Charley's Christmas Wolf: A Macconwood Pack Novella (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 1)

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Charley's Christmas Wolf: A Macconwood Pack Novella (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 1) Page 5

by C. D. Gorri

  “Wait, you’re going to let that beast roam the place?”

  “That’s right. You got a problem with that?”

  Seff stopped Conall with one hand up, “No, ma’am, we do not. We apologize if we were out of line. Not used to cats, you know. Werewolf thing and all,” he bowed. Randall and Conall followed suit.

  “If it’s okay with you, ma’am, I’d like to go over some things for the meeting when you are ready? You will need to know how to conduct yourself around the rest of the Wolf Pack and our guests, ma’am, if that is okay?,” Seff’s formality made Charley smile.

  So, they were really going to treat her like the whole Alpha female thing, huh. Okay then. Maybe she should take a moment to clear her head. She went inside and began to unpack. Humming thoughtfully to herself.

  The walk-in closet was huge, but a space had been made for her belongings. When she opened her bags she realized they had packed much more than just some of her things.

  She hung up a few items and left everything else in her suitcases. After all, her time there would be short. Unless, well, she’d think about that later.


  Charley rifled through the kitchen. Rafe was in his office and she needed to think. Cooking had always been therapeutic for her, especially when she had a problem. And boy did she ever! Hmmm, chef salad sounds good. She got out some fresh produce, a dozen eggs, fresh cheese, and cold cuts.

  A couple dozen cheddar drop biscuits and homemade honey mustard vinaigrette would complete the meal. Charley set up her ingredients, sighed, and got started.

  Everything she could ever want was right in front of her. And not just inside the kitchen of her dreams, but Rafe, and the others too. She walked over to the extra-large double sink and rinsed her hands. Oh, the Christmas breakfast she could prepare here! Charley smiled.

  She and her grandfather always made a large breakfast to celebrate Christmas Day. It was the one tradition she kept since his passing. Though nowadays it mostly consisted of a single pancake, citrus fruit salad, and a strip of uncured bacon. It was no fun cooking just for yourself.

  Maybe she could make some quick cookies for after lunch too? She quickly prepared a batch of butter-cookie dough and was not surprised to find a cookie press and sprinkles in the cabinets. She smiled as she quickly prepared a sheet of her favorite Christmas cookie. Tree shaped with red and green sugar crystals. Just how she liked them.

  Her hands moved automatically as Charley thought about what was important to her. She had always wanted to get married and raise a family. In her daydreams she was the mom who stayed home to raise her children. She’d make them cookies and treats and help them with homework. She’d be there for them.

  Maybe it was because her grandpa was her only parent and he had worked long days to keep her in private school. He did his best and she loved him, but she had spent a lot of time with strangers or in after school programs.

  She disliked the ideas of daycares and nannies. If she were married to a man like Rafe, he could easily provide her with the security and stability to stay with the kids. Wait, where the heck did that thought come from?

  She shook her head and winced. No one mentioned marriage. True, she didn’t ask to come here, but she never felt so at home before. This place, these men, felt like they were hers in a way.

  They were polite, funny, incredibly courteous, and sweet. Like the brothers she never had. Then there was Rafe. He was truly one of a kind. A gentle and generous lover. Gracious, intelligent, and he had an air about him that commanded attention.

  An innate power that was subtle, yet undeniably strong. Her heart beat faster just thinking of the big guy. Heavy footfalls fell behind her and she straightened her back. Rafe.

  “Hey,” he walked up to her, placed big hands on her hips and kissed her neck. Charley almost dropped her knife. She leaned back into him, eyes closed.

  “I’m sorry I had to leave you this morning. There was something I needed to attend to. Mmm, smells good.”

  “Thanks. I guess I missed breakfast. I made enough for everyone.”

  “I meant you, but the food smells great too. You know, you don’t have to do that.”

  “Mmm, I know, but I like to cook.”

  More footfalls, some sniffing, then groans of pleasure.

  “Oh my God, are you making us lunch?,” Dib or Kurt said. They both sniffed the air, identical looks of ecstasy on their faces.

