The Vampire's Accidental Wife (Nocturne Falls Book 8)

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The Vampire's Accidental Wife (Nocturne Falls Book 8) Page 3

by Kristen Painter

  She sighed and watched the couple on the screen. Whatever their petty problems were, it was nothing like what she was facing. No one was trying to kill them. And they weren’t being forced to ask a favor from someone they shouldn’t.

  She hugged her knees to her chest. She and Jules would be divorced soon. She’d agreed to the year only because she’d thought that would be enough time for him to get tired of her and see that she wasn’t the woman for him. So far, that hadn’t worked, but the year wasn’t over yet.

  She hoped they could part friends. That would be nice. She’d grown used to him in her life, and as hard as it was to admit, it made her sad to think of him not being around.

  But chances were, once the year was up and her mind remained unchanged, he’d want nothing to do with her. And she couldn’t blame him a bit. She stretched her legs out and leaned into the nest of pillows that decorated her bed. Daysleep pulled at her, causing her lids to drift down.

  Three loud knocks rang out from her door, causing her to jump. She’d fallen asleep. Panic overtook her for a moment as she shook off the tiredness. Then she realized it must be Julian. She grabbed her phone, slid off the bed and ran toward the front of the condo, then skidded to a stop in the hall. What if it wasn’t?

  She texted him. Are you at my door?

  His reply came a second later. Who else? He’d added a winking emoji.

  Relief swept her. She walked into the foyer and opened the door.

  “Hello, love.” He smiled at her. “Nice outfit. Maybe not the best for being incognito, though.”

  She glanced down at her leopard print leggings and hot pink cropped T-shirt with the words Blink if you want me printed on it. It wasn’t much different than anything else she ever wore. And the outfit was tame compared to some of the things she sported—and didn’t—on stage. She shrugged and smiled at him. “It’s not like I’m going out, but I can change. I’m so glad you came. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. And don’t ever change.” He walked in. “Did you sleep?”

  “A little. It’s hard.”

  “I understand. You must be stressed.”

  “I am. But a little less now.” She hugged him. It wasn’t her way—she wasn’t a physical person—but if there was anyone who deserved a hug, it was Julian.

  He tensed for a moment in her embrace, then patted her on the back. “It’s all going to be fine, you’ll see.”

  She released him. “I hope so.”

  “Have faith, love.” He kissed her cheek, then looked around. “Now, where are your bags? The car’s waiting.”

  “Bags? What are you talking about?”

  His brows pulled together. “You didn’t pack?”

  “For what?” She thought through the conversation they’d had. She didn’t remember him saying anything about her leaving. “Are you trying to take me somewhere?”

  “Yes.” He stared at her like she’d lost her mind. “You called me to come out and get you, didn’t you?”

  They’d definitely had a miscommunication. “I called you because I think someone’s threatening me. I wasn’t trying to leave Vegas.”

  His brows lifted. “If you’re in danger, you can’t stay here.”

  “The Skye Towers is perfectly safe. But we do need to go out for a little bit as soon as it gets dark.”

  “Why? Where do you need to go?”

  “To see Sam. I need to see how she’s doing.”

  He crossed his arms. “That’s the last place you should go.”

  “She’s hurt because of me, and she’s all alone in the hospital. I have to get over there as soon as I can.”

  “Send flowers, call her, but it’s a bad idea for you to go anywhere near her. If someone really is after you and they figure out you and Sam are two different people, you could both be in deeper trouble than you were before.”

  “But I’m worried about her.”

  “I am too. What kind of supernatural did you say she was?”

  “She’s a skinwalker and very capable of taking care of herself. But…” Desi opened her mouth, then closed it again to think for a second. “She’s still injured and vulnerable.”

  “A skinwalker.” He nodded like he was thinking. “Now I remember. She can take on any form, then, correct?”

  “Within limits. And being this injured, I’m not sure she can shift at all.”

