All of You (Rescue Me Collection Book 0)

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All of You (Rescue Me Collection Book 0) Page 14

by Lindsay Detwiler

  That’s the thing about that night. Neither of us knew what was coming with that slip, with that tumble down, down into the water. Neither of us could’ve predicted how much a fall would change both of us.

  But change us it did.

  Because as much as Marley’s surfaced and been freed from her past, so have I. I’m a new version of Alex Evans. I’m a freer man, a man with a life he’s looking forward to living.

  Marley helped me raise my head and look around me. She helped me see not just the ultimate goal, but the views along the way. She helped me see life not just as a job but as a possibility, as excitement, as real life.

  And, standing here, looking at the view from the Cedar Bend Bridge, I know I can’t even begin to imagine where this life with her is going to take me.

  “I’m scared to leave, Alex. But you know what? I’m also not. Because I know, no matter what, you’ll be here, ready to save me if I need it.”

  I kiss her cheek. “I will. And I know the same thing about you.”

  “Maybe falling from the ledge wasn’t such a bad thing after all, you know?” She smiles at me, readjusting her blue hat—she’s switched colors in preparation for her college days, deciding blue looked more poet-like.

  She looks into my eyes, the mysterious woman I’ve been unwrapping these past few months, the woman I’ve come to love more than anything.

  Looking out at the view from the bridge, glancing toward the horizon, I smile. “Maybe not. Maybe not at all,” I say, Marley leaning on my arm as we stare off into the distance, ready for whatever is up ahead.



  Two and a half years later

  It’s finished.

  I can hardly believe my time is done, and the coat is officially, completely mine.

  Dr. Evans. It’s something I’ve worked so hard to earn, to completely earn. And now that residency’s finished, I feel I’ve put the last brick in the wall, in the foundation for my future.

  I’m free to take the next step.

  And take the next step I am… today.

  When I came to Rosewood, love wasn’t important to me. Living a free, adventurous life wasn’t important. Only the feel of the coat on my body, the rush of saving lives, and the pull of my endless shifts mattered. The thought of climbing the ladder, of getting back to California to the prestigious hospital Dad picked out mattered. I would carry on the family tradition and chase the family dream without stopping to smell the roses or take in anything along the way.

  Now, though, so much has changed. Standing at the bridge where it all shifted, even if I didn’t know it quite then, I take a deep breath.

  Everything has changed in the past few years, but one thing has stayed constant.

  Marley. Even miles and miles away, she’s still managed to permeate my life. A single conversation with her, a single word, a single look is all I need. She reminds me life is about living, about going out and exploring.

  She saved me from myself, from my family, and from a life I couldn’t possibly want.

  The California dreams that were never really mine are long gone. I’ve applied for and accepted a position in a North Carolina hospital that lacks the prestige but has one very crucial benefit California doesn’t: Marley.

  She’s got another year and a half of school before it’s off to new adventures. College is suiting her well, and she’s already had a few of her poems published. The sky is the limit, and I have no idea where life’s taking her. The good news is, doctors are everywhere, so my possibilities are also endless.

  Margaret and Joe couldn’t be prouder, and Jolene too. She’s actually started a new job as an administrative assistant at the hospital thanks to Joe, and things are going well. She’s got a new boyfriend, a construction worker a town over, who seems like a decent guy. She’s not perfect, and she still has her moments. She still falls from time to time.

  But the thing I’ve come to realize is—don’t we all? Don’t we all need saving? Whether it’s the pull of the bottle or the pull of morose feelings or the pull of perfectionist tendencies, sometimes we all need someone to save us from our worst enemy: ourselves.

  And, thankfully, I’ve found that here in Rosewood, not just in Marley, but in Joe, in Margaret, and even in Jolene. We’ve become a ragtag family and, in many ways, they’ve filled a void my own family never could.

  I didn’t come to Rosewood for love. I came here thinking it’d be a temporary stop on the way to a lifetime of success. Now, though, I realize I’m not the same Alex Evans I was when I got here, and I’m more than okay with that.

  Now, I’m ready to take the next wild and free step with her, a step I never thought possible when I came here.

  So, as we stand in that spot, our spot, I turn to her, her warm hands resting in mine, and I begin my carefully planned words as she stares up at me.

  “I love you, Marley Jade. From the moment I was lucky enough to spot you on this bridge, from the first words you said to me, I’ve loved you. All of you. I love the way you dance in the rain and take me on crazy hikes. I love how you make me want to explore, to be, to just live. When I got here, I thought I had my life all mapped out. I thought I was doing it all right. But then you came along, and you awakened me. You made me realize I had no idea what I was doing before you. I was lost, Marley. I was drowning in a life I didn’t exactly understand. You helped me see through the murky waters and find my way. Two of us got saved that night. Two of us. And I think together, we can keep saving each other. Let me be the man who saves you when you need help, and who lets you fly when you’re feeling strong. Let me be the man beside you in every step. Let me be the man to explore this crazy thing called life, no matter where it takes you. I love you.”

