Covert Danger

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Covert Danger Page 13

by Jo-Ann Carson

  “Who’s your boss?” asked Xander.


  Seamus left his window perch and walked over to stand beside Xander: “We’re not interested in you. We figure your boss used you to get to Sadie and the goods. You give us his name and we’ll let you go.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” said Jonathon.

  Seb stopped breathing. The asshole sounded sincere, but that didn’t make sense. Would Xander let him hit him one more time? He could do it in the ribs where the damage wouldn’t be so visible. But it would hurt.

  “Stolen artifacts. Isn’t that why you took Sadie?” said Xander.

  “No, yeah, well, sort of. Listen man, she used to be my old lady and I knew she had a new stealing gig that was bringing in big bucks. I wanted some of that money. I need that money.” His voice whined like an indulged teenagers who thought the world owed him his heart’s desire. Seb curled his fingers into fists. Just one more solid hit.

  Seamus said: “Are you telling us you’re working alone?”

  “I hired some guys to drive the van, but they worked for me. Look I don’t know what crazy shit the bitch’s got into. I’m not a part of her world.”

  Crazy bitch? Sebastian turned around and strode over. Xander put his body in his way and gave him the don’t-go-there eye.

  “So you know nothing about the looted art that’s circulating,” said Seamus.

  “Nothing man. You gotta believe me. Mitchell told me Sadie had stepped up her stealing act and I wanted a cut. That’s all.”

  Xander put a hand on Sebastian’s arm. In a quiet calm tone he said, “Not now buddy. Not the time, or the place.”

  Sebastian grumbled. Adrenalin pumped through his body, making it hard to think rationally. From the moment he saw Sadie taken, he’d been running on over-drive. “He…”

  “Get it together Wilde.” Xander said. “Face the facts. The woman is connected to the criminal world right up to her fancy eyebrows. Don’t let her take you down with her.”

  Seb shook his head. “All the facts aren’t in yet. I don’t believe your shit.” He pushed past him and walked out the door. “I’ll get the real story.”


  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Bakari studied pictures of Sadie Stewart. The file folder he’d been given had twenty shots taken in the last few days and reports about her escapades as a cat burglar across Europe and the U.S.. He sipped a cup of tea. Not a typical model.

  After three knocks, his body guard Gahiji strode through the door and came to a stop in front of him. “I’m sorry,” he said as he lifted his empty hands to show that he had nothing.

  Bakari stared hard at him. The man shuddered.

  “The red headed bitch wasn’t alone. A big man sat inside the restaurant watching her and the street. It looked like a trap.”

  “What man?”

  “I’m gathering information on him. So far all I know is that his name is Sebastian Wilde. He’s a well-known Amsterdam art dealer.”

  Bakari nodded. A collector? “Maybe he just likes the woman. She is beautiful.”

  Gahiji looked down. “It will take time to find out more about him.”

  Bakari thumped his tea cup on the table in front of him spilling some of it and swore. “Did you give her the second finger?” Their default plan.

  “Yes, and I sent her a text message to meet me tonight.”

  Bakari could feel his blood pressure rising. He wanted that amulet. “You were right to be cautious. I don’t know that we can trust this woman.” He drummed his fingers on the table.

  Gahiji said nothing.

  Bakari got up and walked to the window looking out over a narrow lane. He stood there for a minute. The mysterious allure in Sadie Stewart’s green eyes in the photos called to him. Not to mention her firm athletic build. After five minutes, he said, “I want to meet her.”

  Gahiji had been by his side for twenty years and excelled at his job of enforcement, but he was used to dealing with hard criminals, not pretty ladies. Bakari needed to get a real sense of Sadie and the best way to do that would be to meet her. If she was as breathtakingly beautiful and sensual in person as she was in the pictures and if she could handle danger the way Delilah said she could, the woman would be a good asset for his business.

  “It’s too dangerous, sir.”

  Bakari shrugged. “The woman is a good thief. With her modelling career she can blend into many worlds. I could use her in New York.” And maybe my bed, but he didn’t say that.

  Gahiji made no change in his facial expression, but Bakari was used to that. The man had only two looks: tough and obedient. He waited for a command.

  “She intrigues me,” Bakari said.

  Gahiji looking at his feet, groaned. “May I make a suggestion?”

  Bakari nodded. This was certainly unusual.

  “Something’s wrong about this woman. She’s too perfect. Let me take something important from her, so that she won’t dare cross you.”

  “Insurance?” Bakari stroked his chin. “A good idea, but not yet. Not until I know more about her.” He waved him away and reached for his tea cup. “I will meet her soon.”


  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Outside, the mid-day sun had become shrouded with cloud and the temperature dropped. But the bustling rhythm of the ancient streets continued. The smell of a Frites stand lingered in the air, along with the smell of too many people in a small space.

  By the time Sadie and Mitchell made it back to the Bed and Breakfast, Sadie had regained more use of her knees. She hobbled up the stairs to Mitch’s room and sat down on his sofa. During the walk home he’d apologized three times and explained in detail why he’d betrayed her. She hadn’t the energy to say anything, just the determination to get back to safety.

