Fire & Rescue Shifters Collection 1

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Fire & Rescue Shifters Collection 1 Page 4

by Zoe Chant

  “Yes, because my only concern about the giant bloody hole in your shoulder was that it might affect your dragon-fighting ability.” Virginia cast around for something to staunch the bleeding, but everything she was wearing was covered in dirt and ash. For lack of any better option, she grabbed a cushion and pressed it to the wound. “I left my phone in the bedroom. Hold this in place while I go call an ambulance.”

  “No!” Dai caught her wrist. Despite the speed and suddenness of the movement, his fingers closed gently, just a feather-light touch on her skin. His green eyes blazed with intensity. “I am not leaving you unprotected.”

  With him on his knees, their faces were only inches apart. This close, she could see all the shades of color in his irises, from dark emerald to leaf-green, with a thin band of burning gold right around the pupil.

  Dragon eyes.

  She remembered other eyes—orange instead of green, but with that same hidden fire—and couldn’t help flinching.

  Dai must have felt her movement, because those brilliant eyes darkened. He looked away abruptly.

  “I’ll be fine, truly,” he said, a rough catch in his voice. “I heal quickly.”

  “Dragon blood?” Virginia guessed, and sighed at Dai’s nod. “Fine, have it your way. But at least let me clean that and put a bandage on it.”

  She twisted out of his grasp, catching his wrist instead. Feeling rather like a tug boat guiding a battle cruiser, she pulled him to his feet, towing him in the direction of the bathroom. “Before any more dragon blood completely ruins my chance of getting my deposit back on this apartment.”

  Chapter 4

  Dai had charged into collapsing apartment blocks to rescue children trapped on the top floor, climbing metal staircases even as the treads melted and twisted under his feet. He’d hauled workers out of a blazing chemical factory, holding his breath for agonizing minutes as he ran through clouds of acidic gases. He’d shielded his crew from dragonfire with his own scaled hide, and had the scars to prove it.

  The hardest thing he’d ever done was to sit absolutely motionless under Virginia’s gentle touch.

  The bathroom was so small, he had to kneel practically between her thighs while she dressed his wound. Every accidental brush of her leg or hip against him burned like dragonfire. His inner dragon writhed in ecstatic agony, demanding that he turn and seize her, to carry her away to his hoard and complete the mating ritual. Dai’s fingers dug into his knees as he fought for control. He had long practice at containing the dragon’s fiery nature, but all his tricks of focus and distraction were useless in the presence of his mate.

  The problem was, he didn’t want to control the dragon. He too wanted nothing more than to explore Virginia’s perfect curves, to taste the softness of her lips. The dragon’s desire and his own matched and amplified, until every brush of her fingertips against his back was exquisite torture. Only one thing kept him from turning and claiming his mate.

  She hates dragons.

  Considering all that she’d been through, it was a perfectly understandable reaction. Dai wouldn’t have blamed her for being a sobbing wreck. But Virginia seemed to take all the trauma and convert it into an unbreakable inner strength, like a diamond formed under intense pressure. There had been no fear in her face when she’d spoken of the dragon—just revulsion.

  If she knew what I was...

  Dai hadn’t missed Virginia’s tiny flinch when she’d looked into his eyes. Subconsciously, the mate-bond attraction blazing between them had given her a glimpse of his inner dragon. And it had revolted her.

  I can’t tell her. Not yet. Not until she’s had a chance to get to know me, see that I’m not like that other dragon. I have to be patient.

  His inner dragon thought that this was a terrible idea. His dragon was much more in favor of sweeping away Virginia’s objections to dragons by bringing her to peaks of ecstasy, and provided detailed mental images of exactly how this might be accomplished. Dai breathed slowly, counted wall tiles, and was deeply grateful for the triple-layered material of his fire-resistant trousers.

  “Okay, I’m done,” Virginia said at last, taping the final corner of bandage into place. She tapped his tense shoulder. “I’m sorry, I could tell that wasn’t great for you.” She sighed. “It’s been too long since I last did remote fieldwork. I’m out of practice with my first aid.”

