Earth on Target (Survival Amidst the Stars)

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Earth on Target (Survival Amidst the Stars) Page 23

by Angel Bright

  The organization of the aid that is sent to the cells that continue to emit signals is highly specialized according to the orders of the cell itself, because even in the disrupted pathways of the nervous system to the cerebrum, the cell is transformed and connected with the surrounding cells for wound healing and for rejection of dead cells. For this process of regeneration to happen, the supply of the group of cells, whose location on the body is precisely localized, is changed, and the supplies of materials necessary for the purpose are strictly specialized and different from those for the normal cells.

  A key process is communication of the cells with the organ that organizes the deliveries. These signals were what I wanted to find and use to speed up the regeneration process and even to activate a process of growing of a destroyed or a badly damaged organ. The human body has such a built-in power because of the very existence of its energy matrix that it fills up as the baby grows to an adult. It’s just that this ability must be activated.

  The young enthusiasts welcomed the idea with delight, and their group began to grow. At specific seminars, we shared our ideas and observations, and I also used my innate ability to see energy impulses and changes in active energies, including processes of support or rejection of regeneration processes. Many strange abilities of the human body were accumulating. We recorded them as promising directions for studies by volunteers, and the renowned Lunar Experimental Clinic and Stationary for Cases Scientific Interest organized itself around us. Indeed, we were achieving significant successes, which we immediately shared with practicing physicians and biochemists. We then organized a constantly operating two-way line for sharing discoveries and unusual observations.

  But our goal was eluding us.

  At times, we seemed to have hit the alarm frequency and checked it repeatedly. We have failed even on our fourth attempt met: three quarters of the time the signal was successful, the rest of the time - wasn’t. The organism would not respond.

  Still, we gathered reliable yes/no statistical data, and the range of possible signal frequencies narrowed. Already the theories arose that the alert signal was related to a specific combined alarm code that directly indicated what had happened, and a request for supply was requested.

  My personal opinion was that there was an extra signal for the supplies, and I had come across it by chance at least once in my misadventures. It was the signal for broken bones.

  If an emergency signal were repeated twice, what would the result be? Accelerated regeneration? What kind of signal could activate a lost-limb regeneration process? What kind of signals were the cells exchanging?

  We knew very few things about the living body and about the life-creation process. How were cross-links organized between them?

  The creation of working research teams had repeatedly helped me find true solutions, and the current teams were the best I could have to achieve my dream. I had more abilities. I saw more things. I saw and recognized the frequency spectra of the energies I would use when we detected the true communication frequencies.

  I could not discern the help signal that the injured cells sent because a bunch of colors would burst out, and that would not repeat in the next experiment even if the neighboring cells were injured. Of course! This was the next injury, and the signal could not be a repeat of the first!

  We had wasted so much time. Everything had been right in front of my eyes. I had seen the signal, yet it was not single but a complex one. And there was no way to repeat it because each case was different at another place—another signal.

  Still, we were on the right track. We would determine the frequencies of each energy and the frequency spectrum of the bundle of energies included in the signal. We required new experiments again. Now we knew what we were looking for. Signal paths could be tracked. Where would this take me? I would see what controlled the supply and what processed the signal. I would speed up healing processes. I would teach my student mages to be the healers as well.

  When a broken bone was joined, a notification signal appeared in the place it was joined. Shortly thereafter, the aura of this place changed. In individuals who were stronger physically, the signal had a higher brightness with the appearance of two additional colors: dark blue and violet. In the case of weaker individuals, they did not appear, and the healing process was longer. I began to complement the aura of the weaker patients with the two extra colors.

  To a control group of patients, I infused equal amounts of additional energy. As early as the second day, their aura changed and included both additional colors. Bone growth accelerated. In a second larger group of patients, I began to infuse different amounts of both energies. I wanted to reach the limit for a minimum and a safe maximum amount of extra energy. Every hour, I conducted check-ins and strictly recorded the data. Up to a certain degree of force and amount of infusion of extra energy, the emitting of own frequency oscillations began to appear after a quarter of an hour and remained constant in strength according to the individual. We clarified the characteristics of the most accelerated process and commissioned the production of stimulus devices according to the newly discovered data.

  The signals unlocking the regenerative process of missing organs and limbs remained unclear. I dreamed of creating such a procedure, but it coincided with the procedure for cloning humans, animals, and plants and was a way of transferring consciousness from one person to another. Numeros had also mentioned this as his way of achieving eternal youth and immortality, and this was the creation of a new higher branch of science.

  We had accomplishments, and an ever-expanding, unexplored area with accessible and real results for human civilization to attain the capabilities of regeneration was opening up to us.

