Chasing Pan_Tales from Neverland

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Chasing Pan_Tales from Neverland Page 2

by S Cinders

  Tiger Lilly walked in with an armful of clothing.

  “Gracious,” her eyes widened.

  “What?” I said defensively.

  She shook her head, “Never mind. Let’s get you out of those drawers, seriously Eb, could you not wear lady’s underwear?”

  No one had ever given me a choice.

  “I thought this was what everyone wore?”

  She held up a scrap of peach lace, “And you mocked me for packing too much. It is a good thing I did.”

  Little did I know that things were about to become a whole lot more intrusive.

  CHAPTER 3 - Ebony


  Tiger Lilly grunted, as she pulled the strings of the bustier, “Just a bit more! There! You look amazing.”

  I could hardly look down my breasts had been pushed so far into the air.

  “Are you sure this is how it is supposed to look?” I had to ask. “Your breasts don’t look like they are being offered on a platter.”

  Tiger Lilly made a face, “We all can’t be as well-endowed as you are, Ebony. Trust me. If I had a set like yours, I would make sure everyone knew about it.”

  I laughed, “Boobs-a-million? Or perhaps Breasts-r-us?”

  She giggled, “Exactly. Now, you have a choice between these two tailored jackets. They will go perfectly with the black bustier. Considering you choose those tight plum leather pants I would recommend the black or the charcoal. We can mix and match so that you have enough outfits to last the trip.”

  “I have to wear different sets of clothes every day?” I knew I was whining, but this was brand new territory for me.

  “Yes,” Tiger Lilly let out a tiny puff of impatience. “If you can chase down Pan you can change your underwear.”

  Good point.

  “Fine,” I agreed, “But I am not curling my hair every day, that took forever.”

  Long ringlets decorated my head, and I must admit that the look was arresting. However, I managed to burn myself eleven times in the process.

  Being a lady was dangerous.

  Tiger Lilly conceded, “You don’t have to curl your hair daily, but it has to be brushed, that is non-negotiable.”

  “Deal,” I grinned at her. “What now?”

  A knowing smile curved her lips, “Now, we show you off.”

  The first man on my crew to see me ran straight into a wall.

  The second and third stopped eating mid-bite.

  As I made my way onto the deck, I heard the murmurs of approval. But it wasn’t until sweet Charlie looked up from swabbing the bridge, that I blushed.

  “Fuck me,” he whispered, the mop clambering to the wood below.

  Nate and Tom whipped their heads around and fell on the asses in the process.

  It was only Alex that gave me a good dose of reality.

  “Have you done something different with your hair?” his eyes narrowed as if searching.

  Tiger Lilly marched right up to him and started bashing him, with her tiny fists.

  “You will not ruin this for her. Ebony looks beautiful, and you know it!”

  “Stop!” Alex tried to defect her blows, “I am sorry, stop!”

  Tiger Lilly stamped her foot, “Don’t tell me you are sorry!”

  Alex looked at me ruefully, “I am sorry that I teased you, Eb. I have never seen you look more lovely.”

  She elbowed him.

  “What?” he complained trying to move away.

  “Tell her that she is gorgeous and that this is how she was meant to be. Tell her that you are proud of the lady she is becoming. For heaven’s sake, you are her best friend, act like it!”

  Alex looked at me, panic written across his face, “Erm, what she said.”

  Tiger Lilly stomped on his foot, and I couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that escaped my lips.

  “Thank you, Alex. But more importantly, thank you, Tiger Lilly. I thought that Alex was my only friend in this world. But it would appear that I was mistaken.”

  Tiger Lilly beamed at me, “Please call me Lilly, I have always wanted to be your friend.”

  “Me?” I said dumbly, “Why?”

  She walked over and took my arm, “Ebony, you are brave and courageous. You never let anything stand in your way. I admire that about you.”

  I glanced over at Alex who was making a hasty retreat, “I also have a rather good-looking best friend.”

  Lilly turned ten shades of red, “Oh, I hadn’t really noticed?”

