Safe at Home (Warm Springs Trilogy Book 1)

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Safe at Home (Warm Springs Trilogy Book 1) Page 17

by Christina Kirby

  “Sure, no problem. Just leave it to the professional.” They both smiled, but he could tell something was still on Sam’s mind. “If you want, we can go take a look now.”

  “There’s no rush,” Sam stuttered.

  “Or not.” Spencer was a little taken aback at her quick reply. She was doing it again. The same jittery Sam he’d picked up was back. He wondered whether or not he should just ask her what was on her mind, but it had been a nice night and he didn’t want to say anything that might spoil it.

  “No, you’re right, sorry. Let’s go see what you think.” Sam set her cup down and led the way up the stairs. “Here we are.”

  “Yep, just like I remember it. So, what sort of changes are you interested in?” He fished his cell phone out of his pocket to make notes as he looked around the small bathroom. It was full of her scent. The counter was covered in little bottles and tools women used to make themselves feel pretty. It always amused him to see how long a woman could spend in a bathroom getting dressed and it didn’t matter if she was getting ready to go to the grocery store or a nice restaurant. Women were strange creatures, but he had to admit he loved Sam’s scent. Always of fresh strawberries. He shook his head and tried to focus on the task at hand.

  “I’ve always wanted a claw foot tub. And maybe a duel headed shower. What do you think?”

  “I think that’s a great idea. You have nice light in here and a few upgrades might be due.” He made a few notes and studied the area around the current tub.

  Sam moved around behind him. “Spencer,” she said quietly.

  “Yes?” He turned and she was right there. She reached for him. Her hands lightly touching each side of his newly shaven face.

  Her lips barely touched his at first. Then she stood on her tiptoes, wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

  Spencer was surprised, but he quickly recovered and tossed his phone onto the carpet. He put his hands on her waist and massaged her hips and then, he wound his arms all the way around her. As their tongues began to explore each other’s mouths, the air sizzled between them. They kissed often enough, but never like this. Never with this sort of desire or anticipation. Much more of this and he wouldn’t be able to stop. He’d wanted her far too long.

  “Sam,” he whispered into her hair.

  “Hmm?” she said softly as if lost in a fog.

  “Do you want me to stay?” God he hoped so. He had never wanted anyone so much.

  “Yes,” she whispered and she took his hand and led him into her bedroom.

  Chapter 26

  They stopped at the side of the bed and surveyed each other, not speaking a word. The time for words was over. Sam tilted her head to the side when Spencer reached for her neck and ran his thumb down the side toward her shoulder. As he traced circles along her collarbone, shudders ran through her. He followed the seam in her dress toward her breast.

  Sam fought the urge to yank her dress off and end his seduction. She wanted to feel his hands on her skin. Her body coiled internally until she needed him to touch her. She ached for it.

  He slowly turned her around so he could reach her zipper. His fingers brushed her back and then her dress slid off her shoulders and landed on the floor at their feet. She stepped out of it revealing black thigh-highs and panties to match. At the sound of his sharp intake of breath, her nervousness was gone, replaced by a sense of power.

  She turned back to face him. Desire blazed in his eyes. She placed her hands on his top shirt button and worked her way down until she pushed open the fabric and revealed his bare chest. The dips and peeks of his chest and stomach shown in the moonlight. Sam traced his hard torso with the tips of her fingers, making his muscles quiver under her touch. She continued to run her hands along his arms until she hooked her arms around his neck and sought his mouth with her own.

  As their mouths searched and tasted, Spencer picked her up and lowered her to the bed. He teased her mouth once, twice, and then stood to slide his pants to the floor. She didn’t miss the sight of his manhood or his desire for her. A thrill ran through her knowing how much he wanted her.

  She smiled up at him as he raised onto his knees and removed her stockings one leg at a time. Her eyes remained focused on him as he slowed things down again. She didn’t want to rush the moment she’d been dreaming of for months. When he leaned over and ran his tongue across her breast at the edge of her black lacy bra, her back arched as a little moan escaped her throat in response. His chest brushed hers as he moved to her other side. Heat spread through her as Spencer took care of their remaining garments and then he was on top of her.

