Quintana of Charyn

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Quintana of Charyn Page 46

by Melina Marchetta

  Froi laughed, his chin resting on Quintana’s head, his eyes taking in the joy of their son, despite the ridiculous cap that covered the babe’s eyes. He looked across at Lirah and Arjuro and Rafuel, and then back to Gargarin who was smiling himself, because he knew the answer to his own question.

  ‘Because today, I think I’m leaning on the side of wonder.’


  Firstly, a big thank you to my readership for the passion you’ve shown for this trilogy. I may not respond to all the letters, but I read every one of them and your words become part of the space I work in.

  Thank you to my editor Amy Thomas and my publisher Laura Harris and designer Marina Messiha, and my US editor Deb Wayshak at Candlewick. Also to my agents Sophie Hamley, Jill Grinberg, Cheryl Pientka and Jennifer Naughton.

  For everyone who has been in my creative world in some shape or form during the past year or so, especially Cathy Randall, Joanna Werner, Samantha Strauss and Sue Taylor.

  For Kristin Cashore, who is as enthused about catacombs and underground cities and medieval ruins in Italy as I am. Thank you to Olivia Stewart for your warm hospitality in the Roman hills.

  Thanks Kirsty Eagar for the late-night telephone angst. Much appreciation to Anthony Catanzariti and Barbara Barclay for feedback on the manuscript. And thanks to Anna, Barbara, Brenda, Janet, Liz, Maria, Pelissa and Philippa, who I’d take into the cave with me.


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  First published by Penguin Group (Australia), 2012

  Text copyright © Melina Marchetta, 2012

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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  Maps by Cathy Larsen © Penguin Group (Australia)

  ISBN: 978-1-74253-665-1




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