Becoming Valkyrie

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Becoming Valkyrie Page 20

by Brandy L. Cunningham

  ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ

  Lying in the bloody massacre around me, I sighed in bliss. It had been luck, pure and simple. I had been on a lust filled rampage seeking blood, and I had wandered upon this group of men intent on doing evil things to the children they had sequestered in their apartment. Those children were now safely on their way home, and I lay in the bloody remains of those four despicable humans. Like a cat who has licked too much milk, I lay there satiated and content.

  The blood had been stained by the seeds of darkness and the thoughts of what these humans had wanted to do. I hadn’t expected to kill humans, as it was Vampires I sought, but the images these men projected had called to me. I could smell the fear from the small children wafting into the darkened streets, and I hadn’t been able to ignore it. No child should have to go through what these had been about to endure. I may have a date with revenge upon the Vampire kind, but I realized there were others who needed judgment as well.

  Now that the bloodlust inside of me had been satiated, I could focus on my task at hand. The Gargoyles silently flew through the sky, looking for signs of the ones we sought. Dominique was at the top of my list, but as one of the higher members of the Cast of Vampires who ruled The Hallows, I knew it might take some time to have a go at him. Rummaging through the closets of the apartment, I smiled deviously as I found a drawer filled with leather. It seemed one of the men liked to play dress up.

  Dressed from head to toe in black leather, I chewed my lip. Where to go from here? I had many thoughts, but one thought stuck out more profoundly. Opening the door, I smiled at the Gargoyle who waited there. I had discovered a useful tool. The Gargoyles could communicate through thoughts.

  “Tell the others we will meet them in New Orleans. I have someone I need to see.”

  ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ

  Viren was not thrilled to see me, at all. He regarded me with open curiosity, clearly intrigued by the changes I had undergone, but along with it, there was a definite undertone of trepidation. He had feared me as a bringer of death before, and I could only imagine what he saw me as now. He had come alone, and I was disappointed not to see my sister. I smiled amiably.

  “Viren, it is good to see you after so long. You look great. So, tell me, now that you rule one of the Lost Cities, how do you feel about their upcoming destruction?”

  He was caught off guard. He studied me, keeping a safe distance at all times. Lifting a platinum brow, he tilted his head to one side. “You have changed. Last time we met, you were just a young woman, still mostly human. Now…” He trailed off, a look of appreciation sweeping his features. “Now you are the Valkyrie I remember, except you are not. You are different. Far more beautiful for starters, but darker. Tell me what you mean about the destruction of these cities.”

  “There is a prophecy I heard muttered by a Witch before our first meeting. I have spoken with the Fiddler, the Witch who first spoke the words of that prophecy. He thinks it is Byron and Dominique who will bring about the truth of the vision he saw.”

  Viren regarded me. Scanning the trees around us, he narrowed his eyes. “You did not come to me alone.”

  I shook my head. “No. I am not the helpless human any longer. I have my own followers now.”

  He smiled, nodding his head slowly. “Indeed. Gargoyles. Interesting that your protectors would be the same in both your lives. If they are seeking their kind, tell them there is a small group of young Gargoyles that have been spotted outside the cathedrals in New York.” His eyes moved back to me. “Tell me this prophecy.”

  “The bloodline that was mixed shall burn in flames, but rise again from the ashes as another. When the last Lonely City has fallen, and the moon Casts its shadow upon earth, darkness will rule. No creature shall hide, no man shall be safe. Within that darkness there is light, but within that light, there exists turmoil. When the last Lonely City falls, it will begin the descent into a darkness that shall reign a thousand years.”

  Viren exhaled loudly. Cursing, he paced back and forth. I allowed him to digest this information for several moments.

  Finally, I decided I had waited long enough. “Where is Belladona? Where is my brother? Where is Valkyrian?”

  Viren glanced at me. “I am surprised you do not know. No one seems to have seen him in many years. One would think he would have found his twin by now. The two of you have a blood link, and only one with a blood link can track him. As for Belladona, she is safe, and for now, that’s all you need to know.”

