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The Playboy of Harley Street / Doctor on the Red Carpet

Page 12

by Anne Fraser

  They went first to the famous Blue Mosque that dominated the city. Katie read snippets from the guide book as they roamed the impressive building with its thousands of blue tiles that gave it its name. After that they visited the underground Basilica to gawp at the hundreds of pillars and Medusa’s head before heading to the Topkapi Palace. Fabio stopped outside to buy her some cut-up watermelon to quench their thirst and they sat on a bench, taking in the sights and sounds.

  ‘It says here that the sultan kept as many as three hundred concubines in his harem,’ Katie said. ‘A bit much for most men, don’t you think?’

  Fabio grinned at her, his eyes creasing at the corners.

  ‘I guess it depends on the women,’ he teased.

  ‘I suspect you would have been in your element,’ Katie said grumpily. ‘A different woman for almost every day of the year.’

  ‘That’s a bit unfair,’ Fabio said. Before she knew it he had taken a lock of her hair and tucked it behind her ear. ‘I think if the sultan or whoever met the right woman, she would be enough for him. I know it would be for me.’

  Her heart was hammering so hard in her chest Katie thought it might explode. If she hadn’t known better she would have sworn that his eyes were full of meaning … and longing. But that was silly. If Fabio felt anything for her, he would have said—or done—something.

  ‘Shall we go in?’ she suggested, relieved to hear her voice was steady. As she got to her feet she found her legs were less so.

  Fabio stood and kissed her lightly on the lips. ‘Vamos! Let’s go!’

  As he turned away Katie put a finger on her lips where his had been only moments before.

  Damn, damn, damn. Why did she have to be falling for this man? Her heart stopped. Falling in love? She could no longer fool herself. Her heart had been no match for her head. She’d fallen hook, line and sinker. For ever.

  After they had admired everything the palace had to offer, they stopped at the harbour for a fish sandwich. As Fabio watched Katie happily perched on a makeshift stool, eagerly waiting for her fish, caught only moments before, to be grilled and placed between two slices of bread, his heart cracked. She was everything he’d ever wanted in a woman, but hadn’t known he did until he’d met her. Why did she have to come into his life when he’d thought he was happy? And now he knew he hadn’t been. The restlessness, the constant seeking for new adventure, new thrills, new women had been a desperate attempt to fill the emptiness inside him that, until he’d met Katie, he hadn’t realised was there. He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted a woman before. Not just in his bed, but in his life. But he couldn’t have her. It wasn’t fair to Katie.

  Back on the yacht, Lucy was waiting excitedly, keen to hear about their day and to tell them about hers.

  ‘I went on the small boat all the way up the river. It was so much fun. Mum came too. And then one of the crew brought his son to meet me. He didn’t speak much English, but he knew how to play computer games.’

  Fabio ruffled her hair. ‘Sounds like you had a good day, sweetie. How are you feeling?’

  Katie glanced at Fabio.

  ‘I’m feeling good,’ Lucy said.

  ‘Then you won’t mind if I listen to your chest later just to make sure,’ Fabio said. Katie had also noticed that Lucy’s breathing was more laboured than usual. Perhaps the humidity was affecting her chest. She desperately hoped it wasn’t the first signs of a chest infection.

  ‘I’m okay,’ Lucy said, setting her mouth in a firm line.

  ‘Mark and I have been invited to dinner with the rest of the team tonight,’ Amelia said. ‘You and Fabio are invited too.’

  Katie rubbed her feet. They were aching from all the walking they had done that day. ‘If you don’t mind, I think I’ll give it a miss. I’m shattered.’

  ‘What about you, Fabio?’

  ‘Me? Oh, if it’s okay with you, I think I’ll stay here too. Keep Katie and Lucy company.’

  ‘But I want to go to dinner with you and Daddy,’ Lucy protested. ‘Please, Mum. Can I?’

  Amelia smiled at her daughter. ‘If Fabio thinks it’s okay and you’re not too tired, of course you can come. But …’ she wagged a finger at her daughter’s smiling face ‘… you’ll have to leave early. I want you in bed by ten at the latest.’

