Chasing Pan_Tales from Neverland

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Chasing Pan_Tales from Neverland Page 11

by S Cinders

  I had forgotten about the gift.

  “What is that?” I was resigned to the fact that he wasn’t going to tell me why I had been taken as a slave. But I couldn’t help but needle him about it from time to time.

  As far as masters went, Puck wasn’t a terrible one. He brought me things, and I had my run of his apartments. What bothered me was that I couldn’t leave. He had forbidden me from talking to anyone else.

  The only person I saw besides Puck was his friend Peter, and even he didn’t know why Puck was so secretive.

  Puck tossed the bag to me and I caught it easily. I opened it to see a thin gold chain with a tiny star attached to it.

  “I immediately thought of you,” he said gruffly.

  I lifted it out and noted the fine workmanship. This wasn’t a trinket but made of excellent fairy gold.

  I lifted my hair and held the necklace out to him. Puck took it from my fingers and gently clasp it around my neck. The metal chain felt warm and I swallowed hard. Here was another instance of Puck acting like he cared.

  But did he? How could he when I was a prisoner to him?

  My eyes popped open and my hand automatically went up to the chain that still to this day hung around my neck. I felt the ridges of the tiny star beneath the pads of my fingers. I don’t know why I held onto this gift. It wasn’t the most expensive nor the grandest that Puck had given.

  But ‘Little Light’ had always been his nickname for me. How I had loved him, it was both humiliating and shocking to contemplate.

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Enter,” I called out automatically.

  Puck closed the door behind him and walked up to the berth where I was sleeping.

  “Are you, all right?” his eyes held concern. “I heard you cry out earlier.”

  I flushed, “Only a bad dream, it is nothing.”

  His eyes followed my hands to the necklace before returning to mine.

  “You never had nightmares when you slept beside me,” his tone was gruff. “I will sit in this chair so that you can rest.”

  I shook my head, “You cannot go into battle tomorrow after sleeping in a chair.”

  Puck’s mouth broadened into a smile, “Worried about me, Little Light?”

  “Worried that you are going to get my ass killed,” I shot back with a little heat.

  He chucked, “I am happy to see that your fire is still burning, Tinkerbell.”

  He pulled up a straight back chair and tried to settle himself. It looked beyond uncomfortable.

  “Stop!” I called out, “Just lay here beside me.”

  His brows rose.

  “But don’t touch me!”

  They rose even higher, “What if my fingers brush your skin?”

  I gave him my fiercest glare, “Then I cut them off.”

  He stood and removed his coat, “Deal.”

  After shedding his clothing to his underwear, Puck climbed inside the berth and I scooted until I was smashed up against the wall.

  “Comfortable?” he asked with amusement.

  “Peachy,” I replied grumpily.

  It was a few moments later that I heard his breathing begin to even out. I sighed and scooted over a smidgeon so that I wasn’t so cramped. Our sides were touching, and his heat was sending ribbons of desire to my gut. But I chose to ignore it. I was a strong, independent, fairy and I didn’t need a man.

  It was much later before I slipped back into sleep. I didn’t notice when his muscular arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me against his chest. Nor did I notice when his legs entangled with mine.

  No, I slept like the dead. My dreams blissfully quiet and my body in perfect content.

  It was as light began to break that I felt a hardness against the cheeks of my ass. I smiled sleepily and rubbed myself against it. The cock felt massive and somewhat familiar. I was still halfway in dreamland. But I knew that I was waking the male individual in a pleasurable manner.

  I low growl emanated through me and the hand that had been wrapped around my waist fingered the elastic of my panties.

  I moaned as the other hand reached up to cup my breast, the thumb rubbing lightly over my nipple.

  I am not a girl to wait around. If I want something I will go for it. Taking the man’s hand, I slid it into my panties and pushed the thick fingers into my slick heat.

  Crying out at the invasion, my pussy wept with need as it was stroked by a master. I opened my legs, throwing the top one back so that my lover could have better access.

