Missionary Position (Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book 7)

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Missionary Position (Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book 7) Page 20

by Avery Gale

  They followed the Wests into the main room letting the two tall Doms block her view until they were close to the small raised platform they’d be using for the ceremony. Tobi and Gracie had spent weeks planning every detail of the decorations and their hard work had paid off beautifully. The leaf and branch garland that lay around the edge of the platform was woven with varying lengths of satin ribbon and soft white lights. There was a small white pillow in the center for Lara to kneel on and he was pleased to see it wasn’t made of silk. He’s seen subs struggle so hard to maintain their position when the pillow under them was slick, and he’d heard them say later they barely remembered the words that had been spoken to them because they were trying to avoid falling to the floor in a naked heap.

  Seeing the velvet box he knew held her collar made Peter long to hurry the process along, but Lara deserved every bit of pomp and circumstance these ceremonies usually entailed. She might not see the value tonight, but as she watched other subs being collared in the future, he didn’t want her feeling as though she’d been shortchanged. Kent and Kyle West each took a step to the side in what Peter was sure had been a well-planned move revealing the platform to Lara. He heard her sharp intake of breath followed by a shudder that he suspected was more about fear than arousal.

  Peter and Fischer moved quickly turning Lara so her back was to the small stage and she faced them. “Baby? Talk to us. We thought this was something you would be happy about.” Peter knew Fischer had barely been able to speak, fearing his worst nightmare was going to play out in front of almost every member of the club. The entire room was filled with members who had come to see the club’s managers collar one of their favorite employees. He doubted Lara knew how popular she was with both her co-workers and the members of the club, but the fact they were probably breaking every fire code in the book should give her a good idea.

  Peter watched as Lara opened her mouth and then closed it again several times without uttering a word. He saw the fear in her eyes, but he also saw something else—mentally holding Fischer back, he wanted her to ask for what she needed. “I’m scared. I need you…I need you to help me…help me focus.” Her barely whispered words were drowned out by the whispers of those surrounding them, but he’d heard them.

  He smiled at her, “Very good, I know that was really hard for you and I want you to know how pleased I am that you were honest.” Stepping aside, he moved Lara to the very edge of the stage and sent Fischer a quick mental picture of what he had in mind. “Bend over and grab the edge of the platform.” When she sucked in a quick breath, he crossed his arms over his chest and firmed his voice, “Now.” She quickly bent over which made her dress pull up over the creamy cheeks of her ass displaying her nicely to the room. “Spread your feet a little further apart. We want another look at all that pretty pink flesh. We’re going to paddle your ass until it’s the same sweet color.”

  While Fischer started her spanking, Peter nodded to Kyle to proceed. Kyle flashed him a knowing grin and stepped to the middle of the platform to begin. Kyle welcomed everyone and briefly explained Lara had asked her Doms for their help getting her head in the right place for tonight’s ceremony. Everyone laughed when he noted they’d graciously agreed to assist. By the time he and his brother had turned her ass a lovely pink her muscles had relaxed and Peter knew she’d let the sting of the swats push her fear aside.

  Standing in the middle of the platform watching Lara slip her dress down over her clamped nipples and then over her hips before letting it fall softly at her feet was pure erotic wonder. She slid gracefully to kneel on the pillow spreading her knees wide and placing her hands on her thighs before tilting her chin down letting her golden curls fall forward. She looked like a Greek goddess and for several seconds Peter wasn’t sure he was going to be able to adequately express how grateful he was for the gift of her trust.

  “Lara, you have given us the most precious gift anyone can give another person. You have placed yourself in our hands, your trust honors us and we will cherish it always.” Peter slid the choker around her neck and held one end as Fischer held the other.

  “Lara, you are the light that reaches inside our souls, lighting every dark corner with your love and laughter. You’ve agreed to be our wife but agreeing to belong to us—to entrust us with your body and soul by wearing our collar is a commitment made soul-to-soul.” Peter heard Lara’s breathing speed up just as the first tears splashed on the top of her breasts. The salty drops rolled down the inside and outside curves before dropping silently on to her thighs.

  “Do you accept our gift and agree to wear this collar as an outward symbol of your commitment to us? Do you agree to be our submissive, to abide by the rules we set for you, knowing everything we do is done with your best interest in mind?” Peter placed the fingers of his free hand under her chin tilting it up until he and Fischer could look into her eyes. “We’ll build our lives around you, mi amõre. Your safety, health, and happiness will be at the core of every decision we make from this moment forward if you agree to wear our collar. What’s it gonna be?”

