Southern Attraction

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Southern Attraction Page 10

by Tracy Kauffman

  “I’m going to let her tell you. Let’s just say that I’m not going to hold any grudges against you or Jake. I still care about you but I know who you want to be with, so I’m going to try to move on,” Shawn said.

  “Is this girl that you had a date with someone that I’m friends with?” Heather asked.

  “I’m not going to tell you anything right now. Just wait and you’ll find out sooner or later. Let’s just forget everything that has happened between us and stay friends. Is that fine with you?” he asked.

  Heather walked over and gave Shawn a hug. Jake was across the parking lot watching Heather and Shawn. He couldn’t make out what she was saying but he saw Heather give Shawn a hug.

  “That is perfectly fine with me. I want all of us to be friends. I don’t know who you are going out with, but I hope that you will be happy,” Heather replied.

  “Good. We better go inside before we are sent to the principal’s office again,” Shawn said as he smiled.

  Heather looked back and smiled at him too. She didn’t see Jake as she entered the school.

  Heather waited for Jake to make it to class, but he never showed up. She wondered what could have happened to him.

  Class after class passed without a word from Jake. Shawn didn’t seem as unhappy as she thought he would be after their talk. Heather saw Stephanie and Shawn talking throughout the day. She wondered if Stephanie could be the one that Shawn went out with.

  The thought of Stephanie and Shawn together upset her a little but she was glad that he had someone. When Stephanie and Heather were alone after class, Stephanie confessed to Heather about her date with Shawn.

  “So how did your date go?” Heather inquired.

  “It was good. You aren’t mad are you?” Stephanie asked.

  “No, I’m just glad he found someone. I’m glad you have someone too,” Heather replied.

  “Thanks Heather, I was so worried that you were going to be mad?” Stephanie said.

  “No, I’m happy for you two. How did you two end up going out together?” Heather inquired.

  “Well, let’s see. He called me a few times after my father died and he seemed really sincere. Then I talked with him a couple of times after some of the football games, and we seemed to hit it off. I didn’t want to pursue anything, until I knew for sure that things weren’t going to work out with you two,” Stephanie replied.

  “Well, I’m just glad that everything is working out between us. School will be over before we know it, and I want us to remain friends,” Heather replied.

  “I do too. Thank you for understanding. You are truly a special person,” Stephanie said.

  “Thank you. You’re sweet, and you are special too. I know you have had it rough after your father passed away. I’m glad Shawn was able to give you some comfort,” Heather replied.

  “I am too. You know things usually work out one way or another. I’m glad things are finally working out for both of us. I’m glad we are friends,” Stephanie responded. “Me too,” Heather said as she gave Stephanie a hug.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  After school, Heather drove over to Jake’s house to check on him. She expected to find him in bed sick but he was sitting in the living room when she arrived.

  “Jake, I’ve been worried about you. I thought you were sick or something. Has something happened that I don’t know about?” she inquired.

  “No. Why?” he asked.

  “Jake. You missed school today. What’s the matter?”

  “I was at the school this morning when I saw you talking to Shawn. I guess you have decided to patch things up with him,” Jake said.

  “No, I haven’t. Whatever gave you that idea?” she asked.

  “I saw the two of you in a tight embrace,” he replied.

  “Jake, I gave him a hug. That was it. We talked things out, and he knows I want to be with you,” she answered.

  “Is that so?” he asked.

  “Yes. Besides he is dating Stephanie now,” Heather replied.

  Jake looked at Heather strangely then said, “What did you say?”

  “Stephanie, I know. It seems weird the two of them being together, but they both seem happy about it,” Heather said.

  “When did that happen?” Jake inquired.

  “This last weekend they went out. I guess they have been talking for some time, and the decided to go out. Weird how things work out,” Heather replied.

  “So did you and Shawn work out everything?” Jake asked.

  “Yes, we decided to stay friends. He doesn’t want to hold any grudges against me or you. He wants us all to be friends,” Heather replied.

  Jake got off his recliner and walked toward Heather.

  “I’m sorry I got so mad. I thought you decided to go back with him. I’m glad you didn’t, because I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you. Look at everything that has happened to us this year. A tornado blast through and about kills us. Our school was blowed away. I can’t believe how much we endured this year.”

  “Yes, I know what you mean. We made it though. You had to deal with more than me, but you were able to defy all odds. You came closer to death than anyone from that horrible storm. I don‘t think I could have dealt with the things that you have,” Heather said.

  “Heather you made it through the storm just like I did. You showed more courage than anyone that I have ever met. You not only dealt with the loss of your parents but dealt with the horror of a mighty tornado. I’m glad that I met you and I’m glad that you chose to be with me. You are one amazing girl.”

  “Me,” she replied.

  “Yes you. You have been a rock to me and my mother through all of this. Why do you think I fell so hard for you so fast? I hit the jackpot when I met you,” he said.

  “That’s so sweet of you to say, and I feel the same,” Heather replied.

  “There is one more thing we are going to have to make it through,” Shawn said.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “We still have to make it to graduation. So what did I miss today in class?” Jake asked.

