Charley's Christmas Wolf: A Macconwood Pack Novella (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 1)

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Charley's Christmas Wolf: A Macconwood Pack Novella (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 1) Page 7

by C. D. Gorri

  He felt her stiffen and rubbed her back. The idea of her even saying the name Skoll sent rage coursing through his veins. He would shred that bastard Wolf if he even looked at his mate.

  “When is the meeting with the council?”

  “Christmas Eve.”

  “Well then, we better get started.”

  Charley spent the next few days going over Werewolf etiquette with Seff, getting to know the rest of the Wolves, and spending endless hours alone with Rafe. He was tender, kind, and always willing to explain things she didn’t understand about Pack life.

  She always did her best thinking when she cooked, so when she was trying to get through her what-to-do what-not-to-do lessons with Seff, they worked in the kitchen. That afternoon she was preparing a huge roast beef. Seff practically drooled the entire time they spoke.

  “What are you doing now?,” he asked while going over his list of notes.

  “Well, I’m rubbing olive oil onto the meat before I put on my secret seasoning. Just kidding, don’t look so sad! It’s really just Kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper. The olive oil will help the meat seal in its juices when it gets into the hot oven. You want to flash it with intense heat then lower it for about two hours. That way it will be tender, juicy and rare.”

  Seff growled with anticipation. He cleared his throat, obviously ashamed of himself. Charley just laughed. These guys were always eating. It amazed her how fit they were.

  She looked down as Buttercup walked by, fluffing his tail at her as he went. Her cat was certainly more at home amongst a Wolf Pack than she could have ever expected. She hid a smile as Seff backed away from the creature a snarl on his face.

  “Don’t you worry Seff, I already guessed you guys are big meat eaters that’s why I’m making three roasts,” Charley laughed again as he refocused on the meat and ignored the cat.

  “Now, what does it mean to be Alpha female?”

  “Well, you are second only to Rafe. You must never put yourself in a position of submission to anyone except him. No bowing or lowering your eyes. You see Werewolves are very aware of body language. You can and should make eye contact with everyone. You’re the Alpha female, it is proper for all of us to shift our eyes after three seconds. No more, no less.”


  “This is important. Never look away first. Try to think of everyone as a potential threat. Werewolves are notoriously territorial. Rafe wouldn’t hesitate to tear someone’s throat out if they dared disrespect you. As his female and a human he will be very protective. It is proper.”

  “Well, I’ve been taking care of myself for quite some time now,-”

  “Yes, but not under these circumstances. Remember everything you do will reflect on Rafe. The last thing we need is for him to look weak or foolish. Please Charley, you must listen to what I’m telling you. Our stability, heck, our survival depends on it.”

  Charley nodded at him. This was serious business. At her signal Seff lifted the heavy tray into the oven. He slid it onto the rack and she closed the door.

  “I would never do anything to hurt Rafe. Ever.”

  “I believe you,” Seff nodded his head.

  “I’m sorry we brought all this down on you. You know the kidnapping and everything. If you still want to leave after the meeting, I’ll do everything I can to help.”

  “Thank you, Seff. For the apology, but I think I may end up thanking you for everything else too,” she blushed and began peeling carrots, potatoes, and onions. Her skilled hands moved quickly as she put the veggies in a dish with salt, pepper, and olive oil. After everything was in the oven she set the timer and grabbed her notes.

  Charley found herself alone at the table going over what she had learned. After an hour of instructions, Seff bowed and left her to review. The meeting as it turned out was more of a formal party.

  Complete with gowns and tuxes. A seamstress had come earlier in the day with a selection of gowns for her. As a sneakers and jeans kinda gal, it was something of a revelation.

  She chose a strapless silk gown in a pale blue that fell to the floor. It hugged her curves in all the right places and ended with a small flair at her feet. The dress was lovely, reminiscent of the 1940s. The color was the perfect backdrop for her ring and would remind everyone of her status. She had chosen it with great care.


  That was the easy part. The hard part was the list of rules Seff had given her. Never lower your head to anyone in the room. Never look away first. Never allow yourself to be touched first. Keep pace with Rafe. Follow his lead.