  He slipped two fingers inside of my heat and I bit my arm to hold back the cries.

  He fingered me languidly, slowly, and thoughtfully, until I was a mess. Blubbering all sorts of nonsense, I begged him to Fuck me, begged for his lips, his cock, and his tongue. He began rubbing small tight circles over my clit. His fingers covered in my juices made it more pleasurable and my hips rose to every call of his hand until he bit down gently on my shoulder and I gushed my pleasure out upon his hands.

  “Puck!” I cried out, and then stilled. I was no longer asleep, and I was registering that I wasn’t in my bed. The man that had taken me to the pinnacle and tossed me overboard was not a Lost Boy.

  This was a man with skill and determination. What had I done?

  I flipped over and gazed into Puck’s lust filled eyes.

  “We can’t do this,” I panted. “I was sleeping, I hadn’t realized it was you.”

  The Puck I knew wouldn’t have cared. He would have kissed me senseless until I was begging for it.

  But this new Puck only nodded and kissed my forehead.

  “Good morning, Little Light,” the rasp still present in his voice. “We are leaving soon. Please get dressed and meet me on deck.”

  He slipped out of bed as I laid there is shock.

  CHAPTER 25 – Puck

  MY COCK NEEDED ATTENTION in the worst way. Not only had I survived sleeping next to the sexiest woman ever created as she tossed and turned, rubbing her heat all over me. But I walked away without pressing for more.

  I knew that to win, Tinkerbell, I had to show her I was a changed man.

  In the darkness of the hull, I wrapped my hand around my aching dick and stroked. It was her face, her mouth, and eyes that came to mind as I pleasured myself. It had been this way for longer than I cared to remember.

  I remembered how wet her pussy had been beneath my fingers. How soft her skin had felt, and how much I wanted to plow my cock inside of her.

  My hand increased its speed as I pictured Tink underneath me, writhing with need and want as I wrapped her legs around my waist. Better yet, her lithe body riding on top of mine. Her full breasts bouncing with every thrust of my hips.

  I wanted to see her lips wrapped around my length as she swallowed me whole.

  My release was fast and hot as I pumped out the remainder of that fantasy. Once I had finished, I cleaned up and went on deck.

  Everyone was there, and assignments were given.

  Ebony, Lilly, and Pan were to head in from the north. Silver had a half dozen, pirates guarding Ebony. Tink, Alex, Charlie and I were to take the southern route. That left Silver, Black Dog, Nate, and Tom to go around to the west since the village had the sea to the east.

  We had sailed around to another spot on the Island where large cliffs had to be scaled before we could start our missions. It was decided that Peter and I would climb the cliff first so that we could secure the ropes for the others.

  I ripped my shirt off and started up the rocks. There were plenty of footholds and rocks jutting out to make the climb. But I knew what my back would look like as my muscles worked to pull my body up the side of the rock.

  Tink had always had a weakness for my body and I was counting on her watching every muscle. I stretched, flexing my shoulders reaching for a particularly difficult spot.

  Peter was cursing me, as he followed in my footsteps. I wasn’t worried about him. Hell, Peter was one tough mother fucker, who I had no desire to piss o
ff. He would make it.

  Once I reached the top we secured the ropes. We sent them down for the others to begin the climb.

  “What was that about?” Peter threw a rock at my shoe and I smiled.

  “Can’t keep up, Old Man?”

  He scoffed, “I just wasn’t sure why we had to take the hardest route possible. Until I saw a certain fairy with her eyes glued to somebody’s ass.”

  I perked up, “Really?”

  Peter laughed, “You have it bad, my friend.”

  It felt good to be friends with Peter again. Sure, we weren’t nearly as close as we once had been. But the hatred that he felt for me, was no longer there. I only hoped that he never found out the real reason I enslaved Tinkerbell all those years ago. If that were to happen he would want my head.

  When everyone had climbed the bluff, we broke off into our assignments and began to walk. On a map, Neverland doesn’t seem as if it is a very large place. So, imagine my surprise when we were still walking five hours later and hadn’t seen a soul.