  “Oh, nothing that you can’t make up tomorrow. Do you want to get out of the house for a little while?” she asked.

  “Yes, I know the perfect place we can go. Mom we’ll be back later,” Jake said as his mother walked into the room.

  “So your not mad anymore?” Sue asked.

  “No, it was just a misunderstanding. Everything is better now,” Jake replied.

  “I’m glad because I really like Heather. I was afraid I was going to have to kick you out of the house, and have her move in with me,” Sue said.

  “Funny mom. See ya later,” Jake replied.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The most anticipated time of the year had finally arrived. Heather couldn’t wait to go to prom with Jake. She wasn’t able to attend her junior year prom due to a stomach infection that caused her to be incapacitated for two days. She knew that nothing except vomiting or death was going to keep her from going this year. She was excited that Shawn and Jake had nominated her for prom queen but she didn’t think she had a chance of making it. After all, she was the new girl in town and didn’t know a lot of kids that she went to school with.

  Heather and Stephanie made plans to go shopping for their prom dress together on Saturday at the Something Blue Shoppe. Heather had in mind what type of dress she wanted. She knew she wanted her dress to sparkle with some type of sequins. Stephanie told her that she didn’t know what kind of dress she wanted. She just wanted it to look good on her.

  Heather and Stephanie’s friendship seemed to grow strong again. Stephanie regarded Heather’s taste in clothes and style so much that she relied on her friend’s opinion. Stephanie wanted to be just like her friend. If Heather bought a new purse, Stephanie bought one. If Heather had her hair styled a certain way, Stephanie did the same.

  At first Heather didn’t notice Stephanie’s odd behavior; she just thought she was being a good friend.
Stephanie began to become obsessed with her friend, more and more each new day. Often she would break a date with Shawn to hang out with Heather.

  After Heather picked out a long gold sequin dress featuring a low cut V-neckline, Stephanie said she wanted a silver one that looked identical to hers.

  “Stephanie that’s a little weird having the same dress. We don’t want to look like twins,” Heather said.

  “Oh o.k. I’ll try on that one then,” pointing to another gold colored dress that had sequins.

  “No, it’s the same color. Why don’t you pick this silver one, since you like silver. It will look really good on you. Go try it on and see if it fits you right,” Heather replied.

  As Stephanie walked into the dressing room Heather thought to herself, Is she crazy or what? Surely she is not trying to copy me.

  After a couple of minutes, Stephanie came out of the dressing room wearing the silver dress that Heather told her to try on.

  “How does it look?” Stephanie asked.

  “Perfect. How does it feel on you?” Heather asked.

  “It’s comfortable and I like the way it makes me look. Thanks for picking it out for me,” Stephanie replied.

  “No problem. Go change and we can go pick out some shoes to go with our dresses,” Heather said.

  After shopping at two other stores and spending too much money they decided to go home for the day. Stephanie asked Heather to hang out with her the next day but Heather declined.

  “Sorry, I have a date with Jake. Don’t you want to spend some time alone with Shawn?” Heather asked.

  “Yes, I just thought we could all go on a double date or something,” Stephanie replied.

  “Maybe some other time, I’ll see you at school Monday,” Heather replied.

  When Heather made it back to her uncle’s, she called Jake to talk to him.

  “Hey what cha doing?”

  “Ah nothing, just watching the basketball game with my dad,” he said.

  “Who’s playing?” Heather asked.

  “The Lakers and the Knicks,” Jake replied.

  “Who’s winning?” she asked.

  “The Lakers of course. So what are you doing?” he asked.

  “I just got finished picking out my prom dress,” she replied.

  “When do I get to see you in it?” he quizzed.

  “At prom and not a minute before. So do you miss me?” she asked.

  “Nah. Why would I miss you anyway? You are only my girlfriend. Do you want to come over and watch the game with us?” Jake asked.

  “I thought you would never ask. I’ll see you in a few minutes,” Heather said.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The day of prom was a hectic day for Heather. She made plans to get her hair done by the local hairdresser. Millie was the only hairdresser that had a shop in town. She was booked up for weeks in advance because there was no one else around to take business away from her.

  Heather had made an appointment with her a couple of months prior in preparation for the big day. She was determined that nothing was going to keep her away from prom even if she had to go to it all alone.

  After getting her hair styled and her nails manicured, she hurried home to put on her dress for the night. The dance didn’t start until six but Jake and Shawn had made plans to pick the girls up for a dinner date at John Boys’ before prom started.

  Heather had just finished putting on her dress when she heard a knock at the door. Jake arrived at the house at four thirty sharp.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “Yes. Are we going to pick up Shawn and Stephanie now?” she asked.

  “No they’re in the car. Hello Mr. Brandon,” Jake said when he saw Mick walking toward him.

  “Don’t stay out too long and be careful,” Mick said.

  “We won’t and don’t worry about me,” Heather replied.

  “I’m always going to worry about ya. You’re all I’ve got,” Mick replied.

  Heather gave her uncle a hug and kiss on the cheek as she turned and walked away. As she got closer to the car she was stunned at what she saw. Stephanie was sitting in the back seat of the limo with a gold colored dress on.

