Road to Victory (Dogs of Fire Book 5)

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Road to Victory (Dogs of Fire Book 5) Page 7

by Piper Davenport

  I raised an eyebrow... Dani tended to ramble when she was excited, agitated, bored, sad, lonely, tired, etcetera.

  “All that to say,” she continued, “regardless of the whopping five year age difference, he’s exactly what you need and he knows it, I know it, we all know it... it’s just taking you a little while to figure it out. But lucky for you, he’s on top of it, so I’m going to just sit back and watch the show.”

  “Ohmigod, Dani, bite me.”

  “I’ll let Knight do that.”

  “I just don’t know if I can open up to him, you know? He scares the crap out of me.”

  “I know, Kimmie. I get it. But you’ve already opened yourself up to him! You haven’t even looked at another man since you met him...not in any real sense of the word anyway. So you’re just driving yourself crazy by pining for him without telling him how you feel.”

  I groaned. She was right, but I didn’t really want to hash out the subject anymore. Luckily, Dani left it alone, mostly because Mack and Darien arrived to congratulate me and say goodbye. Once they left, Dani and I packed up, loaded Fozzie into his trailer, and followed Isaac (one of our barn’s hands) who was on hauling duty, back to the barn.

  By the time I arrived home, I took a long bath and fell into bed, managing a full night’s sleep without dreaming. It was a nice reprieve for once.

  ONE WEEK LATER, Knight stepped up to the horse he was examining and ran his hand over her withers, whispering as he slid his hand down the bad leg. “Good girl. You’re okay.”

  “What do you feel, son?” Doc Farlane asked.

  Knight was interning in his final year at vet school, his specialty working with large animals, and horses in particular were his passion.

  “Heat’s comin’ off her left fetlock. I feel swelling.”

  “Anything broken?”

  Knight shook his head. “I don’t think so. She has full motion, it’s just sore.” He lifted her hoof and grabbed a hoof-pick to clean off the area. “She’s got a nasty scab over the frog. Some dried blood. Looks like she cut it.”

  Doc leaned in to look and nodded. “What’s the treatment plan?”

  “We’ll need to clean it out, give her a tetanus shot and antibiotics. I’m concerned about her fetlock, but I think it’s all connected. I’d bind her leg and watch her.”

  Doc patted his shoulder. “Well done, son.”

  Knight smiled and lowered the horse’s foot gently to the ground, patting her side. She bumped him with her nose and Knight chuckled, reaching in his pocket for a peppermint. “You just want me for my candy.”

  With Doc’s supervision, Knight treated the horse, then handed him off to her owner, packing up his bag and disposing of his trash.

  “I’m gonna head out,” Doc said. “Good job today.”

  “Thanks, Doc.” Knight gave him a chin lift and watched the vet walk back toward the cars. As his gaze hit the barn, he recognized Kim standing outside a stall talking to Fozzie. An older man Knight thought he knew, but wasn’t sure from where, approached Kim and her entire demeanor changed. Her body went stiff and she moved to stand in front of the horse as though to protect it.

  Knight started toward her. He was almost to the barn when the man turned and walked away and Kim let herself into the stall. Her head disappeared below the side and Knight sped up. Something wasn’t right.

  Arriving at the stall door, he dropped his bag and peered over the side. “Shit!” he whispered, and stepped inside. Kim was in the corner in the fetal position, hands over her head, regardless of what looked like piss close to her, chanting to herself. For a sick and twisted second, he thought how beautiful she was even amongst filth.

  “Kimmie?” He knelt beside her and touched her shoulder, awarded with a kick in the side by her swift and elegantly booted foot. “Fuck!” he snapped, holding his side.

  Kim went back to her chanting, seemingly unaware that the she’d even kicked him. Her horse was growing agitated, so Knight took a minute to calm him, deciding that leading him out of the stall would be the safest plan of action. “Good boy. I’m gonna take care of her. Just gotta keep you from tearing up the stall.”