  I barked out a laugh, “Just like he doesn’t notice the instant you walk into a room. Or how his eyes never follow you wherever you go?”

  Lilly stopped, arrested, “No! Tell me, do they?”

  I shook my head in amusement, “Yes, you ninny. It’s like watching an awkward dance that neither partner knows they are participating in. I can’t look away.”

  Lilly began to smile, “What about you? I have noticed that Nate, Charlie, and Tom hang on your every word. And that was before you learned how to tame that hair.”

  We walked over to the stern glancing at the star-studded universe around us. Tinker Bells’ pixie dust had certainly made the Jolly Roger lift from the sea and fly out into the cosmos.

  We had been sailing through the skies for days now. Surely we had to be close to where Pan was hiding.

  “I am not interested in the boys that way,” I motioned to the vastness around us. “There will have to be someone that can tear me away from all of this to capture my heart. And to be honest, I don’t think the man exists.”

  Lilly patted my arm, “You never know what the future holds.”


  I looked up at the crow’s nest to see Tom looking through the telescope.

  “Captain! There is a planet ahead, do you want us to explore it?”

  I raced back to my cabin and grabbed Tink’s crate.

  “Alright, Tinkerbell, I need to know if this is where you found Peter.”

  She gave me an uninterested face.

  I wished to hell that I knew what she was saying, but the words only came out as tiny little bells.

  I took the cage up to the deck, “Does any of this look familiar?”

  Off to the east, I could see a blue and green round planet covered with swirling fluffy white clouds.

  Her face said it all.

  “Set your course! We are on the right path!”

  The rest of the voyage was filled with hard work.

  I had to agree with Alex when he stated, ‘it was cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.’

  “Batten down the hatches, men!” I shouted, as we entered the atmosphere. This world was so much larger than Neverland. I hadn’t dreamed it could be so immense.

  “Tink, where is Pan?”

  She shrugged her shoulders as if implying she hadn’t a clue.

  But we both knew that was a load of horse shit.

  I shook the cage, and she glared at me.

  “Ugh! I wish you were life size!”

  Tink’s eyes grew round and gleeful.

  Suddenly the crate burst apart in a frenzy of pixie dust. I coughed as it flooded my mouth and eyes.

  “What in the hell, Tink?”

  “Be careful what you wish for.”

  I rubbed my eyes and then did once again for good measure.

  “Am I dreaming?” I blurted out.

  “Do you often dream of me?” Her snarky tone fit perfectly with her personality.

  “How did this happen?”

  Standing before me was Tinkerbell, but she was at least five-foot-seven a good three inches taller than I was.

  Her tiny green outfit was positively indecent on a grown woman.

  “You wished for it,” she grinned happily.

  “How long will you be this way?”

  Tink paused, “I hadn’t thought of that. I suppose once your wish is over. Although, if you want help finding Pan I suggest we work out a deal.”

  “Of course, I want to fin
d Pan!”

  Tink smiled seductively, and I turned my head to see Charlie, Nate, and Tom falling all over themselves to get a glance at the pixie turned pin-up model.

  This could be a problem.

  CHAPTER 4 - Ebony

  TINKERBELL LED US OVER the rooftops and across the seas. Every time we thought we might be close she up and changed course. I was beginning to think that she hadn’t a clue as to where Pan was hiding.

  To make matters even more unpleasant, she was worse than a cat in heat. It took two days of her being human-sized to have the whole ship in turmoil.

  She had insisted that she hadn’t wanted tan lines. But when I came out to find her stark naked swinging in a hammock, I knew something had to be done.

  I assigned Charlie to be her jailer. But the next day I heard groaning and moaning from his cabin. I crashed in to save him only to find Tinkerbells lips wrapped around his cock. This was an entirely new side to Charlie that I had hoped never to see.

  I couldn’t help but notice his washboard abs, and the way his face looked when she pulled off. There was a pop as his massive dick came out of her mouth and a string of saliva that still connected them.

