Deadly Alpha

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Deadly Alpha Page 14

by Brenda Sparks

  Stephan’s long black hair flowed around his shoulders when he nodded. “You’re probably right, Marcus, most likely the same vampire who attacked Christina earlier. I think it’s time to convene the Council. We’ll need all the help we can get to find this rogue.” Stephan leaned back in his seat and rested one ankle on the opposite knee. “Demetri and Michael were here the other night. Have the other Alphas been here before, so they can materialize here?”

  Marcus shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

  Hearing the women approach, Stephan lowered his voice to a whisper. “Well, when you summon them, find out for sure who has been here. I’ll send my plane to retrieve the ones who can’t materialize here.”

  Christina joined them in the living room, carrying a silver tray with colorful hors d’œuvres, which she placed on the coffee table then sat on the couch, and Kat followed, sandwiching Stephan between them. The tight squeeze caused the Alpha leader to scrunch his shoulders and sit with his thighs held together.

  I love watching you cater to the females, Marcus sent using their personal mindlink. You look like a school boy serving detention.

  Watch your mouth, Marcus, or I’ll have to cross this room to teach you the meaning of discipline.

  I don’t think Kat would appreciate that.

  Oh, I don’t think she’d mind. She’d probably join in. I seem to remember a time or two when she kicked your ass.

  Marcus grabbed an hors d’œuvre and popped it in his mouth. The memory of sparring with Kat played in his mind. Marcus relived the time Kat bloodied his nose, and he’d taken a good ribbing about it from Nicholai. Yeah, she probably would like to do it again.

  He had no desire to relive that situation in front of his heartmate. Talk about embarrassing.

  “How was your flight?” Christina asked, drawing Marcus from his thoughts. “Not too cramped, I hope.”

  Christina glanced between the couple sitting next to her.

  “Just fine. We took my personal plane, so we had plenty of room.” Stephan gave Kat a conspiratorial wink.

  Stephan was an ancient, one of the original humans to be changed. With age came money—lots and lots of money if one knew how to make it. Everything bought was guaranteed to be worth more at some point, you just had to know when to sell things for a profit. Marcus envied Stephan’s knack for making money. He seemed to instinctively know whether to keep a possession for five years or four hundred.

  “Would you like an hors d’œuvre?” offered Christina.

  “We ate a little something on the plane,” Stephan explained, the deep timbre of his voice dropped when Kat placed her hand on his knee and squeezed.

  I bet you did, sent Marcus over their mindlink, causing Stephan to throw him a disgruntled look.

  Marcus knew all about Stephan’s plane. It was equipped with a fully stocked bar and an oversized bed that accommodated him and Katrina very well.

  “You have to try this,” Kat said as she fed a creamy treat to Stephan. He took her fingers along with the goodie into his mouth.

  “Ummm.” He moaned around her fingers while she slid them slowly from his mouth.

  The heat between them sizzled within the room with such fervor that Marcus guessed even Christina might feel the palpable force. It wrapped the couple in a cocoon of wanton lust.

  Payton appeared in the doorway, breaking the mood. “Excuse me, sir. I have placed your guests’ luggage in their room and turned down their bed. Is there anything else you require of me tonight?”

  Marcus cleared his throat. “No. Thank you, Payton. You have been very helpful as always. Thanks for working late tonight.”

  “Of course, sir.” Payton turned to take his leave.

  Kat popped a fifth hors d’oeuvre in her mouth and stood. She made quick work of the delicacy, swallowing it as she crossed the room, her graceful gait taking her to Payton before he had completed his turn. She grabbed him by the shoulders and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Payton.”

  The valet rubbed his face, a deep blush flushed his leathery skin. “I’m happy to be of service,” was all he managed to squeak out before he left in a rush.

  Kat rounded to Stephan and winked. “It sounds like our room is ready. I don’t mean to be rude, but I think I’ll go to bed. Christina, you and I will spend more time together tomorrow. Okay?” She disappeared in a blink of Marcus’ eyes, not waiting for a reply.