  Dai wished he could reassure her that his knotted muscles had nothing to do with pain, and everything to do with her proximity. “It felt good,” he forced out through the raw need tightening his throat. “I mean, it feels good. Better. My shoulder. Thank you.”

  “Anytime.” He felt her lean back a little, inspecting her handiwork. She ran her hand over the edges of the dressing, checking it was all secure. “I think this will hold for now. But you should get your doctor friend with the magic hands to look at it later.” Her fingers absently continued down the line of his spine. “I like your tats, by the way.”

  Dai’s breath froze in his chest. Even if he’d been able to speak, he could hardly have explained that the scarlet scale patterns that ran down his back were natural, not tattoos. Or that they were so exquisitely sensitive to touch, she might as well have just run her fingers directly over his cock.

  He shot to his feet, bashing his head against the light fitting and nearly knocking Virginia from her perch on the edge of the bath.

  “Sorry,” she said, holding up her hands. Her deep brown skin hid any blush, but Dai could tell she was embarrassed. “That was, um, inappropriate of me.”

  “No, no,” Dai managed to gasp out. He unconvincingly rubbed one leg. “Just, uh, cramp. Anyway. You should get cleaned up yourself.” Virginia looked down at her charred clothes, a mortified expression crossing her face, and Dai could have kicked himself. “I mean, it’s been a long, tough night. You must want to wash and get some rest.”

  Virginia smiled wryly. “I could say the same to you.” She bit her lip. “Um, not to be inappropriate again, but I don’t think you should get that bandage wet. Before I kick you out to get cleaned up myself, did you want some, uh, help in the shower?”

  His dragon thought that this was an excellent idea.

  “No,” Dai yelped, hitting his head again on the light fitting in his haste to back out the door. “I’ll just go—elsewhere. Now.”

  He caught a glimpse of amusement battling embarrassment on Virginia’s face before the door swung closed between them. A moment later, he heard the shower running. Firmly repressing a mental image of water running over her lush curves, Dai went into the kitchen.

  A couple of gallons of icy cold water later, he was at least somewhat cleaner, and in better control of himself. His dragon sulked at the back of his mind, coiled sullenly under iron chains of self-discipline once more. Dai ran his fingers through his wet hair, shaking himself like a dog. Virginia was still showering next door, and he would rather have disemboweled himself than knock on the door to ask for a towel.

  What about clothes? his dragon muttered snidely.

  Dai looked down at his bare chest and fire-resistant trousers, cursing himself as he belatedly remembered that he was only wearing boxers underneath--he’d been on call tonight rather than at the station, and had been asleep in bed when the alarm had gone out to summon his crew. For a moment, he debated just continuing to wear his turnout gear, but he had the feeling Virginia might not appreciate the aroma of sweat and smoke that permeated the uniform.

  I’m never going to hear the end of this, he thought in resignation, as he mentally reached out. *Chase? Are you up?*

  *As always,* came the cheerfully lascivious response. *Where are you, my man? We’ve all been shitting kittens, waiting to hear from you. Who is this mysterious lady friend you ran off with? Is it true she’s taken you home? Have you fu—*

  *Will you please shut up and listen for once? I need your help.*

  *Did your parents not sit you down for the birds and the bees talk?* Chase inquired solicitously. *Don’t worry, I’m here t
o hold your hand all the way through. Metaphorically speaking. Of course, if your lady friend is into that sort of thing, I’d be happy to help out non-metaphorically too—*

  *CHASE!* Dai blasted him with a mental roar, cutting off the torrent. *Seriously. I need some clothes.*

  There was a brief mental pause. *Sorry, could you repeat that?*

  *I need some clothes. I didn’t bring anything with me.*

  *So sorry, terrible psychic static tonight. Maybe you’re going through a tunnel. One more time?*

  Dai ground his teeth. *How many times have I rescued you from drunken escapades gone terribly wrong?*

  *About the same number of times that you’ve lectured me about my wild ways,* Chase responded cheerfully. *Hey, do you think you could call me and repeat this conversation? I want to record it on my phone to savor later. I might make it my ringtone.*

  Dai rubbed his forehead, wondering whether to try one of the other members of his crew. Unfortunately, John was probably asleep underwater by now, and just the thought of trying to explain his predicament to Commander Ash made him wince. *Are you going to help me or not?*

  *Not only am I going to help you, I am going to remind you that I helped you every single day for the next year or so. And I’m already on my way.* Dai had an impression of wind whistling past Chase’s ears as he stretched into a gallop. *Go outside.*

  “Virginia?” Dai called. The sound of running water had stopped, and he could hear her moving around the bedroom. “I’m just going outside. A friend is dropping off some things for me. I’ll only be a moment.”