  “Do you mind?” Tink winked at me.

  I stammered my excuses and quickly shut the door. But I never had encountered anything remotely like that before. Sure, I had been raised on a ship and new all the bawdy jokes. But I had never seen it first hand.

  I stumbled into Lilly who couldn’t help the peels of laughter escaping her lips.

  “Did you just walk in on them?” her eyes danced.

  “Lilly, you would not believe what I just saw! She was on her knees, and he was standing there with his hands in her hair. And his dick, holy shit! It was like a cucumber, Lilly!”

  She doubled over, tears appearing in her eyes. “It sounds like you got a pretty good look!”

  My eyes were like saucers, “Oh, I saw it all!”

  “What did you see?” Alex came down the stairs with a grin on his handsome face.

  Lilly blushed, but I relayed it all to him—spit included.

  He turned as pink as Lilly, “Fuck! Don’t tell me any more!”

  I frowned, “I don’t see why you should be embarrassed. You were the one who said the mermaids like to suck your...”

  Alex covered my mouth, “That’s enough sharing for today!”

  But Lilly wrinkled her nose in disgust, and turned to walk away.

  Alex hauled me into my cabin before he removed his hand.

  “Thanks a lot, Eb! Now she thinks I am some kind of pervert!”

  I laughed, “You are a pervert!”

  He scowled, “I don’t want her to think that!”

  “I don’t believe it! Little Alex has a crush!”

  “Shut the hell up!” Alex slumped into a chair, “I do not have a crush!”

  I sprawled in the Captain's chair, “If it makes you feel any better, I think she has a crush on you as well.”

  Alex bolted up, eyes hopeful, “Do you really think so?”

  “Well, yeah,” I snorted, “Before she found out that every fish in Neverland has had a taste of your dick!”

  Alex threw himself down, “Aww, shit.”

  Whatever I had been about to say was cut short when Tom came pounding on my cabin door.

  “Captain, we have finally found the location for Pan!”

  Triumph glittered in my eyes, “Well, done! Round up the crew, all hands on deck.”

  It was a short fifteen minutes later, that we met as a crew, on the deck of the Jolly Roger.

  “Where are we?” someone asked.

  I tried to see what was below us. It honestly looked to be a maze of metal and flashing lights.

  “It’s New York City,” Tink said happily, rubbing her hands together. “And Pan has just entered that dance club over there to the left.”

  “Why do they not see us?” Nate questioned to the people below.

  “They don’t believe in magic,” Tink waved him off with a roll of her eyes. “So until we leave the side nobody will see the ship above them.”

  “What is the plan?” Alex asked me.

  I pulled my dagger out, “We find him and kill him, should be easy.”

  Tinkerbell’s eyes grew round, “You cannot just take a weapon to a club. They will haul you away, before you ever set eyes on Pan. You have to be more stealthy than that.”

  I could do stealthy...maybe.

  “What do you suggest?” I put it on her.

  “You, me and Lilly will go down and check out the situation, see if we can locate Pan, and then return here, to decide our next move.”

  It sounded logical, so I was in until I saw what they wanted me to wear to the club, then I was out.

  “I don’t think this is even a skirt!” I could feel air brushing against my bare ass.

  “Stop being a baby,” Tink leaned over to put more gloss on her lips, and I saw everything her mama gave her. “You have on more than I do.”

  I frowned, “The lamp shade has on more than you do, Tink.”

  Lilly had on some leather pants and a black bra. They told me I couldn’t wear the pants because her bras wouldn’t fit me. Since I was required to wear the bustier, a mini skirt was my only option.

  The lace panties had gotten on my nerves, but they were nothing compared to the thong. It was like wearing floss for your ass. I tried to pull it out about a million times, before Tink yelled at me to go commando.

  I tittered in the sky-high boots that they roped me into wearing. Someone was going to end up in tears tonight, and I prayed it wasn’t me.

  Tink sprinkled us with dust, and we flew over the side of the deck and down to the street below in an alley just a block from the club. I could actually hear the beat of the music from where we were.