  I didn’t want to complain and ruin Tink’s image of me, but my feet had blisters on top of blisters and I was chaffing something fierce.

  I wanted to cast a spell to shore up my body, but I knew the moment I used magic that she would know. I was far more powerful than Tinkerbell, but any fairy could feel the shift in magic when it was used around them.

  I hadn’t realized that I was limping until Alex stopped the caravan.

  “Tink,” he rounded on her and I almost decked him until I heard his next words. “Your little joke is over.”

  She flushed, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  Alex turned to me while running an impatient hand through his black curls, “Tinkerbell sprinkled all of us with pixie dust before the climb so that our bodies would be up for the walk. You obviously didn’t have the same consideration. You are walking like your balls are raw and for the record, your feet are bleeding.”

  Tinkerbell let out a horrified gasp, “I didn’t know that you were bleeding!”

  I tried to change the subject, “It doesn’t matter.”

  But it did. She had deliberately done this. I didn’t know if she was trying to make me angry or punish me, but I knew how I needed to respond.

  Without another word, I began walking again in the direction that we were assigned.

  “That man has balls of steel,” I heard Charlie whisper to Alex.

  I didn’t have balls of steel and I was certain that my feet were not the only area to be bleeding. But I wasn’t going to give on this one. I could have fixed it and most likely would. But I couldn’t let Tinkerbell see that she hurt me.

  It was another three hours before we saw smoke over the horizon.

  We had come upon a stream and everyone had refilled their canteens. I gingerly put my feet in the water and hissed as the cold river soothed my torn flesh.

  I felt someone approach, but I was too tired to turn around.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Her whispered apology coated me better than any medicine. I looked up, “I’m not angry.”

  Tinkerbell looked hesitant, “I should have protected you. I was selfish and wanted to teach you a lesson.”

  I nodded, “I thought it might be something like that. You have every right to be upset with me. I suppose allowing me to get a true glimpse of what trekking through Neverland is like won’t hurt me.”

  Her chin wobbled, “But it did hurt you.”

  I motioned for her to sit by me, “I have found that avoiding all the difficult parts of life had me leading a very dull existence. Sometimes one had to taste the pain to enjoy the pleasure, isn’t that what the bard said?”

  Her mouth lifted in a half smile, “Something like that. Puck, I don’t understand what you are doing? I thought if I gave you enough time you would fly off the handle like you always do.”

  “Like I used to do,” I gently corrected, “I am strong, Tinkerbell. I can withstand your challenges, if that is what you need to trust me again.”

  “I don’t know if I will ever trust you,” her whispered words sliced through me, causing more pain than the arduous journey we had been on.

  “I still have to try,” I responded, as I looked out across the forest of Neverland wondering if I was a fool to have come here.

  Lord knew that I was the king of fools in so many ways.

  “Will you allow me to heal you?” she asked tentatively.

  It was a task I could have easily done myself. But her willingness to help me touched something deep inside of me.

  “Please,” I muttered.

  She walked over to me, her hands glowing bright with pixie dust. Tink started with my head and shoulders. She coated my chest and I felt the muscles easing and the pain diminishing. She stopped at my stomach and blushed as she brought her hands around to hold over my cock and balls.

  The warmth from her hands combined with the healing dust had me groaning deep in my throat.

  Tink swallowed hard and I saw her nipples pebble beneath her satin top. She stared into my eyes for a fraction too long and it was then that I knew she wasn’t impervious to me. I still had a chance.

  Slowly she made her way into the stream as she coated my legs and then my feet. I reached out and picked her up out of the stream. With a wave of my hand she was instantly dry.

  Tink turned and before I could even think she kissed my cheek, “Thank you.”

  She turned and was off, and I was left there with a hard-on and the biggest smile that had crossed my face in centuries.

  CHAPTER 26 – Tinkerbell

  MY LIPS TINGLED AS I moved away from him. Why I had kissed him I haven’t the slightest idea. Charlie, of course, caught the entire event and was quick to jump on my ass.