  Without waiting for a response, he let himself out of the apartment, leaving the door ajar behind him.

  Whatever Chase’s flaws—and they were many—at least he was fast. Dai barely had to wait five minutes before a duffel bag thudded out of the sky like a meteor, narrowly missing hitting him. He glanced up, catching a brief flicker of Chase’s black wings occluding the stars.

  *Thanks,* he sent to the other shifter. *I owe you one. Unfortunately.*

  The only response was an amused whinny, drifting down from the sky as Chase shot away again. Dropping the mental connection and picking up the duffel bag, Dai went back inside. Virginia was sitting on a chair in the lounge, wrapped in a fluffy bathrobe, drying her hair with a towel.

  “I put a blanket and a pillow on the sofa for you,” she said, slightly muffled from the depths of the towel. She flipped it back over her shoulder, scrunching her fingers into her glorious halo of dark hair. “Was that your friend? Didn’t he want to come in?”

  “Just a flying visit.” Dai had to look away from the sight of her flushed, damp skin as his dragon reared up again, fighting his self-control.

  He busied himself unzipping the duffel bag, and discovered that Chase had thoughtfully packed him a box of forty-eight condoms, prominently displayed on top of the folded clothes. He thrust them into the depths of the bag. “You should go get some rest.”

  Virginia yawned, getting to her feet. “No kidding. I feel like I could sleep for a week.” Nonetheless, she hesitated at the door to her bedroom. “Are you sure you’re going to be all right?”

  He caught her gaze with his—and this time, she didn’t flinch as she met his eyes. “I’ve got everything I need,” he said. A slow smile spread over his face. “You go sleep. I’ll keep guard here.”

  See? he told his dragon. Patience. Everything’s going to be fine.

  Chapter 5

  The dragon pinned her down. The bone-white claws dug into her chest, the weight of the beast pressing all the air out of her lungs. She could taste the reek of its breath, a foul mixture of carrion and ash. Its glowing orange eyes were filled with cruel delight at her helpless struggles. The dragon’s nostrils dilated as it inhaled; the smirking jaw dropped open. Virginia looked into the gaping maw, and saw the burning flames rushing up the dragon’s throat, right into her face—

  “Virginia! VIRGINIA!”

  Virginia fought like a mad thing against the hot weight pinning her to the bed. She raked her fingernails down—skin? Not scales? She gasped for breath, and tasted clean air rather than smoke.

  “It was a dream. Just a dream.” Dai’s soft Welsh voice in her ear brought her fully out of the nightmare. He was lying across her, on top of the bedclothes. “You’re safe. You’re safe now.”

  “The dragon.” Virginia swallowed a sob, her breathing still harsh and ragged. Tears streaked her face. “I thought it had me—”

  “Shh. I know. Just a dream.” He eased his weight off her, releasing her wrists. He pulled her up to a sitting position in the bed, steadying her with an arm around her shoulders. “I’m sorry I scared you. I ran in when you screamed. You were thrashing around so much, I was afraid you would hurt yourself.”

  Virginia leaned gratefully against his chest. She could hear the deep, reassuring beat of his heart. Her own racing heartbeat started to slow in response.

  “I should be apologizing to you.” She leaned back a little, tilting her head to look up at Dai. The dim light of early dawn filtering through the blinds was enough to show her the red scratches she’d cut into his cheek and neck. Without thinking, she reached up to trace the marks. “As if you haven’t already been injured enough in the course of protecting me.”

  Dai went perfectly motionless as her fingertips brushed his face. Against her side, Virginia felt the hard muscles of his chest tense, although his grip on her shoulder stayed feather-light. Virginia could hear his strong heartbeat speed up, even as the rest of him went utterly still. Heat radiated from him like a bonfire—but it was a good sort of heat, clean and protective.

