Therian Prize

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Therian Prize Page 6

by Cyndi Friberg

  “You know Heather better than anyone. What are the hunters missing? Where’d she go?”

  Lexxie bristled. Did he honestly expect her to betray Heather that easily? He might be pack alpha but Heather meant more to her than anyone else on the planet. There was not a chance in hell she’d give up her best friend. “I have no idea. She’s terrified and… How could you do this to her? After what happened with Carlos, you had to know—”

  “This has nothing to do with Carlos,” he sneered. “Heather doesn’t realize the full extent of her danger. I’m not impatient for grandchildren. I’m trying to protect her.”

  “So you keep saying. But I’m with Braden. Explain what’s going on and I’ll think about helping you.”

  His arm whipped toward her and his long, strong fingers encircled her throat. “Tell me everything right now or I’ll snap your scrawny neck.”

  A lifetime of experience demanded she lower her gaze and comply. But Lexxie’s parents had been killed when she was a toddler, so Heather was the closest thing she’d ever had to family. “Go ahead,” she whispered. “I won’t betray her.”

  With an exasperated growl, he shoved her back and stomped off toward the vehicles. There were only two left, his and hers.

  Lexxie rubbed her bruised throat and waited until Nate disappeared into the darkness. Dawn was less than an hour away. She could see a faint glow along the treetops. She walked to her jeep and dug what remained of Heather’s clothes out from behind the seat. She’d snatched them off the ground while everything was still chaotic.

  As she’d hoped, Heather’s cell phone was still in the pocket of her jeans. It was a stroke of luck for her but it made her realize the sobering reality of Heather’s situation. She had no clothes, no money, no credit cards or identification. Hopefully she’d found shelter by now. She couldn’t risk any of her usual haunts. Too many of the men in their pack knew her habits. She had to have gone way outside her comfort zone. Which meant somewhere she’d never been before or somewhere no wolf would believe she’d go.

  Lexxie scrolled through the menus on the phone, looking for anyone in a position to help Heather. She spotted Landon’s number and paused. Nate was wrong about her knowing Heather best. That distinction belonged to her brother. They’d been born ten months apart and had always been incredibly close. But Landon was a traitor so Nate pretended that his middle son had never existed.

  She’d been acting as go-between for the siblings, hoping to keep Nate from knowing they were still in communication. As long as Nate didn’t realize she had Heather’s phone it was safer than using her own, which he could demand to see at any time. She gave herself a mental shake. She was being paranoid.

  “Just call the man,” she muttered. Lexxie debated between a text message and a call. The situation was complicated. Better risk an actual call. She activated his number and held her breath as she waited for Landon to answer.

  “Damn it, Heather. This better be important.” He sounded sleepy and annoyed.

  “This is Lexxie, not Heather, but Heather’s in trouble so please don’t hang up.”

  “What’s going on?” Instantly his voice was void of sleep’s huskiness.

  She gave him a quick rundown of the night’s events. “The hunters haven’t found her yet but there are at least four still looking.”

  “All right. I’ll get right on it, but what’s this nonsense about her not being defined?”

  “I don’t know. Nate claimed she wasn’t and told her to shift if she wanted to prove him wrong.”

  “Did she?”

  “Not at first. She claimed she sees Carlos’ face every time she even tries. I thought your father was right, that she couldn’t shift, and then she got this wild look in her eyes and proved us all wrong.” She dug the toe of her boot into the thick grass, wishing she could do more than make a call. “That was the only time I’ve seen her shift, but why would she lie about being defined?”

  “I’m not sure. It’s another piece of the puzzle.”

  “Speaking of puzzles, your dad said some really disturbing things to Braden Montego.”

  “What sort of things?”

  “He said he’d create a new seat on the Alpha Council for the man who claimed Heather.”

  “Even a network Prime doesn’t have that right.”

