Ann.”

  If it isn’t too late, Elijah said now.

  “Unless you have something productive and positive to add,” Aden told him, “don’t speak again.” Another cryptic warning would only grind him further into the dirt.

  Elijah remained silent the entire drive to Tulsa.


  ST. MARY’S. A SPRAWLING SET of buildings both long and high, with orange sandstone and countless windows. A large white cross stretched from the center of the tallest structure, which was situated in the center. Cars littered the parking lot, people coming and going in every direction.

  Aden sat in the passenger seat of the black SUV Maxwell had produced back at the mansion, studying the entrances and exits, every face that passed him, all while searching for any landmark that didn’t quite fit the scene. If Tucker were casting an illusion, he wanted to know.

  Nothing seemed out of place. No one watched him.

  He supposed, after the Red Robe Massacre, two injured teenagers weren’t news. Unless the police suspected they were somehow connected. Either way, Mary Ann and Riley were going to be questioned. If they hadn’t been already. Guards were going to be stationed outside their doors.

  Come on. Let’s do what we came to do, Caleb said, impatient, so that we can do what I need to do. He wasn’t crying about the witches anymore, but he was pissed. The cold kind of pissed where the need for vengeance seethed.

  Aden preferred the tears. At least the soul hadn’t tried to take over his body again.

  “Not yet,” he muttered, and everyone in the car leaned forward, expecting an order. “Souls,” he explained.

  A chorus of disappointed “ohs” filled the car. They were ready to act, too, but he wasn’t going into this thing blind. They would have a plan and take every precaution.

  You know, this place looks familiar, Julian said.

  It should. Aden had been born here, and the souls had died here.

  A wave of…something swept through him. Sadness, maybe. Fear. If Julian remembered how he’d died, who’d he’d been, he could leave. Forever. Aden had always thought that’s what he wanted—time alone, the ability to concentrate—until he’d lost Eve.

  Well, it doesn’t look familiar to me, Caleb snapped. But maybe that means I need a closer look. Hint. HINT.

  “What do you think you’ll find inside, Caleb? The witch bodies?”

  Yes. No. I don’t know, okay. But it wouldn’t hurt to check out the morgue, or, if the police suspect Riley and Mary Ann of being involved, getting a peek at their notes.

  Morgue, Julian echoed, a hollow edge to his tone. I don’t want a closer look at it. I don’t want to fight anyone in there. I’m creeped out. I want to leave.

  Yeah. The moment Aden stepped foot inside the morgue, crossing the living-people-reside-here/dead-people-belong-here threshold, every body in the room would reanimate and rise. Attack. He’d have to remove their heads to kill them—again—and just how would he explain that? No, thanks.

  Elijah must not have had anything productive or positive to offer, because he didn’t chime in.

  Aden scrubbed a hand down his face, wishing he’d kept his own lips shut back at the mansion and not lashed out at the psychic. Elijah had only wanted to help him.

  “With my abilities, I can’t risk going in there,” Aden admitted to the others. “Maxwell, Nathan, how good are you at tracking?”

  “The best.” Maxwell, the driver, twisted and eyed his brother, who sat directly behind him. “You bring the stuff?”

  “Hell, yeah,” Nathan said, lifting a nylon bag he’d stuffed under his seat. “Always.”

  They shared a semblance of a grin.

  “We’ll find them, no problem,” Maxwell said to Aden. “And no one will suspect us of anything, even if we smack into a cop.”


  “Why don’t I take it to the next level and show?” Nathan unzipped the bag, reached inside and tossed Maxwell a pair of sunglasses. As Maxwell pushed them over his nose, Nathan pulled out a few others things and then, right there in the car, he shimmied out of his clothes and morphed into his wolf form.

  Seth, Shannon and Ryder dove over the backseat, into the trunk space, and pressed themselves against the window.

  “How did—”

  “T-that was—”

  “No way!”

  “You met the vampires,” Aden said, “now meet the shape-shifters.”

  There was more floundering, and Aden could practically taste their fear and shock. Could definitely hear the increase of their heartbeats. Junior noticed, too, and offered up one of his patented roars.

  “What else is out there?” Ryder asked, peering at the wolf as if he was toxic.

  “Everything you can imagine.”

  His grin as grim as before, Maxwell exited the car and Nathan bounded into the driver’s seat, then to the concrete outside. Maxwell loaded him down with a harness, service vest and leash.

  Victoria, who sat behind Aden, giggled behind her hand. Half humor, half apprehension. “A Seeing Eye dog?”

  Maxwell wiggled his brows over the rim of the shades. “No one asks a blind man what he’s doing or why he’s doing it.”

  “Brilliant,” Aden said.

  “We’ll be back as soon as we can.” With that, the pair was off, Nathan leading the way, trotting slowly, and Maxwell stepping tentatively behind him.

  For a moment, as Aden watched them, he caught a glimpse of Edina the Dancing Mama winding through the cars. Not now, he thought, cutting off the moan trying to break free of his throat.

  Maybe his unwillingness to deal with the woman shot this newest memory down before it could form, because he blinked and she was gone.

  “That was close,” he muttered. He wondered why she kept appearing, if he saw her during times Victoria would think of her, when she would most want her mother’s support.