  He kissed her neck and ran his tongue along her shoulder, slowly working his way down. She felt his wet mouth as he consumed her breast, one and then the other. He kept going, first kissing her hips and then the inside of her thighs. Sam’s hands grasped Spencer’s hair as she held on. Her hips tilted toward him welcoming him. Her desire threatened to consume her.

  “Spencer, please,” she whispered into the air.

  He rose over her then. At first, she felt only heat between her legs and then she felt him, all of him, as he filled her again and again. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before. Her need grew stronger and then with a moan from them both, they followed each other into bliss.

  What felt like days later, Sam awoke to find Spencer beside her, breathing steadily with a hint of a smile on his face. She grinned in turn and got up to flip the bathroom light off. She crawled back into bed next to him and laid her head on his chest. The warmth of his skin mixed with her own and began to lull her to sleep.

  As she lay there, she heard the faint sound of buzzing. She pushed herself up onto her elbow and listened for the sound again. It was coming from the floor in the direction of their clothes.

  “Spencer?” she whispered.

  “Hmm?” he replied sleepily.

  “I think someone’s trying to call you.”

  “I don’t care. Voicemail will get it.” He reached down, found her chin and pulled her face toward his.

  “I love voicemail,” Sam giggled. The kiss deepened and then as Spencer was pulling Sam on top of him, his phone vibrated again. “Maybe you should get it, just in case it’s Ann or Jake. She might be going into labor.”

  “You’re probably right.” He reached for his pants. Sam lay back and watched his perfect shoulders flex.

  “Hello.” His voice sounded relaxed and lazy. “What?” He sat up straighter. “Okay, we’ll be right there. Ten minutes.” He tossed the phone onto the dresser and pulled on his jeans.

  She sat up in bed, clinging the sheet to her chest, the unspoken question in her eyes.

  “Sam, it was Jake, there’s been an accident at the hotel. Earl’s at the hospital. We need to go.”

  Sam jumped into action as a million questions filled her head. As she pulled a sweatshirt on, she turned to Spencer. “Did he say anything else?” She bent to tie her shoes.

  “No. I don’t think he knew much else. Ann’s staying at home with Alex, but Jake’s already on his way.” Spencer drove with determination and no concern for the speed limit. At this time of night, no one was on the road anyway. And true to his word, they were pulling into the parking lot within ten minutes of the call.

  They spotted Jake in the waiting room with his arm around Betsy. And suddenly it was like an icy hand clamped around Sam’s throat. She wanted to reach out to her, but she didn’t know what to say.

  “Jake,” Spencer said quietly. Jake’s arm dropped from Betsy’s shoulders and they both stood up to greet them. “What happened?”

  “There was a fire.”

  “Luckily, it was a slow night at the hotel, so there weren’t many guests,” Betsy sniffled. “Earl would’ve been fine, but he went back in for Boomer.” Fresh tears filled her eyes. “It was the strangest thing, Boomer usually sleeps in our room with us, but he wasn’t there. Earl found him by the back door.” She shook her head.

  Sam forced herself to move
, to think clearly. She couldn’t imagine it. Earl and Betsy had become a second family to her. She walked over to Betsy and put her arms around her. They stood that way for a long time until finally they saw the doctor coming toward them.

  “Earl’s going to be fine. He’s suffering from smoke inhalation and a few second degree burns, but he’s going to be fine.” The doctor smiled and led Betsy to the room where Earl was recovering while the rest of them stayed in the waiting area. Spencer ran a hand through his hair and Sam wrapped her arms around her body to fight the chill that had settled over her.

  “Have you heard what may’ve started the fire?” Spencer asked Jake.

  “I got to the hotel just as the ambulance was leaving with Earl. Betsy rode along with him and I stuck around for a few minutes. Chase was already there with his boys checking the area.”