  Lara’s eyes were a clearer shade of blue than he’d ever seen them and her tears vanished so quickly he had to blink to make sure he’d really seen the resolve that was now in her expression. “It will be my honor to wear your collar, Masters. I’ll accept your gift and return it ten-fold in the pride I feel belonging to you.” Her words had gone straight to his heart and Peter knew his brother felt the same. They didn’t waste a moment locking the collar into place. He loved the fact the lock was hidden, no one would ever know where the key fit but Peter, Fischer, and the jeweler.

  The entire room erupted into applause as they pulled Lara to her feet. They’d loosened the nipple rings earlier so they were little more than ornamentation at this point, so they didn’t bother to remove them before sliding her dress back into place. The long kisses they gave her earned them shouts of approval and encouragement from someone in the back of the room, causing their sweet sub to flush crimson. A sight the brothers knew they would never grow tired of seeing in a lifetime with this woman.

  Books by Avery Gale

  Published with JK Publishing, Inc.

  The Wolf Pack Series


  Fated Magic

  Tempted by Darkness

  Masters of the Prairie Winds Club

  Out of the Storm

  Saving Grace

  Jen’s Journey

  Bound Treasure

  Punishing for Pleasure

  Accidental Trifecta

  Missionary Position


  Taking Out the Mother Of the Bride and other Christmas Wishes

  I would love to hear from you!

  Website: http://www.averygalebooks.com/index.html

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avery.gale.3?fref=ts

  Twitter: @avery_gale

  Excerpt from Mated

  The Wolf Pack Book One

  by Avery Gale

  Jameson Wolf had been almost ready to head home when he’d taken one last look out of the front windows of his office. Looking down over the sidewalk below, he wondered why the waiting line was so long on a frigid Friday night. He’d started to turn back to the room when his eye caught on a flash of red. Damn it to hell, he’d always had a thing for auburn haired women. Redheads were rare among shifters so he took a closer look. It might have been her long flowing mane of red curls that caught his attention, but there was something about her saucy attitude that drew him in. Watching her, he saw her easy rapport with the tiny blonde beauty she was with and he liked the fact that she seemed oblivious to the fact that she turned the head of every man near her.

  Making his way down the steep circular staircase he was assailed by the overpowering scents of both humans and his peers who had braved the biting cold January night in the wind swept city. He saw the red-haired beauty enter through the heavy doorway a split second before the scent of his mate barreled over him. It was as if every neuron in
his brain had been suddenly struck by lightning and was now crackling with electrical energy. His vision tunneled and his sole mission became to find the owner of that scent and mark her as his.

  As he neared the red-haired beauty who had caught his eye earlier, the exotic fragrance he’d been following became more and more potent. Could I actually be that lucky after all these years? Stepping up behind her he took a deep breath letting her scent soak deeply into his soul. Even though he loved the fresh citrus smell of her hair, it was the essence of her that was nearly over-powering in its allure. It pulled him in and made every one of his senses come sharply into a pinpoint focus. He’d heard his friends describe this moment, but he had truly believed that their words had been little more than romantic folly—until now.

  When she turned toward him, he became instantly aware that she’d been planning to escape. There was a look of panic in her eyes—what he didn’t understand was what had spooked her. Awareness and anxiety were coming off her in heavy, crashing waves. He could smell fear in humans and shifters, but that wasn’t what he was picking up. No, she wasn’t afraid of him, but she wasn’t thrilled to have been found either. Interesting. Mating scents are an almost overwhelmingly powerful draw for both male and female shifters so there was no doubt she had known her mate was near. So why was she trying to leave?

  Both Jameson and his brother, Trevlon, were the Alphas of their pack and had been since their fathers were killed by rivals seven years ago. They had always known they’d follow pack tradition and share a mate, but they hadn’t had any luck finding her despite having traveled all over the globe searching. How has this beauty flown under our radar? She is exactly the type of woman we are both attracted to. “What is your name, beautiful?” Jameson knew his words had come out as more of a growl than a question, but considering how close he was to claiming her right here in the middle of the club, it was the best he could do. He relaxed a bit when he saw her deer in the headlights look. Good – I’m happy to know she is as slammed by the attraction as I am.

  “Kit.” He heard the wobble of nervousness in her voice and could tell she had barely been able to squeak out the word so he just waited. He saw her draw in a deep breath through her mouth and almost laughed at her ineffective attempt to avoid breathing through her nose. He tried to suppress his smile when she repeated the gesture because it was a futile attempt to escape the scent of her mate.

  Once a shifter found their mate, their bodies were taken over by overwhelming sexual urges that lasted for weeks. He’d seen pack members all but disappear during that time because they could barely leave their bedrooms. He waited patiently as she finally seemed to come back to awareness and answered, “I mean, Kathleen, my name is Kathleen Harris.” She was trying to look around him, which was amusing because she couldn’t be more than five feet three or four inches tall and that was including the ridiculously high-heeled black leather stiletto boots she was wearing.