  What was close? Caleb asked. Never mind, doesn’t matter. I don’t like waiting.

  It’s been, like, two minutes, Julian replied. Shut it for a bit, and we’ll all get through this.

  Victoria climbed into the driver’s seat, her shoulder brushing his. Even with their clothes between them, the sensation was electric. “How are you doing?”

  “Good.” Truth. The aches and pains had faded, as she’d promised. “You?”

  “Good,” she said, but she didn’t sound convinced—or convincing.

  “Still holding a grudge?”

  She smiled sheepishly. “No.”

  “I’m glad.” He reached out and traced a fingertip along her cheek.

  Her eyes closed as she leaned into the touch. “Once the wolves find Riley and Mary Ann, you might have to risk going inside long enough to use your new vampire voice on the police, hospital staff, whoever happens to be around them.”

  That’s right. He could do that now. He recalled telling Seth to leave the stronghold, watching the boy’s eyes glaze over and receiving instant obedience. Recalled Victoria trying to use her voice and failing.

  So he could, and she couldn’t? “Why can’t you use yours?”

  Her gaze moved briefly to the boys in back, none of whom had left their perch against the window. “We’ll discuss it later. Right now, you need to practice.”

  On the boys? No need to ask out l
oud. He knew. Who else?

  He sighed and turned to them. “Bark like a dog.” Simple, easy.

  Seth flipped him off. Shannon and Ryder leaned toward each other and locked in a whispered conversation. “Okay, that was productive,” Aden said dryly.

  “Want them to obey,” Victoria instructed. “Then force that want into your voice.” Propping one elbow on the console between them and resting her weight, she leaned into him and patted his chest, just over his heartbeat. “Push the words out from right here.”

  Her hand was still chilled, he noted. He latched onto her arm and turned her wrist up. The cuts still hadn’t healed. Her ability to use Voice Voodoo was gone. She had been unable to teleport them. Something was going on with her, and he would find out what that something was the next time they were alone.

  Now he closed his eyes and thought, I want my friends to bark like dogs. I really want them to bark like dogs, it’ll be funny as crap. “Bark like a dog.” His throat tingled, and his tongue felt thicker as the words tumbled out of his head—and his heart?

  Immediately all three boys began barking.

  Holy wow, Julian breathed.

  Victoria smiled at Aden with a blend of triumph and sadness. “See?”

  Captain, fire the shock at warp speed, because wow. He’d done it. He’d freaking done it. That quickly and that effortlessly. He looked back, and sure enough, all three boys sported glazed expressions. They were his to control. His to manipulate.

  He cut those thoughts off at the root. He shouldn’t want to control, and he shouldn’t want to manipulate. And he absolutely did not want to listen to any more barking.

  “Quiet,” Aden commanded.



  “Ruff. Ruff.”

  “Want it,” Victoria reminded him.

  Hands balled into fists, Aden closed his eyes, forced his mind on the necessary task. I want them to stop barking, he thought and then said the words. Once again his throat tingled, and his tongue thickened.

  The barking instantly stopped, the boys glaring at him.

  “How did you do that?” Seth spat.

  “D-don’t do that a-again, you ass,” Shannon stuttered.

  Leaping over the backseat, Ryder cranked his elbow backward, clearly intending to fly the rest of the way over and strike. Which he did. Aden caught the boy’s hand just before contact, seeing and sensing his intent at the same time.

  “Use your words like a big boy,” he said. “I was just testing something out, making sure I’ll be able to help Riley and Mary Ann.”

  Though Ryder was obviously shocked by Aden’s speed, he jerked away and dropped his arm to his side. “Whatever, dude. You do that again, and I’m gonna… I’ll…you don’t want to know!”

  Shannon climbed beside him and tried to put his arm around him, but Ryder threw him off, cheeks brightening. Shannon’s cheeks brightened, too, and he turned away from his…boyfriend? Were they a couple? Or just getting there?

  You know, I believe there’s an entrance at the east side of the emergency building, Julian said, distracted, as if he’d been studying blueprints of the building during the entire exchange. It’s locked…maybe…and no one ever uses it. Maybe. Or rather, they didn’t use to. Papers and photos were stored there. Records. Pause. I think.

  How’s that supposed to help us? Caleb lashed out.

  Aden, Julian said, ignoring him. Check out that entrance, my man. Please. I want a peek at those papers. If they’re there. Just, I don’t know, stay out of the hospital, okay?


  “Why what?” Victoria asked.

  He pointed to his head with an apologetic half smile, and she nodded in understanding. True understanding.

  Maybe they’ll remind me of who I was.

  “No, I mean, why stay out? If we avoid the morgue—”

  Don’t want to risk it. Besides, I’m creeped out, remember?

  “But not by the secret room, or whatever it is.” A room that, if it really did exist, could very well be a lab for testing bodily fluids by now. His luck, he’d walk in, someone in a lab coat would be holding a vial of something black and smelly, and he’d have to beat feet, cries of “You ruined everything” ringing in his ears.


  “You mentioned records. What kind?”

  I…don’t know. Just seems really important.