  “Oh, thou fairest maiden, Charley! Wilt thou honor me as my personal chef forever unto eternity,” Lyall dropped to his knees at her feet.

  “Beat it, pup,” growled Rafe, only half kidding.

  “Alright, alright, come on, boys, go wash your hands and set the table. Lunch is in ten minutes.”

  They howled and ran for the lower floor bathrooms. Shoving each other like twelve year olds.

  “My God, you’d think they never saw food! Animals!, ” Rafe shook his head and went back to nuzzling her neck.

  “Pardon my frankness, but none of you look like you never saw food. And, mmm, Rafe unless you want one of my fingers in the salad you better stop that now or I’m afraid I’ll cut myself,” he stepped back immediately. Charley missed his warmth.

  “I’d never let a single hair on your head be hurt,” he vowed.

  “Good to know. Please carry this inside,” she nodded at the pitcher of vinaigrette and the two giant bowls of salad. He dropped a kiss on her temple and picked up the food easily in his big hands.

  She took the cookies and biscuits out of the oven. She scooped the warm, golden biscuits into bread baskets and placed the cookies aside. Charley put the baskets on the dining table and was surprised to see no one eating.

  “Isn’t it alright?,” she had used plenty of cold cuts, cheeses and hard boiled eggs.

  "It’s perfect, darling, we were just waiting for you,” Rafe pulled out the chair to his right.

  “Thanks,” Charley sat awkwardly and waited, but no one moved. She reached for the salad and was surprised when Rafe took the tongs from her and filled her plate. He filled his next and passed the dish to Seff. He did the same with the dressing and biscuits.

  He surprised her even further by taking her hand and saying a brief grace over the meal. Charley had to blink back tears. They were all being so respectful, so kind. For her.

  Conversation started and soon they were joking and talking about the upcoming holidays. Charley laughed with real joy as the guys ribbed each other. The front door opened and she heard a female voice.

  “Hello? Anyone home? Hey, is that food?,” in walked the tallest, most beautiful woman Charley had ever seen. She was thin, toned, and had long wavy blonde hair.

  She had a gym bag slung over one shoulder. A badge on her hip and a gun. Fresh snow dusted clothes and hair, giving her a sort of fresh glow. Charley’s eyebrows rose.

  “Oh, hey! How you doin’? You were passed out last time I saw you and you had less on,” at Charley’s blush the woman winked. She dropped her bag, grabbed a plate and helped herself. The men seemed at ease with her except for Tate who ignored her completely.

  “Jeez, Cat, slow down. Let me introduce you. Carlotta, this is Catherine, my baby sister,” Rafe said with an indulgent grin on his face.

  “I’m sorry, are you a police officer?,” asked Charley.

  “Macconwood Sheriff’s department, actually, I’m a deputy. Nice to meet you, officially.”

  “Well, that’s just great! You, you’re sworn to uphold the law? Congratulations, officer, you’re an accomplice to a kidnapping!,” the room got very quiet.

  Everyone averted their eyes except for Rafe and Cat, who met Charley’s glare. She averted her eyes and shrugged her shoulders.

  “You know, Charley, you don’t look like you’re being held against your will. Besides Pack comes first,” she dug into her salad.

  “Oh, so you’re delusional too then. Great, just great!,” Charley stood up hands on her hips and walked over to Cat.

  “Carlotta, we can t
alk about this later. Besides you agreed to stay,-”

  “Yeah, but not when your sister undressed me. Hey, I’m talking to you, at least look at me! You had no right! As a woman and a deputy you should have done something. Well, what do you have to say for yourself, young lady?”

  Catherine stopped eating and stood up to her full height. Not backing down a step, Charley stood toe to toe with her and stared her directly in the eye. Cat dropped her gaze first. Even before she heard Rafe’s warning growl.

  “I apologize, ma’am,” she grinned and bowed to Charley before reseating herself and taking another bite.

  “Hey brother, I like her. Try not to fuck it up,” Cat said in a not so whisper to Rafe. In fact, all the Guard seemed to watch Charley with admiration in their eyes.

  Charley looked at each of the stunned faces at the table and sat back down next to Rafe. Her posture was stiff, displaying her annoyance, but her heart beat was normal. Rafe let out a relieved breath. Yes, he thought, I have clearly chosen well.