  It was the way they recognized her higher position in the Pack. Rafe was the only one higher than her. She would be seated on his right side. Seff would be on his left. She learned he was the pack’s Beta or second in command. Randall was third.

  All the Wolves who shared the house were actually an elite group of warriors, handpicked by the Alpha. They were charged with keeping Pack business running smoothly and alerting the Alpha to any problems or new occurrences. Like this business with that teenage Wolf and the foreign Pack. It had huge implications, Seff told her.

  Rafe spoke a little about this, but she had no idea the vastness of his reach. There was so much going on in the world that she never could have guessed. How could she? She worked at a deli. Her grandfather had been in the army and told her a little about the evil that existed in the world, but to think there was a constant supernatural battle going on was incredible.

  “Did you find something you liked?”

  Charley’s heart thundered in her chest as Rafe spoke from just behind her. She turned and met his gaze. Heat, desire and genuine concern shown in his eyes. His emotions as clear as her own. How could she not have fallen for this man? This Werewolf? And she had fallen, so deeply in love with him that she was willing to leave everything she knew to be a part of his world.


  “That’s good. Did Seff go over things? Is there anything you want to review?”

  “Is it true that no one is allowed to touch me? That is unless you permit it. No shaking hands? No kisses on the cheek?”

  He answered her question with a nod.

  “I don’t understand. That sounds very-”

  “Strange? Not really. I’m the Alpha. My mate is mine to protect. Anyone who dared touch you without my permission in a formal setting would be indirectly challenging me.”

  “What if it happens? What if someone does want to challenge you and uses me to do it?,” fear gripped her heart. She knew Rafe needed a mate in order to hold his position. It was the reason for her abduction after all. But she could not bear to think her presence could possibly cause him harm.

  “Don’t worry, love,” he embraced her.

  Charley breathed in the woodsy scent of him and clung. She would have never guessed in a million years that she could feel this way about another person. The thought of harm coming to him was enough to stop her heart cold. Her one hope now was that she would be able to fulfill her role as perfectly as Rafe had filled her heart.

  The night of the party came quickly. Too quickly for Charley’s peace of mind. She walked down the grand staircase in the most luxurious dress she had ever worn in her entire life. She felt as though she was suspended in a kind of dream. Magical.

  They were all there at the bottom, waiting for her. Dressed in their custom tailored tuxes, the men of the house looked gorgeous. But no one lit a candle to Rafe.

  He was taller and bigger than all of them. At his throat was a star sapphire pin that matched her ring. Charley’s heart pounded and her breath caught. I love him.

  The moment he saw her, their gazes locked. Electricity sizzled between them. Rafe’s eyes traced her from the top of her gently swept up curls to the tip of her high heeled toes. He inhaled and extended his arm.

  “You look beautiful,” he murmured as she placed her hand just above his elbow. She didn’t notice seven heads bowed in deference to her, nor the broad smiles that came from a few of t
hem. She couldn’t tear her gaze away from him.

  Rafe kissed her free hand. Approval and something more in his gaze. Charley felt power radiating off of him. He looked regal, but there was more to it. He seemed to ooze dominance.

  “Thank you, Rafe, you look beautiful too,” her breath caught as he smiled at her. She felt her heart beat faster as love for this man warmed her from the inside out.

  The ballroom was decorated for the season and filled to the brim with people. Wolves, Charley guessed. Everyone was dressed to the nines. There were tables laden with fine food and champagne. Real holly boughs and pine garland with large blue velvet bows graced the posts and walls. White poinsettias and roses sat elegantly on every table.

  Charley blinked back happy tears. A twelve foot Christmas tree sat in one corner and was completely decorated in blue and silver ornaments. The star on top was a brilliantly lit. It was beautiful. Music played softly in the background, but no one danced.

  Charley’s gaze was drawn to a tall man by the far wall. He was surrounded by four men. He had dark hair pulled back into a pony tail and he wore a black on black suit. His eyes looked furious when he saw them. Charley moved a step closer to Rafe.

