Fools Errand

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Fools Errand Page 27

by Robin Hobb

  I felt the sudden thwack of fingers against the side of my head. I turned to my attacker, too amazed to be angry. A gentleman of the Court, taller than I, looked down on me in sharp disapproval. His words were clipped. “You are obviously new to Buckkeep, oaf. Here, the servants are not permitted to stare so brazenly at the Queen. Be about your business. After this, remember your place, or soon you will have no place to remember. ”

  I looked down at the tray of food I gripped, struggling to control my face. Anger filled me. I knew that my face had darkened with blood. It took every bit of my will to avert my eyes and bob my head. “Your pardon, sir. I will remember. ” I hoped he took my strangled voice for crushed humiliation rather than rage. Gripping the sides of the tray tightly, I continued my journey up the stairs as he went down and did not allow myself to glance over the balustrade to see if my Queen watched me go.

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  A servant. A servant, I am a loyal, welltrained manservant. I am newly come from the country, but well recommended, so I am a mannered servant, accustomed to discipline. Accustomed to humiliation. Or was I? Whenl had followed Lord Golden into Buckkeep, Verity's blade in its plain scabbard had hung at my side. Surely, some would have marked that. My complexion and the scars on my hands marked me as a man who lived more outofdoors than in. If I was to play this role, then it must be believable, It must be a role I could endure, as well as one I could act convincingly.

  At Lord Golden's door, I knocked, paused discreetly toallow my master to expect me, then entered. The Fool wasat the casement looking out. I carefully closed the door behind me, latched it, and then set down the tray on thetable. As I began to lay out the meal,, I spoke to his back. "

  am Tom Badgerlock, your servant. I was recommended toyou as a fellow who was educated above his station by anindulgent master, but kept more for his blade than his manners. You chose me because you wanted a manservant capable of being your bodyguard as well as your valet. You haveheard that I am moody and occasionally quicktempered, but you are willing to try me to see if I will serve your purpose. I am . . . fortytwo years old. The scars I bear I tookdefending my last master from an attack by three no, six highwaymen. I killed them all. I am not a man to be provoked lightly. When my last master died, he left me asmall bequest that enabled me to live simply. But now myson has come of age, and I wished to apprentice him inBuckkeep Town. You persuaded me to return to service as away to defray my expenses. "

  Lord Golden had turned from the window. His aristocratic hands clasped one another as he listened to my soliloquy. When I had finished, he nodded. “I like it, Tom Badgerlock. Such a coup for Lord Golden, to have a manservant who is just a tiny bit dangerous to keep about. Such an air shall I put on over having hired such a man! You will do, Tom. You will do well. ”

  He advanced to the table, and I drew his chair out for jsÊ

  him. He seated himself, and looked over the setting and dishes I had prepared for him. “Excellent. This is exactly to my liking. Tom, keep this up, and I shall have to raise your wages. ” He lifted his gaze to meet mine. “Sit down and eat with me,” the Fool suggested.

  I shook my head. “Best I practice my manners, sir. Tea?”

  For an instant the Fool looked horrified. Then Lord Golden lifted a napkin and patted at his lips. “Please. ”

  I poured for him.

  “This son of yours, Tom. I have not met him. He's in Buckkeep Town, is he ?”

  “I told him to follow me here, sir. ” I suddenly realized I had told Hap little more than that. He would arrive with a weary old pony pulling a rickety cart with an aging wolf in it. I had not gone to Jinna's niece, to ask her to expect him. What if she took affront at my assumption that my boy could come there? Like a wave breaking over me, my other life caught up with me. I'd made no provisions for him. He knew no one else in Buckkeep Town, save Starling, and I did not even know if she was currently in residence here. Besides, with relations strained between us, Hap was unlikely to turn to her for aid.

  I suddenly knew I had to seek out the hedgewitch and be sure my boy would be accepted there. I'd leave a message for Hap with her. And I had to approach Chade immediately about making provisions for him. Given what I knew now, it seemed a cold bargain and my heart shrank within me at the thought of it. I could always borrow the money from the Fool. I winced at the thought. Just what are my wages? I prompted myself to ask. But the words could not find their way to my tongue. .

