Charley's Christmas Wolf: A Macconwood Pack Novella (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 1)

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Charley's Christmas Wolf: A Macconwood Pack Novella (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 1) Page 2

by C. D. Gorri

  “Aghh-,” a hand the size of a baby watermelon clamped gently over her mouth.

  “I’m sorry, but please, no more screaming. I have a terrible headache,” his voice was deep and sincere and he seemed exhausted. She almost sympathized with him. Till she remembered she’d been kidnapped.

  She nodded as much as she could. His hand smelled good. A woodsy, clean scent filled her nostrils. Like cut grass, and Christmas trees, and fresh split wood rolled into one. Whatever. Focus girl!

  He removed his mammoth hand and Charley looked him over. He sat perched on a wooden chest next to the bed. The seven not dwarves were nowhere to be seen. She was alone. With him. She pulled the sides of the flannel robe tighter.

  “Oh, well gee, I’m sorry. Seriously, excuse me, you have a headache! Allow me to be a little more cooperative with you. After all I asked to be kidnapped, dragged into a van, rendered unconscious, stripped of my clothes and held against my will!,” by the time she was finished Charley was yelling, out of breath, and ready to hit someone.

  A small smile played at the corner of her captor’s lips after her tirade, but it quickly turned into a frown. She liked seeing that small smile and the knowledge she had been responsible for it warmed her insides. His glower, on the other hand, did not.

  “Who stripped off your clothes?,” he growled in a deep baritone.

  She was embarrassed to admit it was not all that unpleasant a timbre. Especially if under the right circumstances. Stop it, Charley.

  “I don’t know! What part of rendered unconscious did you not understand? And-”

  “I’ll be right back,” he was up and walking out the door before she could finish.


  Charley was alone. She should have been scared, but what she felt was something more like annoyance. And she was thirsty. Small wonder after all that screaming.

  There was a large glass of water on the side table. She downed it in three gulps, reveling in the way the icy smooth liquid soothed her raw throat. She wouldn’t have minded something a bit stronger considering her circumstances.

  She took a good look around. The bedroom was large, more like a suit. The décor was masculine, expensive and sturdy too. Not bad, but no liquor cabinet. Not that she was much into the stuff anyway.

  The fire was lower now than when she first came to. She looked down at the green robe she wore. Her dress and things were nowhere in sight. Then it hit her.

  She was alone! She needed to find a phone! She looked on both end tables, inside the drawers and closets, but there was nothing. No landline, cell, tablet, or computer of any kind.

  She did find an antique clock on the fireplace mantle. It was beautifully carved with a scene that was like something out of a fairytale. She was getting quite a lot of that! Anyway, it showed huge Wolves in mid-run through a dense forest. One massive wolf was in the lead, his head thrown back in a fierce howl. She ran her fingers delicately over the wood. Beautiful.

  Charley’s hands trembled as she traced the carving. Werewolves. She shook her head. Look at the clock’s face, look anywhere else, Charley. Do not get caught up in this mass delusion!

  Ten-thirty. She had made it to the bus stop by six. Over four hours had passed since then. That mattered very little in the greater scheme of things. No one would be looking for her with Junior’s closed.

  She lived alone except for Buttercup. That old cat wouldn’t notice until his food bowl ran empty. She grimaced. The door opened and tall, dark and crazy came back in.

  “I thought you’d like to know that Cat, my little sister, was the one who undressed you. Your clothes were wet. They worried you’d catch cold,” he had the decency to look abashed.

  “You do realize that the police won’t care that my kidnappers were considerate, right? It’s only a matter of time before they come looking for me,” Charley bit her lip, but her eyes never wavered.

  Hey, some people would consider a deli counter girl an important person, right? After all, she did cut the thinnest, most perfect slice of prosciutto in the whole state of New Jersey!

  “You know, it’s funny you should say that, Carlotta. And, whereas, I am greatly pleased by a well-made sandwich, I somehow don’t think you’ll be missed, at least not for a while. Junior’s will be closed for what, six weeks?”

  Charley gulped and closed her eyes. Dammit. Now what?

  “So what, Mr. Kidnapper? People will miss me.”

