It Happens in Threes

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It Happens in Threes Page 20

by Denise Robbins

  “Okay, look.” She stared at him, biting her lower lip, waiting for his rebuke. Then she looked at him square in the eye. He wanted to laugh, almost. Instead, he held her even tighter wanting to fuse her to him, keep her safe.

  “I need to keep you close. We’ll have to change tactics. You and I are going to get involved in a relationship together.” Her head tilted back, he read the confusion on her face.

  “We’ll spend lots of time going out and being with each other. Do you understand?”

  Ruby nodded.

  “Good. Starting now we create sparks.”

  He bent his head, brushed her lips with his. She stiffened in his embrace. He took the kiss deeper, pulled her closer, as if she were his second skin. A devouring kiss, Ruby held on to him, her fingers dug into his back. His tongue pushed into her mouth explored it, hot, wet, and insistent. He tasted the Chianti, how its sweetness mixed with hers. She responded. Her heart pounded against his chest. She relaxed, little by little melted in his arms, warm and pliable. Abruptly, she pushed him away. She was breathless. So was he.

  With his index finger, he tipped her chin up, saw the dazed look on her flushed face. “Sparks, remember.”

  “Um, yes.” With his desire under control, he took her arm and led her from the dance area.

  Michael pulled out her chair, but she didn’t sit. “Will you gentlemen excuse me?” She turned and headed toward the ladies room.

  Nicolas’s eyes narrowed to angry slits. Apparently, he didn’t take too kindly to the way Michael pushed himself on Ruby.

  “That seemed a little forward. Not to mention fast.”

  “I can be very resourceful when it comes to something I want.” He enjoyed telling and showing Nicolas, she was his.

  Nicolas’s expression became cold and forbidding. “Be careful with that one. She’s special. Even though I want your business I won’t let a friend get hurt.”

  Michael wasn’t sure he liked his overprotective nature toward Ruby, but part of him understood it. She had a way of evoking those sentiments.

  “Not to worry. I told you I plan on marrying the woman with the cat eyes. A man could spend all of his nine lives in them.”

  Nicolas burst out with laughter. “You have to be the most unpredictable arrogant son-of-a-bitch I have ever met. Watch out for her claws,” he warned with a dangerous gleam in his eyes and a wry smile.

  “Is that from personal experience?”

  His grin widened. “A gentleman never tells tales.”

  Shit! What the hell does that mean? “Thanks for the warning, but I think I can control this one.” He sure as hell would have to do a better job. So far, handling Ruby was like predicting the weather. It was volatile and changing.

  “Interesting choice of words. I wouldn’t let her know you plan to ‘control’ her.”

  Michael nodded, indicated Ruby’s return.

  This time when he pulled out the chair, she took her seat. She knew her cheeks were still pink with embarrassment. She felt foolish but he had taken her off guard. “Thank you.”

  Nicolas covered her hand with his. “Feeling better?”

  She nodded.

  “Why don’t I get the check and we can get out of here.” Nicolas signaled the waitress for the bill. “I hope you both enjoyed the dinner and the atmosphere.”

  “I enjoyed it all, in particular the company,” she replied, offering Nicolas the most brilliant smile, though her gaze held on Michael’s bright blues. “Thanks very much,” she said and leaned in to give him a peck on his cheek.

  “My pleasure. How does tomorrow morning at eleven sound?”

  What was he talking about? She must have been staring at him bland faced because he continued.

  “For me to pick you and your belongings up,” he clarified. “We want to check you out of the hotel and into my guest suite. I’m not giving you a chance to change your mind.” He offered her a conspiratorial grin and waggled his brows.

  Michael’s eyes narrowed. And she would swear those sapphires were drilling lasers into her.

  “Oh. Eleven would be fine. That’ll give me plenty of time to clean up and pack.”

  “Superb. Let’s get out of here.”

  * * * *

  The ride back to her hotel was the calm before the storm. She knew her acceptance of Nico’s invitation was the right thing to do.

