Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II

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Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II Page 21

by T. S. Hill

  “As soon as we get back to the tree house, write this girl her first month’s pay!”, I had exclaimed.

  “I thought Sasha was to be an independent contractor?”, was Lori’s reply.

  Speaking directly to Sasha, as I banged around in the truck cab changing clothes, I told her, “You will definitely be an independent contractor; a designation that you will thank me for later. However, you will also receive at least, a small bonus, just for thinking of the jumpsuit! That kind of thinking is why we brought you here in the first place, but don’t let it go completely to your head!”

  “With all due respect sir, and especially considering you girlfriend here and all, and how much I think of her, and…”

  “What is it you are struggling to say Sasha?”, I snipped at her.

  “What I’m saying sir, is anytime that you want to fuck me, just let me know. I’m ready sir!”

  “Damnit Sasha! This is why I almost didn’t send for you, and then I did! What the hell, does you buying me a jumpsuit, or getting a bonus, or being an independent contractor, got to do with sex?”

  “I don’t understand sir.”, she replied.

  “That’s what I’m struggling to do Sasha! I don’t get it, and now you don’t get my not getting it? Oh, what the fuck? Just take my word for it. You will. Okay? Lori, she will understand eventually, right?”

  Lori was giggling now, near hysteria, and instead of answering me, she chose to address Sasha.

  “Baby don’t worry about it. You and Cowboy are so much alike that you can’t hardly communicate to each other. That’s all it is.”

  “This isn’t funny Lori! I nearly got killed! I’m pretty sure that poor cop did get killed, and I have been freezing my ass off in those wet clothes, and… I don’t even know what fucking else! Just drive this piece of shit and get me home, Sasha!”

  Sasha, put the truck in gear and moved forward, as I continued my mini tirade.

  “I’d rather stay bent over between you two, in this fucking, stifling heat, and humidity, than ride, freezing my ass off, in the back of this fucking truck! So just fucking drive Sasha! Drive! Damnit! Drive! And, don’t call me sir again!”

  “Yes, sir!”, she replied in a rigid voice.

  “Aw fucking hell! Now, I’m the one that needs for us all to just get back in the shower together and restart the day!”, I said speaking partially to myself and also Lori.”

  Sasha quickly responded, “I could go for that!” I didn’t say another word. I cut my eyes over at Lori, and she giggled even harder. Then, crossing my arms over my knees, I lowered my face into them. I rode like this, silently for the next fifteen minutes.

  The caution that Sasha had exhibited in her driving skills thus far, flowed smoothly into our strategy. She slowly pulled the truck back to the highway and resumed a moderate speed toward the general area of New Orleans.

  I was somewhat dismayed by this conversation, and pretty much everything else that had transpired since leaving the shower this morning. Exhausted, and with my nerves frazzled, I settled in, face down, for my ride back to Bayou Gauche. On a positive note, I was between these two, beautiful, and enchanting, women, and was hopeful that everything was okay back at the tree house, and with Rosita. But, there was still a knot in my stomach that wouldn’t quit.

  In the quiet of the truck, with Sasha’s easy going driving style, and the breeze from the open windows, my presence of mind gradually returned. I think the shock of what had just transpired, finally settled over the women, because they both, had very quickly fallen silent. Sensing that we were once again at cruising speed, I broke the silence.

  “Are we back on highway ninety?”

  “Yes, Sirrr..., erh, Stan.”, Sasha solemnly answered.

  “Good!”, I said, sitting up and taking a deep breath.

  “I need to get one of the throwaway phones charged and working. I’m sure that all three of us are on RealMart’s surveillance system. I know their chief of IT in the corporate office, and I’m hoping that I can call in a favor and get him to somehow sabotage those recordings. It’s a big risk to even ask for something like that, but I don’t see another choice.”

  “Sir, erh, Stan, you could use my cell phone, but um, maybe…”, Sasha stopped, and sighed.

  “What is it Sasha?”

  “I used to hack in there, back when I was a teen, and watch my step mom, when she’d go shopping. I’d watch porn while she was gone, and their security cams. That way, I knew when she was heading back. But anyway, I’m sure they’ve updated their system since then. Still, if you want, I can try to get in and see if I can delete the recordings. That is, if you want me to.”