  He frowned. “Then you’re right about her being vulnerable. We can’t leave her this way. This has to be dealt with.” He took out his phone.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Call in a favor.” He dialed, then waited. “Van, hello, it’s Julian Ellingham. Good, how are you? Excellent news. Yes, actually. Do you know anyone who could handle a security job for me in Vegas? I need someone trustworthy. This is a high priority.”

  He nodded a couple times. “Perfect. Immediately.” He twisted the phone away. “What hospital is Sam in and what room?”

  Desi told him, then he went back to the phone. “Las Vegas General, room 1905. Woman’s name is Samantha Arnett. Very good. I owe you.”

  He said goodbye and hung up, tucking the phone back into his pocket. “Sam’s about to have a new friend, a gargoyle by the name of Harlan who comes highly recommended from someone I trust. He’ll stay with her until this is cleared up.”

  Desi raised her brows. “That’s awesome, but I don’t think Sam can afford that kind of protection, not that she should have to. This all happened to her because of me, so I’ll take care of Harlan’s bill. What’s it going to cost me?”

  “Nothing, it’s handled.”

  That got her back up for reasons she refused to acknowledge. “No. I’ll pay for it.”

  His eyes narrowed for a moment, then he nodded. “I’ll let you know.”

  “Okay. Thank you.” She had her own money. And this was her problem. “But it was kind of you to offer.”

  He didn’t look like he totally understood, but she was all right with that. Her past had made it so.

  He tipped his head. “Now, about getting you out of here. Is there any other reason you think you need to stay?”

  She mulled it over. “I guess not.”

  “Good. Then you’re coming back with me. You can stay with me while Sam recovers and we can figure out what’s going on from a safe distance. Plus, it will give you some freedom. I doubt you’ll be recognized like you are here.”

  “You want to leave just like that? Don’t we need tickets? Or do you plan on driving?”

  “No, I brought the jet.”

  “You have a jet?” He’d never mentioned that. But she understood. He’d kept key parts of his life back just like she had. She knew he had money, but not how much—not that his financials were any of her business. Just like she knew he was from Georgia, but beyond that, the most she’d gotten out of him was that he lived in a little town she’d probably think was boring. Right now, boring sounded okay, actually.

  He nodded. “I do. And the only thing that needs to happen for us to get on it is for you to pack.”

  “You’re serious about this. You want me to stay with you.”

  “I can get you a room elsewhere if you prefer, but I have plenty of space, and my building is secure.”

  His building. That was interesting. She’d always pictured him living in some big old creaky mansion. “No, I guess that’s fine.”

  “You don’t seem convinced.”

  “Well, like I said, I wasn’t planning on going anywhere.”

  “Do you really think staying here is the safest plan? You won’t be able to go out much if you do stay. Maybe not at all until Sam’s out of the hospital, because that’s where people think you are. And when Sam gets out, they’ll at least expect to see you with a cast and crutches.”

  She sighed. “Ugh, yes, that’s true. Okay, fine, let’s go to your place. Where in Georgia do you live, exactly?”

  “A lovely little town called Nocturne Falls. I can’t think of a safer place for a vampire in hiding.” />
  She had her doubts about that. “I’ll go pack.”

  “I’ll be on the balcony. It’s a beautiful day.”

  She rolled her eyes as she walked past him. “Show off.”

  While Desi packed, Julian stood on the balcony and stared down at the city below. He didn’t often see this view of the Strip during daylight hours. Without the gleam and glitter of its millions of lights, it looked rather…unmagical.

  A breeze swept the grand outdoor space, stirring up remnants of Desi’s orange blossom perfume and making him smile.

  She was a proud person. Julian liked that about her, but hiring Harlan for twenty-four-hour protection wasn’t going to be cheap. Maybe he’d split the bill with her. Without telling her. But no, that would mean there was a lie between them, and he couldn’t have that. He sighed. She was a frustrating creature. Gorgeous, but frustrating.