  She leaned against the side of her jeep’s seat, semi-protected by the open door. “That’s what Braden said. Your father insisted that Heather was in danger without a mate’s bond. Was he just excusing his bad behavior or is there something going on that could be a legitimate threat to Heather?” She heard his heavy sigh and fear gripped her belly. “Please tell me he’s full of shit.”

  “I’d love to, Lex, but I’m not sure he is.” Another tense silence followed then he asked, “Can you point me in the right direction? If Dad knows what I think he knows, we cannot let him get his hands on Heather.”

  She started to ask him what he was talking about then shook away the impulse. The less she knew the better. She’d gone way out on a limb just to make this call. There was no way she was going to get mixed up in rebel intrigues. Besides, she couldn’t help Heather if she was dead.

  “It’s really just a guess, but I’d head toward Aspen.”

  * * * * *

  Cold, sucking darkness pulled Heather deeper into the dream. Years peeled back, stripping away her stubbornness and pride. She was nineteen again, unsure and vulnerable. She understood what was expected of her, was willing to submit to pack traditions, yet she longed for a different outcome with every beat of her heart.

  She stood beside her bed, naked and trembling. Moonlight silvered the scene, making everything feel surreal. Cool air from the open window caressed her skin, compounding her anxiety. She kept her head down and closed her eyes as her other senses expanded. Hushed voices muttered outside her bedroom door. Her oldest brother Bruce and their father were sipping beer and casually waiting for her world to change. She’d known this night would come. It was an inevitable part of every female Therian’s life.

  Her father had ambushed her that morning, given her less than a day to mentally prepare for the next phase of her life. He’d informed her that her mate had been chosen and she was expected to submit, but he’d offered her an escape clause. He had an injection that would prevent conception and hinder Carlos from forming a mating bond. According to her father, Carlos had agreed to define her first and return three months later to claim his mate. However, Nate wasn’t convinced that Carlos would wait, so he encouraged Heather to accept the mysterious injection.

  “Have you ever done this before?” Carlos moved in close behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

  His deep voice sent violent shudders through Heather. She’d met Carlos for the first time earlier today. He’d been younger and more physically attractive than she’d feared but that didn’t change the fact that she was in love with someone else. Should she tell him about David? Would Carlos care that her heart belonged to another?

  One of his large hands swept up her side and lightly cupped her breast. “Are you a virgin?” His tone was firmer, demanding an answer rather than requesting one.

  She opened her eyes and shook her head. Therian males tended to be possessive. It was probably wiser to avoid the details. “I’m not afraid of sex but I know it’s not necessary for my definition to work. Can we wait for a physical joining until we know each other better?” If Carlos didn’t form a mating bond, she could still sneak away with David.

  As long as they were willing to be fugitives for the rest of their lives.

  Carlos chuckled and turned her around. His hands stayed on her shoulders. “Getting to know me better won’t change anything. Your father wants us mated and I’ve agreed. That settles it.”

  She didn’t see cruelty in his gaze. It didn’t seem as if he were trying to upset her, just forcing her to accept reality. Or his version of reality. “But we’re not forming the mating bond tonight. Right?”

  “Right. It’
s dangerous to do it all at once. I’ll define you tonight and once you’ve adjusted to your new nature, I’ll return and claim my bride.” He made the last part sound dramatic and raised his eyebrows, drawing her attention to his captivating eyes. His hair was jet-black but his eyes were so light a blue they looked almost silver. “I’m willing to wait as long as the males in your pack have no doubt that you’re mine. The best way to back them off is to announce our engagement with my scent all over you.”

  Possessive hunger burned in Carlos’ eyes as he silently stroked her arms. She was suddenly glad she’d allowed her father to give her the injection. Despite Carlos’ assurances, it would be too easy for him to lose control once desire grabbed hold of him. If Carlos took the final step and bound their souls, David would be lost to her forever.