  Lord Golden pushed back from his table. “You are quiet, Tom Badgerlock. When your son does arrive, I expect you to present him to me. For now, I think I shall let you have this first morning to yourself. Tidy up here, get to know the castle and the grounds. ” He looked me over critically. "Fetch me paper, quill, and ink. I will write you a

  letter of credit to Scrandon the tailor. I expect you will find his shop easily enough. You knew it of old. You need to be measured for more clothing, some for everyday, and some for when I want you to show well. If you are bodyguard as well as valet, then I think it fitting that you stand behind my chair at formal dinners and accompany me when I ride, And go also to. Croy's. He has a weapons stall down near the smithy's lane. Look through his used swords and find yourself a serviceable blade. "

  I nodded to each of his orders. I went to a small desk in the corner to set out pen and ink for my master. Behind me, the Fool spoke quietly. “Both Hod's work and Verity's blade are likely to be too well remembered here at Buckkeep Castle. I'd advise you to keep that blade in Chade's old tower room. ”

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  I did not look at him as I replied. “I shall. And I shall also be speaking to the Weaponsmaster, to ask him to provide me a practice partner. I shall tell him my skills are a bit rusty and you want me to sharpen them. Who was Prince DutifuPs drill partner?”

  The Fool knew. He always knew things like that. He spoke as he took his seat at the writing desk. “Cresswell was his instructor, but he paired him most often with a young woman named Delleree. But you can't very well ask for her by name . . . hmm. Tell him you'd like to work with someone who fights with two swords, to sharpen your defense skills. I believe that is her specialty. ” “I shall. Thank you. ”

  A few moments passed as his pen scratched busily across the paper. Once or twice he looked up, regarding me with a speculative look that made me uneasy. I wandered over to his window and looked out of it. It was a lovely day. I wished it belonged solely to me. I smelled melting wax and turned around to see Lord Golden applying his seal to his missives. He let the wax cool a bit, then held them out to me.

  "Off you go, to tailor and weapons dealer. As for me, I think I shall stroll for a bit in the gardens, and then I have been invited to the Queen's parlor for

  “I saw her. Kettricken. ” I choked on a bitter laugh. "It seems so long ago: us waking the stone dragons, and all. And then something will happen and it seems like yesterday. The last time I saw Kettricken, she sat astride VerityasDragon and bade us all farewell. Now, today, I saw her and it suddenly all came real for me. She has reigned here as Queen for well over a decade.

  “I stepped aside from all this to heal, and because I thought I could no longer be a part of it. Now, I've returned and I look around me and think, I've missed my life. While I was off and alone, it went on here, without me, and I'm forever doomed to be a stranger in my own home. ”

  “Regrets are useless,” the Fool replied. “All you can do is start from where you are. And who knows? Perhaps what you bring back from your selfimposed exile may prove to be just what is needed. ”

  “And time flies by us, even as we speak. ”

  “Quite so,” Lord Golden replied. He gestured at his wardrobe. “My coat, Badgerlock. The green one. ”

  I opened the wardrobe doors and extracted the required garment from its many brethren, then closed the panels as best I could upon the bulging excess. I held his coat for him as so often I had seen Charim hold a coat for Verity
, and assisted him into it. He held out his wrists to me, and I adjusted the cuffs and tugged the skirts of it straight. A flicker of amusement passed through his eyes. “Very good, Badgerlock,” he murmured. He preceded me to the door and then waited while I opened it for him.

  Once he was gone, I latched it, and quickly finished the rest of the cooling breakfast. I stacked the dishes back on the tray. I looked at the entry to the Fool's private room. Then I kindled a candle, entered my small chamber, and shut the door firmly behind me. But for the candle, the - , darkness would have been absolute. It took me a few moments to find the trigger that released the catch, and then two tries before I pressed the right spot on the wall. Despite the protest in my aching legs, I carried Verity's sword up the I multitude of stairs to Chade's tower and leaned it in the corner by the mantel.

  Once I was back in the Fool's room, I cleared the table. When I glanced into the looking glass, the breakfast things in my hands, I saw a Buckkeep servingman. I gave a short sigh, reminded myself to keep my eyes lowered, and left the room.