  The Alpha leader stood and stretched, in an obvious feign of exhaustion. “Bed sounds like an awfully good idea. I think I’ll join her.”

  He turned to Christina. “Thank you for the hors d’œuvres. They were quite good.”

  “Going so soon? We barely got to say two words to each other.” Christina’s lower lip jutted out in a pout.

  Stephan put his hand over his heart, in an old-time gesture that bespoke of his age. “It was a long flight from Vegas, and Kat is ready for bed. Please accept my apologies. We’ll visit longer tomorrow evening,” he promised then turned on his heels and left.

  “You’ll have to forgive them, my sweet,” said Marcus. “I’m afraid the draw between heartmates is very strong and grows the longer they are together. Stephan and Kat did not mean any disrespect. They just need time alone.”

  “But they just spent six hours alone on their plane. I would think they could have visited a little longer.”

  Marcus grinned. “I for one am glad they kept the visit brief. I have to agree with them; bed sounds like a wonderful idea.”

  Marcus threw Christina over one shoulder in a fireman’s carry and headed for their suite.

  Chapter 21

  Three nights later…

  Michael strolled into Marcus’ library, taking his usual spot. Leaning his shoulder against the wall, he crossed his muscular arms over his chest. Stephan pinned him with a hard stare. “Nice of you to finally join us, Michael.”

  Michael inclined his head in response. He knew he arrived late tonight, had been late to every meeting. But he had things happening in his life that needed to be dealt with, things more important than the Alpha Council business.

  Besides, these meetings frustrated him. Night after night, the Alphas discussed the missing girls in Savannah and went out to patrol the city, but they were no closer to finding the missing women or the person responsible. He seriously doubted tonight would be different.

  Stephan had assembled the entire council this evening. Nicholai, Alexander, and Vladimir were finally here. The Alpha leader stood in front of the fireplace with his arm resting on the mantel. His commanding presence filled the room.

  “So, as I was saying before Michael decided to grace us with his presence, this situation in Savannah has gotten out of control. The number of missing or dead girls has increased. Several of the girls abducted bear a striking resemblance to Christina. Given that a vampire attacked her earlier this week, I’m inclined to think a vampire is behind the abductions and killings. It’s time for the Council to get involved. We need to find this male and take him out before he can get his hands on any more innocents.

  “I want all of you here in Savannah, so we can do some team surveillance and find this sicko.”

  Stephan strutted across the room as he spoke. “Marcus has graciously offered his house for our use.”

  Stephan smacked Marcus on the back, in a friendly gesture. The younger Alpha straightened and nodded approvingly at the group. “I have plenty of room. Each of you can have your own guest room upstairs. I have a full gym, sauna, and indoor pool downstairs that you can use to train. I also have a range for target practice and a sparring building out back available. I know Michael and Demetri have their own places in town, but you guys are welcome to stay here too.”

  Stephan interjected, “That’s not a bad idea. It’s been over a century since we all lived and trained under the same roof. Demetri, will you stay here with the rest of the Council?”

  “If you think that is best, I guess I can suffer my comrades’ company for a while,” Demetri retorted with a s

  Stephan turned his steely gaze on Michael. “What about you?”

  Michael shifted uncomfortably under the hard gaze. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Better than an outright no,” Stephan muttered, nodding curtly. “After the meeting Marcus will show you to your rooms and give you the grand tour of the mansion so you can find the training rooms when needed.”

  Their leader shifted his weight onto his other foot as his gaze found the largest male of the group. “On to the next order of business. Demetri, what have you learned from the VES?”

  “The Vampire Enforcement Squad is almost as stumped as we are.” Demetri’s attention focused on the newly arrived Alphas as he explained, “I’ve been emailing the Savannah VES agent my Russian contact recommended. He put me in contact with one of the agency’s best trackers, Agent Bolovich. He seems like a decent enough gent from his e-mails. He’s willing to work with us to take this murderer down. The VES wants this monster as bad as we do. I invited Bolovich here tonight so we can get an update and meet him.”

