Taifali 112, 115, 124, 151
tenants-in-chief 292
Tenchteri 38
terpen 286
Tervingi 42–3, 45, 59, 67, 71, 112, 154, 157, 166–7, 199, 338, 357, 520, 589
confederation of 133, 164, 167
fighting in Rome’s Persian wars 59, 61, 67, 194
governmental capacity 60
and inherent mobility 594
kings and power of 59–64
military capacity 59
mobilization of labour by kings 62
peace with Romans (382) 152, 180, 189
persecution of Christians 570
retreating of small number of from Danube and relocating of in Transylvania (376) 186
seeking asylum in Roman Empire and reasons for (376) 69, 151, 159, 162–3, 164–5, 166–72, 336, 594
social stratification 172
sociopolitical structures 113
split in confederation 160, 162, 172
struggles against Romans 152, 189
trade with Romans 76
unification with Greuthungi 199
Teutoburger Wald, battle of the (7 AD) 5
Teutones 101
Teutonic knights 557
Theoderic the Amal 24–7, 60, 70, 146, 224, 240, 241–2, 243, 248, 249, 256, 257, 259–60, 351, 361, 364, 589
Theoderichshafen 119
Theodosius I, Emperor 179, 189, 194
Thessalonica 400, 401, 423, 424, 448
Thompson, Edward 64–5
Thrace, Slavic settlement 403
Thracian Goths 248–50, 256, 260, 262, 346
Thuringians 366
Timerevo 492–3
Tithe Church (Kiev) 517, 524–5
Tounsoures 239
between Romans and Germani 61–2, 72–81, 91, 138, 139, 564
new states and networks of 506–7, 564–5, 573–4
and Rus 470–2, 473–4, 477–8, 493
Trajan 114
and Anglo-Saxon migration 288–9
in first-millennium Europe 32
Germanic 77
and Slavic migration 448
and Vandals 596
water-bourne see Vikings
Transylvania 97, 114, 116, 128, 170, 185, 186
Trapezus (Trabzon) 110
treaties and new states 526
Trelleborg fortresses 522, 530
Tribigild 180
Trier 312, 313
truthin 46
Ubii 96, 100, 101, 127, 136
Ukraine 4, 371, 391, 415, 551–2
Uldin 174, 176, 177, 183, 187, 214, 216, 231
Ulfila 114, 130, 166
Valamer 223–4, 234, 239, 246, 250
Valens, Emperor 59, 151, 152, 154, 160, 163, 168–9, 189, 336
Valentinian I, Emperor 40, 89, 140
Valentinian II, Emperor 214
Valentinian III, Emperor 278
Valerian, Emperor 107
Vandal-Alan coalition 338–9, 343, 344, 345, 348, 351, 353, 357, 589
Vandals 20, 115, 152, 174–5, 202, 587
conquering of North Africa and motivations behind migration 9, 152–3, 176, 177, 190, 202–3, 203–4, 333, 335
destruction of kingdom of by east Roman
Empire 361
and Franks 186
and inherent mobility 185
invasion of Roman territory (406) 173, 180–1
and Marcomannic War 101
migration and transport logistics 596
and Przeworsk culture 105
relocation to Raetia 182
Roman expeditions against whilst in North Africa 204
in Spain 189, 203
Vannius, King 61–2, 139, 140
Venedi 394–5, 396
Veneti 7, 8, 607
Victor of Vita 176
Vidimer 256
Viking migration 9–10, 481–97, 582–3, 583–4
colonization of Iceland 464, 487, 488–90, 491, 50809
as consequence of growth of trade network 506–7, 512
destruction of monasteries 496
and development 508–14
economic motivations 409, 498–500, 508, 512
as extended flow and not one big mass movement 495, 504
and fields of information 500–2, 591
Great Army settlement in England 96, 455–6, 458, 459–61, 464, 483–6, 490, 496, 502, 510, 583
and inherent mobility 594
involvement of women and children 490–1, 492, 494, 504
motivations 497–9
naval technology and ships 504–6, 512, 513, 583–4, 595–6
and place-name evidence 485, 487–8
political and cultural impact of 495–7
political motivations 508–12
and return migration 593
settlement in northern and western isles 487–8, 489–90, 496
size and scale of into west 481–4, 490, 491–5, 513, 583
types of unit 490
Vikings 10, 130, 287, 450–1, 452–514, 518
Alfred’s defence against 459, 461–2
attacks against Franks 460–1, 483
castle construction 521–2
conquest of western Europe by Great Armies and settlement 459–65
hiring of to fight other Vikings 457
military capability 524
raiding in western Europe 453–65, 455–8, 498–9, 583
Russia/Rus 465–81
settlement in France 463
and slave trade 498–9, 548
and Trelleborg fortresses 522, 530
villas: in Roman Britain 295, 297–8, 299, 304, 293, 294
Vinitharius 358, 442
Visigoths 52, 123, 139, 152, 214, 256, 307, 338–9, 344, 345–6, 348, 375
Clovis’s campaign against 309, 310, 360
creation of 357
diplomatic relations with Romans 339
falling apart of unification with Ostrogoths 364
smashing of kingdom by Franks 360
treaty with Romans (418) 357
Vithimer 162, 163, 215
Vladimir 524–5, 536, 550, 559, 567, 571
Volga Bulgars 465, 477–8
Volga, River 473–4, 477, 492
Völkerwanderung (‘movement of peoples’) 153, 172, 173–88, 226–7, 267, 329, 376, 603–9
Volyntsevo culture 416–17, 419
Vouilé, battle of (507) 360
Wallachia 393, 439, 446, 447
warbands 126–7, 129, 131, 133, 143, 158, 215
Warperton, cemetery of 275
wave of advance model 22, 29, 147, 148, 422, 579–80, 581–2, 583
Wenskus, Reinard
The Generation and Bonding of Tribes 19–20
wergild 302, 320
Werner, Hans-Joachim 314
Wessex 275, 280, 301, 302, 459, 460, 462, 496
Wielbark system 103, 104–5, 130, 141, 222
cemeteries 117, 118, 126–7, 134, 146–7
expansion of 105–6, 107, 117, 580, 582
links with Cernjachov system 120–1, 124
Wijster 50–1, 73–4
William the Conqueror 292, 298, 327, 350
William and the Conqueror 292
and Amal-led Goths 247–8
and Anglo-Saxon migration 283–4, 290, 297
and Frankish immigration 326
and Germanic migration 130–2, 133, 143, 145–6, 150, 171–2, 176–7, 600–1
and slave trade 566–7
and Viking migration 490–1, 492, 494
world systems theories 34
Wormald, Patrick 508, 509
Yaroslav the Wise 559
York 465
Yugoslavia, former 29
Zimbabwe 300
Zizais 83, 88
Zosimus 162, 191–2, 209, 294
Zwentibald, King xiii 557, 558
Empires and Barbarians Page 96