Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II

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Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II Page 27

by T. S. Hill

  “But, what does this come from? You have very nice boozams, but sugar teets?”, Lori quired.

  “Show her Sash!”, I quipped over my shoulder as left the kitchen. A few seconds later I heard Rosita shout out.

  ¡Sí! ¡Sasha tiene unas tetas gloriosas de azúcar! Sasha came sauntering into the room tying her blouse back again between her magnum tits, with a huge grin on her face.

  “How does it feel to be appreciated Sash?”, I asked.

  “You know Stan, you guys make me feel appreciated for more than just my big tits, and I really like it!”

  “You are appreciated for more than just your big tits, Sash.”, I told her. “Of course, I still, really, really, like your big tits with huge nipples. But, I really like you Sash, as a person, and as the beautiful, smart, talented, woman that you are. And, I know that Lori and Rosita do too. I’m sure that Sal appreciates your advice also Sash.”

  “Oh, she’s thanked me, and thanked me!”, she began. But what I’ve given her so far has been just basic, logical, things to do. She and her husband are both going to have to make some major attitude adjustments! I mean the sex fairy has cursed her really bad, and I think that he must still believe in the little demon!”, she stated, ending with a giggle and a chuckle. “If Lori and I can ever get them to just try giving each other head, we’ll be accomplishing a miracle! When it comes to sex, evidently, they are both just barely, and I mean barely, unqualified to be called virgins.”, she ended laughing again. “She’s sweet as sugar cane, Stan, but jeepers! What a stick in the mud!”

  “Okay.”, I said chuckling. “Enough of Aug and Sal.”

  “Yeah, Stan.”, she said, changing her facial expression to a more serious one. “Enough of Aug and Sal. What about you and me? I’m pretty sure now where Lori and I stand, and Rosita and I just met, so what would you expect? But what about you and me, Stan? Is there a reason you won’t fuck me?” There and then Sasha and I had a heart to heart talk about my feelings of being a protector for her and my need to know her story, and what it was that she needed protecting from. She wanted a cup of tea and offered to make me a cup of coffee before beginning her story and explanation. I accepted.

  One minute later she was back in the den/new office. “Rosita ran me out of the kitchen! She said she would fix it and bring our cups to us. She was actually, kinda bitchy and bossy about it!”, she said, sounding and looking rather surprised.

  “Rosita and I have an understanding.”, I explained to her. “When she’s working, she is an independent contractor. Her work space is her work space. At meal times, and when she is off the clock, then she is one hundred percent girlfriend to Lori and me.

  “I guess, maybe we should have the same arrangement?”, she asked.

  “I suppose that would be one way to keep everything simple and clean.”, I responded.

  “So, am I on the clock right now?”, she asked.

  “Nope! You’re on the spot right now. You are going to share your truth with me, right now. Your past, and what brought you to where you are right now. It’s time to lay aside any secrets between us Sash. I’ve told you all about myself and Lori. We’ve both opened up to you. Now, it’s your turn. And, don’t look at this as something painful, or to be embarrassed by. Look at it as a time when all of us will grow closer. I’m sure that Rosita will be willing to share her story with you also. And, possibly you will feel then, that you can also open up to her. Then, hey, who knows where that may lead?”

  “Yeah, I really like her, you know Stan? She seems like such a strong woman. I’d like to get to know her better.”

  “Lori and I feel the same way about you Sash. We want to know you better and be able to properly care about you. It’s hard to completely love someone, that you only partially know.” Just then, Rosita brought in our two steaming cups. Sasha was very expressive in her gratitude to Rosita and took her hand, holding it while Rosita delivered my cup over to me. Rosita smiled and winked at Sash, giving her a reassuring pat on her cheek, before heading back to the kitchen.

  “Do you think she knows what’s going on between us right now?”, Sasha asked, after Rosita was well back into the kitchen.

  “Rosita is very astute; a very wise, and practical, woman. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least, if she hasn’t at least sensed the gist of it. So, I don’t think she’ll be disturbing us.”, I said, leaning forward, to indicate that I was ready to listen.