  He was sure she hadn’t meant to give him her nickname because it was likely something she reserved for those she considered close friends, so when he addressed her again, he used it deliberately. “Well, Kit, follow me, please.”

  He turned on his heel and started back toward the staircase when she reached out and grasped his forearm. “Wait, I can’t go with you. I don’t even know you. And my friend will be looking for me.” The instant she touched him he’d felt a jolt of electricity arc between them and then tiny bolts of lightning streaked up his spine. Damn, her touch did that through the fabric of his shirt, what would it feel like when they were skin to skin?

  The twin bond between him and Trev had always been incredibly strong, so he wasn’t at all surprised when his phone rang. “Where are you? Are you okay?” Typical Trevlon, straight to it—he couldn’t be troubled to utter a polite greeting.

  “Standing in front of a woman I want you to meet. We’re in the bar, but we’ll be on our way upstairs as soon as we locate her friend to let her know where we are heading. Meet us in the office in five.” Jameson disconnected the call and turned to one of his staff that was walking by. He quickly gave the man a detailed description of Kit’s friend and instructions to stay close to her and keep her safe until she was ready to leave the building. At that time, he was to accompany her to the office. Jameson stood six foot seven inches tall in his boots, so he could easily see the tiny blonde on the other side dance floor and directed the young man to her. Jameson was glad it had been Charlie who’d been the first to walk by. He trusted the young shifter to do exactly as he’d been told.

  Turning back to Kit, he realized for the first time that he had taken the hand she’d used to grab his arm and was holding it in his own. He’d been rubbing small circles over the inside of her wrist with his thumb. As his gaze met hers he felt her pulse speed up and watched as her pupils dilated. “Come along, Kit. We need to talk.” This time he did smell fear so he pulled her into his arms and leaned down so his words would be painted over the soft shell of her ear like a warm brush of air, “I won’t hurt you—ever. Be brave, sweet kitten.”

  Excerpt from Embracing Her Desires

  Anamchara Book One

  By Lynne St. James

  “Where is this freakin’ town?” Hope sighed, and double checked the GPS in her rental car for at least the fifteenth time in the last twenty minutes. “Even the GPS doesn't know where we are.” She’d looked at Google Maps before picking up the rental and it said the drive from her apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan to Anamchara, Virginia should take about five and a half hours. Instead she’d been driving for almost seven, the last half hour of it in a circle, all to claim, in person no less, a piece of property that three days ago she didn’t even know existed.

  She swore if the damn GPS said recalculating one more time she’d toss it out the window and gleefully run it over on her next pass. She was sure she’d been in this exact spot at least three times already. Pinks, purples, and splashes of orange painted the sky—the colors a warning that night approached. If she couldn’t find this turn soon she’d have to find a place to stay for the night. Secluded, dark, and alone were not words Hope wanted in the same sentence—too much like a horror movie waiting to happen.

  Frustrated, she gripped the steering wheel so tightly her hands cramped. The GPS indicated she should be turning left now, but all she could see were trees, trees, and more trees. “I’m in the middle of freakin’ nowhere. I should’ve had my head examined instead of making this drive by myself.”

  Reaching across the seat for her phone to call her BFF, Nicole, she glanced up in time to see a wolf standing in her path. Slamming on the brakes, the car screeched to a stop inches from the huge animal. It stood there—stock still—seemingly not afraid. Staring into large silvery gray eyes, it looked like it could be reading her thoughts. Then as suddenly as it appeared, it dipped its gray and black furred head and darted off into the trees.

  “Holy crap.” Hope leaned back against the headrest and closed her eyes. “A wolf? Oh my God. I was face-to-face with a wolf. Shit. Maybe I did need extra rental car coverage for unexpected occurrences?” Drawing in a deep breath and trying to calm her shattered nerves, she counted to ten. Eventually her heart stopped trying to escape from her chest and she opened her eyes looking around to see if the wolf had returned. “Why was it in the middle of the road in the first place? Do they even have wolves in Virginia?” She giggled, of course they did. I almost hit one, didn’t I? Sighing, she shook her head and peered through the windshield searching for any other “unexpected occurrences.” That’s when she noticed it.

  In front of her and slightly off to the left side was the turn. “Seriously? I swear that road wasn’t there five minutes ago.” Partially hidden by the overgrown trees, the sign she’d spent the last half hour trying to find stood next to the road. Why didn’t I see it before? Shaking her head, she rolled down the window to get a better look at it in the fading light. I know it wasn’t here before. Am I being punked or something?

She read aloud, “Welcome to Anamchara where true love comes to all who seek it.”

  JK Publishing, Inc.

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