  “Excellent. I’m interested in what the agent has to say. Hopefully, he will be able to…” A knock on the library door interrupted Stephan.

  “Come in,” called Marcus.

  Payton opened the oak door wide and announced, “Agent Bolovich to see you, sir.” He remained in the doorway to await his instructions.

  “Send him in,” ordered Stephan, motioning inward with his hand.

  Payton stepped aside to reveal a woman dressed in black. She wore the dark leather like a second skin. It started on her toes with laced stiletto boots that crept up to her knees. It continued upward to caress her shapely thighs and the slight curve of her hips in a pair of black pants. A leather bustier, which lifted her breasts, exposing the soft flawless skin as the twin globes swelled over the seam, topped her obsidian ensemble. The female’s yellow, cat-like eyes seemed to glow against the shoulder length black hair that framed her beautiful face. The heel-length leather duster she wore flared slightly behind her with each step as she crossed the room and made for the fireplace.

  Fates above, this femme fatale made the blood rush to his groin. Michael licked his lips at the sight his mind created of this female naked and writhing beneath him. The lust in the air hung heavily between the unmated males in the room. He’d have competition for her affections, but that suited him. He could handle anything the others wanted to throw at him. He’d be happy to take them on just to have a go at that.


  Tatiana Bolovich had been a VES agent for over one hundred and fifty years. An incident early in her life had driven her to the agency. Because she gave the agency her all, she was the kind of agent VES prized.

  She didn’t have a family, outside of the agency. Tough, intelligent, and committed were words used by her colleagues to describe her. In fact, her partner and she were referred to as T-N-T, as much for their explosive attitudes as for the fact both their names started with the letter “T.”

  Once she took on a case, she saw it through to completion, refusing to do no less than win against the bad guys. VES always assigned her to the most difficult cases, and this latest vampire murderer was no exception.

  With little to go on and no real leads, finding the Savannah murderer proved to be a challenge for her. But she was more than up to the challenge. In fact, when one of the infamous Alphas approached her about helping them solve the murders, she’d jumped at the chance to work with the super-secretive group.

  Tatiana stopped in front of the male with sapphire blue eyes, her duster settling around her body. “I’m Agent Bolovich. Which one of you is Romanoff?”

  A male behind her stood. She turned and watched his beefy body glide toward her. The vampire possessed a fluid grace that most males his size would not. He appeared calm but in control, like a predator ready to pounce at the slightest provocation. Tatiana appreciated the way his muscles rippled under his clothes as he moved, though she would not give him or any male the satisfaction of showing any reaction. She steeled her features, refusing to allow any appreciation to show on her face.

  In a deep baritone voice the burly male replied, “I am Demetri Romanoff. It is nice to meet you.” He offered his hand, turning it as if he intended to kiss the back of hers. Tatiana grabbed the proffered hand and shook it vigorously.

  “You’re Romanoff?” she asked

  “I am. I must admit I am surprised to see you.”

  The VES agent cocked her head in disbelief, a confused look crossing her face. “You should have been expecting me. In our last e-mail, I said I would attend the meeting tonight.”

  “I thought you were a male.” Demetri raked her body with his gaze. “But obviously you are not.”

  “Obviously,” she echoed and surveyed the buffet of beefcakes in the room.

  Her gaze carefully scrutinized each male as she sized them up. She had grown up hearing stories about the Alpha Council. Studying their history had been part of her VES training. She knew their reputation for being specially trained warriors who took out the worst of their breed with efficient ease. Their features were steady, showing no hint of what they were thinking as she glanced over them. Well-built, big males, each carried an air of confidence that came from years of proving their skills on the battlefield. Copious amounts of power filled the room, pushing down on Tatiana like an avalanche.