  Her dive gear over his shoulder, Michael keyed open the lock to her hotel room, and carried the bag to the closet where he’d originally hidden it as a surprise and stored it. Ruby entered the room behind Michael, watching him, waiting for the strike from the coiled snake. She wanted something cool before he got on her case. If she was lucky it might even have the effect of dousing his temper.

  She strolled to the refrigerator, and pulled out a couple of sodas, handing one to Michael. His eyes narrowed into thin ice blue slits as he accepted the drink and took a seat. He took a long swallow, then another, and another, drinking until the can was empty. She watched him struggle to bite back his words, but in the end, the soda hadn’t helped her at all. It just prolonged the inevitable.

  “We couldn’t get into this at the restaurant, but we’re damn sure going to get into it now,” he ground out between gritted teeth.

  “Mickey...” Michael put up his hand indicating she should keep quiet. Sheesh. Oh, well, better let him get it out.

  “What the hell did you think you were doing? Accepting that invitation was idiotic. You have no clue what Nicolas is like or how dangerous he can be. Just because you knew him once doesn’t mean you know him now. You could have at least stalled before giving him an answer. Then we could have discussed it. All you were supposed to do was get a job from him. Moving in with him changes the whole scenario. Puts me in less control. Damn it! I thought you had a head on your shoulders. Then you go and do this.”

  “I do have a head on my shoulders. I used it to the best of my ability tonight, despite being taken by surprise by his invitation.” Michael had brought her into this situation and he was damn well going to start trusting her. And her judgment.

  He stood and paced, his hands running through wind-blown sandy-blonde hair. When he turned back to confront her, his face was not only contorted with anger, but something more. Frustration? Desperation? Fear?

  “I want you to bail out now! I want you to pack up and go home.” He pointed to the door of her hotel.

  “What home? I have nothing to go back to.” She stormed around, flung her arms in the air. “I will not be given orders like some military subordinate. I’m sorry you’re upset, but I did the best I could.”

  His face turned an even deeper shade of red. “Upset? You think I’m upset? I’m scared shitless! Damn it, I told you I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  Ruby went to him, laid her hand on his arm, and offered what assurance she could. She looked at him, really looked at him. In his eyes, she saw concern and fear. She wanted to soothe it, needed to soothe him. Putting her soda on the table, she cupped his cheeks in her hands, made sure he heard her words.

  “Nothing will happen. I’m not stupid and I am counting on you to work out the details and make it safe. I trust you, Michael. And I need you to trust me.”

  He quieted, stilled, at her confession of trust. He made no attempt to move away so she continued to talk to him in a calm, reassuring voice.

  “Look. I don’t think accepting the invitation was idiotic. I did try to stall, but he had an answer for every objection I made. I knew you would be pissed, but it made sense to go ahead. I can keep closer tabs on him, maybe see what he has on his home pc or in his home office. If he’s as careful as you say maybe I can get close enough to find out more. I had no doubt you’d find a way to keep close to me.”

  He removed her hands from his cheeks, kept them in his. “I’m going to be glued to you, like it or not.”

  The smile came quick and natural. Oh, she liked it. That was the problem. She didn’t want to like it too much for fear of letting go when it wa
s over. “I know. You just took me by surprise with how close you were going to be.”

  “It had to look real and spontaneous. The sparks were real.” He moved close to her. Michael felt the sparks, those same sparks right now. Heat. He had an opportunity to get what he wanted and he was going to take it. She felt it too. She just wasn’t ready to admit it, but she would. The closer he stayed, the safer she’d be. The question was—would he be safe from her?

  He put a hand at the nape of her neck and tilted her head up so he could gaze into her cat eyes. He could see the green turn deep and dark, inviting him in. Michael bent and kissed her hard, opening her mouth so he could explore it with his tongue. She gave a moan that came from low in her throat and he knew Ruby felt the need to be closer. He did as she wanted—pulled her closer, pressed against his chest. His hands moved down her throat and shoulders, followed by his mouth making the same trail, tasting her saltwater skin. He moved his hands to her hips and around to grab her butt. When he did he realized she still had on her thong bikini bottoms and a hint of anger and jealousy spurted through him again. Michael yanked back but kept his head inclined so he was just a whisper away from her mouth.