  Our in-depth activities in organ healing and regeneration were not an end in itself or a hobby of indigenous talents but a preparation for the protection of human civilization from external biological or armed aggression. We built combat squadrons to participate in direct combat to strike and inflict destruction in which there would be severely wounded warriors and valuable ship specialists. We had to be ready in a short time to regenerate the victims and bring them back to action. Our research always ended with constructed medical devices capable of conducting onboard procedures in a serious combat environment. Sets of these devices were found on every warship, every space station, every orbital battery, and at any human settlement or orbital dock outside Earth. The crews were trained to work with them in the absence of a doctor onboard or in the underground city.

  A contagious disease was capable of destroying the entire crew in the closed environment of the airtight premises. We were ready to stop every infection in the very beginning.

  The era of human space expansion was coming.

  The latest news from Mars was good. The installations for producing oxygen from water had tripled in number, and seaweed brought from Earth had started growing in muddy water surfaces. Soon, the last icebergs from the distant asteroid belt of Orth would be taken from the surface of the planet, and a stabilization and purification of the atmosphere would begin. The second part of the Mars program would then start by introducing selected species of flora and fauna adapted to the Earth-type atmosphere.

  The Saturn program continued in the direction of the frozen Titan, Saturn’s largest satellite. Titan had its own atmosphere consisting of 92 percent hydrogen, 5 percent methane, and 3 percent carbon and other gases. The most attractive thing about Titan’s reclamation was the lack of differences in atmospheric pressure between its surface and Earth’s atmospheric pressure, and it was possible to work without heavy suits but with lightweight plastic garments and only an oxygen mask. The transformation of Titan was a necessity not only because of its size but also because around it was created a base for work on Saturn’s other satellites. The atmosphere of Titan was also the ideal fueling-supply base for spacecraft and shuttles with rocket engines because of its atmospheric unbound methane.

  In orbit around Titan were the repair docks and t
he protected stocks for housing our growing space fleet. On Titan’s surface, settlements were built as rest areas for the workers from the docks and the crews of our warships. These settlements were protected by hemispheres of armored fiberglass produced on Titan, and beneath them we created a terrestrial atmosphere and lush Earth vegetation under numerous quartz lights, complete with water pools and a beach. Water was no problem.

  This promising group also included the beauty Rhea, Saturn’s second-largest moon, which had its own oxygen atmosphere and was the easiest for rapid reclamation. Of course, that depended on if the scientists successfully solved the problem of holding, warming up, and balancing Rhea’s climate.

  The satellite Enceladus, located in the E-section of the Saturn ring, was also of interest, with a satellite diameter of 499 km on average. It was completely covered with water and suitable for colonization after oxygen and heat balance.

  Saturn’s satellite system was primarily a rock-water world as if it were specially created as a step toward the outer planets. Inside the group of inland satellites was Pandora. In its underground settlements, our research-and-development complex was working on our newest type sun reactors.

  The beginnings of these developments were made when we undertook the first steps in this area of our planet ally, Prima Davos. We came across a few of the specialists working in this field who had come to learn the technology of our cold nuclear reactors. We had not done much with that technology, and we did not see future prospects for it because of the low energy level of production. But we used the moment by simulating food poisoning for scientists to examine them with a variety of medical devices, one of which was a mental-copying device. The idea intrigued us, and we made several different models. We chose one to further develop and now to reduce its size for use in small patrol ships, too.

  The scientists and engineers involved in the sun project did not receive specific information about the place of use of the small-scale generator, but it was clear that this place needed a fast and short-term energy load with a next continued cruise mode in a cycle of forcing, acceleration, forcing, and acceleration or shot, charging, shot, and charging. In the exceptional cases, the load could be increased by 25 percent over the maximum, but the generator had to be monitored to prevent a possible subsequent nuclear explosion. The miniaturization of these reactors achieved good results, with the change of form and superconductivity of blocks creating powerful magnetic fields to hold the continuously accelerated energy packets coming from the surrounding space.

  The miniaturization was also held back by the required high minimum power because smaller generators could be built, but their power dropped well below the required norms of volley fire and of a rapid recharging of weapon systems. Of course, the struggle for miniaturization of the generators was mainly held back by the need to increase the caliber of the armament of our fighters included in the basic strategic concept of our military doctrine. It was the creation of a striking maneuverable weapon with a small size and accelerated charging.

  Speed, performance, and secure protection were vital.

  To save space, from the last thousand fighters produced, the cockpit and systems necessary for survival of the pilots were removed, leaving the pilots in special aircraft carriers’ cabins. The pilot-to-aircraft connection was accomplished in the field of impulse messages, with commands limited to a minimum sent to the battle computer controlling the fighter.

  The aircraft carrier hangars themselves were filled with fighter conveyers formed in a highly complex “honeycomb” structure, and near one of the walls were the small booths in which the pilots sat. Around them, real-time stereo footage of the surrounding space was shown through the fighters’ cameras.

  The conducted trials confirmed the correctness of our military doctrine, especially with the use of powerful ship computers to wage combat in airless space and the advantage of the speed of accurate shooting based on predicted computer data.