  She turned to the male with the blue eyes and squared her shoulders, her mouth in a hard line. “I think introductions are in order. You all know who I am, and I now know Demetri. What are the rest of your names?”

  “I am Stephan von Haas.” Mr. Blue Eyes began the introductions. “I am the leader of the Council.”

  He took Tatiana’s hand, dwarfing it in his own, and kissed it before she could start a handshake. Her eyes widened when he brought the hand away from his supple lips. She tried to pull her hand away, not wanting the intimate contact.

  Seeming to detect her reluctance, Stephan raised a questioning eyebrow but did not say anything, instead released her hand. One by one the rest of the Alphas were introduced.

  Marcus waved in greeting after his introduction. “Hey. Welcome to my home.”

  Tatiana appreciated the relaxed way he spoke to her. Being in the room with these males might have been rather intimidating. Their reputation certainly preceded them. She was prepared for…well, she wasn’t entirely sure what she’d been prepared for.

  VES possessed little information about the members of the group. She knew of their history and some of their greater escapades, but as to specific information about the group’s members, that was a tightly guarded secret. It was one of the reasons the Vampire Enforcement Squad had agreed to work with them. The agency wanted a better relationship with the group. They had the same mission—to stop unruly misfits of the vampire population—so her superiors at VES instructed her to ingratiate herself with the Alphas. The commanders wanted her to develop a positive working relationship with the group, win their trust, so the two groups might foster a more cooperative relationship.

  Nicholai rose from his chair and bowed when he was introduced. The tailored suit he wore fit perfectly on his large frame and made him look like a mafia don. His handsome face sported a smile that added a sexy element to his youthful appearance.

  “It is an honor to meet you, agent,” he greeted in a thick Russian accent.

  Across from Nicholai sat Alexander, who wore blue jeans and a dark T-shirt that molded to his defined muscles. His short, blond hair barely showed from under his baseball cap. He remained in his chair and greeted Tatiana by tipping his hat saying, “Nice to meet ya, ma’am.”

  His southern drawl intrigued her with its singsong quality. His accent and rugged good looks reminded Tatiana of a farm boy.

  On the settee, next to where Demetri had been, sat Vladimir. The black jeans and snug black sweater he wore accented his rippling muscles. Tatiana watched his muscles flex when he stood and bowed to her in greeting. “It is an honor to meet
you, Agent Bolovich.”

  Stephan cleared his throat, bringing her attention back to him before he spoke. “Lastly, back there is Michael Garsoe.” Michael pushed away from the wall, straightening to his full height. He greeted her by a tip of his chin in her general direction. His lustful eyes grazed her body, blazing a trail hotly over her. His desire stood heavily behind his pants.

  She knew she wasn’t an unattractive woman, but being in the presence of these powerful, sexy males, made her feel very feminine. The weight of their combined stares pushed in on her, made her a little self-conscious.

  They appeared reserved as if they were withholding their judgment of her, but she knew she would be judged. Males like these not only held themselves to a higher standard but others around them as well. She played with the big boys now, and she would have to man-up if she wanted to hang with them.

  Go ahead boys, test me. She trusted her abilities and knew she’d pass. Not to mention they needed her or they wouldn’t have contacted VES.

  Tatiana stood a little straighter before she spoke. “It is nice to meet all of you. Before I share the intel from the agency, I need your word an agent can be included within your group. The agency wants to be with you every step of the way, especially when you take the murderer down.”

  Stephan furrowed his brows, eyeing her suspiciously. “Who would the agency assign to us?”

  “Me.” Tatiana placed her hand over her heart.

  Demetri shifted his stance and crossed his large arms across his massive chest. “Absolutely not! Females don’t belong in the field.”

  Tatiana rounded on him, putting a fisted hand on each hip. “That’s old-fashioned and chauvinistic. It’s the twenty-first century, vampire. Get with the times. Females can take care of themselves now.”

  “Who made you?” Demetri demanded, raising a questioning brow before continuing, “Or are you a natural born?”


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