  Lucy pouted but it was only for a moment. ‘'Kay,’ she said. ‘I’ll probably get bored unless there’s a kid my age to play with.’

  Amelia puckered her brow. ‘Would it be okay if I gave the staff the evening off? I usually do when we’re all off the yacht, but I could ask the chef to stay behind and make you dinner before he joins the others.’

  Fabio and Katie shook their heads in unison.

  ‘Not really hungry …’ Katie said.

  ‘I can make supper,’ Fabio said at the same time. Their eyes locked and Katie felt the air fizz between them. She wanted to be alone with him and it seemed he felt the same way.

  ‘No.’ Katie smiled. ‘Don’t worry about us. Have a good time.’

  Fabio stood and stretched. ‘Vamos, Lucy. Let’s check you over before Katie gives you your physio. We want you to be in tip-top condition for your evening out.’

  When Fabio and Lucy left to go below, Amelia sighed.

  ‘He’s so good with her. I don’t know how we would have coped without him these last couple of years.’

  ‘You would have managed fine.’

  Amelia shook her head. ‘Until Fabio became her doctor, I wouldn’t let Lucy do anything. I was always so scared. Mark was always asking us both to come and watch him race, but I was too nervous that Lucy would get sick while we were abroad.’ She smiled wanly. ‘Silly, isn’t it? Most countries where Mark races have perfectly good hospitals, but it’s not the same somehow.’

  ‘No, I guess it isn’t. Not that I’d know. I haven’t travelled much before. Apart from a trip to Europe with friends from university and going to Monaco and coming here, I’ve always holidayed at home.’

  Amelia took a sip of her drink. ‘Are you seeing someone? Is that why you don’t travel?’

  Katie shook her head. ‘I’ve never met anyone I’ve wanted to be with.’ Until now, a small voice whispered inside her head. ‘At least, not longer than six months.’

  ‘What about Fabio?’ Amelia asked with a teasing smile. ‘You two seem pretty close.’

  ‘Fabio!’ Katie tried to fix an expression on her face as if it was the first time such a thought had crossed her mind. Unfortunately she could feel a tell-tale blush creep up her cheeks. ‘Fabio and I are just colleagues.’

  Amelia’s smile told Katie that she wasn’t fooled, but without saying anything else Amelia drained the last of her drink and got to her feet. ‘I should go and shower and change, if I’m not going to be late.’ She frowned at her watch. ‘I wonder where Mark is? He should be back by now.’ She sighed. ‘I guess he must be chatting to his team.’

  Although Amelia’s words were light, Katie could see the anxiety lurking behind her eyes. Once again she thought of how much she’d hate to be in Amelia’s shoes. It must be hell on earth wondering whether your husband was going to come back to you in one piece, however much Amelia claimed to be used to it.

  ‘Would you mind telling Luce that I’ll come and help her get ready in a bit?’ Amelia said.

  ‘I’ll go and tell her now. Fabio will have finished checking her over, I’m sure.’

  Katie found Lucy and Fabio sitting on Lucy’s bed, arguing over a game on Lucy’s games console. Katie suppressed a smile. Sometimes she wondered who was the biggest kid. Despite what Fabio had told her about not wanting children, he was a natural with them. Someday he would change his mind. At the thought her heart contracted. Fabio with a wife and children wasn’t something she wanted to think about.

  ‘Sorry to break this up, guys. But if you’re going to have time to get ready for dinner, Luce, we should get on with your physio.’

  Reluctantly Lucy put her game to the side. ‘I was beating Fabio.’

/>   ‘Were not. At least, I would have caught up eventually.’

  ‘How is Lucy’s chest?’ Katie asked.

  ‘A tiny bit more rattly than we would like, but nothing major. I’ve increased her antibiotics slightly and the physio should help.’ He chucked Lucy under the chin. ‘I’ll leave you two girls to it. Remember to come and show me yourself in all your finery.’

  He glanced at Katie. ‘I thought we could eat about eight? I’ll go and see what the chef has in the fridge.’

  Later after everyone had left—Mark had been late but thankfully intact—Katie was unsure what to do with the couple of hours before dinner.