  He heard knocking on the glass behind him. He turned to see her waving him in.

  He went inside. She hadn’t changed other than to put on sky-high black platform boots. Studs decorated the front of them. He laughed softly. “You are nothing if not practical, darling.”

  “I am who I am.” She spread her arms wide. “And this is who I am.”

  Which was exactly what he loved about her.

  Then she put her hands on her hips. “Plus, these Louboutins just came yesterday. You can’t expect me to leave them behind.”

  “No, of course not. Although you might want to think about going a little more incognito until this whole mess blows over.”

  “Okay,” she said, smiling. “I’ll think about it.”

  He shook his head. There was a single Louis Vuitton duffel bag over her shoulder, along with her matching handbag. “That can’t be all you packed. Where are the rest of your bags?”

  “In the bedroom. I’ll get them.”

  He laughed and headed for the bedroom. “Not in those heels. I’ll handle the luggage. You go grab a coat. Evenings in the Georgia mountains can still be chilly in May.”

  “Okay.” She sashayed off toward the foyer closet while he went to the bedroom.

  Three enormous Louis Vuitton rolling bags awaited him. He sighed, but in his heart, he understood. He loved beautiful things himself, and often traveled with just as much. But for a quick getaway, this was a tad excessive.

  But because he loved her and was happy to indulge her, he said nothing and wrangled them to the front of the condo, thankful his vampire strength made that a pretty easy feat.

  When he rolled into the foyer, she was there waiting, wearing what he referred to as her Cookie Monster coat. The big fake fur jacket was bright blue and excessively fuzzy and one of Desi’s favorites.

  He brought the bags to a stop, unable to keep himself from teasing her a little. “I appreciate you packing quickly, but you know we’re not going to a third-world country, right? If you forget something, you can buy it.”

  “I didn’t forget anything.”

  He snorted and glanced at the luggage. “Clearly.” He took his phone out to let the driver know they were headed down.

  She hooked her thumb under the straps of her shoulder bag. “Don’t you want to talk about what else has happened to me?”

  “I do, but on the plane. Getting you somewhere safe is my main concern.” He hoisted the bags again. “Did you call the lift yet?”

  She nodded. “On its way.”

  They rode down in the elevator in silence, then got into the waiting car. The Skye Towers had the benefit of a drive-through lobby for the sake of its more sun-sensitive occupants, which made it very convenient for vampires. Especially those who might have a target on them.

  The SUV he’d hired had UV-proof windows as well, a necessity since Desi didn’t have anything to protect her from the sun like he did.

  She’d never asked about the amulet he wore, or how he could withstand the sun, but sometimes he got the feeling she wanted to. He was glad she hadn’t. He didn’t want to lie to her, but the amulets were an Ellingham family secret and not something to be discussed.

  Technically, he could have told her. She was his wife, but that was on paper only. If he thought she loved him back and that this marriage was more than an inconvenience to her, he’d not only tell her about the amulet, he’d ask Alice Bishop to make Desi one too. But that would require telling Alice about the marriage.

  And his grandmother would have a fit if Julian got Alice to make an amulet for a woman who was about to be his ex-wife. The witch’s powers were great but, in Elenora Ellingham’s mind, not to be squandered.

  He understood. If word got out about Alice’s abilities, they’d be inundated with vampires trying to get an amulet for their own. His brother Sebastian had already dealt with a crazy ex trying to steal the secret of his daywalking ability.

  No, this secret had to remain just that until Desi was truly his.

  “You’re quiet,” she said, breaking the stillness of the car’s vault-like interior.

  He smiled. “Just thinking.”


  He shook his head. “I wouldn’t know where to start.”

  She smiled a little sadly. “I could tell you about what else my stalker has done.”