  Tears are flowing now, her black hair billowing in the gentle breeze like it did that August night when I first saw her. Standing at the spot where she almost disappeared and where my life changed forever, I drop to one knee, and she gasps, the chatty girl at a loss for words. She puts one hand on her beloved hat, clutching it as if she’s clinging to life, as if she knows everything’s going to change.

  And I hope to hell it is. I hope this is the moment that takes us into the next chapter.

  “I love you, with everything I am, and with everything I hope to be. I don’t know exactly where we’re going. I don’t know the details of where this life is going to end up, but you’ve taught me that’s okay. That’s more than okay. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. You make me want to be free, Marley. You make me want to live. Let me be the one who walks this crazy path with you. Let me be the one who can smile with you, laugh with you, and cry with you when we need to. Let me love all of you. Marry me.” I look up at the woman who changed everything. I look up and see the woman who made me realize I was so much more than a list of expectations. I look up at the woman who reintroduced me to Alex Evans and to who I want to be.

  I see the woman who makes every breath, every hardship, everything worthwhile.

  My heart flutters just like it did the first night when my foot slammed on the brakes. We’re at another pivotal point, a moment that feels like life or death.

  Because if she says no, it will in many ways be the death of me.

  Marley stares at me as I clutch her hands, my breath not coming.

  There is a pregnant pause, an interminable silence.

  And then, her pink lips spread into a huge smile. “You betcha, doctor boy.”

  She sinks to her knees right there, and we kiss each other with a fire we’ve come to know in each other. Like two crazy people, we make out right there by the side of the bridge where we almost lost it all and where we found it all. When we finally pull back, clinging to each other, I reach into my pocket.

  “I almost forgot,” I say, pulling out the ring box.

  I pop it open, and she smiles as the bright yellow diamond gleams at her.

  “It’s gorgeous,” she exclaims, putting her hands over her face.

  “Look insi
de,” I whisper, and she carefully pulls out the ring from the box.

  Engraved inside is: “All of you.”

  “I want you to know,” I say, “that no matter what happens, I’ll love you. All of you. Forever. There’s nothing you could do to make me love you less.”

  She laughs as I slide the ring onto her hand. “It’s perfect. It’s absolutely perfect. I love you,” she says through her tears. My heart pangs at the sight of the ring on her left hand, at the thought we’re starting our next chapter together.

  We kiss again before standing and looking out over the Cedar Bend Bridge, admiring the sunset from a safe distance.

  “You ready for whatever’s next?” I ask, squeezing her hand that now has my ring on it.

  She leans into me, squeezing my arm. “You betcha,” she answers, and we head off into the great unknown together, walking away from the bridge and toward a new horizon.

  More from Lindsay


  (Then Comes Love Book 1)

  Three generations of women,

  Three second loves,

  All with a dose of chaos mixed in.

  Sometimes in life, changes can be good...

  After losing her husband, her five cats, and her home, Charlotte Noel hates feeling dependent. As Charlotte tries to find her identity in this new stage of life, she comes to realize that drama never ends, dance aerobics can be a war zone, and love is always a possibility.

  You never know when a midlife crisis is going to strike...

  Charlotte’s daughter, Annie, is going through struggles of her own. Recently divorced, she is feeling frumpy and worn-out. Run ragged, Annie mourns her youth and wonders where her life is headed, all while hoping she can help her daughter Amelia get it together.

  Settling down can be overrated, especially when you’re falling for a rock star look-alike...

  Amelia is the wild child of the family. Working three jobs, because she just hasn’t figured out what she wants in life, she realizes happiness isn’t always settling down with a steady, dependable man; sometimes it’s about following your true passion and living on the edge.

  No matter what age you are, life and love can be crazy...


  (Then Comes Love Book 2)

  Sometimes unexpected miracles can shift your life off course.

  A year ago, Amelia, Annie, and Charlotte found second loves in unexpected places. Now, everyone’s life seems to have fallen into place… until a late night knock on Charlotte’s door shakes up everything.

  Love rarely goes as planned…

  Unexpected news leaves Amelia confused and worried. She loves Owen but is not sure what her future holds, especially with them living the tour life. As the months pass by and Amelia begins to question everything, she wonders if her relationship with Owen can truly last forever.

  Sometimes a first love creeps back in…

  While helping Amelia sort out her life, Annie finds new problems of her own. A visitor from her past threatens to overturn her relationship with Joe. Annie must make some difficult choices.

  As the three women face new complexities in the sequel to Then Comes Love, they learn the fairy tale can fade, leaving you to question everything you thought you knew. However, family and friendship can sometimes be the link you need to find what you want.


  Feisty Sophia never shies away from life. Playful, romantic, connected—her marriage was the thing of fairy tales. But when tragedy strikes, Sophia is left to pick up the pieces of her life.

  After leaving the army, Jackson is ready to start afresh. But when he returns home, his life spirals out of control. As Sophia and Jackson find themselves in each other, they start to see redemption is possible.

  Trying to piece together a new life, they must answer the question: Should they forge a life together and say goodbye to their pasts completely, or should they loyally go their separate ways to avoid heartache?


