Captivating Cole

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Captivating Cole Page 17

by Cheri Chaise

  I closed my eyes, imagining it was my cock exploring her moist heat. Making those delicious, wet suctioning sounds that sent a tingle down my spine straight to my balls. But taking her mouth was almost as good and more than enough to satisfy me until my turn came. Anything Stella had to offer was better than my calloused, overworked hand.

  I’d forgotten how it felt to have a woman’s mouth wrapped around me. How it felt to bury my cock in any one of her openings. The heat and friction of pleasure rolling between us was fucking glorious.

  Bret’s breathing sped up to match the pace of slapping flesh as he pummeled in and out of her pussy. I felt my peak rising just before Stella cried out around my cock with her own release. I jerked away from her incredible mouth to finish off above her shoulder, coating her porcelain smooth back with my hot seed as my brother implanted his inside her.

  I could hardly stand. Breaths filled the night when I lifted her to me in a kiss as Bret pressed in behind her and cocooned our heat together so she wouldn’t get cold. Blue eyes were full of questions as she stared up at me. Questions that I now could answer as I lost myself in those wide eyes that no longer filled me with dread and fear.

  Because like Sky had once been, Stella was now undeniably ours.

  And I was ready to let her in.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I finally had a better understanding of why my bed was so massive. What should have been a shocking discovery left me breathless. Spent. Yet so full of questions my previous experience with a lover had offered no answers for.

  After our strange yet oh-so erotic encounter in the stable, Bret, Cole, and I lay together in the bed among the tangled, cotton sheets and white coverlet. Bret’s warm body cocooned against my spine like two spoons pressed together as we lay on our sides. His hand lazily caressed my belly down to the rise of my hip and back again. I relished the contact. It kept me grounded.

  Especially since Cole’s deep green stare pierced mine. But it wasn’t in anger. No sense of betrayal or condemnation reflected from their depths. His head was propped lazily on his folded elbow, the tiny gulf of white fabric sheets separating him from me. From his touch. A touch I longed to feel again.

  I didn’t understand this rush of sensations our actions had produced. Emotions that threatened to overwhelm me as I stared into my husband’s accepting eyes while my naked lover shared the bed behind me.

  The man who was his brother even!

  The initial flood of fear and shame when Cole had discovered Bret and me together in the stables, deep in the throes of intimacy, almost immediately gave way to desire when I beheld my husband’s incredibly masculine body. His hard planes dripped with water. Corded muscles rippled and glistened in the soft light cast by the lantern as he’d stalked toward our joined forms.

  But it was the sight of Cole’s long and thick manhood that had sent a renewed urgency to my moist core where Bret had already seated himself. I had no doubt my lover felt the quiver of my belly reverberate deep within my channel as I responded to my husband’s demands and wantonly licked his velvety tip.

  Nothing had prepared me for that kind of thrill. My lover taking me from behind and my husband in my mouth as they stroked me from top to tail. If Bret hadn’t kept a firm hold on me, I’d have collapsed into a heap when we all came in an indescribable celebration of our love.

  Love? Was this love? Was it possible for one woman to love more than one man? To give of not only her body but her soul to several men? Of course, men and women had ended up with more than one spouse due to death, so loving more than one individual within a lifetime was possible. But all at the same time?

  Had Sky experienced these sensations? Willingly participated in the satisfaction found in mutual fulfillment between multiple lovers?

  Cole tucked an errant strand of my tumbled hair behind my ear. I closed my eyes and reveled in the touch. The feel of his work-roughened skin against mine. The connection we finally shared.

  “Ask your questions, Stella,” Cole’s calm voice rumbled.

  I sighed. “I…I don’t understand.” Softened green eyes still greeted me when I opened mine again and ran my fingertips across Cole’s lips. “How can this be?”

  He grasped my wrist and kissed my fingers one at a time – just like Drew had done that morning. Yet unlike his brother, Cole remained silent as I stroked his cheek. His nose. That strong, chiseled chin.