  “Won’t we need to plug in the 4G cell box to electricity?”, I asked.

  “Nah, I blue tooth Wi-Fi off my cell with my laptop.”

  “What do you need to make it happen?”, I snipped.

  “A few minutes in a spot with a strong 4G signal. That’s all.”

  “Pull in to the next place that’s got gasoline, and see what the signal’s like! We need to fill up Little Poss anyway.”

  “Little Poss?”, Sasha questioned.

  “Lori, will you please explain Little Poss, and also about my name, and Stan, and all? My nerves are just too frayed, and I’m questioning my own coherence right now.”

  “Sure Cowboy, just relax, and zone out. I’ll fill Sasha in.”

  Lori explained a little of our backgrounds and history to Sasha, which better explained why we had used Stan as my name when we first met her. She also covered how we came into possession of her grandfather’s classic pickup truck and how Little Poss got her name. When she had finished, Sasha leaned forward in the driver’s seat and patted Little Poss on the top of the dash.

  “Nice to meet you Little Poss! So, you’re the third woman in Mr. Tagg Stan’s life, huh?”

  “Fourth!”, I piped in. “Tell her about Rosita too, Lori.”

  But before she could begin, Sasha was pulling into a convenience/gasoline store lot.

  “After we’re back out on the road.”, she replied.

  After filling the gas tank, we parked Little Poss in one of the parking spaces and Sasha set up her laptop on the tailgate, and booted it up.

  “Wow! There’s WIFI here!”, She announced.

  “Won’t you need the password or key or something?”, I asked.

  “Heh heh! I’m in!”, she announced, clapping her hands together.

  “In to RealMart?”, I asked.

  “No, silly, the WIFI!”

  “Oh! Sorry, I’ll let you work.”, I muttered. Lori stood behind me massaging my shoulders, as I watched Sasha’s finger’s flying over the keyboard, and screen after screen of updates paged in front of her. Briefly, what appeared to be a live surveillance feed appeared on screen, followed by a listing of components, such as camera1, camera2, etc.

  “Does Lafayette only have one RealMart?”, Sasha asked.

  “For sure!”, I answered.

  “Is today the twenty-forth?”, She asked.


  “I’m going to replace the archive file with one that’s empty but for one character. Anything that feeds from the cameras from here forward will be recorded, but everything from midnight until now will be gone.”

  “Yes!”, I seethed between my teeth, holding booth fists in the air.

  “Aaaaaand, done!”, Sasha announced, with the final smack of key.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!”, I yelled out. Lori squealed loudly, and began jumping up and down.

  “Don’t have an orgasm yet!”, Sasha playfully scolded at us. “I’ve got to erase my foot prints, and the proxy trail.”

  She typed furiously, off and on for a couple of minutes, and then, announced, “Done and done!”.

  “And what’s she going to get for this Cowboy?”, Lori asked with a big grin on her face.

  “A huge kiss for one thing!”, I shouted, grabbing Sasha around her tiny waist. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me with just as much passi
on as she had when we picked her up at the bus station. I squeezed her body against mine, out of appreciation, yes, but also out of the affection and affinity that I was beginning to share with her. Her huge boobs mashed into my chest, and I could feel the presence of a bra between us.

  “Why, I do believe that you are wearing a brazier, Miss Sasha!”, I quipped to her.

  “Yeah, I didn’t want to encourage the bus station creeps.”, she replied. “You don’t always meet the nicest people on buses, or in bus stations.”

  “I bet that’s very true!”, Lori chimed in. “Now, let me express my thanks, Sasha.”, she said, holding out her arms to Sasha. Sasha went to Lori and they embraced in a tight hug, and another deep kiss. We had attracted the attention of people in the parking lot, with our loud celebration of Sasha’s success in clearing the security cam archives, and now they were really gawking at Lori and Sasha.

  When their kiss broke, I spoke up. “Let’s roll out guys, before we attract the kind of attention that we don’t want.” As we were climbing back into the truck, I thought about the genealogy report on Lori’s grand pa.