  That man looked cruel and dangerous. Skoll, she thought. She looked at her husband and her unease was immediately laid to rest. Charley and Rafe stepped into the room together, as one. The music stopped and a man stepped to the microphone.

  “Members of the Macconwood Pack and honored guests, it is our pleasure to introduce our Alpha, Rafe Maccon and his bride, Carlotta Maccon.”

  The room erupted in applause as they entered surrounded by the seven Wolves whom Charley now thought of as brothers. She walked beside Rafe to the center of the dance floor.

  Seff had explained this part to her. Like a traditional wedding reception, Rafe and Charley were to open the dance floor together for the first time as husband and wife. She was more than ready. She had dreamed about this moment her entire life.

  “Okay?,” his blue eyes bore into hers and Charley forgot everyone else in the room. They moved in perfect time with the band.

  A violinist stepped forward and Charley couldn’t stop smiling. Rafe swirled her and danced her around the room. When the song ended he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her lips to another outburst of applause.

  He led her to the head table where he stood by her side. Together they greeted their guests. Charley had never seen anything like it. No one moved to touch her hand or kiss her cheek. They simply smiled and offered their congratulations.

  A group of older men came to them first. They were all handsome in a Sean Connery sort of way and Charley smiled at the approval in their eyes. She held herself erect and followed Rafe’s lead.

  “This is my mate, Carlotta. Darling, these are the Pack elders, Stephen Dark, Carl Warren, and Devon Blake,” Rafe introduced them and Charley kept her eyes level.

  “Congratulations, dear boy. We’ll see the documents later,” Stephen spoke and they bowed in turn.

  They left, but the procession was just beginning. Rafe clapped his male Packmates on the back, offered the women a smile and a word. Conall and Lyall accepted gifts for them, Seff and Randall flanked the couple, and the rest of the Guard stood behind.

  The greetings and well wishes went on forever, but Charley smiled through it all. It was as if she was born to fill this role. She had just accepted a glass of water from Seff when she felt her husband tense.


  Skoll and his men walked towards them. He moved with the slimy gait of a snake rather than a Wolf. His slick backed hair reminded charley of those 1980s drug cartel movies. Who the heck did this guy think he was? Rafe straightened to his full height. Charley held herself perfectly still.

  “Ah, well, it seems you have found a wife after all. Well, isn’t that just grand. Tell me, you didn’t happen to kidnap her by any chance did you, Rafe?,” his lightly accented voice reached Charley’s ears.

  Skoll was huge, but Rafe was bigger still. He met Skoll’s stare and after too long a moment the other Wolf looked away. He seemed to grind his teeth as he bared his throat slightly. Rafe growled, a threatening sound, nothing like Charley had heard before. Coming from anyone else she would have been terrified, but she only felt pride that it was her husband.

  “I’ve brought a gift, for the bride,” Skoll snapped his fingers and a pair of hands held a wrapped box out to Charley.

  His sinister gaze met hers, but when she didn’t back down he lowered his eyes and thrust the box forward again. Randall stepped forward, took the box from Skoll, and snapped his jaws. His teeth gleamed white from behind his long hair and beard.

  “My mate and I thank you for attending our wedding party, Skoll, perhaps now your concerns are put to rest, but just in case they aren’t I am happy to take this up in an official arena with you,” Rafe’s voice had taken on a timbre Charley had never heard before.

  “Oh, I doubt your human bride would appreciate a quarrel on her wedding night.”

  “On the contrary, I believe my mate would suit just fine.”

  Charley wanted to hold Rafe back, but she remained still, a bored expression on her face. Seff had warned her of this. The best thing she could do was appear unaffected.

  A contest of wills seemed to be taking place right in front of her and Charley had nothing to do, but wait it out. Seff had explained about posturing and respect. What he hadn’t told her was seconds would feel like hours as the two Wolves faced down. Rafe was clearly better at intimidation for the simple reason that he was the more dominant Wolf.

  “That won’t be necessary, Alpha, after all, it is a party, gentlemen, madam,” Skoll bowed his head again and walked away, his men trailing behind him.