  “Did you share Sky too?”

  The hint of a grimace crossed his features. I felt him pull away – but not physically.

  “It was she who showed us what it meant to really love,” Bret whispered before kissing my ear. “Isn’t that right, brother?”

  Cole blinked, then focused in again on me. “Stella…I…” He went silent again.

  I pulled my hand away at the twisted and pained expression on his face. “Do you even want me, Cole?”

  “Hell, yeah.” He tugged my hand greedily back to his mouth. “You shouldn’t even have to ask.”

  “Really?” I rose up onto an elbow. “Then why did you run off so quickly after you kissed me last week? You’ve been running away from me ever since you first saw me on those stairs at Fort Union?” I stared into his face. “From that day until today, I thought you were disgusted by me. That I was too fat. Too unattractive or…something.”

  Bret stiffened behind me and clutched at my hip. Cole’s gaze burned into mine.

  “You are not fat.”

  “You’re a lovely flower,” Bret cooed in my ear, suckling my earlobe and sending chills down my spine. “Only waiting to bloom beneath our fingertips.”

  I leaned into him. “But I’ve always struggled with my weight. My mother constantly berated me about my size.”

  “She was wrong,” Cole said through gritted teeth, clutching my hand even tighter. “Is that why you wore that corset thing so damned tight?”

  I nodded. “Even my former suitor Alan commented on my size, always tormenting me by saying he’d have to order larger chairs to fit my hips when we married.”

  “Well, Alan was an ass,” my husband barked, sparing my mother from his harsh language. “And I never want to hear his name again. You’re ours now.” Hunger emanated from his eyes, his words like a soothing balm as he traced and circled my nipple with his thumb. “Your beautiful hips are ours to enjoy and fill…now and forever.”

  I closed my eyes and leaned into Cole’s hand with a moan. “Then why did you leave me so suddenly?”

  “I…I wanted you.” My confusion dissipated as he traced my lips with his tongue. “Needed you.”

  The bedroom door squealed as it bumped open. Cole and Bret scrambled to cover me with their bodies.

  “And he needed to pick up these,” Drew said, dumping a pile of rolled up clothes on the end of the bed we occupied.

  I sat up, momentarily startled by the interruption until reminding myself that Drew had already seen it all. I smiled up at his return grin, happy to have the youngest Carston brother join the conversation, even as he enjoyed the view, evidenced by the bulge in his trousers.

  I fingered the light cotton and heavy wool fibers. “Clothes?” I asked Cole with a grin pulling at my cheeks. “You stormed off and left me for more clothes after berating me over how many I’d already brought with me?”

  “The right kind of clothes.” Cole sat up beside me, unconcerned with his nakedness in front of his brothers. “You can’t keep running around here in a bunch of fancy silks and laces. This is a ranch not a ball…and I never want to see you in a damnable corset again.” He tugged a dark brown, wool skirt from the bunch. “Besides, it’ll start getting colder in another month or two, and you’re going to want something that will keep you warm.”

  Drew grinned. “Besides us.”

  The youngest Carston shrugged from his clothes like shucking an ear of corn, then swept the garments from the bed and climbed to his knees at our feet, holding his growing manhood in his hands.

  What an unspeakabl
e and intoxicating situation I’d found myself in. Three men with me. In my bed.

  Bret pulled me down and back against his renewed hardness, placing his knee between mine to separate my legs and skim his fingers through my curls. My wet, aching curls.

  He stroked a finger through my seam before finding my titillated nub. “You’re soaking already again.”

  Cole bent to kiss me before scooting down to capture a breast in his mouth, laving the nipple to a hard peak. “You are a beautiful woman, Stella. I want you so much.”

  “I want you inside me this time, husband,” I brazenly directed. “To fill me.”