  “Well, eat!,” she commanded and they did.


  After lunch Rafe took Charley on a tour of the grounds. It was the first time she saw the house from outside. It took her breath away.

  Maccon Manor was a veritable fortress. Big and foreboding, like a castle in a fairytale, made of stone and iron. There were state of the art security fences, cameras, and even a manned gate. Rafe pointed each one out to her. Her safety his foremost priority.

  He needed her to see that he could provide protection. For her and any future young. Easy. He needed to curb all thoughts of any children.

  The very idea of her bearing his child made him want to take her, right there on the ground. He looked over the fine form of his mate as she bent down to pick up a pebble. Damn. She was beautiful.

  Charley appreciated the natural stone walkways and the meticulous landscaping. There were luscious evergreens adorned with twinkle lights and shrubberies surrounded by smooth pebbles that reflected the light like glass. They were sure to be spectacular come spring.

  Someone must lovingly tend all this, she thought absently. Rafe held her hand, but didn’t pull or drag her. He was patient with her questions. And she listened with interest as he explained about the history of Maccon, NJ and its ties to his family.

  “There has been a Maccon running Pack business in this area since the first settlers. About five generations back. You see, Werewolves live longer than humans and as a result so do their human mates. We can be killed, but it’s difficult. I must tell you that we do have enemies, Carlotta, dangerous enemies. But I swear, I’d die defending you.”

  Charley didn’t know how to react. She cared for Rafe, heck, she might even love him. But, how could she help him with this delusion of his when everyone seemed to feed it?

  She reached up and caressed his jaw. She knew he meant that part about risking his life for her. She didn’t doubt that.

  “Carlotta, this rogue Wolf, Skoll, wants me out of the picture. As Alpha I will always be a target for my enemies. It’s important you know I can protect you.”

  “Rafe, this delusion, isn’t real,-”

  “But it is. You must understand as a Werewolf I can’t lie.”

  “What does that even mean? You gonna burst into flame or something if you fib?,” Charley tried to joke, but it sounded lame even to her ears.

  “No. Different emotions, different states of being have scents. Basically I can smell a lie and so can other Werewolves. I must be matebonded by Christmas Eve. I know I promised to give you your own life, but first you must mate me. Will you?”

  “I thought we did already,” Charley blushed and Rafe reacted predictably. He wanted her, so very badly.

  “I’ll cherish our intimacy always, Carlotta, and I’ll never be able to thank you enough for the gift of you, but I need more. I need you to formally marry me.”

  Charley’s heart pounded in her chest. She placed a hand over her belly. Could this be her one chance for her dreams to come true? A husband, a home, family.

  “Of course, you wouldn’t have to stay,-” Rafe’s voice was low and Charley felt her stomach tighten. She disliked the idea of their having to marry. She wanted to be wanted, to be loved. But maybe she was being greedy.

  “Look, I said I would help you, Rafe, and I will. I don’t know about all this supernatural stuff, but I believe you believe it. And whatever this is between us, I gave you my word.”

  “So, you will?”

  She nodded. Whatever fantasy he believed, it seemed like maybe this would help him resolve some problem. And honestly, she just wanted to be as close to him as she could for as long as possible.

  Her insides melted as his face lit up. He grabbed her in a tight hug and swung her around. Kissing her desperately on the lips. Charley clung to him. She felt her legs go weak just as he lifted his head.

  “I have the paperwork in my office. Will you come with me now and sign? Then Seff can perform the ceremony. He’s licensed to perform marriages.”

  “You want to do this now?,” she looked down at herself. She knew if she left his side even for a minute, her brain would take over and reason would never allow her to go through with it. Charley looked into Rafe’s blue eyes. Was she really willing to marry a virtual stranger? She inhaled and nodded her head. There was no backing down now.

  Half an hour later she was legally married, in a pair of old worn jeans and a yellow sweater. Rafe held her left hand up and slipped a perfect blue sapphire the size of a nickel onto her ring finger. It was set in a thick platinum band carved with what Charley thought looked like runes.

