World of Corpses (Book 1): World of Corpses

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World of Corpses (Book 1): World of Corpses Page 16

by Cook, Scott W.

  From the diary of Tara Shafer

  Dated 12/3/2019

  Dear Diary,

  It seems like everybody on Andy’s team has a journal or a log or something. Andy confirmed this and said that Sam thinks it’s a good idea for everybody to record their thoughts and feelings for posterity.

  I get that, I really do. The world as we know it is gone, and keeping records seems like an important thing to do.

  I used to write a lot in this diary when I was in high school. After graduation I haven’t really written much. My first year at the Saint Pete USF campus was pretty busy and I just stopped writing. Then came the summer of helhell of course…

  I should probably go back and record my thoughts and my account of the zombie outbreak sometime. But for now, I guess I’ll focus on the present.

  So let’s start with Andy. He’s dreamy, lol.

  Seriously, though, I think I was attracted to him instantly. I mean here’s this tall blonde kid, a little thin but strong looking. I’m sure he’ll fill out more as he gets older. Not to mention all the physical activity you have to do now.

  He turned seventeen a couple of months ago, which makes him like two years younger than me. Doesn’t seem like much, right? Although I’d have said that before this world went to shit that the difference between seventeen and twenty… okay, almost twenty… was pretty noticeable. I mean, speaking generally, you know.

  But Andy’s different. I guess like any survivor now, he’s had to grow up and mature fast and beyond his years. I’m sure it helps that his… what? Family? I guess so – his mom, her boyfriend and his friend are really Andy’s family now… are all military. I mean, Sam and Tony are like superheroes and shit! Navy SEAL’s, submarine commanders, pilots… damn! And Andrea is a bad ass too. Marine chopper pilot and she’s freakin’ hot! She’s like what, thirty eight or something and she’s gorgeous. I hope I look half as good and fit in twenty years!

  Okay, back to the subject…

  So here’s this young dude, tall, cute and a pretty good soldier from what I could tell, even early on. I know he is now, of course. And I don’t know, is it because I haven’t been around anybody else close to my age in a while?

  I don’t think so. I mean, maybe the first sight attraction might have been part of that. But spending the day together and talking with him… I’m hooked.

  As together as he seems, I can see he’s still dealing with some confidence issues. That’s natural in anybody his age, or our age, really. Clearly the last six months have matured him, but sometimes the uncertain teenager still peeks out.

  I felt kind of bad when Andrea said she wanted him to stay with us and called him kid. I know she didn’t mean to make him feel bad, but I got it. She did too, but we had to kind of explain it to her. It was a little funny watching her figure it out, lol.

  Hey, I’m not the world’s leading expert on men, by any means, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why he felt so hurt and embarrassed. Here he is, a teenager in the middle of a bunch of adults old enough to be his parents, and accomplished and knowledgeable about stuff, too. He wants to fit in, to be taken seriously as a man and everything.

  And then of course there’s me. No guy wants to feel like a kid or whatever in front of a chick he likes.

  Sam seems to really get it. He’d have made a great dad. I don’t want to say I wish he’d been mine, for a couple of reasons. First, my dad was a pretty good guy and I miss him… second, well, Sam’s hot too lol.

  But I mean, Sam seems to really understand Andy and what he’s going through. That thing where he swore him into the Navy was cool. Plus it gave me a good excuse to kiss him. Pretty damned good kisser, which is awesome. A guy who can kiss has got a lot going for him. Usually, but not always, the sign of a good lover.

  Not that I’m an expert in that, either… but you know, diary, I’ve been with a couple of guys.

  Okay, getting off topic again. Good thing it’s my diary!

  So when he – Andy – got embarrassed and walked off, I knew why. So now I’ll try and write down the conversation we had as best I can:

  I saw Andy standing at the end of B dock, where it met the connecting one that led along the front of the marina. He had ejected his magazine on his M4 and was checking the firing mechanism. Something to occupy his mind, probably.

  “Hey,” I said as I walked up.

  He looked up and blushed, “Hey. Come to tell me not to be such a baby and come back?”