  He tied him to the side of the barn and stepped back inside. He approached Kim differently this time, kneeling beside her, not touching her. “Kim?”

  “He doesn’t own me, he doesn’t own my body. It is mine, I am me, he has no power,” she chanted in a whisper.


  “He doesn’t own me, he doesn’t own my body. It is mine, I am me, he has no power.”

  Fuck! His heart twisted as he watched this beautiful woman try to beat back the demons.

  “Sugar,” he whispered.

  “He doesn’t own me, he doesn’t own my body. It is mine, I am me, he has no power.”

  Knight shook his head. “Fuck me,” he whispered, reaching out to pull her arms away from her head and moving into the strike zone. “Kim!” he snapped.

  She let out a scream and went on the offensive, kicking, scratching, punching, anything to get him to release her.

  “Kim, sugar, it’s me. It’s Aidan.”

  She fought for a few more seconds as he continued to talk to her and then her body went limp and she opened her eyes, seeing him for the first time. “Knight?”

  “Yeah, sugar.”

  Now she was pissed.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” she snapped, pulling away from him.

  He knew he had to handle this very carefully.

  She jumped to her feet. “And what the fuck did you do with Fozzie?”

  “He’s fine, Kim. He’s outside,” Knight said, and stood slowly. Kim rarely swore, at least around him, but there was something unbelievably sexy about her lips wrapping around the word “fuck.”

  Kim rushed out of the stall, Knight following, to her horse. He whinnied as soon as he saw her. “Aw, buddy.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and took a deep breath. “I’m here.”

  “Kim?” Knight prompted.

  She whirled to face him. “If you say anything to anyone about any of this, I will cut you.”

  “Are you shittin’ me right now?”

  “Not one thing, Knight.” She crossed her arms, leaning against her horse. “Ohmigod, what the hell are you even doing here? Trolling for low-class, barrel racing pussy?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You know nothing about me, do you?”

  “Oh, sorry, Mister Scott. You train riders for the Olympics now... I forgot.”

  “So you finally figured it out.”

  “You didn’t have to keep it from me,” she snapped.

  “It’s not a fuckin’ secret, Kim. My middle name’s Scott, it was a good way to keep this side of my life separate from the club.”

  “But you’re like fifty years too young to be a trainer.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, when they picked me, they didn’t know I was so young...just wanted the person who trained Lucy Seals.”

  “You trained Lucy?”

  Lucy had won an individual bronze in the last Olympics, despite the fact her team hadn’t ridden well. She’d been the breakout star for sure and Knight had been receiving phone calls for years. At twenty-three, no one would have expected him to be considered seasoned, least of all him.


  “Well, good job.” She shrugged and untied Fozzie. “I need to get him settled.”

  “Babe, he just pissed in there.”

  “Okay. So I’ll muck out the stall.”

  “Have you ever mucked out a stall?” he challenged.

  “Of course I’ve mucked out a stall.”


  “Yes! God, I’m not incompetent. I might pay someone to do it for me, but I know how, and do it when I’m here!”

  “Kim,” he whispered, trying not to laugh.

  Her face reddened and she squared her shoulders. “Just get out of the way, Knight. I’ll take care of it.”

  “I’ll do it. Where’s the tack room?”

; “In the back.”

  He started toward it, but she pulled him back.

  “What are you really doing here, Aidan?”

  Knight felt his jeans get tight. They always did when she spoke his real name. Didn’t happen often, but when it did, he felt it all the way to his dick. “Lookin’ at a horse.”

  “Really?” She rolled her eyes. “Want a big ol’ quarter horse who won’t give you grief?”

  “Not to buy, sugar.” He chuckled. “Doc wanted me to check out a mare who’d gone lame. I graduate in three weeks and it was my last intern assignment.”

  “Oh. Well, it’s none of my business. Um, thanks for taking care of Fozzie. Sorry for swearing at you.” She forced a smile. “I should get him sorted.”