  “Chase works for the fire department,” Spencer interrupted to explain to Sam. “We went to high school with him.”

  Sam nodded in acknowledgement.

  “Well anyway, Chase said that as far as they could tell, it looked like arson since there are no wires or other common fire starters in the area. They were still questioning the few guests that were there, to see if any of them had been smoking out in back of the hotel. So far, they hadn’t come up with anything, but Chase said he’d let me know.”

  Spencer pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. “Arson.”

  Jake’s cell phone rang and he stepped away from Spencer and Sam to answer.

  “I can’t believe it,” Spencer said. “The hotel is their life.”

  Sam rested a hand on his arm. She wanted to say a hundred things. It’ll be fine. Don’t worry. But, how could she when she of all people knew that sometimes things weren’t okay.

  Jake stepped toward them, his expression hard. “They found a cigarette right next to the woodpile Earl had ready for winter. They’re sending it to the lab for DNA testing.”

  They boys grew quiet, lost in their own thoughts. Sam too, was dumbfounded. Who would want to do something like this to Earl and Betsy? They were two of the sweetest people in the world and seemed to be well liked by everyone. They’d lived there their whole lives. They all sat down to wait for Betsy to reemerge. While they waited they remained quiet, too sick inside to talk.

  A nurse approached them a couple hours later. “Earl is resting now. You should all do the same. Miss Betsy’s going to stay with him.” She offered them a knowing smile and left them alone.

  “Sam, if you’d like, I can take you home now.” Spencer touched her arm. “It’ll be dawn soon and you really should get some sleep.”

  “Who can sleep?”

  “You’re right about that, Sam.” Jake stood to leave. “I better go on home and give Ann an update. She’s worried sick. Spence, I’ll see you in a few hours at the hotel.”

  “See you then.”

  Once in the truck, Sam turned to Spencer. “What’re you guys going to do at the hotel?”

  “We’re going to fix it, if Chase is finished with his investigation. Jake figures we should be able to take care of most of the damage pretty quickly. I’d like to make things right so Earl won’t try to do it all himself.”

  “That’s good of you guys. Maybe I should go by and get a few things to take to Betsy.”

  He reached over and took her hand in his own. “That’s a good idea.”

  They pulled up to Sam’s house as the sky was beginning to show the first signs of color in the East. She couldn’t believe that just a few short hours ago, she’d been in bed with Spencer.

  “Sam,” Spencer said breaking her concentration. “I want you to know that last night, well, last night was amazing. You’re amazing, and even though this terrible thing happened, it doesn’t change how special last night was to me. I’ve wanted you since you first opened the door all disheveled the morning I met you and I want you still. Now and always.” He squeezed her hand.

  Stunned beyond words, Sam’s eyes filled with tears. She didn’t deserve him. This man who was going to drop everything to take care of people who meant the world to them both, but she couldn’t walk away. She was falling in love with him. She hadn’t wanted to admit it before, but last night had changed things. She yearned to have his hands on her. She wanted to talk to him at the end of the day, to see his face first thing in the morning. She wanted him for the man he was and the way he made her feel.

  It wasn’t the springs in this town that had healed her. It was him. She knew that now. She accepted it. She needed him.

  He leaned across her seat and touched her face. He looked into her eyes and then he kissed her. “I’ll see you soon, Sam.” And then he released her and waited as she climbed out of the truck.

  She wanted to say something, anything, but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, she waved to him and went inside her house as weariness pressed down upon her. She was worried about Betsy and Earl. She couldn’t wrap her brain around it. And to make matters more complicated, she was falling for Spencer. Hard.

  Sam climbed the stairs and saw the unmade bed she and Spencer had shared and she smiled. She felt guilty that she was so happy, but she couldn’t help it. With a slight hum on her lips she climbed into the shower. There wouldn’t be any sleeping now.