  “No,” I said, moving closer, “I understand. But you know your mom didn’t mean to make you feel like a kid, right?”

  Andy sighed, “Yeah… she always calls me that. It’s just… it’s hard to explain.”

  I took the rifle out of his hands and set it on a dock box. I stepped in front of him and pressed close, hugging him, “You don’t have to, I get it. But you don’t need to feel embarrassed. I don’t think anybody on that boat thinks of you as anything but a man. I know I don’t.”

  He looked down at me with those gorgeous blue eyes, “You don’t?”

  I smiled and kissed him. I was really getting to love kissing him. He didn’t just try to shove his tongue in my mouth. So many guys just try to lick your tonsils right off the bat.

  Andy starts slow, first just with lips, then slowly opens his mouth and sort of… tastes me. Licks my lips slowly and even lets me extend my tongue first. Then after a second or two, we both sort of get a little aggressive. It’s really sexy.

  I pulled back and grinned, “That help?”

  He flushed again but smiled, “Yeah, actually.”

  I winked at him, “You’re an awesome kisser. Are you good at other stuff, too?”

  Wow, talk about red! He cleared his throat, “I… uhm…”

  Oops. I kept hugging him, “You’ve never been with a girl? Really? As sexy and cute as you are?”

  He seemed very uncomfortable. I felt a little bad about it, but then again, since I fully planned on sleeping with him, I figured he’d forgive me.

  “It’s cool,” I said, “No shame in that.”

  “Well,” He started to explain, ‘I’ve done some stuff…”

  “Well, if it’s any consolation,” I said with a wicked grin, “You’re going to be with this one. That is… if you want to.”

  His eyes got wide, “Well, yeah! I like you a lot, Tara. I know we just met this morning, although it feels like a week ago… but I like you. Not just because you’re a hot girl, either. I like your attitude and your intelligence. It’s just…”

  “You’re nervous about it?” I asked.

  “Of course,” Andy replied, “I’ve never had sex before and what if I’m shitty. You’re a couple of years older, you’ve probably been with a guy or two, right?”

  I nodded.

  He grimaced, “So I have to compete with them and I have no experience. What if I’m no good and you don’t want to be with me after that?”

  It was pretty brave of him to admit that. I kissed him again, “I’ve been with three guys, Andy. The first was when I was sixteen. We dated for a while and he was my first. Believe me, it wasn’t good for me at all. Not terrible, just… awkward for both of us. We actually broke up a couple of months later. The sex was okay with him, nothing great, though.”

  Andy listened quietly. That was definitely the mark of maturity.

  “The next guy was in my senior year,” I continued, “We dated for about a year or so. The sex was better with him. He took his time and actually cared about what I wanted. We broke up before graduation, though. The last guy was just before the world ended. I was in Daytona with some friends after the spring semester. I met this surfer dude on the beach. He seemed cool. Kind of a pretty boy type – good looking, nice body, thought he was the shit. I thought so, too.”

  Andy groaned but said nothing.

  “So we hooked up the second night…” I shook my head, “Believe me, he was not the shit. Not only did he cum way too fast, he was clumsy and… well, let’s just say
he didn’t have much to brag about.”

  I thought that would make him feel better, but he actually blushed again and said hesitantly, “Yeah, that’s another thing. What if… you know… the whole size thing. I’m not really sure…”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I said, “First, unless a guy’s dick is really tiny, he can get the job done. Second, is if you’re willing to learn. That is, if you’re willing to listen to what I like and what works, then if you just pay attention, you’ll get good at it fast. Isn’t that how you became such a good kisser?”

  “I think so,” Andy said, “I went out with a girl last year and we’d kiss all the time. I guess I kind of just knew what to do, and she seemed to like it. Funny thing is, I actually had to teach her how to kiss. The first time she kissed me she came at me with an open mouth. It was like all teeth and tongue!”

  I laughed, “Right! I know that kiss! So don’t worry, sweetie. If you’re not good the first time, or if it’s over quick, that’s normal. I like you and we’ll work on it together. But I have to tell you, so far you’re by far the best kisser and that counts big. I won’t not like you if our first time isn’t the best sex in the universe. It sure as hell can’t be worse than my first time… or than it was with thumb boy.”