  “Rafe. My name is Rafe and let’s face it, Carlotta, no one is waiting for you,” she heard the sympathy in his voice and Charley stiffened.

  “How the hell would you know? And where am I?”

  How dare he talk to her like that! He didn’t know her! He didn’t know anything about her! He was nuts, gorgeous, but nuts!

  “We’re at Maccon Manor, my home. It’s in South Jersey. The town is called Maccon, named after my ancestors. We’re on the outskirts.”

  “How original.”

  “It’s my main headquarters, but all the Werewolves under my care, are welcome. The Macconwood Pack consists of all the Wolves on the east coast of North America. There are about 500 of us in town. The total population is about a quarter of million. I govern them all. I am their Alpha,” his eyes glowed and Charley gasped.

  “Great, the Jersey Shore, not just a reality TV hell hole, but a haven for Werewolves and their boss who happens to kidnap strangers for shits and giggles!”

  His laugh resounded in the room. A deep and pleasant rumble. He walked closer to her. His huge shoulders took up so much space, Charley backed up without meaning to.

  “Oh, Carlotta, we are going to get along just fine. But I am sorry you were brought here against your will. You deserve much better.”

  “Great. You seem decent, you know for a kidnapper, so how about you let me go and I’ll send you a Christmas card or something?”

  He shook his head and crossed his arms, looking her over from head to toe. Pride held her still despite the need to squirm. She brushed her hair back behind her ears and wished she had looked in a mirror before he returned. Seriously? Get a grip, girl!

  She was desperate enough to accept a blind date just before Christmas, but Charley was not delusional. Well, not enough to believe she had been kidnapped and brought to the Jersey Shore by a Pack of Werewolves. Not yet anyway.

  “I promise I will do everything in my power to see that you are protected and treated with care. My Wolves were only doing what they thought was best. I’m sorry. I’m out of time.”

  “Oh, okay, they were only doing what was best. Excuse me, where are my manners? How dare I express outrage at being kidnapped! So what now? You bite me and I’m a Werewolf too? We go howl at the moon and chase rabbits?,” she tried and failed to not sound hysterical.

  “Actually, I love chasing rabbits, but you can’t be made into a Werewolf. You have to be born one.”

  “Awe, gee, well, this was fun, but since I’m not a Werewolf, and neither are you really by the way, then we just can’t be mated. So sorry, but I’ll just go now. I was kidding about the police. Really, nobody needs to know.”

  “Actually, human females are very desirous to Werewolves. Humans are better at producing live young. Female Werewolves have a difficult time with pregnancy. A sad, but accurate fact for my kind. As Alpha, I must have a mate who can give me an heir.”

  “I’m sorry, what? Do you really think I am going to stay here? So I can give you live young?”

  “I’m afraid you have no choice. The simple fact is, I need you.”


  “Riiight. So, if you’re a Werewolf prove it.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Hands on her hips she glared at him. She could forgive the whole chauvinistic rant about a female’s purpose being to produce live young. After all her own grandfather had told her time and time again that she needed to get married and have babies. But there was no way she was giving in to the whole Werewolf thing. So, yeah, let’s see you get down on all fours buddy! Damn if that d
idn’t turn her knees to jelly too.

  “Prove it. Now.”

  “I can only change during the full moon.”

  “Really, isn’t that a little cliché?”

  “Rumors sometimes hide truth, Carlotta, and the moon will be full very soon. Believe me I know. Her phases are ingrained on my very soul, mmm,” his head hovered over Charley’s bare throat and he inhaled deeply.

  “You smell like heaven.”

  Heat kindled in her belly and worked its way up through her entire body. He inhaled again and moaned like she was a fresh batch of cookies. Charley backed up another step. It was not a good move.

  The back of her legs hit the bed and she sat down abruptly. The folds of her borrowed robe flew open and revealed long, shapely legs. He reached forward and took her hands, effectively stopping her from rearranging the fickle fabric. He was so warm! She glanced up. His eyes. They were glowing!

  Charley sucked in a breath. Was it too early for Stockholm syndrome? Because right now all she wanted was for him to close the distance between them and well- she didn’t know what exactly, but yes, she wanted it alright. He inhaled again.