  God it felt good to watch everyone come running out of the hotel. And in the end, the old man went back in, and for a dog no less. Watching him being taken away in an ambulance with his sniveling wife by his side was an added bonus. Eric leaned against the porch railing with his hands in his jacket pockets.

  Granted the fire wasn’t as satisfying as killing Denise, but it was a fun means to an end. He smiled and watched while a crew of people hauled off charred wood. The asshole who was always hanging around Sam was among the do-gooders. Then he saw Sam with a duffle bag slung over her shoulder.

  She moved down the steps and then stopped when a blond girl came up the sidewalk and stopped to talk to her. They hugged and then Sam moved toward her car. The pretty blond bounced over to get instructions from the a-hole in charge. Something about the blond seemed familiar. He studied her a moment longer and then remembered seeing her face at the bottom of a flyer at the hotel. She was a realtor or some shit. His lip curled as a new plan began to form. Realtors were always eager to please. Sam’s car disappeared around a corner, but it didn’t matter. He had other pressing matters to deal with first. He watched the blond pull on a pair of gloves and pop her hip to the side. Very nice.

  This latest development might prove to be quite satisfying. Such a pretty girl would be missed, not only by her innocent family, but also by Sam so it seemed. Maybe he could afford one more pleasantry before the grand finale.

  How tragic. Losing your life because one selfish bitch couldn’t be without a friend. Someone to cry to. To tell her lies to. He began to whistle as he walked back to his car. It was time to go back to his campsite and make some adjustments to his plans.

  Chapter 27

  The holidays were a busy time for Warm Springs. The little shops attracted townies from as far as Atlanta. Sam was busy at the store and in the evenings, she was spending her time helping out at the hotel. Everyone was helping. She’d never seen such an outpouring of love from a community. Earl was home from the hospital and grumpy as ever, since Betsy was constantly making him sit down to rest.

  Sam stayed late each night in hopes her presence would help distract Betsy from her worries. Sam understood what a powerful tool the imagination could be. Ever since Betsy found out the fire might have been set intentionally, she was high strung and restless. She and Spencer tried to reassure Betsy that even though it was suspected arson, the fire was most likely an accident or stupid prank started by some local teenagers.

  The hotel looked great. Sam couldn’t believe how much progress they’d made in a week. Spencer was determined to finish in time for the Christmas rush, so Earl and Betsy wouldn’t miss out on potential guests. The man worked endlessly. Sam watched Spencer as he hauled another board around
the backside of the building from her place at the front window of the shop and sighed audibly.

  “So, what’re you going to get him for Christmas?”

  Sam’s heart leapt into her throat. “Mary, you scared me.” Sam turned to look at her friend while she waited for her heart to settle down.

  “Good view of the hotel from this side of the street, don’t you think?” Mary’s eyes twinkled wickedly.

  “Yes, indeed.” Sam laughed and stepped back from the window.

  “Well, what are you going to get that boy for Christmas?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t really had a chance to think about it.” Sam stepped away from the window. “Any ideas?”

  “Oh child, I don’t know anything about what a young man like that wants except for the obvious.” With a wink, Mary headed to the back to go over inventory.

  Sam couldn’t contain her giggle. Even though they were both exhausted at the end of each day, she and Spencer always seemed to manage a second wind when it came to each other.

  Spencer stayed at her house almost every night that week and she didn’t mind one bit. She was enjoying his company, amongst other things. Mary did present a good question though. What was she going to get Spencer? What do you get for the man who doesn’t seem to need anything? Her mind was still in the clouds when a hand landed on her shoulder.

  “Hi,” cried a bubbly voice.

  “Jeez, Jenny, you scared the crap out of me. I need eyes in the back of my head around here.”

  “Sorry about that. I was in the neighborhood doing some shopping for my folks and thought I’d drop in. You were in the zone, huh? You didn’t even turn around at the sound of the door chime.” Jenny crossed her arms in front of her and cocked her head to one side. “So, who were you thinking about?”

  “Who says I was thinking about someone?” Sam rearranged a porcelain doll and kept her face hidden.


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