  He handed her a glass of water. The water felt cool and comforting as it flowing down her throat. Her stomach still wheezed.

  “You okay?” he asked kneeling in front of her. His big brown puppy eyes implored her for a response.

  She winced. “A bit muddled.” The image of the second finger came to her mind. Well maybe more than a bit. She took a gulp of water.

  Normally he’d make some quip about her being muddle-brained, but he said nothing.

  After a few minutes of silence, she said, “I don’t know if I can forgive you.”

  His eyes widened and welled with unshed tears.

  “I can’t believe you’d rat me out to anyone, let alone Jonathon. You should have told me.”

  “He said he wouldn’t hurt you, and he just needed some money. I gave him what I could, but he wanted more.”

  “He always wants more. Couldn’t you see that. I thought you got people.”

  A tear trickled down his face. “I couldn’t have my affair exposed. It would have hurt a lot of people.”

  “So instead you chose to hurt me. You should have come to me. Talked to me.” Tears rolled down her face. Never-ever did she imagine he’d turn against her. Nor him—her one true friend. She slapped him hard across his face. The sound of it snapped through her mind, but it did nothing to mend her fractured heart.

  He turned his reddened cheek away.

  “You bastard,” she said. Then she got up and left his room, slamming the door behind her.


  Back in her own room, Sadie guzzled two more glasses of water and hit the shower. She needed to get the friggen drugs out of her system. The sooner the better. Tonight she’d meet with Anubis’s man. She needed a clear head.

  Could the Egyptian arms dealer be as evil as Jeremiah said? She closed the shower door. Nah, no one could be that bad.

  She turned the water to hot, then hotter. Steam filled the room and she drank it in. She wanted to wash away not only the drugs but everything else. Like the fact her best friend just betrayed her, her asshole of an ex had abducted her and Sebastian… kept turning up when she told him to leave her alone.

  Why hadn’t Sebastian called in
the police? Those friends of his weren’t regular cops. They gave off a Special Forces vibe. She didn’t like having a messy personal life and hers had become a super-sized muck up. Dunking her head under the nozzle she water poured over her aching head. She turned off the shower, stepped out and toweled herself dry.

  Opening the door she found Sebastian standing on the other side. He turned his back to her. “Sorry, I thought you’d have a robe.”

  Sorry my ass. She’d caught the mischievous glint in his eye, and his unmistakable rakish grin. “Uh-huh. Turn around.”

  He complied.

  She walked over to the dresser and pulled out underwear, a pair of leggings and a loose top. She’d bike over to Central Station looking like a local, blending in with the scenery. Throwing them on her bed, she said to Sebastian’s back, “What did you do with Jonathon?”

  “Left him with my friends so I could see you.”

  “Friends?” She fastened her bra and grabbed the top.

  “We go way back.”

  The cotton top slid over her slight frame and she reached for the leggings. “They don’t look like artists.”

  Seb laughed and started to turn around.

  “Not yet.”

  “The blonde man, Xander Van der Valk is my best friend. He actually is a good painter, but in the daytime he runs a PI business investigating international art theft.”

  “As in Van der Valk Inc?” Shit, she didn’t need them anywhere near her op.

  “Yeah.” He said slowly as if her recognition of Xander’s name surprised him. “And Seamus MacIntyre the carrot head works for Interpol.”

  She growled. Oh sweet Jesus this news sucked. A hot-shot PI firm and a competing agency messing in her op. Too many operatives in her little opera. What if Seb tripped over her real identity?

  “Did you just growl? Please, let me turn around.”

  She pulled up her pants. Jeremiah had to hear this news. How could she lose the giant?

  “It’s awfully quiet in here.”

  Sadie walked up to him and ran her hands up his massive back to his lineman shoulders. She inhaled his masculine scent and for a brief moment allowed herself to wonder how he’d look naked… in her bed. Her heart rate rocketed.

  Letting go of his body, she said, “Thank you for finding me.” The words felt awkward sliding out of her mouth. She wasn’t used to being rescued by anyone, let alone a civilian. She would have found a way to escape from Jonathon on her own. Still it had been nice of him to help her out and right now she needed to feed his ego.

  Sebastian turned and wrapped his arms around her. “How’s the head?” His sapphire eyes searched hers with a warmth that made her feel fuzzy-brained all over again.

  “Clearing. Thanks. You’re my hero.” She stroked his face, feeling the softness of his skin and the roughness of his whiskers. Her lower belly tingled. She didn’t need this right now. She wanted to control him.

  He smiled that boy-next-door innocent smile. “So if I kissed you now, neither one of us could blame it on the drugs?”

  Oh hell yeah. Wait. No. No. She couldn’t… She put her hand on his chest to push him away, but oh God it was firm and hard. She bit her lip and pushed gaining at least an inch, but also a boat-load more desire. “Uh, what are you going to do with Jonathon?”

  “Really? You want to talk about that now?”

  “Sebastian, I need to know.” Not really, but it would help ground her and sweet, sweet Jesus she needed something to bring her down to Earth.

  He grumbled and then the glint in his eye returned. His right hand came to her face and he gently pushed her wet hair behind her ear, making her tremble with his touch. “We’re looking for the people responsible for trading looted art. They’re asking him about that.”

