Beta's Virgin Bride (James Pack Book 2)

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Beta's Virgin Bride (James Pack Book 2) Page 5

by Lacey Thorn

  “Fuck me,” I pleaded. “Make me come again.”

  He growled, hammering me until the room was filled with the sound of harsh breathing and slapping flesh. The scent of us and sex lingered on the air, making me hotter with every breath I dragged into my lungs. Somehow, he managed to bend so he could catch one of my nipples between his teeth. The tug was painful but in a good way. It had my sex clenching on him, squeezing hard as he fucked me the way I’d been wanting. He sucked me, rolling my nipple between his lips before kissing his way up my neck.

  His hand was on the move again, gliding from my hip, brushing over my quivering belly until he forced it between us. Before I could growl with disapproval, those skilled fingers found my clit and played over it until I was a keening mess. I chanted his name with a few yeses and oh, God’s thrown in. He had me hovering on the brink of impossible pleasure very quickly. I arched my neck up, head pressing into the mattress and rolling back and forth as I fought to get there, to climb higher than I had before.

  Then I felt the scratch of his teeth along the muscle at the base of my neck. I knew what he was going to do, and as much as I’d sworn I’d never take a mate, in that moment, I wanted his claim, his brand, the bite that would make me his. I should have expected his next move, should have realized what he’d demand.

  “Look at me.” His voice was ragged, slurred as if he were drugged by the pleasure we shared, and I was helpless to ignore it.

  Our gazes clashed, caught, and held. He pressed his thumb hard over my clit and slammed his cock deep, and I came, mouth open wide on a silent scream.

  “Mine,” he rumbled, the promise there in his eyes. “You’re mine, Ivy, and I’m yours.”

  He dropped his head and bit down, drawing and tasting my blood as I had his, and I was lost. I shuddered, my sex clenching so tightly around him I swear I felt his pulse inside me. His cock jerked as it seemed to grow even thicker before the first blast of seed filled me. I’d never known pleasure like this existed. I wanted more of it, but first, I needed to remember how to breathe. I swear I saw stars flickering at the edge of my vision, and I wondered how Cyan had managed to pull the sky into my bedroom. I was still trying to figure that out when they all blinked out and darkness claimed me.

  Chapter Seven

  ~ Cyan ~

  I slipped from the bed without disturbing Ivy. I’d barely closed my eyes all night, certain every time I did that I’d awake to find it was all a dream. So, I’d stayed up, watching over her, watching her. She’d snuggled against me, one leg thrown over mine, an arm lying low on my waist, and her head on my chest, the lush roundness of her breasts pressing against my side. It had been pleasure and torture all rolled into one.

  I eased out of the room, softly pulling the door shut behind me. I could tell she was exhausted. I’d planned to spend the entire night making love to her, showing her how good we could be together. Instead, we’d come together once. Ivy had passed out cold on me, the smile on her lips letting me know she’d been completely satisfied. The marks on my skin brought a smile to my lips. My woman was fierce in her lovemaking. I couldn’t wait to get inside her again.

  I planned to spend the day with her and Jasmine, so while they both slept, I took advantage of the time I had to make a few calls. Bas didn’t answer his phone. Hopefully, his mate was keeping him occupied. I expected a mating ceremony for the two of them soon. I hoped to have one, as well. It would depend on what Ivy would agree to. All I knew was now that I’d tasted her, I wasn’t going anywhere without her.

  My next call was to Simon. He answered on the first ring.

  “Report,” I ordered, wanting to know everything.

  “Bas and Raina are at the main house with Bee. Haven’t seen any of them yet this morning.”

  “Any trouble after I left last night?”

  “No. Bas and Raina went for a run. I waited for them, brought them straight back here.”

  “The three men from last night?” I wanted to know if they’d said anything.

  “Three winners there. Lot of bitching and moaning. Not happy with Bas taking over as alpha, but then, they didn’t have anything good to say about the old alpha, either. From what I hear, they’re nothing but trouble.”

  “Are there any others?” The idea that there were members of the pack who thought it was okay to harass Ivy or Rebbie wouldn’t fly. I wanted every one of the motherfuckers found and dealt with.