  Important like stuff about the night the souls died? A long shot, but worth a peek. If there was a chance—and there was—he had to risk his neck to take it.

  “Victoria, stay here with Shannon and Ryder. Seth, come with me. There’s something I want to check out.” The boy would make a good—and probably the only one who’d be eager—lookout.

  “Sweet.” Seth was standing outside the car and rubbing his hands together in less than point-six seconds.

  “Wait. You’re leaving me behind?” Sharp, bitter air blustered inside, causing Victoria to shiver.

  To his knowledge, she’d never shivered before.

  “I need you to guard the humans.” Just in case Tucker was out there. And he probably was.

  Even though Tucker was Vlad’s ambassador, Vlad would not order anyone to slay his daughter. Beat her, yes, Aden thought with a tide of anger. Kill her? No.

  “But I…I…oh, very well.” She nodded reluctantly, shadows in her eyes. “I’ll stay behind like a good little girl.”

  One day, he would find a way to wipe those shadows clean. She was meant for happiness. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked her. “Seriously.” He cupped her cheeks and thrilled at her softness. “You can tell me.”

  “I’m fine. We’ll all be fine.”

  “Yes, you will be.” Right, Elijah?


  Aden sighed. He’d have to apologize to the psychic, but not here. Groveling might be involved, so private time was a definite necessity. He kissed Victoria, soft and lingering, uncaring about their audience. “I’ll be back. Do you have your phone?”

  She nodded.

  “Text me when the wolves return. Or if you need anything. Or if you get scared. Or if you—”

  “I will.” She laughed now, and the sweet sound lessened the tension between them. “Go.”

  After another kiss—he couldn’t stop himself, had to have it—he led Seth toward the east side of the building.

  “What are we checking out?” Seth asked.

  They reached a padlocked door, and dread overtook him. “I guess we’ll find out together.”


  TO A VAMPIRE OR A SHIFTER, a human guarding two other humans was kind of like having a toddler guard other toddlers. Useless. But Victoria had never been more certain of her status. She was absolutely, utterly human.

  Earlier she’d cut her wrist to pour her blood into a cup so that Aden would finally eat without revealing her secret, or having to bite and addict her—or himself. There’d been no je la nune on the metal, yet the blade had sliced right through her flesh without any hindrance. The wound had yet to heal. And Chompers, well, he’d stopped roaring, even stopped mewling.

  “You and Aden dating?” Ryder asked her, relaxing for the first time since he’d watched Nathan shift.

  Leaning her temple against the driver’s headrest, she peered back at him. “Yes.” I think. Since waking up in her bed, he’d been kind, tender, sweet and affectionate. More like his old self. She constantly battled the urge to throw herself into his arms and spill everything. Her fears, her frailties…her love. Fear of rejection formed a clamp around her mouth.

  “You don’t care that he’s crazy?”

  Maybe it was a good thing her beast was quiet. The question pushed all the wrong buttons, and she—or Chompers—might have dove over the seat and ripped out Ryder’s tongue. “He’s not crazy.”

  “He talks to himself. Or to the souls, as he calls them. I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure that’s the textbook definition of crazy.”

  Twisting, she threw her glare at him. How like Draven h
e was. Clueless to the violence he stirred. “I drink blood.” Or I used to. “And my closest friends turn into wolves. Are we crazy?”

  The corner of his mouth kicked up. He should have appeared amused, but he just looked sad. “Probably.”

  “Sh-shut up,” Shannon told him. “N-now.”

  “What?” Ryder thumped a fist into the roof. “This whole thing is fucked up, yet everyone is acting like it’s normal.”

  “Then why are you here?” she demanded. “Why did you come with us?”

  “I was bored.” Flippant tone, challenging expression.

  Shannon peered at him with growing horror. Why the horror? She glanced at the clock on the dash, the numbers glowing a soft red. Nathan and Maxwell had been gone for twenty-three minutes, and Aden for nineteen. When would they return?

  “‘I—I was bored’ says the b-boy who always t-talks his way out of everything? No. I know y-you. Wh-what did you d-do?” Shannon asked Ryder. “Why did y-you want to leave Crossroads?”

  “I did nothing.” Ryder shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “And I didn’t want to leave. Aden asked us to come.”

  Shannon wasn’t giving up. “Wh-what the hell did y-you do? J-just say it. S-say it b-because I already kn-know. Didn’t w-want to believe, but you were g-gone last night, after w-we…just after. You reeked of g-gasoline. I believed you when you s-said you’d been working on th-the truck. B-believed you, but you…you… S-say it!”

  Cringing, seemingly in pain, Ryder rubbed the spot just above his heart. The two boys glared at each other for a long while. The pain must have been building, must have pushed from him. A moan escaped him, followed by a spew of poisonous yelling.

  “You want to hear the truth? Fine. I started the fire. Okay? All right? There was a voice in my head, and he told me what to do. I tried to stop myself, but I couldn’t. You know what else? He told me to kill you, to kill all of you, and I stood over your bed. I was going to do it, just like he told me, but I started shaking, and I couldn’t. I couldn’t do it, so I dragged you out instead.”

  Victoria listened, her own sense of horror growing.


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