  It was sultry and heady, nothing like the music we had in Neverland. I found myself being drawn to it. We walked up to the club, and I noticed a long line of people waiting to get inside. Flicking my hair back, I marched to the front where some large men were eying the three of us carefully.

  “Are you on the list?” one of the brutes asked us.

  Lilly raised her head imperviously, “I am Princess Tigar Lilly, I do not need to be on a list. I am accepted everywhere.”

  “Do you know what she is talking about?” the other one asked.

  The first man shrugged his shoulders, “Nah, but they are hot as hell, the boss won’t mind.”

  They unlocked the rope and beckoned us forward. Tinkerbell was eyeing the guards like they were dinner.

  I had to yank her hand to get her to follow. Inside the club was dark and smelled of perfume and something I didn’t recognize. The music was so loud that I had a hard time concentrating.

  Lilly and Tink were just as wide-eyed as I was. The bodies on the dance floor weren’t performing any dances I knew. It seemed that they were making love with their clothes on. Not that I had a whole lot of experience there, but I had seen Charlie and Tink.

  A man brushed up next to me, “Hey beautiful, do you want to dance?”

  I stiffened, “No thank you, kind sir.”

  His lips twitched, “I will be kind to you, if you let me.”

  What the hell?

  “Um, no thank you, as I said. Doing just fine on my own. Run along now,” I did some shooing movements with my hand.

  “Rocko is everything okay?”

  The deep voice had my thighs clenching. If this man wanted to dance, I would be wrapping myself around him as soon as possible.

  Rocko froze, “Everything is fine, boss, just getting to know these ladies.”

  “I will take it from here,” my pussy throbbed just listening to him. I had to see what he looked like.

  Turning away from Rocko I tried to catch a glimpse, but my heels didn’t move as quickly as my body, and I started to fall towards the floor.

  I felt strong arms grab me. One under my knee and the other around my chest.

  “Woah there! It’s ok
ay, I have you,” I looked into the greenest eyes I had ever seen. His chiseled face had a few days worth of whiskers and dark brows that slanted down in concern.

  His lips were perfectly shaped, and I wondered what they tasted like. I couldn’t tell the color of his hair, but I could see that it was thick and wavy. I wanted to sink my fingers into it and discover it’s softness.

  “Are you okay?” his minty breath brushed my upturned face.

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly.

  It was then that two things happened which I shall never forget.

  Lilly gasped, “Your ass is showing!”

  Just as the color leeched from Tink’s face, “Peter Pan.”


  CHAPTER 5 - Ebony

  I FELT THE MAN TREMBLE, as he held me in his arms. Gasping, I pushed out of his grasp and nearly flopped onto the floor. He held me against his chest, until I was steady.

  “What did you call me?” he was glaring at Tink.

  She winked saucily, “It is you! Peter, I have missed you!”

  Tink leaped into his arms and tried to smother his face with kisses. All the while Lilly and I were staring. How could this positively gorgeous piece of man, be the terrible Peter Pan? He looked dangerous, nothing like the playful youth that I remembered from my past.

  Peter pushed Tink off of him, forcefully, “I am not who you think I am.”

  I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

  “You are Peter,” Tink stated emphatically.

  “We can’t discuss this here,” Peter looked at the other man Rocko, “We will be in my office. Do a sweep of the bar, if you could. I was headed there.”

  Rocko nodded and walked away looking powerful in his black suit. But he was nothing compared to Peter.

  As we followed him to his office like little lambs, I couldn’t help but think that I was in way over my head. The strength of his powerful shoulders underneath his suit jacket mesmerized me.

  “You can’t kill him,” Lilly hissed. “Remember! You promised me there would be a kiss.”

  My face heated at the picture her words brought to mind. Rather than the kiss of my dagger at his throat, I pictured Peter’s lips crashing down on mine. I had never kissed a man before, and found myself curious as to what a man tasted like. More specifically, I wanted to know what he tasted like.


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