  “Hey,” he said, sliding his hand to her neck. “Let me clean the stall first.” She blinked back tears and Knight cocked his head. “You okay?”

  She shook her head and did a face plant into his chest. She didn’t speak, she didn’t move, other than her body shaking uncontrollably as she silently cried. Knight stood still, his hand still at her neck, his thumb stroking her pulse as he waited for her to work out whatever she needed to work out.

  After a few minutes, her body relaxed and he gave her neck a squeeze. “This got somethin’ to do with that man who was here earlier? Who is he?” he asked.

  She shook her head as she stepped back, breaking their connection but still not meeting his eyes. “Sorry I... um, I really should get going. I have to work tonight.”


  Her eyes flew to his, then away just as quickly.

  “Hey,” he pressed. “Look at me.”

  She did, but her expression was guarded again. “It’s cool, Knight. Thanks for your help. I’ll take care of the stall.”

  He studied her for a second, but decided to let her have her secrets... for the moment. “I’ll take care of the stall, sugar.”


  Knight made quick work of the stall, threw down some shavings, and Kim guided Fozzie back inside. After giving him a flake of alfalfa, she stepped out of his stall and glanced warily at Knight.

  “We’re goin’ out,” he said.

  “We are?”



  “Now. You and I are gonna talk. Done with this cat and mouse shit, Kim. It’s time we have a come to Jesus meeting.”

  “I have to work later and right now I’m a mess, Knight.”

  “Don’t give a shit. You don’t get to run anymore. It’s you and me, babe, and it’s now.”

  She threw her hands up in the air. “There is no you and me.”

  Knight wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him, covering her mouth with his, the intention to prove the connection between them. What happened instead felt like a total and complete punch to his gut. Fuck, he was totally gone for her.

  Kim looped her hands around his neck and opened her mouth for him, her tongue sliding against his as she wove her fingers into his hair. Her body melted into his and it took all the strength in the world not to fuck her against the barn wall. When she let out a quiet “mew,” he forced himself to break the kiss. If he didn’t, he’d fuck her on the floor of the barn. “Shit.”

  She dropped her cheek to his chest. “I... ah... wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Me neither.” He sighed, giving her a gentle squeeze. “Where are we going?”

  “I can’t, Aidan,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, sugar, you can. We can go back to your place or out, don’t matter to me, but we’re gonna talk.” He stroked her cheek. “I’m done waiting.”

  “For what?”

  “For you.”

  She shoved away from him. “Excuse me?”

  He grinned which seemed to piss her off, which in turn, fuckin’ turned him on. “I don’t stutter.”

  “Ohmigod, you’re delusional,” she declared, and walked away. He followed. She made it to her car and hit the key fob before turning to face him. “I have to work tonight.”

  “What time?”


  He checked his watch. It was almost noon. “Your place, then.”

  She bit her lip and studied him. “This isn’t a good idea.”

  “Gonna happen, babe. Wrap your head around it.”

  “The one I have up my ass?” She crossed her arms. “Not a whole lotta room up there, Knight.”

  He smiled, sliding his hand to her neck. “Maybe that was a little harsh on my part... I just needed you to relax a bit and see something from a different point of view.”

  She stiffened. “So, speaking to me like some low-brow bitch was your way of getting me to relax?”

  “Sugar, you’re not chasing me away and you’re not running, so lean in.”

  “This will never work.”

  “We’re gonna make it work,” he said.

  “You’re like a fetus, Knight... it’s impossible.”

  He couldn’t help his laugh as he leaned forward and kissed her again. “Fuck me, Kimmie, you’re adorable.”

  “I wasn’t trying to be adorable.”

  “I’m on my bike.” He nodded toward his Harley parked two down from her car. “I’ll follow you.”

  “You’re a pain in the ass, Knight.”

  He grinned. “You love it.”

  Kim shook her head and climbed into her car, pulling slowly away from the barn.