  “I’d rather wait until—”

  He grasped the back of her neck and silenced her with his mouth. The kiss was harsh and unexpected, so she tensed and tried to pull away. He allowed her to struggle just long enough to demonstrate the futility of the strategy. Then he shifted her head into the crook of his arm and slowed the thrust of his tongue. The kiss became patient and tender, coaxing without demand.

  “I won’t hurt you, Heather,” he whispered against her lips. “But you are mine now. Nothing can change that fact. You don’t need to be afraid.”

  She wasn’t afraid. David had showed her how amazing sex could be. But sharing those intimacies with anyone else felt disloyal and wrong.

  Without warning, he scooped her up in his arms and placed her in the middle of the bed. Oddly his sudden show of strength sent excitement zinging through her body. She watched his muscles bunch and flex as he crawled onto the bed and lay down beside her. Strength was vital to Therian wolves. A male must be strong enough to protect and provide for his mate and children. His courage and aggression determined their place in the pack. Her father was network Prime, so she was used to respect and privilege.

  “Have you ever had an orgasm?”

  Her face flamed at the personal question, but he was looking at her breasts, so it didn’t matter. “Yes.” She’d admitted that she wasn’t a virgin. Why were the details important now?

  He lightly pinched one of her nipples and then the other before he looked at her face again. “Did you get yourself off or was it the frat boy your father warned me about?”

  She tensed. She’d done everything she could to convince her father that her affair with David was over. After her father insisted that he would never sanction David as her mate, she’d begun planning her escape. Obviously Nate hadn’t believed her.

  “I’ve agreed to this alliance,” she whispered, “so my past no longer matters.”

  His smile took on a dark edge as he continued to tease her breasts. “Now all I have to do is make you believe it.” He covered her mound with his hand, his middle finger easing into her damp crease. “Look at me.” His fingertip circled her clit as he waited for her gaze to lock with his. “I will touch and taste you until you scream my name and then I’ll fill you so full that you will never think of your frat boy again.”

  The image undulated and blurred as if to foreshadow the terror to come. Carlos took his time, triggering her orgasm with his fingers and then his mouth. He’d been selfless and patient but all the while she’d been aware of his true motivation. He was staking his claim on her body, trying to burn away the memory of the man she loved.

  Heather tried to resist the seduction. She stubbornly clung to David’s image, refusing to let carnal pleasure erase all they meant to each other.

  After her third orgasm, Carlos flipped her over and pulled her up to her hands and knees. He held her hips steady as he pushed his cock into her snug heat. She was wet and ready, at least physically, but her mind—her very being—cried out for David.

  Carlos pressed against her back and one of his hands slipped between her thighs. His long middle finger found her clit again and spiked her arousal. Then he pumped with long, slow strokes, dragging his length nearly out before pushing deep again. He was experienced and determined and soon her body succumbed to his skill. She gasped and arched, taking him deeper as her body won the tug-of-war with her mind.

  Suddenly he bit into her shoulder and pleasure stabbed into her pussy. She came in hard, fast spasms as he continued to shuttle in and out. She moaned and locked her elbows as lights flashed before her eyes. Something was wrong. She couldn’t catch her breath and her skin felt hot and prickly.

  She heard his growl and felt his nails dig into her flesh. She tried to buck him off, to twist away from his aggression. He thrust so hard the momentum drove her forward, flat onto her belly. He came down on top of her, his hips pounding frantically.

  “Carlos, slow down.” She reached back to hinder his movements but he dragged her hand away and pinned it to the bed near her head. “You’re hurting me.” Only inches from her face, she couldn’t help but notice that his hand was covered with hair, and long, sharp claws capped each fingertip. He was transforming. “Carlos, please!”

  Fear and pain twisted through her and she screamed. She bucked and kicked, fighting off the memories as frantically as she’d fought Carlos, or the mindless creature Carlos had become.

  Darkness rolled across her mind and she sobbed in relief. The last thing she wanted was to relive every moment of that night.