  I frowned. “I have not heard of this blood link. Not four hundred years ago, and not now.”

  He smiled patiently. “You have been gone a long time, my dear. The blood link is something that was discovered only about a hundred years ago. It is said that to have the blood link you have to either share blood with another through ancestry or through drinking one another’s blood. Many Vampires do not believe in drinking from another Vampire. In those who have, they have spoken of a stronger connection between the two Vampires, including the ability to find each other. However, it only works if both have drunk from each other. Not one way.”

  I considered this new information. “Thank you. That is useful information. Now, tell me Viren, where do you stand? Will you allow the Lost Cities to fall and The Hallows to overtake the world, or will you stand and fight?”

  He looked uncomfortable. Rubbing the back of his neck, he shook his head. “Your sister called for my help the day she feared for your life. I did not arrive in time to help her then. I will not make the same mistake again. Your father hunts her. He believes you have been resurrected, and he thinks Belladona knows how to find you. I will stand and fight if it means her freedom, and the freedom to be with the woman I love.”

  I stared at him. I had known four hundred years ago that the two of them had feelings for one another, but to hear that those feelings had lived through the test of time, it surprised me. I nodded, glad to hear that my sister had a mate worthy of her.

  “I am glad to be able to count on you as an ally, Viren. Right now, I will put an end to the useless burning of human towns. When the time is right, I will call for you.”

  “Valkyrie?” Viren waited until I turned back toward him. “You have changed, but I feel you are strong. Stronger, maybe than any of them. You should know, Dominique is a formidable enemy. He shares a blood link with you, although I’m unsure how. He can track you. It’s not a strong link, that’s why he usually arrives too late, but it’s there nonetheless. Watch your back.”

  I nodded. “Thank you, Viren. Tell my sister I will see her soon.”

  ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ

  Standing on the edge of the bluff, I looked down upon the town spread out in the low valley before me. My long leather coat flapped behind me in the wind, and my long dark hair fluttered around me. It whipped my face, crossing my vision. I stood stoically. Breathing deeply the scents of pine and of chimney smoke, I closed my eyes. In my mind’s eye, I could see my old home, nestled in the mountains of Oregon, so similar to this town before me.

  This was the next target of Dominique and his band of miscreants. The Gargoyles had tracked the information down, and now I prepared to stop them. So far, they had not shown up, but I knew it was only a matter of time. Chandler, the leader of the Gargoyle Cast, stood at my back. His five spies circled above the town, their majestic forms disappearing within the thick cloud cover.

  I felt him touch my shoulder. Turning, I peered into his perceptive gray eyes. “They are here, Valkyrie. Ready to become ash?”

  I smiled wickedly at him. Removing my leather coat, my skin darkened like the soot and ash left from my flame. The dark charcoal-gray color covered my body, and my eyes became a deep lava red.

  “I am ready to teach these scum some manners. Are you ready, my friend?”

  With a nod, together we turned and descended at lightning speed down the mountainside. I found them gathered in the center of the town. There were six of them. At first, I thought they were large male Vampires, but as I smelled the air, I caug
ht the scent of Witch amongst them. I sighed. It was sad that a Witch and a group of Vampires would enjoy such waste.

  I called out to the group. “Hello. Is Dominique with you?”

  Immediately they were on alert. Of course, they could not see me, so I smiled. “Oh, I am sorry, allow me to show myself to you.”

  Slowly, I allowed the ash to dissipate from my skin. One leg at a time, I became the luscious ivory-skinned woman. I recognized the sexual interest in each of their eyes as I sashayed closer. One of the men grinned as he scanned my body with unhidden lust.

  “Dominique isn’t here. A pity he missed a sight like you, but there are plenty of us to go around.” He winked at me. I wanted to rip his eyes out.

  Instead, I smiled with seductiveness, stepping forward, I ran my nails along his jaw. “Hum, there just might be. Tell me, where is Dominique tonight?”