  “I told you not to wear a thong bikini.”

  She shook her head not quite registering his comment. The kiss and his hands had her flustered. She whispered, “What?”

  “I said you weren’t supposed to wear a thong bikini. It’s too much like wearing nothing at all. It’ll only put other thoughts in Nicolas’s head.”

  That was the cold slap she needed. “Go away, Mickey. You need to leave before you piss me off.”

  He straightened and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. “I’m looking out for you. But since it’s been a long day I will take my leave before the situation goes further than a goodnight kiss.” He turned toward the door.

  “Don’t flatter yourself.”

  He stopped and spun back. He perused her, up and down, taking in the flush of her cheeks, the hardness of her nipples, the swelling of her lips. Damn it. She folded her arms over her chest, tried to hide her reaction, and blushed.

  “It wasn’t flattery. It was sparks!”

  “Of all the egotistical, self-centered, son-of-a-bitch…”

  “Tut-tut, calm down and behave. I’ll call you first thing in the morning. Goodnight.” He shut the door behind him.

  He wasn’t wrong. There were sparks between them, always had been. But she had to keep in control. She could deal with the situation and she would prove it to Michael.


  At precisely eleven o’clock a knock sounded on Ruby’s door. When she opened it, Nico, hands in the pockets of his navy blue shorts and wearing a baby pink button-down shirt and boat shoes leaned against the jamb looking as handsome as the devil.

  He smiled, bent forward, and gave her a light kiss on her lips. “Mind if I come in?”

  To her surprise, she had been staring at him instead of moving out of the way to allow him entrance. She stepped aside and extended her arm toward the interior of the room. “Always punctual. I just finished packing and getting dressed.”

  Nico smiled, devoured her with his eyes, scanning her from her head, taking in the red criss-cross linen dress, to her toes in red leather sandals. His cocky smirk and his examination made her feel like she was under a magnifying glass, as if he planned to burn a hole clean through her.

  “You look magnifique.”

  She beamed at him, hoping her annoyance didn’t appear obvious. “Merci. My bags are ready whenever you are. Can I offer you a drink before we leave?”

  “No, cherie. Lunch is being prepared at my house. I want to get you settled and comfortable before I have to do a little work.”

  “Oh. You don’t have to entertain me. I don’t want to interrupt your business.”

  “Nonsense,” he said with a wave of his hand. “It’s my pleasure to take some time out and get you acquainted with my home, and with me,” he said, a seductive undertone in his voice. “I have a luggage cart in the hall waiting for your use. I’m glad to see you’re still a light traveler. I figured the dive gear would be heavy and you don’t want to mess up that pretty dress.” Extending a hand, he waited for her to take it. “Come.”

  He loaded the luggage on the cart and into the elevator. When she went to check out, Ruby found the hotel bill paid. By Nico. She didn’t have to do anything. It unnerved her.

  He escorted her to his silver BMW waiting for them at the front of the hotel. “What about my rental car?”

  “I’ll make arrangements for someone to return it to the rental company.”

  “I need my own transportation. I don’t want to disturb your routine.”

  “I agree. You can use one of my cars when necessary. Is that settled?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” He handed her into the passenger seat and shut the door. Ruby settled back to enjoy the ride.

  Well, this was it. No going back. She had jumped in with the sharks. Would they ignore her or would they have her for dinner?

  Her first view of Nico’s residence told her it was a little more than just comfortable. He obviously had a gardener on staff. Scads of multi-colored flowers went up the drive and appeared to go all the way around the edge of the house.

  The house, a single-story sprawling estate with a three car garage, spread across at least 2 acres. Light green stucco with gigantic windows, it melded with its environment. Large trees surrounded the sides of the property with the ocean on the backside. Secluded, but not hidden.

  Being a thief had its advantages. It was definitely lucrative. Probably had its thrills too.

  Nicolas pulled up in front of the house and cut the engine. Before Ruby could unhook her seatbelt, he alighted from the driver’s seat and came around. Opening her door, he offered his hand.