  “Ouch!” Andy said with a giggle.

  Just to reassure him… and okay, because I was curious, I gently ran my hand over his crotch. Pretty aggressive, I know. He was somewhat aroused, although I don’t think all the way yet.

  “By the way,” I whispered into his ear, “Not that I can tell totally by just that… but I don’t think you need to worry.”

  He blushed again. Beet red. I couldn’t help it and laughed.

  “I’m glad I can amuse you,” He said with a grimace.

  “You’re so cute,” I said, “Now, are you going to come back with me and take your guard duty like a man?”

  He sighed, “Yeah. I just wish I could go with them. That fucker shot at us, Tara. At me probably. And poor Hector paid for it.”

  “Yeah…” I said sadly, “but I think part of the problem is that maybe your mom doesn’t want you to kill a living person. I don’t know… but I think that’s different than shooting a zombie.”

  Andy nodded, “Yeah. It would be, I think. But still…”

  “Hey, big boy,” I said, cupping his cute round ass, “it’s not all bad being left behind, is it… Lieutenant?”

  He grinned, “When you put it like that! Okay, let’s go.”

  I could see that he wasn’t all that thrilled when Sam and his team left, but Andy took it well. He took command and he did it without even seeming to do it. I don’t think Brenda and Carl even noticed, but I did. Which was cool, because I didn’t really know what they thought of Andy and I hoped they wouldn’t treat him like a kid if he asked something of them.

  Sam had said that Andy was in charge and they’d both agreed, but still.

  “I don’t know about you guys,” Andy said as we sat on Sam’s boat sipping beers. Carl, Brenda and I were on our third but Andy had switched to Coke after his first. He was in charge and didn’t want to get buzzed, I think. I’m really falling for him, fast. It’s a little scary, actually.

  “But I’m starved,” Andy said, “I can’t believe they left without eating something. You guys hungry?”

  “I’m famished,” I said.

  “Yeah, definitely,” Brenda piped up, “Got any Chef Boy R Dee?”

  Carl smiled.

  Andy shook his head, ‘No, no, my friends. Old Sammy laid in a supply of some good stuff before the world went to shit. We don’t have any steaks, although that’s on our list—“

  “Where the hell do you get steaks in this day and age?” Carl asked.

  “We’d have to find some cattle and butcher them,” Andy said, “We’ve talked about it, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. The problem is where to keep all the beef. We’ve got some freezers available here in a couple of boats, but still…”

  “Damn that’d be awesome,” Carl said absently as he rubbed his belly, “Fresh steaks… so what’ve you guys got now?”

  “Plenty of fish,” Andy said, “And some other preserved stuff. I could whip up some snapper, a special rice and some veggies – canned, but still…”

  “You cook, too?” I asked.

  Andy grinned, “Sure. I’m half Italian, don’t forget. My mom’s a good cook and so is Sam, for that matter. I’ve been screwing around in the kitchen since I was like six.”

  “Goddamn!” Brenda said, clapping her hands together, “Handsome, a crack shot and a cook too! You’d better look out, Tara. I might snap him up for myself!”

  I laughed and then laughed harder at Carl’s expression. Brenda put an arm around his shoulders, “don’t worry, honey… I won’t forget you.”

  “Thanks a bunch,” Carl grumbled but with a smile on his face.

  “Can you guys keep your eyes and ears open?” Andy asked, “While I go below and get stuff ready?”

  “Sure, Lieutenant,” Carl said and saluted. Not sure if it was a good salute, but he wasn’t mocking Andy.

  “Cool,” Andy said, “Want to help me, Tara?”


  Sam’s boat was really nice. It was pretty big inside. Not as big as the motor yacht we were moving into, but that’s because sailboats are narrower. But his kitchen… I guess galley… was pretty tricked out. They had a big ass freezer and fridge, the freezer was full of bagged up meats and some frozen veggies.