  “A couple. Rebbie let us know, and Taylor took care of rounding them up last night. Trust me, they won’t be a problem.”

  “Good,” I growled. “Make sure none of them were missed.”

  “Michael’s following up with the elders this morning before we get with Bas and see what to do with them.”

  “Don’t bother Bas with this unless he comes to check with you. Our alpha’s getting mated. He has other priorities at present. Keep them where they are for now. I’d be surprised if anyone misses them. Let the reality of what won’t be tolerated in their new pack sink in. Put Michael or Taylor in charge until Bas is free or I’m back.”

  “When do you think that’ll be?” Simon asked.

  “I’m not sure. I might take the week. Spend it with my new mate and her younger sister. Have one of the guys pack a bag for me and drop it off.” I rattled off the address for him. “I need to be here. Ivy and her sister were close with Rowan Byrd. I don’t think either of them have really processed him being gone. Christ, Simon. Her sister still has nightmares about Rowan burning to death in that damn truck.”

  “Shit. Poor kid. That’s rough. I heard the Daltons were like family to him.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. I planned for them to be my family from now on. “Did Taylor get Rebbie to one of the houses for the night?”

  “I’m assuming so,” Simon answered. “He hasn’t checked in yet today. He was pretty worked up last night, though. He might be hitting the gym. I’ll make a point to check on him later this morning.”

  “Keep me posted. I’ll have my phone on in case I’m needed.” I knew Bas would text or call if he needed anything, but I wasn’t expecting to hear from him any time soon.


  I glanced over and got lost in a pair of big, chocolate-brown eyes that reminded me of Ivy’s. I could easily imagine my future daughter looking just like Jasmine.

  “Gotta go,” I informed Simon and hung up, oblivious to whatever he was saying. If it was important, he’d text. Or call back.

  She padded toward me on bare feet, still in her pajamas. “Morning. I didn’t know if you’d still be here this morning?”

  I grinned, translating her statement to mean she’d expected her sister to kick me out. She glanced around.

  “Where’s Ivy?”

  “Your sister’s still sleeping. Want to make breakfast with me?”

  She nodded. “Ivy loves pancakes and bacon. Do you know how to make pancakes?”

  “I know how to cook all sorts of things,” I promised. “Pull a chair up to the counter while I look around and gather ingredients. We’ll make the best pancakes you’ve ever tasted.”

  I lost myself in her giggles and conversation. She had a lot to say about Ivy, telling me her sister’s favorite foods, television shows, games, flowers and anything else she thought to share. I soaked up every moment of it. I’d never had siblings while growing up. Not any that counted anyway. I found myself enthralled with Jasmine. She had an infectious humor that dared me not to join her.

  I was just setting plates on the table, while Jasmine poured glasses of orange juice, when Ivy appeared in the doorway. Our gazes locked. I wanted to cross to her, snatch her up in my arms and kiss her until she was ready for an encore of last night. The guarded look in her eyes held me back. She appeared ready to flee at one wrong move on my part. It appeared I had more hurdles to overcome before my mate accepted me.

  “Hungry?” I asked and enjoyed the way her gaze immediately fell to my groin. I watched color suffuse her cheeks and neck and knew she was recalling al
l we’d done last night. We’d do it all again as soon as we had the time.

  “We made pancakes and bacon,” Jasmine gushed, carrying two cups of juice from the counter to the table.

  “My favorite,” Ivy enthused, smiling at her sister. Then she turned back to me. “It smells great.”

  There wasn’t much talking as we all took seats and dug in.

  “You really can cook,” Jasmine gushed around a mouthful of pancakes.

  “Thanks, I had a pretty good helper.” I winked at her and grinned when she pealed off into more giggles.

  “What do you ladies have planned for today?” I asked, picking up another piece of bacon.

  “Nothing exciting,” Ivy said and offered nothing more.

  “I can’t imagine anything with the two of you being unexciting,” I countered.

  More giggles from my favorite eight-year-old.

  “Today’s shopping day,” Jasmine offered. “Groceries, fresh flowers, and chocolate.”