  Cole pressed a kiss to my belly before offering up a flash of raw and aching need. “Your womb is Bret’s…for now.” His tongue invaded my mouth and a flush of pure passion thundered through my veins before he pulled away. “Your mouth, however, is mine for the taking.”

  My husband’s swollen manhood loomed before me, and I eagerly took him in my mouth as Bret continued his fervent ministrations between my legs, sliding his fingers though me as he pressed his hardness between my buttocks. Drew used one hand to pump himself while stroking the other up and down my calves in a hypnotic rhythm that soon sent me gasping over the edge.

  And left me wondering how to explain my empty womb as time passed.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Everything changed overnight. The tense atmosphere that had infiltrated the house since Stella’s arrival dissipated like smoke up the chimney. The process of becoming a family again had finally begun to draw us together.

  In the morning we all sat down to a hearty breakfast of eggs and bacon intended to nourish and replenish our spent bodies. After a night of strenuous fucking, questions, and little sleep, we were all exhausted – and yet strangely I felt energized too.

  Stella offered me a quiet and somewhat shy smile as she served up an enormous platter of biscuits that were far better than any previous batches. Not as good as Ma’s, but anything was better than what my brothers made. I slathered on the home-churned butter and ate two before she returned with a bowl of gravy. My favorite – sausage!

  No more shit on a shingle in this household. If her cooking kept improving like this, I’d end up as big as the barn before her belly even rounded with Bret’s first child.

  A child. If last night was any indication, Bret had shot his seed into her enough times during my absence to guarantee she’d start showing symptoms before September’s first frost. Already Stella had shown incredible vigor in our lovemaking, as she’d welcomed us multiple times throughout the night. I was actually surprised she hadn’t refused us at least once.

  But she’d been so open. So welcoming to whatever we wanted. Any touch. Licking, sucking, pulling, and fucking until all found release – even after I’d sent Drew off to his room to give Bret one more opportunity to fill Stella with his creamy cum while I watched the erotic show this time.

  Because that pussy was getting too hard for either of us to resist.

  Bret always said timing and opportunity was everything when it came to women and pregnancy, and he was the only one in this household who had any grasp on female cycles. But it was too soon to broach the topic of childbearing, which some considered too taboo a subject to discuss outside of feminine circles – even out here in the empty wilds of Montana.

  But oh, how I couldn’t wait to see the wife sprout with my brother’s progeny.

  Stella bustled around the table again, filling my cup before setting the coffee pot before me. Free from the corset’s confines, her full, rounded tits jiggled freely underneath the baggy shirt of mine she wore, sleeves rolled up as high as we could get them. Her long, bare legs peeking from beneath made me itch to part them again and lap like a hungry wolf at her sweet pussy. As she started to turn away toward the kitchen, I snatched her up with a piercing squeal and plopped her on my lap.

  “Sit down and eat, woman.” I dragged a clean plate over to where I sat at the head and plunked down a biscuit for her.

  The musical notes of her laugh made my cock hard all over again. Damn, but this woman was going to be the death of me.

  “I left the jam in the kitchen.”

  “Leave it.” I slid my hand up her naked ass and snuggled her deeper on my lap.

  Her eyes widened when she felt my hardness grind against her. “Cole Carston, you are insatiable.” She grabbed both of my cheeks and planted a kiss on my lips.

  I wanted to lay her out flat and take her right here on this table. But her womb was my brother’s. I wouldn’t risk burying myself in her until we knew for sure she was heavy with his child. For at least another month I had to be content with that mouth. And what a capable mouth it was.

  “You need to eat too, Stella,” I admonished to get my mind on the mundane task of what else a mouth was good for. “Especially if you’re gonna be eating for two soon.”

  A frown furrowed her brow before she focused on her plate and slapped a few spoons of steaming gravy over the biscuit before taking a small bite.


  I couldn’t help the wicked grin that stretched my cheeks. “When it comes to you, never.”

  My lap longed for her return as she slapped my arm and stood to take a seat at her place beside me. Beside us. Right where she belonged.