  “I know you find me desirable, Carlotta.”

  “Conceited much?,” she tried to shake it off, pretend it wasn’t there. But it was no good. He seemed to know what she was thinking.

  “It’s not conceit. I can smell it. Mmm. No, don’t move,” his voice was a low dark bass that throbbed up her spinal column.

  “Why not?,” she crossed and uncrossed her ankles, her nervousness growing with each step he took.

  “Your scent. Every time you move I get more of it. Oh God, um listen. Carlotta-”

  “No one calls me Carlotta,” she spoke softly, completely enthralled by his face.

  He squeezed his eyes shut and kept his head back as if he was trying to create space between them. A losing battle as his body leaned towards her. Another deep breath.

  “Everyone calls me Charley,” she hated the way her voice shook, but she couldn’t deny the tiny tremors of excitement that vibrated all over her body.

  “Really? That’s a shame. Carlotta is a beautiful name. It suits you,” he moved closer. It was as if he was being pulled by some invisible force. He opened his eyes. They seemed to glow a shade darker than their usual icy blue. Maybe it was a trick of the light?

  Charley licked her parted lips. She leaned back further onto the massive bed. It was as if she had no control, her body was reacting to his in a way that was new to her. And she liked it. Her elbows dug deep into the plush mattress as Rafe’s massive body loomed over hers.

  “I am sorry, Carlotta, that I can’t give you more time. I must be mated before the meeting on Christmas Eve. I’ll give you anything, everything you’ve ever wanted. I have money and power. After we invalidate this charge that my rule is illegitimate, I can try and give you your own life. But right now, I need you, Carlotta. Will you help me?,” his voice was mesmerizing.

  Charley wanted to give him, well, everything. It was absurd! But still, she felt herself nod as he lowered himself so that his body hovered ever so slightly over hers. Like a big dark dream.

  “I don’t want your money or power,” she spoke in a voice she hardly recognized.

  It was happening so fast, like a force of nature. Charley wondered if she could still be dreaming. How could her body react so strongly to a stranger?

  “Anything you want, I’ll give you anything.” Mine. She’s mine.

  “I don’t care about that stuff, Rafe, I have no family-”

  “Shhh, it doesn’t matter. I’ll give you family, Carlotta. I’ll give you anything. Just say yes, please, God, say yes.”

  Charley was captivated by his sudden vulnerability. He needed her. Nobody ever needed her before. She worked forty hours a week cutting cold cuts and scrubbing counters. It was a dead end job and she knew it.

  After her grandfather passed away, Charley was left alone in the world except for Buttercup. But this man, this gorgeous giant who believed he was a Wolf, needed her. She felt it.

  “I’m sorry it has to be like this. So sorry, but I have to, they’ll know if we don’t, if I don’t-,” he whispered his words so close his breath mingled with hers.

  Charley wanted to taste him. She wanted, she didn’t know what, but oh yeah, she wanted. His lips brushed hers once, then twice. His tongue flicked out across her lips and she gasped.

  “Mmmm, you taste like cherries,” he groaned and he kissed her again. This time his tongue dipped into her warm mouth and she opened for him with a soft moan.

  “It’s my Chapstick,” she whispered.

  “No, Carlotta, it’s you,” he licked her lips and kissed her again. He pulled back and she groaned her disappointment.

  “I can’t help this, I’m sorry. Your pheromones are so strong and with the moon this close, it’s hard for me to stay in control. I need you. I’m sorry. Say yes,” his voice rumbled and Charley nodded.

  “Yes, oh yes,” she whispered.

  Charley barely understood him, but she knew she was saying yes and God help her she meant it too. The things he was doing to her were incredible. His hands had an easy strength as he lifted her and peeled back the covers. Charley wanted more. She wanted him.

  He pushed her gently onto the mattress and grazed her neck and chin lightly with his teeth. Charley clung to him, awash in a new kind of passionate haze she had never experienced before. His long hardness pressed against her thighs and he continued to lick and nip her mouth and neck while he undressed her.