  “Okay.”, Sasha began, taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out. “My story started when I began my adolescence. Before that I was just a little girl, who loved her mom and dad, and was loved by them. At adolescence, everything changed. I was one of those prodigy geek children who just naturally grasped technology. But the year I turned twelve, and started growing tits, I started turning into a geek princess. Lori told me that you and she had a talk all about the princess syndrome?”

  “Ah, yes. We had that conversation.”, I replied.

  “Then you know what I’m talking about. I became Mom and Dad’s pretty, little princess, only you also had to add the geek factor in. I became the geek princess more and more, until around age seventeen, when I had my first taste of sex. It wasn’t particularly pleasant. The short of it was, my social phobia had me froze up and I got fucked.”

  “I think you probably know Stan, that a girls first time, is generally rather painful and not all that pleasurable. And I recognized in the library that day, how you have a similar social phobia, and that freeze up thing that happens to you sometimes too.”

  “Is my face red Sash?”, I asked, a bit sheepishly.

  “No.”, she replied, looking at me blankly.

  “It feels like it is. But, you’re right Sash, I did freeze up that day, and like you, it’s a social phobia thing. It seems we natural born geeks are easily cursed with it.”

  “It’s not just us geeks Stan, but anyhow, that’s how I lost my virginity. The next time, I chose my partner, and it wasn’t so bad. Another time or two, and I was a devoted sex fan. So, anyway, Lori was right about me, I became one of those closet princesses that wore one set of clothes at home, and another set when I was out.”

  “That explains the Mary Janes.”, I quipped.

  “Plus, they’re fucking comfortable to work in!”, she interjected. Anyway, that same year, my parents divorced, and my whole world went bottoms up. Mom almost immediately remarried to this motorcycle gang asshole. I couldn’t fucking believe it! Talk about a total fucking miscreant! What a bullshitter!”

  “Is that where the threat to you lies?”, I asked.

  “He’s the beginning of it!”, she shot back. “As soon as I turned legal, at eighteen, that lowlife cocksucker started coming on to me. Well I’ve managed to keep his mangy ass at bay. But then his motorcycle club boss, or president, or whatever their fucking, royal title is, got a look at me, and ordered the dumb fuck step dad, to hand me over for his pleasure. As if I don’t have a fucking say in the matter?”

  “In the end, step dad got the fuck beat outta himself, because he wasn’t able to, essentially deliver me for a rape. Then the motorcycle gang, king of assholes, president, ordered the club to gang rape me. And that is the threat that I’ve been hiding from since the day after I met you and Lori. I couldn’t go to work, I had very little money. I snuck into the library at night to do your report. I’ve been wandering around with suitcases, eating what I could scavenge and bum. I did get to stay a couple nights with friends. When they would find out that the GRMC was looking for me, they asked me to leave. Nobody wants to tangle with that bunch of lunatic ghouls.”

  “What’s GRMC?”, I asked.

  “Grave Robbers Motorcycle Club”, she answered back, quietly and unemotionally.

  “That’s what had you crying last night? Fear of those outlaw lowlifes?”

  “Yup.”, she answered.

  “How many members?”

  “They claim a hundred, but I don’t think they even have sixty. You can’t find more than thirty to forty together on
a good day.”

  “Can you shoot Sasha?”

  “I’m fair. Been to the range a few times.”

  “Got a weapon?”

  “A gun? No! I wish!”

  “Had any training?

  “Basic gun safety, and handling, cleaning and care, some range time, a few times with an instructor.” I pulled out my lower right desk drawer and removed the zippered nylon case. Laying it on Sasha’s lap, I said, “Open it.”

  She opened the case, picked up the Smith, M&P nine mil, and handled it like a pro, checking out its various functions and state of readiness.

  “Nice pistol, Stan!”

  “There’s a shoulder sling in the back of that same drawer. This is your rig for as long as you need it. Lori and I go armed at all times with forty fives. You don’t need to worry. No dipshit motorcycle club is ever going to harm you here. And ultimately, I feel very strongly that the grave digging club president will be rescinding his gang rape order, and issuing a new one, threatening to kill anyone that comes near you. So, just put that worrisome shit out of your head!”

  “What’s this fuck brained idiot step person’s name?”, I asked.