  “It’s a star sapphire, the ring of the Alpha female of the Macconwood Pack. It belonged to my ancestors, Eoghan and Ailis,” Rafe’s voice was deep and Charley held his gaze. One by one, his Guard entered the room and knelt before them.

  “I place this ring on your finger and proclaim to all under my domain that you, Carlotta Marie Palmieri Maccon, are the Macconwood Female Alpha and my mate semper et in saecula,” he kissed her hand and knelt at her feet. The moment seemed to last as Charley felt a sort of warm vibe spread throughout her body.

  She didn’t know what was happening. One minute it was all legalities, one, two, three and they were married. Then, as if by magic, all the guys in the house and Cat appeared and Rafe said things she couldn’t possibly fully understand.

  “Holy shit,” someone murmured.



  Charley ignored everyone except Rafe. Her new husband’s eyes were glowing. His expression intense, he was focused solely on her.

  “Come, let’s leave them.”

  “You mean, like, now?”

  “Shhhh, go!”

  Charley ignored the footfalls in the background. Great vibrations were coming from Rafe’s throat and hitting her right between her thighs. The door shut and before she knew it they were alone and he was on her. Right where she wanted him to be.

  His dark brown hair was carelessly brushed back from his face. His blue eyes glowed a shade darker than usual and in them Charley saw heat, desire, and power. In two moves he was completely naked before her. A perfect male specimen.

  He was bronzed and muscled with dark curling hair that began on his chest and trailed downwards. Charley’s eyes widened. He had thick legs corded with muscles. They stood apart and she was drawn to where he was most masculine. His chest heaved with the force of his breathing. He was beautiful.

  Charley felt her own breath quicken as he moved in closer. His nimble hands made quick work of her clothing, then he reached for her hair. He gently pulled her tresses free from the ponytail she had worn all day. He leaned in and Charley gasped as he licked her from neck to nipple.

  He had to bend to get close enough, his height so much greater than hers, but he didn’t seem to mind. He lifted her onto his desk and laid her back, licking and sucking as he went. He lavished attention on her breasts and belly. Rafe couldn’t get enough of the sweet
taste of her skin. He knelt before her and parted her supple thighs.

  Rafe’s growl started deep in his chest sending vibrations straight through to her core. Charley squirmed in his hands as he leaned forward. His fingers smoothed up her legs and he parted her skin to reveal her most secret place. His breath heated her, she pulled him by his thick hair, but he was immovable. Desire burned through her body. She needed him.

  His growl grew louder and soon he was kissing her swollen flesh. His tongue delved inside, darting and probing. He rubbed his cheeks against her sensitized thighs. Every touch, every sound, and sensation seemed amplified in the closed quarters of his office, but Charley could no more stop her moans than she could his soul shattering touch. Why would she want to?

  Rafe held her gently in place with his large hands while he suckled her. She was all honey and cherries and Rafe was greedy for her. He kept at her, licking and kissing, using his fingers and even his teeth, until Charley almost bucked off the desk. Her groans echoed all around him and he felt his own sex grow long and hard. Rafe’s body quivered in anticipation. He wasn’t prepared for his baser reaction to her complete submission.

  The Wolf inside of him was howling and he knew without a doubt this woman was his mate. His destiny. His world. He would do anything for her. He would kill for her. Even die for her. How would he ever let her go?

  Lightning surges of pleasure shot through Charley’s body. She was close. Rafe scented her arousal and pleasure, heck, he felt them. It was like her body was calling out in a frequency that only his could answer and it was glorious. It almost brought him to his knees.

  Rafe stood, his clothing a careless heap on the floor. They moaned in unison as his engorged sex came into her with a single perfect thrust. He fought for control, but nothing he had ever learned or experienced could have prepared him for the sensation of bonding with his mate on this level. It was beyond all previous notions and expectations.

  Charley loved having his weight on top of her. Thick and hard, yet smooth and soft as velvet, he filled her on so many levels. Every kiss, every touch, the slightest movement of his body, the tiniest growl that emanated from his chest, sent her closer to the edge of ecstasy. She had never felt as complete as when he swept her away in his most intimate embrace.


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