  The male Vampire grinned at me. The desire coursed through him, and I could actually smell it wafting off him. “He is looking for Valkyrian. Byron is losing his mind. He swears his daughter has been resurrected, and he has sent out mass forces to look for her and her twin.”

  I purred. “Such a foolish man he is. He actually thinks his daughter still exists. Tell me, what do you think?”

  I smiled inside as I felt the other five men closing in on me. The closer the better. The man in front of me laughed.

  “As you say, Mistress, he is a fool. He has been haunted by her Ghost since he burned the bitch alive for fucking a lowly Witch’s apprentice.”

  I smiled, trying to keep the anger I could feel rising in check. The darkness in me screamed for blood. I leaned forward, allowing the front of myself to brush the Vampire in front of me. I felt my eyes burn red. He started to move away, and I dug my nails into him.

  “Whatever is the matter, darling?” I asked in a sensual tone.

  He stuttered. “Who…who are you?”

  Grinning, I bared my fangs at him. “Why, I am Valkyrie Walker, of course.” I watched the shock register in his eyes a moment before I ripped his head off. The darkness within me was overjoyed. The other men started to attack. One tried to run. I called out to Chandler.

  “Get the one who flees. Keep him alive.” Turning toward my attackers, I smiled as I burst into flames. Their cries were short-lived as the inferno of my anger burned my fire brighter and hotter. The flames reduced them to a pile of ash. Just as they had planned to reduce this beautiful town to ash. I felt it was only fitting. Shaking my head, I sighed. I really hated burning my favorite leathers, but at least I had saved my jacket.

  Following the others into the darkened trees, I scanned the town one last time as my skin became ash again. I wanted to make sure there had been no witnesses, and that no Vampires or Witches had escaped. Seeing nothing, I walked silently into the trees to where Chandler held the man. He was young. A Witch. I could smell it upon him. Circling him, I tsked.

  “It is a shame to betray your own kind. Why do you team up with the Vampires?” The Witch hung his head.

  I waited. He said nothing. I growled. “Answer me! Do you not feel your actions are wrong?”

  He lifted his head. Staring into my blood-colored eyes, he sighed. “They spoke of you. They said one would come who would seek to destroy the world we were creating. Why? Why would you want to aid these useless humans? They are but food and entertainment for us.”

  I stared at him. I had heard similar words from Byron Walker, my father, once. He had looked down upon the race of man as well. He had looked down upon any race he deemed lesser than himself. I sighed. “What are Byron’s plans?”

  The Witch laughed. “I don’t know what you are, but you will know nothing of the plans.”

  I looked at Chandler. Nodding, I walked away to the screams of the Witch as the Gargoyles tore him apart. I felt disappointed. We might have kept this town from burning, but we had gained little more than that. This was child’s play compared to the battle I felt sure was to come. Byron was a devious and powerful Vampire. He had long believed himself of the purest blood, above everyone.

  I knew what I had to do. There were others out there who did not agree with his ways. I needed to rally those Ancient ones who were equally as powerful. We needed to band together to keep the shadow of evil from falling over this world. In some ways, I felt like a hypocrite. I spoke of keeping evil from the world, and yet I was evil walking. Four hundred years prior I had been born a Vampire. Now, I held the power of fire within my veins.

  Rafael spoke of Witch’s blood within me. What I really was, no one seemed able, or willing to answer. The only thing I knew for certain was that I was unwilling to let the human world fall to desecration. I didn’t know if I could stop it from happening, but I was willing to give it a damn good try.

  Chandler glided to the ground just as I crested the bluff. He grinned at me. “That was amazing Valkyrie. What’s next?”

  I scanned the horizon. For miles, I could see only the pointy tops of pines. In the distance, the moon loomed in the dark sky. I sighed heavily. “We need more allies. I want you to take Daniel with you and go to New York. Find these Gargoyles Viren spoke of and see if they are willing to join us and if we can trust their loyalty. The others, send out scouting. We need to keep our eyes and ears open. I want to know if any other towns have been targeted, and any suspicious activity, and I want them to attempt to track Dominique.”