  “Sounds pretty exciting to me. Mind if I tag along?”

  “Jasmine, why don’t you go brush your teeth and get dressed while I clear the table,” Ivy told her sister, instead of answering. It didn’t bode well for me that she was waiting for Jasmine to leave the room. I had an ally in her younger sister, and Ivy knew it.

  Jasmine was up and going like a shot, yelling something about the good chocolate this time. I rose as soon as she was gone, and when Ivy stood, too, I closed in, pulling her to me and taking her mouth. She tasted like syrup and bacon and sheer carnal bliss. She tasted like sex, or maybe, that was just my mind conjuring what I craved. She curled into me, arms winding around my neck as she pressed against me.

  “I thought you’d left,” she murmured when we finally broke the kiss.

  “No such luck, gorgeous. In fact, I thought we could spend the week together. Just the three of us. We don’t have to go anywhere. We can stay here. Have some downtime together. Let Jasmine get comfortable having me around.”

  “I’d say you’ve already won her over.”

  “And you?” I asked. “Have I won you over?”

  She reached up and rubbed her neck where I’d bitten her last night. My chest rumbled with possession. She was mine. My woman. My mate. My whole world. The lost look in her eyes undid me.

  “I don’t know how to do this, Cyan.”

  “Do what?”

  “Be mated. I… The sex was good.”

  I laughed. “You passed out from the pleasure, Ivy, and good is the best you can come up with?”

  She scowled at me. “I don’t really have anything to compare it to, unless you want to know how you rate against my fingers.”

  I growled, backing her against the wall and pinning her there with my hips. “Jesus, woman. Keep painting pictures like that, and I’m going to come in my jeans.”

  “Cyan.” My name was a throaty moan from her lips while she rocked her hot pussy against me.

  “Don’t start something we can’t finish,” I admonished and forced myself to take a step back. Jasmine could walk back in at any moment. “Let me go shopping with the two of you. You get the groceries. I’ll get the flowers and the good chocolate.”

  Ivy laughed. “It really isn’t exciting.”

  “I don’t know. You’ve never done it with me.”

  There was that lusty heat in her eyes again. “I—”

  Her phone rang, and she dropped whatever she’d been about to say and answered it.

  “Hey, Helen. Nothing special.” Her gaze flicked over me as she nodded to something this Helen said. “Just a minute and I’ll ask her.” She covered the phone with her hand and stepped into the other room, calling for her sister. “Angelica’s mom is on the phone. They’re camping out tonight and wanted to see if you’d like to tag along.”

  All I was hearing was Jasmine might be gone for the night. Sure, I wanted to get to know Ivy’s sister better, but there was plenty of time for that. I wasn’t going anywhere. But a night alone with Ivy? Hell, yes! I could have my wicked way with her, make her shout her pleasure at the top of her lungs.

  “Yes!” Jasmine yelled, bouncing around and waving her arms in the air, successfully ending my wayward thoughts. “Please, please, please!”

  I clasped my hands in front of me and, catching Ivy’s gaze, mouthed the same words.

  Ivy laughed and nodded. “Go pack a bag, and don’t forget your toothbrush.”

  She turned back to the phone. “I’m sure you heard that.” She laughed again. “Actually, I was heading out to the grocery store. I can drop her off.” She cocked her head, scrunched up her nose and nodded. “Okay. We’ll be here.”

  She thumbed her phone off. “Helen will be here in fifteen minutes. They’re already out and about, picking up stuff for the weekend.”

  “The whole weekend!” Jasmine was back to bouncing, and I was hard pressed not to join her.

  “If you behave,” Ivy said, and Jasmine launched herself at her sister.

  “I will! I will! Promise! And I won’t have to worry about you all alone ‘cause Cyan’s here.” She turned toward me. “You’ll stay, won’t you?”

  “Absolutely,” I agreed before Ivy could say anything.

  “Yay!” Jasmine bellowed. “I love camping! We get to play in the woods and swim and howl at the moon! We make smores and tell scary stories and stay up as late as we want.”

  “Maybe, I want to go camping instead,” I suggested. “That sounds like a lot of fun.”