  Rafe remained on alert until he was far away from where Charley and the rest of his Guard stood. He made a mental note to have that gift brought to his office for inspection. He didn’t want anything that had touched Skoll to come near his mate.

  The rest of the night passed in relative ease. Charley laughed and talked. She danced to the amazing band with Rafe, and then with others after she approved of them.

  She ate the wonderful delicacies before her and reveled in the holiday spirit that seemed to be with everyone. It had been so long since she had really celebrated Christmas. She felt like Cinderella at the ball, only better. Several of the Pack females were introduced to her by Cat, who wore a gorgeous silver sequined dress.

  Charley noticed some tension between her and Tate, but she ignored it. Hopefully, after she got to know her better Rafe’s sister would confide in her. After all, she was her sister now too. That made Charley smile even brighter. If only things were permanent. Doubts crept into her mind and she pushed them away. Not tonight.

  The moment came when Rafe and the elders left the room to have their meeting to disprove Skoll’s claims that his rule was illegitimate. Seff followed his Alpha armed with the paperwork that would prove their marriage, but still Charley worried. What if it wasn’t enough? Would he have to fight?

  Later that night, still dressed in her gown Charley stepped out onto the bedroom terrace. It was Christmas Eve. Snow fell softly from the night sky, drenching the yard in pure virgin white. Like a dream.

  The party was over, the guests had left, and Rafe was still in his meeting. Buttercup circled her feet a few times before retreating to the fireplace. He seemed to like this home full of Werewolves. So did she. If only he had asked her to stay.

  She turned and went to the closet. Tears rolled down her face as she got out her suitcases and began throwing her clothes inside of them. She was sure by now that Rafe would have suggested their temporary situation be made more permanent.

  Maybe he didn’t mean it when he said he loved her? Charley sobbed softly and tried to zipper the suitcase through tear filled eyes. She didn’t hear the door open. Nor did she notice the sight of her husband, horrified at what he saw.

  “Carlotta?,” Rafe’s heart pounded in his chest. It sounded l
oud as thunder to his sensitive ears. He was too late. She was leaving.

  “No, no, I’m sorry, you, you told me it wasn’t permanent. I guess, I just thought,-” Charley stopped and hid her face in her hands. She was so ashamed of herself. She wasn’t one to beg, but for this man she just might.

  Rafe dropped the large wrapped box he held and fell to his knees in front of her. He reached for her hands and gently pulled them from her face.

  “Please, Carlotta, I know my world is crazy and scary and different from anything you ever knew, and I would change it all for you if I could. Please don’t cry, and please, don’t leave. Don’t leave me.”

  Charley gasped. More tears fell. Rafe didn’t know what to do. Did he offend her? He held his breath, then she threw her arms around his neck and kissed his face. He exhaled and tightened his grip.

  “You don’t want me to go?,” Charley asked.

  “Of course I don’t want you to go! Look, look here,” he picked her up and brought her to where he dropped the large wrapped box. He nudged her gently until she tore at the paper.

  Inside was a large basket with the name Buttercup inscribed on a gold plate that hung from a blue velvet ribbon. There was even a huge fluffy white bed to go inside.

  “You see, I even got the little demon his own bed,” Rafe nudged Charley with his head and Charley laughed and then cried some more. She hugged Rafe and kissed him again as his arms encircled her and brought her fully against him.

  “Stay. Please. Always.”

  “Wild horses couldn’t drag me away, Rafe.”

  “I love you, Carlotta. I love you so much,” his voice grew husky as he held onto her.

  “I love you too.”

  They kissed and undressed each other right there on the floor. Rafe grabbed the comforter and placed her on top of it. Then he touched his hot skin to hers, careful not to hurt her. He kissed her from the top of her head down to her toes.

  Their joining was a slow and deliberate union unlike any they had shared. They kissed, and tasted, squeezed and caressed each other, careful not to miss a single inch. He loved her and she him until the soft rays of sunlight crept into the room and touched them both. It was the best Christmas she ever had. Well, so far.


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