  “He’s not involved.”

  Seb’s hand stopped. “We could turn him over to the police, but we’ll need you to file charges.”

  She shook her head. “No. I can’t have that kind of publicity. My career is already on the rocks. I’ll deal with him my own way.”

  “And what exactly does that involve? Shooting him with bobby pins at close range?”

  She laughed. “Let him go. Trust me, he’ll feel my wrath and he’ll wish he never met me.”

  Seb cocked his head. “What are you planning?”

  “I’m going to tell his mother.”

  Sebastian burst into laughter. “His mother?”

  “She’ll believe me. She knows her son. For him being told on is far worse than jail. He could find peace in jail. She won’t give him any and she’ll cut off the money she’s been sending him, at least for a while. It will be messy and mean and I’ll enjoy every minute of it.”

  He slid his hand down her back to her buttocks and pulled her closer to him. “You are a worthy opponent.”

  She gasped. Trying to keep her breathing steady, but not succeeding. “Try me.”

  He leaned in and so did she. When their lips touched fireworks exploded in her body. She’d been kissed many times before, but… not like this.


  Sebastian told himself ‘not to…’ Not to like her, not to touch her, not to let her touch him, not to… Fuck that. He had to be with her. He’d figure out her connection to the smuggling later, and if she was involved he’d get her out. Nothing mattered right now but them. The kiss rocked. On a scale from one to ten it soared over the top to Fucking-Fantastic.

  He had thought he’d lost her when the man pulled her into the ambulance. He pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. He couldn’t lose her.


  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The sound of a fist pounding on the wooden door broke their kiss. Sadie stepped out of Sebastian’s embrace and looked into his blue eyes. She took a breath to regain her composure, but her body felt so aflame it had little effect.

  “Sadie let me in. I have to talk to you.” Mitchell’s voice.

  Sebastian squinted. “I wanted to punch him in the face earlier. Now I really want to hit him.” He moved a tendril of her hair away from her eyes.

  Sadie squared her shoulders and tried to regain control of her breathing. She turned towards the door. “Wait a minute.” She turned back to face Sebastian.

  He tilted his head. “Don’t tell me you’re sorry.”

  She smiled. “No, I’m certainly not that.” She touched her lips. “It was…” she paused. “Most interesting.”

  “Interesting?” He laughed.

  “I can’t do this right now Sebastian.”

  His lips pulled into his rakish grin, the one that undid her and was more potent now that she’d tasted him. Damn it. The man grew on her like mold.

  “I don’t just mean the kissing, I mean—us. I can’t get involved. The timing’s all wrong.”

  “Too busy dealing looted art?”

  She blinked. “Not exactly. Look I can explain and I will, but not…”

  The pounding resumed on the door. “She’ll fire us,” yelled Mitchell.

  “There’s nothing like the present moment. Tell me. Are you involved?” The emotion in his eyes touched her conscience. The man kept saving her. She could at least be honest.

  Sadie took a deep breath. “Maybe a little, but like I said I can explain.”

  His face turned grim. “There is no such thing as a-little when it comes to art crime.”

  “I will tell you all about it.”

  “Then meet me tonight,” he said.

  More pounding.

  “It would have to be late.”

  “Come to my apartment above the gallery. You know where that is. I’ll be home. Waiting.” He walked past her and opened the door.


  Sadie looked Mitchell in the eye. They stood a foot apart. He smelled of beer. “I don’t want anything to do with you. I thought I made that clear.”

  His torso moved an inch back as if she’d physically assaulted him again. “Sadie.”

  She threw her hands in the air. “I can’t stand lookin
g at you and I can’t work with someone who’s knifed me in the back.”

  Her cell phone rang, the tone that meant business. She checked the screen. “Shit it’s Knickers.”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” Mitch said reaching for her arm.

  She turned her back to him and slid the phone icon. “Yes,” she answered.

  “Get your skinny ass over here. I’m giving you and Mitchell one more chance.”

  Sadie looked at her cell. She couldn’t care less about modeling, but it was her cover. She took a deep breath. In a sweet girly voice she said, “I’m sorry I didn’t make…”

  “Look, Mitchell told me everything. I get it. I have an asshole ex myself. Just get over here now.”

  He told her everything? Sadie couldn’t think of anything to say to that. Were they actually bonding over having bad taste in husbands? On another day this would make her laugh.

  “Get your ass over here. We need to get some work done.”

  She turned to face Mitchell who looked at her with his big brown eyes. Whatever story he made up, it had worked. A text message scrolled across the top of her screen, “Stilettoes on sale,” Jeremiah’s code for “contact me NOW.” She hit the key to acknowledge the info.

  Sadie spoke into her phone to Knickers. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. But I don’t want to work with Mitchell. He’s …we’re…not getting along.”


  “Did you hear me?”

  “I don’t have anyone else on hand. Mitchell can do the job.” Knickers clicked off.

  Sadie turned around to look at him.

  “We can do this,” he said.

  “Give me five,” she said. “I’ll meet you on the street.”


  After Mitch and Sebastian left, she pulled out her company phone and punched the code for Jeremiah.


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