  “James Edward Elmsworth. His club name is Possum.”

  “That’s because he’s a sniveling turd, I bet! Know anyone else’s name in the club, the president?”, I pried further.

  “They call the president Boomer. I think his name is George something. George Ramos?”

  “Is he Hispanic?”

  “Nah, doesn’t look it. But, yeah, his name is Ramos; George Ramos.”

  “What kind of info can you go online and get me for this Elmsworth and Ramos?”

  “Probably tons of shit!”, she responded.

  “Do it!”, I told her. “Print it out, and find me when you’re finished. I’ll be digging around in my storage room for a bit. Oh. And, keep that nine handy to yourself!”

  “You got it, Stan!”, she enthusiastically popped back to me, with her face beaming.

  “Are you getting enough to eat now Sash?”

  “Finally!”, she said in a half-assed laugh.

  “What about that vegan thing?”

  “Oh, I ditched that shit. Who was I fooling? Not myself. I’m a carnivore. A woman has a prerogative to change her mine, right?”

  “Sure Sash. Are you sleeping okay?”

  “I did last night!”

  “Good!”, I replied. “One last thing Sash, and I’ll let you get to work. If it came down to it, and you had to pull the trigger on that Smith to protect your own life or well being, could you do that? Could you take another human life to keep yours, or to keep from being raped?”

  With a seriously stern, and determined look on her face, she looked me in the eyes with her crystal blues, and stated emphatically, “You bet your hot ass I would Stan, and without blinking a fucking eye.”

  “That’s a good thing Sash. Because you never know when it might just come down to that. That kind of circumstance had already been visiting Lori and I, before we ran into it again at the RealMart in Lafayette. Honestly, if either one of us had hesitated to pull the trigger, we wouldn’t be here today.”

  “Don’t worry, Stan, I’ve got what it takes, and I won’t hesitate.”, she said, convincing me with her tone and look.

  “I believe you Sash. Come get me, when you’re through. I’ll be in the closet back here.”, I told her, pointing into the old office room. My storage room was actually a walk-in closet for the small bedroom, that I had made into my office, and study, when I had first moved into the tree house. I figured that Sasha would need that space for her clothes, shoes, and stuff, and so intended to see what I could inventory to throw out. I was sure that there was nine years’ worth of junk in there.

  My second motive for going into the storage room was to check out my inventory of long guns. It had been a while since I had done any target shooting, or even needed the kind of fire power that I had stored there. Hunting with Aug had been my only long gun shooting for years now. Everything probably needed cleaning and lubricating at the very least. I also needed to get a good inventory assessment of my ammo stash. I don’t know why I felt the need to do that just then, but my gut told me to put my house in order.

  I hadn’t been in the closet for maybe an hour and had one of the study walls lined with rifles and shotguns, and the middle of the floor where Sasha and I had removed the desk was piled with boxes of ammo. That ammo stash looked like Lori had been on an ammo buying binge, only my accumulation had taken nine years to compile. Lori’s penchant for ammo would have taken maybe a couple of weeks to a month to accumulate such a huge stash. Either way, I felt confident that I had quiet the arsenal to deal with any situation that might present itself. Plus, the old tree house was built of thick planked, rough sawn cypress, that would reflect anything but a fire bomb. And, if it happened to be raining at the time, even a fire bomb wouldn’t threaten this staunch old tree house.

  My quick mental inventory of what was in the room was just registering in my head, when Sasha came into the room with a thick stack of paper, clipped together in her hand.

  “Got your report Stan. Holy fucking shit! What fucking army are you in?”, Sasha shouted when she saw the wall of rifles and shotguns, and the pile of ammo. “What the fuck, Stan? Is it really going to get this bad?”, she asked.

  “Honestly, Sash? I don’t know. But if it does, we’re going to be ready for it. Between Sam Milinni and that fucked up biker gang of your mom’s jackassed husband, who knows? Ever shoot a rifle or shotgun Sash?”

  “Nope, just a pistol.”, she responded.

  I grabbed up one of the AR’s in 5.56 caliber and five boxes of ammo from the center of the floor. “C’mon. You’re about to experience the world of combat armament.”

  “What? Where are we going?”, she asked.