  There was no sign of Fabio, who had disappeared once Lucy had modelled her dress for him, and Katie eyed the hot tub longingly. The light was fading, although it was still warm. A few minutes in the tub would be good before she got ready for the evening.

  This time she’d remembered to bring her costume and, nipping down to her cabin, she changed quickly, and went back up on deck, taking the white robe that had been left behind the door for her with her.

  As she slipped into the hot water she sighed with pleasure. It was just the right temperature. She switched on the bubbles and rested her head against the tub rim and closed her eyes. Bliss.

  ‘Do you mind if I join you?’ At the sound of Fabio’s voice, her eyes snapped open. He was standing in front of her, wearing his swimming shorts and holding a towel.

  For a moment their eyes locked and Katie couldn’t look away. She should get out, run for her life but her limbs felt heavy, weighted down. Her eyes were drawn to his chest, the way his swimming shorts hugged his hips, the dark silky hair on his lower abdomen. Hot sparks of desire were shot through her body. Knowing that if she tried to speak her voice would betray her, she simply nodded.

  She closed her eyes again as he got into the tub. Although the tub could comfortably have held ten and there was plenty of space for him on the other side, he lowered his body onto the seat next to her.

  She opened one eye and glanced at him. He was looking at her as if trying to memorise her face. Darkness fell and the moonlight seemed to light his eyes from within. The air between them fizzed and, as her heart leaped to her throat, Katie knew that she had been waiting for this moment all her life. A heady sense of inevitability drove any thoughts of danger from her head.

  ‘Minha linda …‘ His voice was hoarse. ‘What are you doing to me? Why can’t I get you out of my head?’

  She didn’t want to be out of his head. She wanted stay there for the rest of her life. She wanted to be with him for ever. It was no use. She loved him. Hopelessly and for ever. Right or wrong—it no longer mattered.

  He raised his hand and very gently pushed a lock of wet hair from her eyes. ‘You know I want you, don’t you? More than I thought it was possible to want a woman.’

  Her heart was pounding so hard she thought he must be able to hear it.

  He ran his hands down her face, letting them rest on either side of her neck. Slowly, ever so slowly, he brought his lips down on hers.

  His mouth was warm and his lips soft—at first. He nibbled at her bottom lip then his kiss deepened and he explored her mouth with his tongue as if he couldn’t get enough of her.

  She kissed him back hungrily, tasting coffee and mint. Her head was spinning, her body straining towards him. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes.

  ‘You are very beautiful,’ he said huskily. ‘Like a sea sprite.’ His accent had thickened, his Brazilian accent coming to the fore.

  He slid an arm underneath her bottom and lifted her onto his lap. She could feel his desire for her through the thin material of his swimming shorts.

  It didn’t matter that there was no future for them. All that mattered was the here and now and her aching need for him.

  He pushed the top of her bikini away with his mouth and nuzzled her breasts. She threw her head back as a wall of desire took her breath away. She had never felt like this before. As if she was going to explode. As if she had no control over her body or her mind. She pulled back, terrified of the way her body reacted to him.

  ‘It’s okay, my love. It will be all right. I promise. Just give in to it.’

  Trusting him, she gave herself up to the sensations. She could do nothing else.

  He circled her nipple with his tongue and she moaned.

  Then she gasped as his hand slid under her bikini. Involuntarily she parted her legs to give him better access.

  He looked at her and as their eyes held, she was lost. She was drowning.

  ‘Are you sure?’ he asked.

  She could only nod. She’d never been more sure of anything in her life.

  ‘I think we should go somewhere less public,’ he said hoarsely.

  Taking her by the hand, he helped her out of the tub and down to his cabin. She could hardly breathe. Sensations were zinging around her body.

  He’d barely kicked the door closed behind him before his hands were on her again. Touching, seeking out her secret places as he watched her response through half-closed lids. If he didn’t finish what he’d started, she would scream with frustration.

  He lifted her into his arms and laid her gently on the bed. His eyes glowed as he looked down at her. Reaching into a drawer, he pulled out a condom and lay down next to her.

  Holding her gaze, he slipped his fingers inside her. She cried out as wave upon wave of pleasure rocked her body.

  Then with one swift movement he tugged off her bikini briefs and slipped out of his own.