  Chandler hesitated. Frowning, he asked, “What about you? I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be alone. How will I get information to you?”

  I smiled at his worried expression. Together we laughed. “I don’t think you need to worry about me. You can tell the others I will be at Aeron’s. I need to speak with him. I’m hoping he might know where my brother is.”

  Chandler frowned again. The laughter left his eyes. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, Valkyrie, considering the history you two have?”

  I shrugged. “Probably not, but he is one of the few who might know where Valkyrian is. Take care, my friend.”

  ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ



  Aeron’s house was empty when I arrived at the sprawling mansion. There was something there I needed. I may have become my old self, but there were gaps in my memories, likely from the long wait to be reborn. I might be powerful physically, but I was weak if I could not remember everything. Evangeline had given me the potion of remembrance for a reason. I needed to remember.

  Breaking into his home made me smile. I knew he would be cross with me, but it only made me want to do it again. Making my way into the house, I took in the grandeur of the cherry wood balustrade and everything in this home. It was indeed an enchanting place. Taking the steps two at a time, I entered the room in which I had stayed. It was exactly as I had left it. There were even ashes still on the bed. I lifted a brow at that.

  Beneath the bed, I found my messenger bag. I rifled through its contents until I found the little velvet bag the ebony-skinned Witch had given me. I sent a silent thank you to her. Without her help, I wouldn’t have the ability to choose whether or not I remembered.

  Taking out the leaf, I placed it on my tongue. Next, I placed the pile of dried Anise in my left hand. With a cool stone in each hand, I allowed just enough flame into my left hand to cause the Anise to puff into a wisp of smoke. Taking a deep breath, I inhaled that puff of smoke while chewing the leaf within my mouth. The results were instantaneous. I fell back onto my bed, unable to control my body, my mind slipped into darkness.

  Around me it was black. Thick, heavy and dank, the murky oblivion surrounded me. My body was completely relaxed, and soon my mind followed. Like floating upon a cloud of happiness, I watched as visions flooded forward. They played out before my eyes as if by a projector. I saw a woman, dark hair, and icy, pale-blue eyes. She smiled down at me with the most amazingly beautiful smile.

  Whispering into my ear, she said, “Valkyrie, my special one. You are the daughter of my heart. But be careful my love. You are no
t what you seem…”

  The woman placed me next to another. A tiny infant who looked at me with big green eyes. As the woman bent down, she placed a kiss on both of our foreheads. To the infant beside me, she whispered, “Valkyrian. My son. Protect your sisters.”

  Falling back with a scream, the woman howled in pain. I watched through the tiny eyes of my infant self as people rushed into the room. I saw Byron Walker. My father. The man who would later burn me alive. I watched as the man looked down at my mother in horror.

  “What is happening to her? She is a Vampire, she cannot die! Tell me!” His eyes turned red with rage.

  The woman near him shook her head. “She is Vampire, my Lord, but never has one of our kind born two. It has taken all her life, all of her immortality to birth your twins.”

  The images before me faded out. I wanted to cry out for the mother I had never known, but my mind and my body had gone numb, stuck in a state of in-between consciousness and sleep. Darkness shrouded me again. Images flooded my mind. Valkyrian and Belladona and I as children playing in a castle-like home filtered through in quick images. I could feel the bond between us as though it were a palpable thing. We had been incredibly close as children. We experienced the ups and downs of childhood and adolescence together.

  Byron was there too. It was difficult for me to watch these memories play out in my mind. He was doting and kind, spinning me around in the wooden swing suspended from the giant tree in our courtyard. In the eyes of my child self, I could see love and trust. My adolescent self would never have believed her father to be capable of such anger and violence. I had loved him dearly, and from what I could see in the memories flooding my mind, he had worshipped his children. I had no idea what had happened to change him so drastically, but it made me sad.


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