  Had I feared that on my return to Buckkeep Castle, all would instantly recognize me? The reality was that no one even saw me. A glance at my servant's clothing and lowered eyes and I was dismissed from the mind. I did receive sidelong looks from my fellow servants, but for the most part they were occupied with their own tasks. A few offered hasty greetings, and I accepted their welcome amiably. I would cultivate the servants, for little happens in any great house that the servants do not know about. I returned the dishes to the kitchen and left the castle. The guards passed me through with scarcely a word. I soon found myself on the steep road that led down to the town. It was a fine day and the road was well traveled. Summer seemed determined to linger a time yet. I fell in behind a group of ladies' maids going down to the town with baskets on their arms. They glanced warily back at me twice, and then ignored me. The rest of the way down the hill, I listened hungrily to their gossip, but found no hints there. They were speaking of the festivities that would accompany the Prince's betrothal, and what their mistresses would wear. Somehow the Queen and Chade had been able to disguise the Prince's absence.

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  In the town, I quickly went about Lord Golden's errands but kept my ears pricked for any word that might pertain to Dutiful. I found the tailor's shop with no difficulty.

  As Lord Golden had told me, I knew it of old, when it was Molly's chandlery. It was strange to enter that place. The tailor took my letter of credit with no hesitation, but clucked over Golden's command for haste in the sewing. “Still, he has paid me well enough to make it worth my sleep tonight. Your clothes will be ready by tomorrow. ” I gathered from his other comments that Lord Golden had patronized him before. I stood silently on a low stool and was measured. No questions were asked of me, for Lord Golden had specified in his note how he wished his servant dressed. I was free to stand silent and wonder if I could still catch the scents of beeswax and scented herbs, or if I deceived myself. Before I departed, I asked the man if he knew of any hedgewitches in Buckkeep. I wanted to ask one if my new position boded well for me. He shook his head at my lowborn superstition, but told me to ask about it near the smithy's lane.

  This suited me well, for my next errand took me to Croy's. I wondered that Lord Golden knew this man's shop at all, for it was a jackdaw's nest of battered weapons and armor. But again the proprietor took Lord Golden's note without question. I . took my time finding a blade I could live with. I wanted a simple, wellmade weapon, but of course that is what any true manatarms chooses, so that was what Croy had fewest of. After trying to interest me in several remarkable swords that had elaborate guards and nondescript blades, he gave up on me and left me to sort through his collection. I did so, but kept up a constant stream of observations at how Buckkeep had changed since I was last there. It was not hard to get him gossiping, and then to turn his tongue to omens and portents and those who dealt in them. did not have to mention Jinna by name to hear of her. At length I selected a blade truly worthy of my rusty skills. Croy tutted over it. “Your master has gold and to spare, good man. Choose yourself something with a bit of a sparkle on it, or some style to the basket. ” -sa, I shook my head. “No, no, I want nothing that will i catch in a man's clothes when the fighting is close and hot. I This is the one I'll have. But I'll take a knife to go with it. ” I This was soon found and I left his shop. I walked through the loud clanging and gusting heat that marked' the smithy's lane. The hammers of competing smithies were a stunning counterpoint to the sun's beat. I had forgotten how constant the noise of a city was. I searched my memory as I walked, trying to recall if anything I had said to Jinna would conflict with my newly modified life history. . At length, I decided it would have to do. If something did not make sense to her, well, she would just have to believe me a liar. I frowned at how much that disturbed me.

  Croy had described a dark green sign with a white hand painted on it. The lines on the hand were all done in red, quite skillfully. From the low eaves of her roof several of her charms tinkled and turned in the sunlight. Luckily for me, none seemed to be against predators. It took me but a moment's pause to guess at their purpose. Welcome. They attracted me to the house and the door. It took a time for anyone to reply to my knock, but then the top half of the door opened and Jinna herself greeted me.

  “Badgerlock!” she exclaimed, peering at me, and it was pleasant that neither my warrior's tail nor my new clothes had kept her from knowing me. She instantly swung the lower door open. “Come in! Welcome to Buckkeep Town. Will you let me repay the debt of hospitality I owe you? Do come in. ”

  There is little in life so reassuring as a genuine welcome. She took my hand and drew me into the cool dimness of her home as if I were an expected guest. The ceiling was low and the furnishings modest. There was a round table with several chairs set about it. Nearby shelves held the tools of her trade, including an assortment of draped charms. Dishes and food were on the table; I had interrupted her meal. I halted, feeling awkward. “I did not mean to intrude. ”

  “Not at all. Sit down and share. ” She took a seat at the table as she spoke and I could scarcely do otherwise. “Now. Tell me what brings you to Buckkeep. ” She pushed the platter toward me. It held several jam tarts and smoked fish and cheese. I took a tart to give myself time to think. She must have noticed that I wore servant's garb, but left it to me to tell her what it meant. I liked that.