  But the nightmare surged again, filling her mind with images and sensations, detailed and horrible. She screamed again and again, begging for someone to help her, drag him off and free her from the pain…

  “Heather.” An authoritative voice cut through the nightmare and strong hands pinned her wrists above her head. “Wake up.”

  She gasped and jerked against the restraining hands, twisting violently.

  “It’s just a dream, angel. You’re safe now.” He shifted both her wrists into one hand and brushed the hair back from her face.

  She was faceup now, unlike in her dream, still the memories consumed her. Unable to think through her terror, she whimpered and turned her face to the other side.

  “It’s okay, love.” Jake’s familiar voice registered in her fear-muddled mind. He stroked her face again and gradually eased his hold on her arms. “You’re safe. Nothing will hurt you here.”

  The tenderness in Jake’s touch and the compassion in his voice were in glaring contrast to the brutality of the nightmare. She stilled, sobbing quietly as the images released their hold and slipped back into the past. Pressing her lips together to hide their trembling, she slowly opened her eyes and turned her head back around.

  Jake lay on his side and slipped one arm beneath her neck as he propped himself up on his elbow. He smiled but concern gleamed in his dark eyes. “Welcome back.”

  Without conscious thought or moral debate, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed against his chest. He shifted without pulling away, drawing her more fully into his embrace as he sat up. She clung to him, sobbing and shaking as her pent-up emotions demanded release. He rocked her, stroking her hair and back as he whispered words of comfort.

  She was already emotionally raw. Why must the past torment her too?

  Gradually the emotions receded and awareness returned. She sat on Jake’s lap, breasts crushed against his bare chest. His jeans felt rough beneath her bottom, accentuating the fact that she was naked below the waist. She eased away and blew out a shaky breath. It had been months since she’d dreamed of Carlos. Why had— Why wasn’t much of a mystery. Fear begat fear. Feeling helpless and out of control had taken her back to that horrible night.

  “You okay now?” Jake continued to support her back but he moved his other hand to the bed beside him.

  She crawled off his lap and sat facing him, legs folded in front of her. The baggy t-shirt covered her to mid-thigh, but she draped the sheet over her legs for good measure. Even with more distance between them, she was acutely aware that she was in bed with the man who frequently fueled her fantasies, a rebel and a cat, doubly forbidden.

  His torso was bare. In fact his only garment was a pair of jeans that weren’t even zipped up all the way. He’d obviously dressed in a hurry, likely when he’d heard her scream.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered, but she blinked furiously in a vain attempt to hold back more tears. She didn’t want to cry anymore. She needed to think, decide how to proceed, not blubber like a baby.

  “You don’t look fine.” He tossed a couple of pillows against the headboard then scooted back against them. “Come here.” He opened his arms and she returned to his embrace as if it were the most natural thing on earth. He was warm and strong, yet surprisingly gentle. His arms wrapped around her loosely, supporting without restraining. “Talk to me. What were you dreaming about? Were you reliving tonight?”

  He’d given her the perfect explanation for her fear but she couldn’t bring herself to speak the lie. She was tired of lies, tired of arranging her life according to the wishes of others. Instead she shook her head and splayed her fingers against his chest.

  “Then what happened? Dreams have less power over us when we drag them into the light of day.”

  It was a charming sentiment but this particular dream had haunted her for the past six years. “My definition.” She shuddered. “I was reliving my definition.”

  He eased her back until she looked into his eyes. “Transformation can be frightening and intense the first few times, but you seemed to be fighting off some sort of attack.”

  “My definition wasn’t…traditional.” Or complete. But he didn’t need to know that. Undefined females were vulnerable and weak. That’s why she’d lied about the outcome, even to her own family.

  His body tensed beneath her hand and his gaze narrowed. “Meaning?”

  Why was she telling him any of this? He couldn’t change what happened and admitting what she’d suffered made her seem pathetic, a victim. A freak.

  “It doesn’t matter.” She tried to scoot away from him but his arms flexed. He didn’t pull her closer but he didn’t let go. “It was six years ago.”


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