  She knew she should fight him. She should struggle to hold onto that virginity she had saved for the one man she would marry. But not even her twelve years of Catholic school could have prepared her for this onslaught of feeling.

  How could she fight against something that felt soooo good? Why should she? It didn’t matter. She still had to try, right?

  “Oh God. Don’t-,” Charley’s whisper was agonized. She moved her head from side to side against the soft pillow.

  “Don’t?,” Rafe lifted his head, his blue eyes blazed as he fought to control himself.

  “Don’t-,” Charley whispered again.

  “Carlotta, do you want me to stop? Carlotta?-,”

  “Don’t, don’t, oh, don’t stop, please, oh please, don’t stop,” she felt his relieved smile against her full breast.

  “Thank God, oh, thank you,” he breathed his reply and took her plump nipple into his mouth. A delighted gasp escaped her lips.

  What was he doing? Tugging, sucking, licking, nipping. His tongue seemed to paint a picture across her body. She writhed under his expertise, wanting more. His hands left hot trails of desire along her taut body.

  Charley’s skin burned and Rafe seemed to know what she needed. He switched his attentions almost before she knew she wanted him to. Caressing, stroking, and squeezing her in ways she had never dreamed could happen to her.

  Growing up with only an elderly grandfather hadn’t left her much time for boys as a teenager. She attended Catholic high school, took some community college classes, and worked at Junior’s part time. Then her grandfather discovered he had cancer.

  She quit school, worked more hours at Junior’s, and took care of him until he passed away two years ago. That brought her life up to date. She lived alone, with her cat. Worked, read books, and very rarely dated.

  But here she was. A twenty-five year old virgin about to have sex for the first time ever with her kidnapper, who by the way thought he was a Werewolf. Whoa.

  Okay, she knew she’d have to deal with a whole lot of reality the minute she woke up from this nightmare/dream. She’d worry about it then. She’d even check herself into a mental health clinic just as soon as she got home. She’d do anything as long as he didn’t stop what he was doing right then.

  “I can smell your need, Carlotta, can you feel mine?,” he pressed against her, his body hard and throbbing. She strained towards it like he was some goal she wanted desperately to achieve.

>   “Do you like this?,” he growled and licked her with his tongue in long strokes from the tip of her rosy hard nipples down to her navel, and then lower to her inner thighs. She couldn’t speak, she just moaned and gripped his hair in her hands. She left them there since he didn’t seem to mind.

  His hot breath hovered over her core and she flexed her hips instinctively. Charley couldn’t think. She wanted something, craved something she couldn’t describe. His big hands cupped her breasts as his teeth gripped the elastic of her white lace panties.

  She felt a tug and knew they were gone. Ripped off with his teeth. Oh my. She felt his chest vibrate, a deep rumble as he slowly, reverently lowered his head.

  His hands moved to part her. He looked at her, all the while slowly stroking her thighs. Charley’s mouth hung open. She couldn’t believe what he was going to do. What she was going to let him do.

  His eyes locked on hers as he lowered his mammoth head and kissed her there. Once, twice with his full lips. He looked up, gave her a carnal smile. His lips glistened with what she knew was her own moisture.

  Then his long, thick tongue snaked out of his mouth and he licked her. The groan that escaped his throat rivaled her own. He lowered his head and lapped her. Sucking, licking, and nipping gently with his teeth.

  Charley gasped and ground herself against his mouth shamelessly searching for something, some pinnacle she knew she had to reach. And then she did. White hot flames seemed to burst beneath her closed eyelids as he worshipped her body with his hands, his lips, and his tongue. She yelled her first ever release.

  Rafe purred his contentment as he continued to suckle. Slowly, soothingly. She was lost in sensation as he changed position and removed his clothing.

  Rafe needed her. Now. He cupped her buttocks, lifting her, and positioned his swollen head at her moist opening. He tensed and entered her slowly.

  Charley felt him push inside of her. The sting was brief, but the sense of connection, of communion, was strong. Him, I’ve been waiting for him.

  “Carlotta,” he murmured. He had to go slowly with her. He rubbed his finger in tiny, feather light circles, oh so gently, so tenderly over her throbbing sex.


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