  We turned each of our big warships into an aircraft carrier with a powerful strike force onboard. Thanks to my teleportation abilities, the long-distance travel time spent in space decreased. There was now no need for large exercise halls, relaxation and entertainment halls, and other rooms vital for long journeys. The aircraft carriers arrived in the right place ready for active action and returned immediately back to their bases when they were no longer needed.

  Our anxiety about delayed ship repairs diminished.

  In the interplanetary space of the solar system appeared more diverse aircraft built in private shipbuilding docks. This activity was taking place mainly through the asteroid belt for the purpose of using increasingly sophisticated devices to search the asteroids for metal or unknown inert materials that would have some sort of use.

  There were rumors of platinum and diamond asteroids, and this obsession was increasingly taking over the minds of the adventurers. Indeed, unexpectedly rich entrepreneurs emerged, and gambling clubs and hotels with great splendor emerged in the underground halls in the largest rock fragments. Holography allowed people to avoid claustrophobia in underground spaces. Some of the biggest asteroids got new names: New Las Vegas, Celestial Monte Carlo, and Galactic Paris. One was named Titanic, and it sheltered adventurers who had lost their money in the celestial casinos. There, the captains of mining ships recruited crews and launched seeker ships looking for new riches that would again be spent in the same casinos.

  Earth created laws and regulations that no one obeyed, and even the dozens of police patrol ships did not establish order according to the law. Planets and large satellites were not yet attracting a large number of adventurers because of the high cost of engines and the fuels necessary for takeoff and landing.

  I enjoyed this wild bustle of life and passion. Mankind was a young and vibrant race. We strictly controlled outer space, but with bafflement we began to find single intruders that penetrated our space. As they approached, they were warned of entering a controlled area. They would slow down and, after passing certain formalities, continue their way to the Gambling Ring. The Earth Government could not decide which law to apply to stop this practice. Various opinions, different organizations and associations, and pros and cons appeared. As always, fierce arguments began. Colonies outside Earth looked at what was going on and mocked us.

  Mars, under whose jurisdiction was the Gambling Ring and was about to become its major trading broker and supplier, remained cunningly silent. Saturn’s satellites—whose gambling entertainment was the scarcest for their colonists, and even ship crews and military-base staff spent their holidays in the luxury casinos and cabarets on the Ring—were categorically supporting the law to stop this practice. The fear of contagion and biological warfare was raising the hair of Earth Sanitation Service, and they were the initiators of many restrictive laws at the UN. But the Earth Government was excusing itself with the inability to maintain legality among gambling societies. Sparks were flying, but both sides were becoming more creative in their policies.

  This unique asteroid belt seemed deliberately placed in the middle of the solar system as the center of sin, and the plans to collect the asteroids into one planet became an inescapable source of anecdotes. There was no clear winner in the fight.

  Generally, life in the solar system went back to normal. We minimized our contacts with the Kerrani Federation, which guaranteed permanent clashes with different strengths and numbers of squadrons. The Earth Federation would no longer participate in this. We had started well in our development, and I wanted to be left in peace.

  But I could not hope for that. There was no way a strong civilization could afford the luxury of ignoring us. Our presence changed any plans. Powerful millennial civilizations had arranged their lives in almost the same way, and it always led to a militarized economy and cashing the accumulated knowledge and technology. The feeling of being strong always leads to a collision with a stronger enemy. Such was the logic of life. Reaching even the most desirable position of the strongest one led t
o the acceleration of military research and technology to preserve the leadership position. In this endless race, one thing was certain: in the event of a loss of leadership, that civilization would die.

  The weak point of this way of thinking was that such a civilization would become encapsulated and distrustful and would fear its own branches—the princes and princesses familiar with the same technologies. It was akin to the shadow that frightened us, and we were ready to pursue it.

  The other option was to spread our own race. Planets were assisted by the home planet and left to their own devices for politics and development. Humanity was small even for the settling of the second planet of the small Earth Federation. We would need centuries.

  We needed peace.

  The civilizations we met were aggressors and predators, and their most peaceful proposal was a forced military alliance. Mankind was dreaming of aliens who would bring them ideas and technology, as if the aliens were the altruistic elder and we were their younger brother. Utopia!

  Was it real?


  How would interstellar voyages be guaranteed financially? Something had to be given to the altruistic elder. Anything valuable was worthwhile because this flight would remain with only the good intentions. And the host did not want to give this valuable thing voluntarily. This could be his planet or the slavery of his population. Even the intention of the younger brother’s planet to be just the base of an interstellar jump would bring him trouble and annihilation.

  Was there a possibility for reaching an agreement, or were the contradictions between them insurmountable?

  And if the differences in science and technology between the two parties were vast, would they negotiate or just let us know? Most of the technologies also had dangerous military applications. Could they be altruistically entrusted to the younger brother?


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