  That heat kindled an answering fire in Virginia’s own body. She’d never had such a strong reaction to a man before. Every fiber of her being yearned for him, like a moth drawn to a flame. She wanted to bury her face in the junction of his neck and shoulder, to drive away the memory of smoke in her lungs with his scent. She craved his skin on hers, his body in hers, burning away her nightmares.

  Consumed by that desire, she twisted upright to face Dai, and kissed him.

  His lips were motionless under hers for the barest moment. Then he made a low moan, deep in his throat. He flung himself into the kiss like a parched man finally finding water after uncounted days alone in a desert. His strong hands twined in her hair. Virginia ran her own hands down his chest, feeling the hot, solid lines of his muscles through the softness of his T-shirt. She tugged up the hem of the shirt, slipping her hands underneath, glorying in the intoxicating heat of his skin. Her fingers traced the line of his spine, over the tattoos she’d seen earlier.

  Dai gasped, jerking his head backwards and breaking the kiss. His eyes were wide and dark, just a thin rim of gold and green showing around the edge of his dilated pupils.

  “Virginia,” he said hoarsely. “We—first—I should tell you—”

  “What?” That brief taste of him had only fanned the flames of her desire. She traced the line of his jaw with her mouth, exploring and nibbling, the slight friction of stubble teasing her lips.

  “I—” He shuddered as she bit lightly at his neck. His hands clenched in the thin material of her own nightshirt. “Oh God. Later. Virginia, oh, Virginia.”

  With a quick jerk, he ripped her shirt from her body—literally, as she heard the fabric tear. She would have laughed in surprised disbelief, except that he’d already dipped his head down to her freed breasts. Virginia arched her back at the unbelievable sensation of Dai’s tongue spiraling over her nipples.

  His fingers slid under her panties, caressing her slick folds. She pulled at his T-shirt, desperate for more of him. He backed off just long enough for her to pull the shirt over his head, exposing his bronzed chest and hard nipples, then bent back to tease her breasts once more. His tongue left trails of fire over her skin. Virginia ran her palms over the taut curves of his shoulders, savoring both the feel of the solid muscles under her hands and the way Dai’s breath hitched at her touch.

  His strong fingers
circled her clit. Somehow, without any guidance, he seemed to know exactly how to caress her. Virginia’s hips jerked as her orgasm built into an unstoppable wave. She clung to him as her climax shook her, biting down on his sweat-slicked shoulder to stifle her cries.

  “Please,” she gasped as the waves of pleasure subsided. Her pussy ached to be filled. She fumbled with the buttons of his jeans, shoving them down over his hips. “Please, now.”

  Dai groaned, his mouth open and hot on her breast as her hand closed around his thick, hard shaft. “My Virginia.” His voice was a deep growl, shaking with his need and desire. “Mine.”

  He slid his hands underneath her, cupping her ass. His powerful arms flexed as he lifted her, seemingly without effort, and threw her back onto the bed. He jerked off his jeans and boxers. Virginia had only a brief, glorious glimpse of his full naked body before he was on her, his mouth hungrily finding hers as his cock pressed between her legs. She spread willingly for him, thrusting her hips upward.

  The broad head of his cock pushed tantalizingly against her opening—and then stopped. Virginia made a wordless sound of protest, but Dai drew back a little. His chest heaved with barely-restrained need as he raised himself up on his arms above her.

  “Condoms,” he gasped, glancing toward the door.

  She couldn’t bear the thought of delaying for even a second. “I’ve got an IUD.” She shifted her hips, rubbing her swollen clit against his thick cock as she spoke. “I’ll trust you if you’ll trust me.”

  With a groan, Dai seized her hips, thrusting deep into her. Virginia cried out in ecstasy as his rock-hard cock slid into her slick pussy. She raked her nails down his back, wordlessly urging him to pound her faster, deeper. Dai threw his head back, jaw clenched. She could feel him struggling to contain his own climax as his thick cock caressed her most sensitive inner area over and over, again and again, until she clenched tight around him. Virginia’s wordless cry as she came was echoed by Dai’s own; his fingers dug into her hips, pulling her hard against his thrusting hips as he finally spent.


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