  I PULLED INTO my garage and drove down to my parking space. There was a guest spot open directly across from mine and I silently cursed the parking gods for not making the lot totally full so Knight would have to leave.

  The roar of Knight’s Harley echoed in the cavernous space, and I shivered. Damn it if I wasn’t wet just by the sight of him in my rearview mirror on that stupid bike. Shit!

  I turned off my car and dropped my head to the steering wheel, hoping if I didn’t look up, he’d disappear. Unfortunately, an annoying knock came at my window and when I looked at him, he was grinning like an idiot. I grabbed my keys and climbed out of the car.

  “Pop your trunk,” he said. I did and he grabbed my stuff, throwing it over a shoulder before closing the trunk again. “After you, sugar.”

  I fought back the desire to stomp my foot and walked as calmly as I could to the elevator bay. We rode in silence up to my floor and Knight walked toward the back of my home once we entered my apartment.

  “Where are you going?” I asked.

  “Laundry room. Can’t mess up your floors.” He grinned and headed toward my laundry room.

  He knew how I felt about my home. Knew I took care of the things that meant something to me, both inanimate and live, and now he existed in my space like he belonged there. This both excited and scared me. I sighed and followed him, leaning against the doorframe, watching him drop the bags on the washer. “I need to take shower.”

  “Want some company?” he asked, a sexy grin on his face.

  “Not happening.” I rolled my eyes. “Are you really staying?”

  “I’m really staying.”

  “Fine. There’s beer in the fridge, so help yourself.” Without waiting for a response, I headed to my room.

  I took my time in the shower like I usually did, but I decided not to blow out my hair, choosing to let it dry naturally. I would pull it back for my shift anyway, so despite my vanity and the fact that the man of my dreams was somewhere in my apartment, he was going to see me ugly. I dragged on a pair of sweats and an oversized sweatshirt and headed to the living room.

  Knight stood at my kitchen island, a loaf of bread and various other items to make sandwiches in front of him, and smiled over at me. “You hungry?”

  My stomach rumbled and I laid my hands over it with a nod.

  “No tomatoes, right?” he asked.


  He grabbed a slice of bread. “You like everything except tomatoes.”

  “How did you know that?”

  “Sugar,” he said with a ch

  I sighed. “Not a big fan of mayo either.”

  “Do you see mayo on the counter?”

  “Well, no,” I conceded, and he grinned.

  “What I don’t get, is if you don’t like mayo, why do you have it?”

  “Dani loves it.”

  “Ah, makes sense.”

  “And I have tomatoes—”

  “Because you like tomatoes in pretty much everything else,” he finished.

  I took a seat at the island. “Aidan, how the hell do you know this?”

  “I know you, Kim.”

  “Not that well.”

  “You don’t think?”

  He slid a sandwich toward me and I shook my head. “I don’t get you.”

  “I’m not that complicated.” He grinned and leaned against the island. “And even though you are to most people, you’re not to me.”

  Okay, that was seriously sweet, although perhaps a bit on the stalker side.

  I took a bite of my sandwich and chewed. Wow, it was really good. I could tell he knew what I was thinking by the annoying smirk on his face. I swallowed and raised an eyebrow in challenge. “If I’m such an open book to you, then why don’t you tell me something most people don’t know about me?”

  “You’re the most loyal person I know, but you hate the word ‘loyal.’”

  I forced myself not to react. He was totally right. My mom used to tell me that loyalty was paramount, even when she was screwing people over.

  “You’re the most selfless woman I know, but your mother still calls you selfish.”

  I gasped, then slapped my hand over my mouth.

  “More?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “How do you know any of this?”

  “Because I know you, Kim.”

  “You’re guessing.”

  He set his sandwich down and moved around the island, turning my stool to face him. “Sugar, I know you.” Knight cupped my cheek. “We’ve been doin’ this dance for over a year, but even before that, I knew you. I clocked you the second you walked in with Dani that first time—”

  “Walked in where? The honky-tonk?”


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