  “On the plane.” He tipped his head toward the road. “We’re almost there.” The private airfield awaited them. The plane and crew were in a hangar so that Desi could remain out of the sun. He’d already told the driver where they were headed, so the man pulled right in, then jumped out to get their bags. Julian had left his in the back of the vehicle.

  “Right into the hangar.” She smiled. “You think of everything, Jules.”

  “I try.”

  Once they were in the sky, she seemed to relax. “This is a beautiful aircraft.”

  “Thank you. I had a small part in that. My brother Sebastian wanted something a little more utilitarian, but it’s also his job to watch the funds, so what can you expect?” He laughed. “Not saying he’s tight, but he might squeak a little when he walks. He is exceptional with money, but I do wish he’d lighten up.”

  She snorted. “I get the picture.”

  He shook his head. “Actually, he’s loosened up considerably since Tessa’s come into his life.”

  “Is that his wife?”


  “And your other brother? Is he also engaged?”

  “Married. Just had his first child some months back.”

  She smiled. “So you’re an uncle?”

  “I am, and damn good at it, I might add.”

  “I have no doubts.” Her smile faded.

  Enough small talk. “Tell me what happened. Tell me everything.”

  She nodded, her gaze growing distant with memories. “It started about a month ago. No, six weeks.”

  He did the math. “I’ve been to see you twice in that time. You didn’t say anything.”

  “Because I didn’t think it was anything. I have some…odd fans. I just figured this was more of that.”


  She folded her hands in her lap. “The bouquets of garlic came first. One a day for a week, each with a note that said things like, ‘This show is going to kill you,’ or ‘This show will be the death of you.’”

  Disbelief made his mouth drop open. “And you thought that was from a fan?”

  “Yes. They don’t know I’m really a vampire.” She shrugged. “I get things like that with these notes about how they want to protect me if a real vampire comes looking for me, how they worry that I’ll make real vampires angry because I do such a good job of impersonating them.”

  “You have strange fans.”

  “Some of them, yes, but I have some amazing ones too. A lot of amazing ones, actually. And I love what I do. It lets me be me while paying the bills.”

  He could think of other ways for her to do that, like truly become his wife. He would spoil her silly. But this wasn’t the time for that discussion. “What else happened?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “S
mall, silver crucifixes started showing up everywhere. In my dressing room. In the mail. Found a couple on stage among the props. Even found one sewn into one of my costumes. Crazy.”

  “Did you still think that was just your fans?”

  “I did. Until…” Fear showed in her eyes.

  “Until what?”

  She wrapped her arms around her body. “Someone replaced the lights in my dressing room with UV bulbs.” She stared straight ahead. “Burned my left side so badly, Sam had to go on in my place that night.”

  He swore softly. “And you didn’t tell me about that?”

  She looked at him. “So you could worry? What good would it do? What could you have done?”

  “A great deal. I could have set up a security team for you. I could have flown out and taken care of you. Anything would have been better than nothing.” His hands were clenched. He took a moment to calm himself down, forcing himself to speak more softly. “I can’t help but want to protect you.”

  “It’s sweet, and I get it, but I knew you’d fly out the minute I said something. You proved that today. And I really didn’t want to inconvenience you when—”

  “You are not an inconvenience. Don’t ever think that. You’re my wife. You know what that means to me.”

  “I do. And…” She put her hand on his for a moment, lifting it away as soon as he’d made eye contact again. “Jules, if you want me to speak plainly, then the truth is, I didn’t call you about all of this because we’re married.”


  She shook her head and looked away. “I know I agreed to the year, but it’s colored everything I do now. I second-guess every action.”

  He smiled sadly, understanding. “You worry that I’ll misinterpret any small kindness as you falling for me, is that it? That I’ll read more into you being nice than is really there.”

  She stared at him, mouth pursed. But the answer was in her eyes.

  He pushed back into his seat, wishing there was more space between them. He laughed, but the wound had been made. “Do I come off that desperate? I must look so pathetic in your eyes.”

  “Jules, that’s not what I meant.”


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