  “The target range.”

  “You have your own firing range?”

  “Aug and I, together, own a hundred acres here. Why wouldn’t we have a target practice area? C’mon, you’re going to get some range time with an AR.”

  “A fucking AR fifteen?”, Sasha exclaimed.

  “Grab six or eight, or whatever you can carry of those 5.56 cal boxes right there, I said pointing to the pile of ammo. You are about to learn how to do some real fucking damage with a weapon.”

  “Stan, if I didn’t already love you, I sure fucking do now!”, she shouted at me, with her crystal blue eyes sparkling.

  “C’mon girl! You’re gonna have some fun!”, I said with my eyes twinkling and my lips grinning at her.

  We spent the next hour shooting paper targets with the one AR that I brought with us; a sweet little, sixteen inch, stainless barreled, build, that I had put together maybe five years ago. Once Sasha got the hang of the red spot sight, she was eating every target up with center punch holes.

  When we had exhausted all of the ammo that we had brought with us, I commented to her, “You know Sash, if we were prisoners in the big lock up, I would take you to be my prison bitch!”

  “You know what, Stan? I’d be fucking glad you did!”, she shot back at me.

  “Hit the showers, bitch!”, I yelled at her and smacked her on the ass with my bare hand.

  “No!”, she shouted back into my face, and looking directly into my eyes. “If you fucking want me, then fucking well kiss me like you fucking want me! I know that you’re in love with Lori! And, I am too! But if you even want me, then you’ll at least kiss me like you fucking want me!”

  I grabbed her around her trim waist, and my lips slammed into hers. Our tongues tangled into a wild uncompromised embrace of each other. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and pulled me into the kiss even harder. She then pulled down on my neck, and she using the leverage, lifted her lower body from the ground, to wrap her legs around my waist, and squeeze my midriff into her welcoming crotch.

  I could feel the heat between our bodies translating the pent-up passion that we held for each other. I gripped each of her sweet
ass cheeks in a tight squeeze, as we telegraphed our lust to each other, through our lips, tongues, arms and hands.

  Finally, I sat her down, with her feet on the ground, and spoke to her, “I want to bite your fantastic nipples, and suck on your magnificent tits, and then worship the sweet goodness of your honey filled pussy!”

  “I want you to accept my whole cock in the folds of your goodness! I want to worship you with my mouth, my hands, my cock, and everything that is me!” I growled forcefully at her!

  “Take me here!”, she shouted!

  “No!”, I responded to her hungry plea. “Back to the house, and into the shower!”

  We actually did run back to the tree house. And, clamoring up the steps while laughing loudly, we crashed through the door into the entrance foyer, and then into the kitchen.

  “Holy sheet!”, Rosita exclaimed, as we burst into the kitchen, “¿Cuál es incorrecto con usted?”

  “Pure fucking lust!”, Sasha shouted back at her! I heard Rosita shout something back, but couldn’t understand it. We staggered, and straggled, into the bedroom, ripping our clothes off of each other, until we were under the steaming streams of the shower, picking, and removing, the last remnants of our clothing, between our clinging flesh.

  The sex between Lori and I was something that was different than anything that I had ever known before, and now, this magnetism between Sasha and I was also different, totally unique, and wonderful. It was something that I did not expect, yet welcomed. We were kindred spirits; sympathetic souls, struggling to embrace our sameness, and press it into oneness.

  Separately, we each had found a welcoming void in each other, into which we would pour our animal passions. Together, we would, embrace, and churn, those passions into a new mix of exhilarating release. Sasha reached for my neck as she had at the target range, and hungrily began to climb my body, her mouth nipping and kissing my chest and shoulders as she went. Stooping slightly, I wrapped my hands over her, smooth, plump ass cheeks, and began slowly pulling her upward.

  Lifting her legs upward and spreading them wider at the same time, Sasha pressed the wetness of her pussy against the base of my now turgid, erect cock. As I continued to slowly bring her hot bottom higher, her mouth left my shoulders and began traveling up my neck, planting tiny pockets of pleasure around both sides and beneath my chin. She was making almost panicky moaning noises, and her arms and hands clung to me as though she were clinging for her life.


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