  “Are you kidding me? Why are you wearing that?” Heather asked Stephanie.

  “I had to exchange the other dress because it had a small rip in the side,” Stephanie replied.

  “It didn’t have one when you tried it on,” Heather replied.

  “It ripped when I went to bend over to get my shoes on. Luckily the shop was still open. She told me that I could exchange it, so I did,” Stephanie replied.

  “That sounds a little too convenient. Why didn’t you pick out another color?” Heather shouted.

  “Whoa, what’s going on?” Shawn interrupted.

  “Your girlfriend is trying to ruin my day,” Heather said.

  “I’m not trying to ruin anything. Your being paranoid,” Stephanie replied.

  “Why do you think she is trying to ruin your day?” Jake asked.

  “We tried on dresses last Saturday and I specifically told her not to wear the same color. She said she wouldn’t and now look what she has on,” Heather replied.

  “Maybe she’s telling the truth. Maybe she had to pick out another dress quickly,” Shawn replied.

  “I knew you would take her side,” Heather replied.

  “I’m not taking anyone’s side here. I just think you are jumping to the wrong conclusion,” Shawn replied.

  “Heather, if you want to we can go by ourselves,” Jake responded.

  “Yes I think that would be best,” Heather said as she walked toward her car.

  “Wait a minute. Don’t do that,” Shawn insisted.

  “Look Shawn. For some reason Heather is pretty upset right now. She might be imagining something that’s not there, but I think we just need to go to prom separately. It will give her some time to cool off,” Jake replied.

  “Whatever,” Shawn said as he got back into the limo.

  Jake walked over to Heather’s car and got in.

  “Can you tell me what is going on?” Jake asked.

  “I wasn’t going to say anything at first because I thought maybe I was presuming something about Stephanie that wasn’t true. Now this confirms it,” Heather replied.

  “What? Her wearing the same color dress as you? What does that confirm?” Jake asked.

  “You are still siding with her, aren’t you?” Heather asked.

  “I’m not siding with anyone. Just tell me why you are so upset,” Jake said.

  “Stephanie has been acting kind of strange for a while now. She has become clingy, needy, and copies everything I do. I can’t even change my clothes or hair without her wanting to change hers. Tell me is that normal? Now look at what she has done with her dress. Girls don’t normally wear the same dress to prom as their friend. They usually want something different,” Heather replied.

  “Maybe your right. I don’t know. I don’t know how girls think about their clothes. Why don’t we just go to prom. We can all get together later on and talk about all of this,” Jake replied.

  Heather wasn’t happy by Jake’s response. She expected him to be more supportive, but realized that guys usually don’t care about their clothes like girls did. Maybe Stephanie was clueless about it too. She wasn’t sure, but she knew that she was going to keep a closer eye on her.

  After dinner they arrived at the school and saw that the parking lot was full of girls with different colors and styles of dresses on. Heather was happy that no one else had on gold. Some were short with puffy sleeves. Some were longer and some were strapless. Heather was happy that she picked out the one she had on, because it was definitely a one of a kind dress. Jake had on a black tux with a gold colored bowtie and cummerbund. Heather could tell his hair was freshly cut and perhaps had a little mousse applied to it. As they stood outside looking and observing everyone around them, Heather looked over at Jake and inspected his attire.

look really nice tonight. What kind of cologne do you have on?” Heather asked while taking in a deep whiff.

  “It’s Polo. Do you like it?” Jake asked.

  “I love it. What about me? You haven’t commented on how I look,” Heather asked.

  “I’m sorry. You are exquisite. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look this good before. I’m sorry I haven’t said anything about how you look before. I guess I was thinking about what you said about Stephanie. I hope you are wrong about her. I’ll try to keep a closer look on what she is doing,” Jake replied.

  “Maybe I’m the one being irrational. She has been a good friend to me. Maybe I misjudged her. I think I will apologize to her when we get inside,” Heather replied.

  “That would be very nice of you. At least until something else happens we need to try to stay on good terms with them. They have been good to both of us, especially Shawn. I thought he would have tried to kill me or something, since I took you away from him,” Jake said.

  “Ha Ha. No he has been wonderful about all of this and he deserves someone that will be good to him. I hope it is Stephanie, but if she tries something else crazy, I don’t know what I would do,” Heather said.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  As Heather, Jake, Stephanie and Shawn enjoyed small talk, the principal approached the stage.

  “You have all put in your vote for this year’s king and queen. Now, it’s time to announce the winners. Can I have a drum roll please?” The drummer in the Michaels band began to play a drum roll for a few seconds and then quickly stopped.

  “Your new king and queen is Jake Parker and Heather Brandon,” Principal Thomas announced into the microphone. As Heather and Jake began to rise from their chairs, Stephanie jumped up quickly and ran toward the stage. Heather looked at Jake and Shawn. She wondered what Stephanie was doing. Stephanie jumped onto the stage and began to speak.

  “I want to thank all of you who voted for me. I really appreciate my fans and my friends. This means so much to me,” she said as she began to sob.

  Heather looked at Shawn and said, “You need to do something. She is embarrassing herself.”


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