  “Sash? Do you mind if I call you Sash?”

  “That would really cool, Stan, um Tagg, Mister Hill? Fuck! What should I call you?”

  “Call me anything you want to, except sir! Ass hole, bastard; I don’t care!”

  “Or Cowboy!”, Lori piped in. “That’s my name for him.”

  “Anything but sir and Cowboy.”, I summarized.

  “I’m used to Stan already; can I just keep calling you that?”

  “That’ll be fine sugar tits. I may start acting a little schizophrenic, being called three different names by three different women, but I’ll get used it.” Lori started giggling, and Sasha got a huge grin on her face. “What?”, I asked.

  “You just had a Freudian slip I think.”, Lori pointed out.

  “You called me sugar tits!”, Sasha said. “I like it! You both can call me sugar tits if you want!”

  “I may just shorten that to sugar, if you don’t mind.”, I told her. Sugar tits might not go over so well in public places. My pet name for Lori is Sweetheart. I’m not sure that I’ve completely settled on one for Rosita just yet. Princess is her temporary pet name. Yeah, I like Sugar for your pet name. What do you think Lori?”

  “As long as you don’t mind sharing, and Sasha doesn’t mind, I may just call her that too! Sugar, or Sugar Tits! I like both pet names!”

  “Me too!”, Sasha stated decisively. Sugar, or Sugar Tits! I like them both!”

  “Well I love them both!”, I said.

  “Both names, or both of her sugar tits?”, Lori quipped.

  “Both of both!”, I exclaimed. Sasha and Lori both broke into giggles.

  “I’m gonna get a T shirt made.”, Sasha said, “Sugar Tits! I love it!”.

  “Back to what I was thinking about when this conversation started,” I interrupted. “We haven’t had a chance to check our email. Sash, did you get that genealogy report on Colonel Adamson completed?”

  “Sure thing, Stan! Emailed it last night!”

  “Do you happen to have a copy on your computer that we can look over while we ride?”

  “Sure. Just flip open my laptop, here beside me and I’ll tap out the pass for you, and you can have a look.”

  After fumbling around with the laptop in the cramped truck cab, I had a look at the report and then passed the laptop over to Lori. After Lori read the report, I commented first to Sasha.

  “Another excellent report, young lady! As long as you keep doing work like that, and like what, you’ve done today so far, you’ll remain one of my top service contractors.!”

  “You have others?”, she asked.

  “Well, two others. Rosita, and Magnum Motors.”

  Lori piped up, “Sasha Colonel Andrew W. Adamson was my mother’s grand pa. With the family fork taking place between your side of the family and mine, back in 1743, I know we’re not first cousins, nor second cousins. So, what relationship are we?

  “We’re so far removed Lori, that I’m not sure that you could even call it being related, through anything but name. Why don’t we just call it kissing cousins? You, and Stan my man here, just be my kissing cousins, because I really like kissing you both!”

  “Well we have another magical music group, The Kissing Cousins, featuring Stan the man, Lori, and Sugar Tits!”, I quipped.

  “Mr. Stan,”, Sasha piped up, “That’s sorta humorous, but it ain’t funny.”

  “I told you when we met Sugar, that he has a horrible sense of comedy.”, Lori commented.

  “Oh, I like his corny humor! And appreciate it!”, Sasha shot back, “I just don’t belly laugh at it. He’s just so cute.”

  “I’m right here!”, I exclaimed.

  “Sorry Stan!”

  “Sorry Cowboy!”

  “So, what about Rosita?”, Sasha changed the subject suddenly.

  “Lori, I’ll give this one to you!”, I said. My mind was still reeling from the whole day of events. So, while Lori filled in Sasha all about Rosita, I rehashed the events of the day in my mind, drifting off into my own world of worry and wonder.

  Chapter Ten

  Completing a Round Trip

  Everybody gets it backwards sometimes.

  We were nearing home, and Lori had told about everything there was to tell about Rosita, when a light bulb in my head went on. I suddenly blurted out, interrupting Lori and Sasha’s conversation.