  “No, you have to stay with Ivy, but we can all go camping someday, if you want to. Rowan used to take us camping when he had the time. He said I reminded him of his little sister.”

  “I know some really cool spots we can go,” I promised.

  “Tick-tock, Jasmine,” Ivy warned, and the little girl took off to finish her packing I assumed.

  “So, after shopping, how about you get all dolled up, and I take you out,” I offered.

  She tilted her head again, and I wanted to lean forward and take a nip of her smooth neck. “What are you offering?”

  “Dinner. Dancing. Pool if you like to play.”

  She grinned. “Now, you’re talking. I love to dance, and you and your alpha did interrupt girls’ night.”

  “He’s your alpha now, too.”

  She blinked then slowly nodded. “I guess he is.”

  I wasn’t big on dancing, but for her, I’d learn to love it. Plus, it would give me the perfect opportunity to prove her fear unfounded. By the end of the night, my virgin bride would realize the only man she wanted in her bed was me.

  Chapter Eight

  ~ Ivy ~

  Cyan spent the whole day turning me inside out with his touch. He held my hand or smoothed his palm down my back before resting his fingers at the small of my back. He patted my ass, rubbed my arm. He seduced me with his gaze, with his wicked smile that seemed to offer endless pleasure. He bought chocolate and flowers, decadent strawberries and champagne. When I questioned his purchases, he vowed we’d need them later.

  He caught my fingers after we loaded the SUV, spinning me to him and bending to kiss me. It was soft and sweet but packed no less of a punch than the passionate ones we’d shared in my bed.

  By the time we’d unloaded and put away stuff, I burned with need. I shut the last cabinet with a snap and turned, launching myself at him. He caught me with a chuckle that changed to a moan as I wrapped around him just as he’d sworn I would. I’d expected him to carry me to the bedroom. Instead, he seated me on the counter and pulled at my clothes.

  My hands clenched in his hair as I ate hungrily at his mouth. He broke the kiss and jerked my shirt up over my shoulders, locking my arms above my head and leaving me trapped in the fabric. While I struggled to free myself, he pushed my bra above my breasts then bent with a growl to take one nipple between his lips and suck. I didn’t try to stay quiet and wasn’t sure I could have if the need had been there. I was caught in the dark and heat, caught up in the moment. God, first the man had b
rought the stars; now, he’d stolen the light.

  Then I remembered the fabric covering my face. I tore the material as I freed myself and flung it aside. He undid the clasp on my bra, and it followed suit. He worshipped my breasts, cupping and shaping the mounds while paying homage to my nipples. He sucked greedily, and I arched into him, pressing more of my flesh into his mouth. I caught his shirt, tearing at it as I fought to touch his flesh. He released my nipple with a groan and finished removing his shirt before jerking me to him. One big hand cupped my ass while the other fisted in my hair, pulling my head back. He left sucking kisses along my throat before reaching my mouth and devouring it.

  I couldn’t get enough. I needed more. I needed us both naked and him buried inside me.

  “Cyan.” His name spilled from my lips as he moved his toward my ear.

  “Tell me what you want,” he demanded, nipping the lobe with his teeth.

  “You,” I whispered.

  “Here?” he questioned, licking my neck. “Or here?” He grazed my nipple with his teeth.

  “Yes,” I moaned.

  “Or here?” His palm cupped the crotch of my jeans.

  I cried out, rocking into his touch. He had me off the counter and on my feet before I took another breath. I grasped his shoulders for balance as he dropped to his knees and undid my pants, jerking them to mid-thigh before leaning in to place a kiss on my vulva.


  He stood, taking me with him. My ass hit the table, and my pants and panties were shoved farther down until they caught on my shoes. He growled against my skin, his hands making quick work of removing my sneakers and tossing them across the kitchen. My jeans and panties followed.

  Cyan took a seat and eased me forward, lifting my knees and draping them over his shoulders. I lay back, gripping the sides of the table with my hands as his breath fanned my folds. I closed my eyes. I couldn’t see him without leaning up on my elbows, and I didn’t have the strength for that right now. Besides, without sight, every touch seemed more powerful.


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