  Kissing the top of the hand he captured in his, Nico said, “Welcome to my home.”

  “It’s wonderful. I can’t wait to see the interior.”

  With her hand still in his, he pulled her toward the front door. One of the staff members opened it for them. A middle-aged woman with a somewhat rotund body, Emile had a smile that warmed you to her presence the moment you met her.

  “Emile, this is Ms. Goodman. She is our guest. Please see to her every need.”

  “Please, call me Ruby, and I can take care of my own needs.”

  “It’s a pleasure, Ms. Ruby. Just press the number three on the intercom if you should necessitate anything.” Giving her another wide grin, Emile winked. “Even if you can do it yourself.”

  “Emile, have Bobby help take Ruby’s luggage to her room and get her unpacked.”

  Ruby stiffened. The idea of someone pawing through her things made her uncomfortable. She needed to put things away in a specific way like Michael taught her. “If you can just take the luggage to the room I can unpack myself. That way I’ll know where everything is.”

  “As you wish.” Nico offered his arm and led Ruby away from the foyer, down a hall. Footsteps echoed on granite flagstones in shades of greens and blues. Rugs of darker colors in thick, lush weaves dotted the stone floor. He had the most beautiful artwork she’d ever seen, outside of a museum. Monet and Fragonard appeared to be his favorite artists. Ruby favored Fragonard as well.

  “Did you have the house built or were you lucky enough to find one you liked?”

  “I found the property I liked and a house I hated. I bought it, tore the house down, and replaced it with my home.”

  An overpowering light streamed in from everywhere, creating intriguing multicolored patterns on the walls.

  “I love the windows. You can see every inch of your property. You must love watching the beauty that surrounds you.”

  “It’s one of my favorite pleasures, next to being able to take a dip in the ocean anytime I want, or take my boat out for a spin.” She caught the innuendo in his tone but chose to ignore it.

  They continued down a hallway and up three short steps to the left side of the estate,
opening a door on the right.

  “This is the guest suite. It’s close to the kitchen so you can sneak a snack in the middle of the night.” He pointed to the kitchen, located a little further up the main hall from her room. Or should she say rooms?

  “Everything else is contained in the suite. There’s a sitting area for late night reading. I remember how you used to love to read. I assume you still do.” She nodded, surprised by his memory. “There’s a Jacuzzi tub for bubble baths, and a king size bed.” He walked to the glass paned doors, flung them open with a flourish, and then turned to her with a boastful expression. “ favorite part of the room is the waterside balcony with a gate leading to the ocean.”

  He reached out a hand, stroked her bare shoulder, and ran a finger the length of her arm. Goose bumps trailed behind his caress. His too personal manner had her a tad scared. Ruby stepped away from him.

  She examined the suite, a mixture of floral and plaids in vibrant shades of blues, greens, and lavender. Fresh cut flowers covered every table surface. Luckily, no roses. The sitting area chairs held two plush chaise lounges covered with deep purple velour. There was even a desk with an elegant banker’s lamp in cobalt blue glass. She’d use it to do some of her computer work.

  Stepping to the doors at the balcony, she gazed at the blue intensity of the ocean. Dazzled by its brilliance, Ruby found herself breathless.

  “It’s exquisite.”

  His warm hands covered her shoulders. Her tension obvious, he continued to rub his thumbs at the base of her neck.

  At that moment, her bags arrived. Feeling like she’d just been saved by the bell, a sigh of relief escaped her lips.

  “I shall let you unpack, and then we can have lunch. When you finish press two on the intercom. We’ll finish the tour while I escort you to the patio for lunch.”

  * * * *

  Under Ruby’s feet, the patio gleamed with sapphire blue brick, making it difficult to discern where the patio ended and the ocean began. Lounge chairs with small drink tables next to each sat spread all around. At one end of the patio sat a large brick grill for cookouts. She wondered how often he cooked out. It looked too clean. He must not have used it much. And who would he invite for a BBQ, other criminals?


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