  “It was the fucking RealMarts!”, I shouted. “The dumbasses didn’t pick up on the cities with circles, it was the fucking RealMarts! The SOB must have men covering every fucking RealMart in the region! Sonofbitch! I planted circles and they missed it! I missed the RealMarts, and they caught it! Fucking hell! That’s cost at least three lives today, and one of them perfectly innocent! Son, of, a, bitch!”

  “Calm down, Cowboy!”, Lori said grabbing my arm. “You didn’t sic those two goons on yourself, or that cop! That was all the SOB’s doing.

  “Who’s the SOB?”, Sasha asked.

  “We’ll have to fill you in later on that.”, I responded to Sasha. “For right now, just know that he’s a very evil and powerful man, that you will play an integral part of putting away in prison for a very long time.”

  “This was already nerve wracking. Now, it’s getting scary.”, she replied.

  “I’m sorry, Sash, I should have filled you in before involving you in something this dangerous. If you want to back out of this, I’ll pay your way back to Crocket, plus your bonuses.”

  “Don’t be silly Stan. I committed to you two. Whatever it is you’ve got going on, I’m with you.”, she shot back

  “You are a most unique young lady.”, I told her.

  “You certainly are.”, Lori added. While we rode the remainder of the way home, Lori finished briefing Sasha all about Rosita, except the stuff that I already knew, but she hadn’t learned yet. They both would have to catch up on that later. Just as we pulled into the sand lot under the tree house, I addressed Sasha.

  “Sash, tomorrow you’ll get a crash course on the SOB, and what we’re doing to end his career of crime, and exactly what your role will be, primarily as a contract analyst and researcher.”

  “Sounds great, Stan!”, She quipped back.

  “One more thing.”, I added. I feel that we all need to get to know each other, just a little better, and get a little more comfortable together, before there’s any consideration of sex or that kind of activity between any of us. I really like you, and find you to be super sexy. I think that you and I have a lot of characteristics in common. I guess that’s at least one way to put it. And I know Lori feels the same way toward you. I just feel that everything will work out best for us all, if we don’t rush things. You okay with that?

  “Sure Stan. I’m just happy to be here. I think finding you guys is going to eventually prove to be one of the greatest events of my life. And I hope, that somehow I can be a rich part of you guys’ lives.
” I caught a glimpse of Lori out of the corner of my eyes, and she was smiling and nodding at Sasha.

  “Good! Now, let’s get in the house, and get you settled. I’m sure everyone needs to pee and there’s only one bathroom, at least for now.”, I explained.

  “This is your house? Woah! This is fucking awesome!”, she said, jumping out of the truck and craning her neck to look up at the tree house.

  “It is awesome, isn’t it?”, Lori added.

  “Totally fucking awesome! We’re going to be living here?”, Sasha asked.

  “Well not exactly, Sash. You’ll be here the first few days, and then after that, you’ll probably be staying with Rosita at her place, so that you can have your own room. But, you’ll be working here, pretty much every day I guess, except for days off and stuff. That’s the temporary plan. Long term, I plan to expand and bring us all under one big roof. At least that’s the plan right now, if everything works out.”

  “Fucking awesome! It’s totally fucking awesome Stan! Isn’t it all just totally fucking awesome Lori?”

  “Yeah Sugar Tits, it’s just totally fucking awesome!”, Lori answered, with a huge grin on her face. Sasha, grabbed her laptop and one of her suitcases and literally ran for the stairs.

  “C’mon, you guys! I can’t wait to see this!”, she called out from half way up the stairs.

  “You know Lori,”, I mused, “if we didn’t have her here for any other reason at all, besides her infectious enthusiasm and optimism, I’d still hold on to her for dear life! She’s a one of a kind, almost as unique as you are, but not quite, and in a different way.”

  “You’re right of course Cowboy. She’s honest and open about every fucking thing! And her enthusiasm and optimism can’t be matched by anyone. I wouldn’t trade her right now for anyone or anything. She’s a precious jewel. She truly is.”

  “Come to think of it, Lori Parsons, all three of you women are open and honest. Do you think that’s a coincidence?”

  “Not in the least!”, she answered, grabbing a suit case. Now are we going in?”


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