  I only wished Evan was here to experience this long-awaited sense of family unity again. I nearly felt complete as I took in the easy atmosphere around the table. Drew sat across from Stella, telling yet another story around each bite of breakfast. Bret took his time with the meal, his attention almost solely focused on our wife. For the first time in months I relaxed. I felt whole.

  I leaned back and patted my comfortably full stomach. “That was the best meal I’ve had in years. Thank you, wife.”

  Her eyes glittered with unshed tears, the sight of her smile the best thing I’d seen since we’d arisen and dressed. “I’m so glad you liked it…husband.”

  I could sit here and stare at her all day. But the ranch wouldn’t take care of itself. “How do things look out in the fields, Drew?”

  His story ended, my brother thought for a moment before answering. “Been harvesting onions and squash with the hands like there ain’t no tomorrow. The first tomatoes’ll start coming off the vine within a week or so. Uh…corn and cucumbers probably the week after, but we won’t see that second crop of carrots for another month yet. Gonna be cutting it close with the first frost.”

  “Well, let us know if you need any help getting ‘em out of the field,” I responded before offering the wife another grin. “Stella, do you need any help getting things together to start canning soon?”

  “Canning?” A startled glimpse of fear flashed in her eyes before she scrunched up her nose in thought. “Um…I believe I have a recipe written down somewhere.”

  “I’ll bring up some empty jars from the cellar before I head to the stables,” Bret offered. “Drew, when you’re done with breakfast, bring in plenty of well water so Estella can start sterilizing them.”

  “Will do,” Drew said around a mouthful.

  “Let me know if you can’t find your canning recipe,” I told Stella. “You’ll find Ma’s old recipe book in one of the drawers.”

  A look of relief crossed her features. “That would probably be easier.”

  I nodded and got back to the business at hand. “Bret? How’s that new stallion settling in?”

  My brother wiped his mouth and set the napkin aside. “Had a successful mating with Nightmare.” Stella actually blushed when Bret glanced her way. “But we’ll have to wait a few weeks to see just how successful he was.”

  “But he finally has a name,” Stella interjected with a heated stare at my brother. “The Black Prince.”

  I glanced between the two of them with the distinct impression that there was a story surrounding how they’d named the stallion. No doubt the mounting of the horses had something to do with Bret’s mounting of Stella.

  “You know
,” Bret began, “after that English prince who…”

  “I know, I know,” I admonished, then softened it with a chuckle. “You’re not the only bookworm in this house, you know.”

  “That reminds me. I’ve been wanting to unpack more of my books before they get musty and moldered. Bret was kind enough to offer some shelf space…” Stella blushed when she dipped her head. “But I have many more that need to be aired out.”

  After Stella had been so giving last night, I cringed to disappoint her. “I doubt there’s enough shelving in this house for all of them, Stella.”

  Doubt if there was enough shelving within fifty miles with all the trunks she’d brought. Still, it’d be a shame to let good books go to waste after the arduous task of getting them all the way out here. Especially when she could use them to teach the children we’d have running around this place someday.

  “That’s okay.” Drew brightened. “I’ll build you as many bookcases as you need, Ella.”

  I shook my head. “We’ve got our work cut out for us to get all the crops in and hay put out for the herds before first frost. When will you have the time?”

  He shrugged. “I’ll make time after dinner.”

  I swept my arm around the room toward the wall where the current shelves stood. “Where’re you gonna put them?”

  A gleam appeared in my youngest brother’s eyes. “I’ll build a new room on this place if I have to.”

  Stella clapped her hands together, jiggling those free-swinging breasts just begging for another suckling. “Ooo, we’d have a proper library then.”

  “We don’t need to waste time building a library,” I growled, though I struggled not to agree to whatever the wife wanted with those legs on display when she stood up from the table.

  “Maybe we could make it big enough to house my loom.” She turned her pointed gaze my way. “If it hasn’t become a pile of firewood.”


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