  “What’s the story there, Tink?” his eyes were curiously intent.

  “Just an old,” I paused, because he hadn’t been a friend. Lover, master, owner of my heart and soul; all these things described Puck perfectly, but I wasn’t willing to share that. “Just an old acquaintance, that is all.”

  “Why do I get the impression that you are lying to me?” Charlie arched a brow, and I huffed sinking down on a fallen log to rest until we started up again.

  “Charlie, just because we fooled around, it doesn’t mean you have full access to my thoughts,” I snapped.

  His face remained impassive, and he sat beside me.

  “I had rather thought that we were becoming friends. I noticed that you'd stayed away from the boys and me lately. I hope we didn’t offend you, in any way.”

  I shook my head, “I’m sorry Charlie, we are friends. I am just sensitive when it comes to Puck.”

  “Do you love him?” his question startled me.

  “Love him? Lord no! Loath, despise, and warry are better ways to describe how I feel,” the words tumbled from my lips. But even as I said them, I knew that I wasn't completely honest.

  “You did love him, then?” Charlie persisted.

  I looked over to where Puck was sitting on the edge of the stream. His black hair was disheveled, and he had a fine layer of dirt from the trek through the forest. Instead of disgusting me, I felt a growl of possession so hot and instant that my nostrils flared. I had to get this under control before I found myself hopelessly lost under Puck’s control.

  “No,” I whispered, but we both knew I was lying.

  We marched along for another hour before we were close enough to see the Indian Camp. Puck devised a cloaking spell, and we split up, it was imperative that we stayed quiet.

  Men were arguing, the Indian chief and a pirate. I had thought that we were the first group to reach the camp. But that dissolved when I heard Princess Tiger Lilly join the fray.

  We crept closer and saw that Ebony and Pan were tied to wooden stakes, their mouths had been gagged, but otherwise, they looked unharmed.

  Lilly was pleading with her father to let them go.

  Something was wrong with the Indian chief. His eyes were g
lassy and unfocused. I felt Puck move closer and whisper into my ear.

  “Enchantment?” his warm lips tickled my skin.

  He was close enough that I could feel the heat of his body from my shoulders to my knees. I knew that he was only trying to be as silent as possible, but his nearness was wreaking havoc with my heart.

  I nodded abruptly and went to speak, but he placed his finger gently across my lips and pointed to the camp.

  My eyes followed his, and I saw that the pirates who had been assigned to Ebony were dead, slaughtered.

  My gaze went back to Ebony, and I registered the pain in her eyes. Some of these men had been part of her crew, and others were new friends. Tiger Lilly’s father grabbed her hands and shouted in her face.

  “If you do not wish to join your new friends,” he spat on the ground, “You will cease this arguing immediately.”

  “Father?” Lilly choked out, tugging her wrists, but his grasp was too firm.

  “Take the Princess to her tent and see that she is properly guarded,” the chief looked down at his daughter, and for a second, there was a concerned look on his wrinkled face. “It is for your protection.”

  Lilly fought the pirate as he hauled her away, but the man was much stronger than the small girl. I looked behind us to where Alex was waiting, knowing that this would be torture for him.

  But Alex was nowhere to be found.

  Puck’s hand settled on my waist, and it felt like a brand against my skin.

  He leaned down again and whispered, “He’s gone.”

  “Where?” I mouthed the word.

  Puck shook his head as if to say that he didn’t know. But things were not looking in our favor. I only hoped that Alex wouldn’t do something incredibly stupid to get us all killed.

  Charlie, who had been a few hundred yards to the right of where Puck and I were hiding motioned for us to fall back. Puck and I carefully retreated so that we could discuss our next move.

  Once we were in a place that we could speak freely, Charlie filled us in on what he had seen.

  “Every tribe member I saw had the same vacant expression,” Charlie wiped his brow. “Whatever spell has been cast it is affecting everyone in the vicinity. There are at least fifty men if not more preparing for battle.”


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