  He pulled her on top of him so that she was straddling him. He lifted her by the hips and then he was inside her and they were rocking together. She pushed back against his chest, wanting him, needing him deeper.

  Once more he brought her to the edge where she cried out with her need, and then as he moaned and his thrusting became deeper, her body exploded with intense pleasure from the tips of her toes, coursing through her body right up to her scalp.

  Gasping, they held each other. Katie felt her body turn to mush as the most incredible languid feeling spread through her body. She rested her head on his shoulder, hearing almost feeling his heart beating.

  He stroked her hair wordlessly as she cuddled into him.

  Suddenly shy, she buried her face in his shoulder. They stayed like that for a few more minutes, Katie savouring the feeling of happiness as she listened to the rhythm of his heart.

  He lifted her chin with his finger and looked deep into her eyes. His expression held a look of wonder. ‘My God, Katie. What are you doing to me? I don’t think I’ve ever wanted a woman as much as I want you.’

  Want, not love. She pushed the words to the back of her mind. He hadn’t made any promises. What was the point in worrying about the future when you couldn’t control it anyway? She knew now that happiness had to be found wherever and whenever.

  ‘I don’t know about you,’ Fabio said, ‘but suddenly I’m starving.’

  ‘Me too,’ Katie whispered. ‘I didn’t realise sex could give you such an appetite.’

  Fabio grinned down at her. ‘We need to keep your strength up. I’m not finished with you yet.’

  Her body tingled when he said the words. She wanted him again. She would never stop wanting him. This man was the person she’d been waiting for all her life. The other half of her soul. And if the thought made her ache with the knowledge he didn’t share her feelings, hadn’t she always known that she would only ever have a small part of him?

  He eased himself off the bed and, despite what they had just shared, Katie blushed. He was so confident in his nakedness and why wouldn’t he be? Every muscle was clearly defined without being too built up. His stomach was hard and flat, his legs long and lean.

  Grinning at her scrutiny, he passed her his robe before wrapping a towel around his hips.

  Still blushing furiously, Katie took the robe from him and slipped her arms in. Fabio took hold of the lapels of the robe and pulled her towards him. ‘You have no i
dea how cute you look when you blush.’ She shivered as he dropped a kiss on the side of her neck. If he carried on touching her, she would drag him back to bed.

  Before she could act on the impulse, he released her and, taking her by the hand, led her back upstairs.

  ‘The galley is in here. What do you fancy? Lobster? Langoustine? Something Turkish?’ He opened the fridge with a flourish.

  ‘Scrambled eggs will do me fine,’ Katie said.

  ‘That all?’ he teased. ‘I could eat a horse.’

  Katie perched at the stainless-steel counter and watched Fabio as he whipped up some eggs and cut fresh bread. He looked perfectly at home. Was there anything this man couldn’t do? Her body was still throbbing from the feel of him and she knew she wanted him again. She was in love with him, but he hadn’t suggested she was anything except a casual fling. He had said lots of lovely things to her, but not that he cared about her. After this evening would he seek her out again, or would he be on to pastures new? Wasn’t that how men like Fabio worked? Moving from one conquest to another? But she couldn’t believe he didn’t feel something for her. She’d seen the look in his eyes when he’d thought she wasn’t watching and she’d seen the naked pain. That didn’t fit with a man who didn’t care.

  If he had made no promises, neither had she. She should give it time. Wait and see.

  Fabio piled creamy eggs onto a plate and passed it to her before doing the same to another plate and sitting down opposite her.

  ‘I thought you’d be having something more substantial,’ she said.

  ‘And I found I lost my appetite. Funnily enough, I have other things on my mind.’ He leaned across and removed a morsel of egg that had landed on the side of her mouth and popped it into her mouth before running his finger across her lips.

  Katie was having difficulty swallowing, she was having difficulty thinking. She placed her fork down and, lifting her plate, scraped the remains of the egg into the bin. Now she was having difficulty breathing. Her head was whirling and her body was behaving in a way it had never done before. Her desire for him was pulling at her, and she couldn’t think straight. She wanted to feel his skin next to hers, feel his hands caressing her, have his mouth on hers.


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