  Feisty Sophia never shies away from life. Playful, romantic, connected—her marriage was the thing of fairy tales. But when tragedy strikes, Sophia is left to pick up the pieces of her life.

  After leaving the army, Jackson is ready to start afresh. But when he returns home, his life spirals out of control. As Sophia and Jackson find themselves in each other, they start to see redemption is possible.

  Trying to piece together a new life, they must answer the question: Should they forge a life together and say goodbye to their pasts completely, or should they loyally go their separate ways to avoid heartache?


  (Lines in the Sand Book 1)

  “Six years, a complex about my freckles, a love for pastrami, and a fear of failure.

  That’s what he gave me before slaughtering my heart and my faith in men.”

  Suffering from the sting of betrayal, twenty-eight-year-old Avery Johannas quits her job and moves hundreds of miles away to Ocean City, the beach town of her dreams. With the help of her zany roommate, Jodie, Avery finds a new career, home, and freedom. Throughout her self-exploration, she makes only one rule: She won’t give her heart to a man again. She’s living for herself this time.

  But then she meets Jesse.

  A tattoo shop owner, the green-eyed Jesse Pearce is wild with a touch of mystery. As Jesse and Avery explore Ocean City and their friendship, they’ll have a hard time drawing a line in the sand between their hearts.

  When summer nights get a little more heated than either expected, they’ll have to ask themselves: Can they let go of their notions of love, or will their hearts be permanently inked by past pain?


  This wasn’t how it was supposed to be….

  They met at a wedding, Todd the only man wearing jeans, Jessica the beauty with a troubled background. Settled into married life after falling in love, they have so many things left to do in life. They think they have so much time… until Jessica and Todd’s average married life comes to a halt on a snowy back road. When their truck careens down an embankment, they find themselves in a life-or-death situation. With rescue seeming impossible, they cling to the only hope they have left: their love for each other.

  As they fight for survival, their connection carries them through the biggest challenge of their lives. Memories and regrets swirl around the couple as they finally take a moment to reflect on what they’re doing in life.

  There’s one big, icy question that haunts them, though: Is this where their story will end?


  First and foremost, I want to thank my amazing publisher, Hot Tree Publishing. Thank you, Becky, for believing in my writing and in my dreams. Your dedication to your authors, readers, and the beauty of the romance genre is so motivating. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful place to call home as a writer. Thank you to Liv, Justine, Claire, Peggy, Donna, and everyone else who works tirelessly to make sure every story is the best version it can be. Thank you to the authors at Hot Tree Publishing for being such an amazing, inspirational team.

  Thank you to my parents, Ken and Lori Keagy, for always supporting me in my dreams. Thank you for teaching me to love books, writing, and to be confident in my goals. I love you both so much.

  Thanks to my husband, Chad, for holding my hand on this writing journey. You’re always there to motivate me to keep going. I am so lucky to have married my absolute best friend.

  Thank you to my friends, family, and coworkers who support my writing in so many ways. Thank you, Grandma Bonnie, for always being at all my events and for always being one of the first to get a copy of every book. Thank you to my in-laws, Tom and Di
ane, for always being so supportive. Thank you to Christie James, Kristin Mathias, Kristin Books, Jamie Lynch, Lynette Luke, Jennifer Carney, Alicia Schmouder, Kelly Rubritz, Heather Jasinski, Deborah Biter, and everyone else who supports my writing dreams. I am so lucky to have so many amazing people encouraging me to keep going and to keep writing.

  Thank you to Kay Shuma for following me from day one and always encouraging me to keep telling my stories. Your support is amazing and an inspiration.

  Thank you to my local Barnes & Noble and Bradley’s Book Outlet for supporting local authors like me. A special thank-you goes out to Lisa Sprankle and Jennifer Lilly for always opening your doors to me for author events.

  Thank you to all of the book bloggers who tirelessly help promote writers like me. Thank you to all of my readers for helping me pursue my writing dreams. Your support means everything.

  Finally, a thank-you goes to my best friend, Henry, for always being there to make me smile. I will never have enough time with you or enough cupcakes with you. Thanks for reminding me what unconditional love looks like and for showing me that sometimes the best things in life come along when you least expect them.

  About the Author

  A high school English teacher, an author, and a fan of anything pink and/or glittery, Lindsay’s the English teacher cliché; she loves cats, reading, Shakespeare, and Poe.

  She currently lives in her hometown with her husband, Chad (her junior high sweetheart); their cats, Arya, Amelia, Alice, and Bob; and their Mastiff, Henry.

  Lindsay’s goal with her writing is to show the power of love and the beauty of life while also instilling a true sense of realism in her work. Some reviewers have noted that her books are not the “typical romance.” With her novels coming from a place of honesty, Lindsay examines the difficult questions, looks at the tough emotions, and paints the pictures that are sometimes difficult to look at. She wants her fiction to resonate with readers as realistic, poetic, and powerful. Lindsay wants women readers to be able to say, “I see myself in that novel.” She wants to speak to the modern woman’s experience while also bringing a twist of something new and exciting. Her aim is for readers to say, “That could happen,” or “I feel like the characters are real.” That’s how she knows she’s done her job.


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