  “I've taken a position at Buckkeep as a manservant to Lord Golden. ” Even knowing it was false, it was still hard to say those words. I had never realized what a proud fellow I was until I had to masquerade as the Fool's servant. “When . I left home, I told Hap to join me when he could. At that time, I was not sure of my plans. I think that when he gets to Buckkeep Town, he may seek you out. May I leave word for him with you, so you can send him on to me?”

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  I braced myself for all the inevitable questions. Why had I suddenly taken this employment, why hadn't I simply brought Hap with me, how did I know Lord Golden? Instead, her eyes brightened and she exclaimed, “With great pleasure! But what I propose is simpler. When Hap arrives, I'll keep him here and send word up to the keep. There's a little room in the back he can use; it was my nephew's before he grew up and married away. Let the boy have a day or so in Buckkeep Town; he seemed to enjoy it so at Springfest, and your new duties will probably not allow you time to show him about yourself. ”

  “I know he would love that,” I found myself saying. It would be far easier for me to maintain my role as Lord Golden's servant if I did not have Hap in the midst of it. “My hope is that here in Buckkeep I'll be able to earn the coin to purchase him a good apprenticeship. ”

  Coming up. A large tawny cat announced this to me at the same moment that he effortlessly elevated onto my lap. I stared at him in surprise. Never had an animal spoken so clearly to me via the Wit save for my own bondanimals. Nor had I ever been so
completely ignored by an animal that had just spoken mind to mind with me. The cat stood, hind legs on my lap, front paws on the table, and surveyed the food. A plumy tail waved before my face.

  “Fennel! Shame on you, stop that. Come here. ” Jinna leaned across the table to scoop the cat from my lap. She picked up the conversation as she did so. “Yes, Hap's told me of his ambitions, and it's a fine thing to see a young man with dreams and hopes. ”

  “He's a good boy,” I fervently agreed with her. “And he deserves a good chance at making something of himself. I'd do anything for him. ”

  Fennel now stood on Jinna's lap and stared at me across the table. She likes me better than you. He stole a piece offish from the edge of her plate.

  Do aR cats speak so rudely to strangers? I rebuked him.

  He leaned back to bump his head possessively against Jinna's chest. His yelloweyed stare was daunting. AM cats talk however they want. To whomever they want. But only a rude human speaks out of turn. Be quiet. I told you. She likes me better than you. He twisted his head to look up at Jinna's face. More fish?

  “That's plain,” she agreed. I tried to remember what I had said to her as I watched her give the cat a bit of fish at the edge of the table. I knew Jinna was not Witted. I wondered if the cat was lying to me about all cats talking. I knew little of cats. Burrich had never kept them in the stables. We'd had rat dogs to keep the vermin down.

  Jinna misinterpreted my preoccupation. A touch of sympathy came into her eyes as she added, “Still, it must be hard to leave your own home and being your own master to come to town and serve, no matter how fine a man Lord Golden may be. I hope he's as openhanded at paying you as he is when he comes down to Buckkeep Town to trade. ”

  I forced a smile to my face. “You know of Lord Golden, then?”

  She bobbed a nod at me. “By coincidence, he was right here in this very room just last month. He wanted a charm to keep moths from his wardrobe. I told him I had never made such a thing before, but that I could attempt one. So gracious he was for such a noble man. He paid me for it, just on my word that I would make one. And then he insisted on looking at every charm I had in my shop, and bought no less than six of them. Six! One for sweet dreams, one for light spirits, another to attract birds oh, and he seemed quite entranced with that one, almost as if he were a bird himself. But when I asked to see his hands, to tune the charms to him, he told me they were all intended as gifts. I told him he might send each recipient to me, to have the charms tuned if they wished, but as yet none of them have come. Still, they will work well enough as I built them. I do like to tune the charms, though. It's all the difference between a charm built by rote, and one created by a master. And I do regard myself as a master, thank you very much!”


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