  “I think there might actually be some beef in here somewhere,” Andy commented, “not sure. Sam’s had this thing stocked since before the G’s came. But a lot of it we’ve added. The fish, at least.”

  He pulled out a vacuum sealed zip lock with five decent-sized filets in it. On a piece of masking tape was written “Mango.”

  “Isn’t that fish?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” He said a little bewildered. He looked at the label and smiled, “Mangrove snapper.”

  “Oh,” I said with a giggle.

  Andy put the bag in the sink, put the stopper in and ran the water and filled it with about four inches of hot water.

  “Okay…” he said, rummaging around in the pantry. He grinned and pulled out a red onion and an unopened box of chicken broth, “Great. Can you cut me some fresh herbs from the garden?”

  I looked at him, “Garden?”

  He smiled and kissed me, “Now who’s cute. Yeah, we’ve got an herb garden on top of the aft cabin. Just go up into the cockpit, then walk along the side deck toward the stern. You’ll see a plastic box sitting on the cabin top with a bunch of herbs in it. I could use some Rosemary, thyme, Oregano and Basil. Do you know herbs?”

  I shrugged, “Uhm… not really. I think I’d could pick the Rosemary, I know it’s kind of different looking.”

  “Good thing you’re sexy,” Andy teased me.

  I swatted him on his butt, “Jerk!”

  He laughed, “Don’t worry, they’re labeled. Take these scissors, this bowl and cut me like two sprigs of each, please.”

  “You’d better be nice to me,” I said with a grin.

  “Madame,” Andy said with a little bow, “Your assistance is invaluable and the fact that you’re gracing my galley with your beauty and charm leaves me with insufficient words to express my delight.”

  “Damn,” I said and kissed him deeply, “That was pretty fucking good!”

  “Whatever gets those jeans off, sweet tits,” Andy said, slapping my ass, “Now make with the plants, already.”

  I was laughing so hard I could barely climb the stairs. Or I guess the companionway, is what they call it.

  So when I came back, there’s Andy with a skillet on the stove a little bowl with uncooked rice in it, a big cup full of broth, a pile of frozen asparagus thawing on the counter next to half a stick of butter and he was chopping the onion.

  “Now that’s damned sexy,” I said, handing him the bowl of herbs, “A hot guy cooking me dinner.”

sp; “Sorry I’m not a pretty boy surfer dude,” He said with a grin.

  “You don’t surf?”

  “I have,” Andy said.

  “And you’re not pretty?”

  He snorted, “No way.”

  I giggled, “I’d call you more of a stud than a pretty boy. Lots of lean muscle and knows how to disassemble a machine gun.”

  “Thanks,” he said, reaching into the bowl and starting to chop the herbs up.

  “What are those for?” I asked, sitting on the other side of the galley counter on a stool with my beer.

  “The fish and the rice,” He explained.

  He put some olive oil in the frying pan, waited for it to get hot and then threw in about half the red onion. I could smell it sautéing almost immediately. That was a nice smell. It reminded me of my mom. He stirred the onion a bit and after about a minute, threw in a big pile of the rosemary. The fragrance was awesome.

  “That smells great!” I said.

  “Just wait,” Andy winked at me.

  Then he threw in the bowl of rice and a cube of butter and stirred it around until the butter was melted and the onion and herb were mixed in well. He poured in the chicken broth and covered the skillet.

  “Okay,” He said, “Now for the fish.”

  In another bowl, he put about a third of a stick of butter in and melted it in the microwave. He pulled out the melted butter, added some of the chopped herbs and mixed it up.

  “Hey Carl!” Andy called up the companionway, “Can you get the grill going, please?”

  “Sure thing, skipper,” Carl called back.

  “That’s right, I’m the skipper,” Andy said to himself with a chuckle.

  “I’d let you steer my ship anytime,” I said playfully.

  He grinned and took a lemon out of a hanging basket and cut it in half. He squeezed the juice of one of the halves into the butter and put the other half of the lemon and the leftover half of the onion into plastic baggies and put them in the fridge.

  “You’re like a food channel host,” I said, sipping my beer.

  “It’s a food of love thing, baby,” Andy said as he stirred the butter again.


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